Why information security must be prioritised


October 14, 2015 | BY

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This article is from the Data Protection chapter of the 2015 Annual Review and is available for download here.Ken Dai and Jet Deng of Dacheng…

This article is from the Data Protection chapter of the 2015 Annual Review and is available for download here.

Ken Dai and Jet Deng of Dacheng Law Offices explain the various regulations governing personal information and how companies can comply with data collection and protection laws

1. What have been the key legislative developments affecting data protection over the past 12 months?

In 2014, various departments issued new provisions on data protection in the form of administrative measures, drafts and judicial interpretations. Among those were the Measures for the Administration of Online Trading (Measures) adopted at an administration affairs meeting of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce (SAIC) and implemented from March 15 2014. The Measures regulate the collection, storage and use of the personal information of consumers and the trade secrets information of business operators collected by online product dealers, relevant service providers and their working personnel during business activities. The Provisions on Several Issues Concerning the Application of the Law in the Trial of Civil Dispute Cases Involving the Use of Information Networks to Infringe Personal Rights and Interests implemented from October 10 2014 specify the scope of personal information, and that if an online user or service provider uses a network to disclose personal information of a natural person that falls within the specified scope, he is required to bear liability for infringement. The judicial interpretation improves upon the Provisions on the Protection of Personal Information of Telecommunications and Internet Users promulgated by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology in 2013, which failed to define the term “personal information”. It should be noted that the seeking of comments on the PRC Network Security Law (Draft) began on July 6 2015. Once adopted, the draft will increase the regulation of online information security and clarify the entities bearing legal liability as well as the consequences. Furthermore, the Provisions for the Administration of the Security of the Personal Information of Mail and Courier Service Users issued by the State Post Bureau on March 26 2014 set forth in detail the obligation of postal enterprises and courier service enterprises to protect the personal information of users.

2. How has the e-commerce industry adapted to these changes?

The e-commerce industry will inevitably be directly affected by the Measures for the Administration of Online Trading. With new forms of online trading constantly springing up, the Tentative Measures for the Administration of Online Commodity Transactions and Related Services promulgated by the SAIC in May 2015 are already incapable of meeting market requirements. The Measures have expressly specified that online product dealers, relevant service providers and their working personnel are required to conform with the principles of lawfulness, legitimacy and necessity in collecting information, and the objectives, methods and scope of collection and use are required to be disclosed and consented to by those whose information is being collected. They have an obligation to maintain the confidentiality of personal information and trade secrets, and may not disclose the same without authorisation. Furthermore, with a view to better avoiding and resolving issues that arise during online trading, the Measures specify that natural persons that engage in the online trading of goods are required to carry out their business activities through a third party trading platform, and provide their genuine identity information to the platform, such as their names, addresses, valid proof of identity and contact information. The third party trading platform has the obligation to store such personal identity information in an intact and secure manner.

3. What are the specific national laws that regulate personal data collection and use? What types of data are regulated?

In addition to the Measures, the Provisions on the Protection of Personal Information of Telecommunications and Internet Users and Supreme People's Court, Provisions on Several Issues Concerning the Application of the Law in the Trial of Civil Dispute Cases Involving the Use of Information Networks to Infringe Personal Rights and Interests regulate the collection of personal information in telecommunications, on the internet and in online transactions, and specify the scope of personal information. China has yet to issue the Personal Information Protection Law. However, legal provisions on the collection of personal information can be found in different law documents, e.g. the Criminal Law, the Tort Liability Law and the Law on Commercial Banks. Once the Network Security Law is adopted and promulgated, it will comprehensively regulate the collection and use of personal information on the internet and specify the liable entities and penal provisions.

According to the judicial interpretation promulgated by the Supreme People's Court, personal information subject to protection refers to private information of natural persons such as their genetic information, medical history, physical examination results, criminal record, home address, private activities or other personal information. Furthermore, the judicial interpretation also set forth five exceptions where the disclosure of private information is permissible, such as to promote the public good and provided that it is done within the specified scope or the information has been obtained through a lawful channel.

4. What dispute mechanisms are available to victims of private information misappropriation? How should companies prepare?

If personal information has been infringed, relief can be obtained through the civil procedure, administrative reporting or criminal reporting mechanism. Like the much talked about “20 million check-in record case” tried by the People's Court of Pudong New Area, Shanghai, in which the plaintiff took the hotel to court on the grounds that the hotel's check-in information had been leaked and that the hotel had infringed his right to privacy. This is a typical example of dispute resolution through a civil action after infringement of personal information. Secondly, an injured party may request, through administrative or criminal reporting, that the law enforcement authority or the industry regulator conduct an investigation. The authority then ascertains whether the reported party has committed a violation of the relevant administrative regulations of the industry or the criminal law.

In a legal action, the person whose personal information or privacy was infringed bears the burden of proof. However, the enterprise, as the defendant, can also actively assert evidence that it has not committed infringement. This requires the enterprise to normally keep complete records, train its personnel, keep system security logs, etc. to show that it did not improperly use the natural person's personal information.

5. What are the biggest cases from the past year that reflect the importance of data privacy?

The “20 million check-in record case” was one of the important cases of data leakage in 2014. A huge amount of sensitive data was leaked in the case, and the trial process and rendered judgment were closely watched. The case began in October 2013 with the release online of 20 million hotel check-in records of personal information. After discovering that his check-in information had been leaked, one of the victims, a certain Mr Wang, took the hotel to court on the grounds that it violated the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, Decision on Strengthening the Protection of Online Information and the Tort Liability Law. Ultimately the People's Court of Pudong New Area, Shanghai dismissed the plaintiff's claims on the grounds that the leaked information was inconsistent with the information retained by the hotel and that it was impossible to establish that the information was leaked by the hotel. Although the plaintiff in this case lost, the case nonetheless demonstrates people's increased awareness of rights protection when information is leaked, although the difficulty of adducing evidence in such cases still remains unresolved. Furthermore, the leakage of railway ticket purchase information for the 2014 Spring Festival travel season, the leakage of the information of 1.3 million post-grad examination takers, etc. were also the focus of attention in the media and by the public, although these cases were not subject to jurisdiction at the judicial level.

6. Which regulators are responsible for handling data security violations?

At present, there is no authority with overall responsibility for law enforcement with respect to violations of relevant information protection laws and regulations on a nationwide basis, with administration and compliance usually the domain of each respective industry. As specified in the Measures, the AICs at each level are responsible for oversight of the security of personal information in online transactions and performing their duties in accordance with the law. Furthermore, when a violation is serious enough to constitute a criminal offence, the public security authority enforces the law and investigates.

7. What rules and requirements apply when a third party processes the personal data on behalf of the data collector/holder?

The Guidelines for the Protection of Personal Data in Public and Commercial Service Information Systems contain relevant provisions in this respect. The client, i.e. the data collector/holder, should assess whether the third party has the capacity to properly protect the information and ensure that information is secure and that it can thoroughly delete the information and data temporarily stored with the third party after achievement of the information processing objectives. Furthermore, there are principles such as the minimum and sufficient principle, good faith performance principle and clarity of responsibilities that act as constraints. With respect to the information itself, the client should inform the subject of the objective of the information processing and the scope of the information. The scope of personal information has been defined in the Supreme People's Court, Provisions on Several Issues Concerning the Application of the Law in the Trial of Civil Dispute Cases Involving the Use of Information Networks to Infringe Personal Rights and Interests. The third party and the information collector/holder should verify whether the information that they hold exceeds the provisions of laws, and ensure that they do not misuse others' information.

8. How is the transfer of data outside the Chinese jurisdiction regulated?

The Guidelines for the Protection of Personal Data in Public and Commercial Service Information Systems provide guiding opinions on the transmission of data abroad. In addition to conforming with general provisions on the transmission of information, when transmitting information abroad, the Guidelines expressly require that the transmission itself requires the express permission of the subject of the information that is being transmitted, unless laws or regulations provide otherwise or the consent of the competent department has been secured. Furthermore, if false information is transmitted to foreign media and damages the national image, criminal liability will be pursued in accordance with the law.

9. What are the sanctions and penalties for non-compliance with data protection laws?

A violation of laws on personal information can give rise to civil liability, administrative liability and criminal liability. Civilly, although provisions such as the General Provisions of the Civil Law and the Tort Liability Law do not directly provide for protection of the transfer of user data, if user data is leaked or misused in the course of transfer and the individual's interests are prejudiced, they can provide a legal basis for the indirect protection of user data and provide reference for the apportionment of liability and the method of compensating for infringement of personal information which, specifically, could include ceasing the infringement, compensating for losses, apologising, eliminating the effect and restoring reputation. With respect to administrative liability, oversight and the imposition of penalties is carried out by the regulator of the relevant industry, with each set of regulations such as the Provisions on the Protection of Personal Information of Telecommunications and Internet Users, the Measures for the Administration of Online Trading and the Decision on Strengthening the Protection of Online Information containing different provisions. Taking online trading as an example, the maximum fine can reach Rmb30,000. At the extreme, misuse of personal information can constitute a criminal offence, e.g. if the author of the act is suspected of selling or illegally providing the personal information of citizens, illegally obtaining the personal information of citizens or illegally accessing a computer information system and the circumstances are serious, the responsible person will bear criminal liability by serving a prison sentence of up to three years.

10. Where do you see the data protection laws heading? What is your advice to companies on ensuring compliance?

It is my opinion that laws and regulations on the protection of personal information are becoming more and more comprehensive and specific. The state will protect personal information from being misused or leaked by way of the codes of conduct for the industries that have access to personal information. The Measures for the Administration of Online Trading and the Provisions for the Administration of the Security of the Personal Information of Mail and Courier Service Users promulgated this year are excellent examples of this. With the increasing variety in internet consumption, the exchange of information in online trading and offline logistics services will also increase. Data protection has improved in these industries due to these two sets of regulations. Together with the previous year's synergistic operation of the telecommunications and internet industries, they counteract online information threats. Once the Network Security Law is adopted, the public will look forward to the early issuance of the Personal Information Protection Law. China will then have a separate law to protect the security of personal information.

When user information and data is collected and used, enterprises must take measures to secure the user data that they collect, train their employees and may not disclose, sell or provide user information to others without permission. Internally, enterprises can oversee their information protection systems and issue data security reports, and if an information leak occurs, promptly notify users and take remedial measures so as to minimise user losses. Externally, enterprises need to set rules for the stages of collection, transfer and processing up to deletion of personal information, so as to reduce the risks of data loss or leakage occurring during external transfers.

Author biographies

Ken Dai

Ken Dai is a partner of Dacheng Law Offices. He earned his LLB and LLM respectively from the China University of Political Science and Law and the University of Bristol in the UK. Currently, Ken is a member of the Antitrust Committee of IBA, the Competition Committee of IPBA, the Outbound Investment and Antitrust Committee at the Shanghai Bar Association and Asian Competition Forum. He is also a columnist at Forbes China.
Ken is one of the first lawyers in China to practise in the data protection field. He has advised numerous companies on the application of data protection related laws and enforcement policies. He has assisted a multinational company in tailoring a data-collecting project to Chinese privacy compliance regulations and has also advised on the data protection of various software, including mobile applications. He has much experience in handling employees' privacy on behalf of companies.
In addition, Ken also specialises in antitrust, including competition law compliance, merger control filing and private antitrust litigation. He stands at the cutting edge of Chinese antitrust, with significant experience and insight.
Ken's working languages include Chinese, English and Cantonese.

Jet Deng

Jet Deng is a partner of Dacheng Law Offices. Jet has 14 years professional experience, including ten years practising as a lawyer, and four years serving in the commercial sector. His major practice areas cover anti-monopoly law/anti-unfair competition law, international trade, litigation and arbitration. He specialises in handling complex projects and cases. He received his JM degree in 2005 and his PhD degree in International Economic Law in 2012 at the University of International Business and Economics. Jet has been a part-time researcher at the Competition Law Centre of the University of International Business and Economics since 2005. He enjoys interacting with the media circle, as he has frequently interviewed on mainstream Chinese media such as CCTV, China National Radio and various newspapers.
As an experienced antitrust lawyer, Jet's practice also covers the emerging field of data protection in China. He has been following and monitoring the legislation process of data protection for years. He has provided legal advice on privacy compliance for many business transactions and has helped enterprises on developing data protection policy under Chinese laws. He also assisted clients in dealing with data collection and processing of customers and employees. Jet is familiar with enforcement practices and specialises in designing response strategies.
Jet's working languages include Mandarin and English.


1. 过去12个月,在信息保护方面,出台了什么主要法规?


2. 电子商务行业如何应对这些法规带来的改变?


3. 有哪些国家法规是专门规范个人信息收集和使用的?有哪些信息是受规范的?



4. 个人信息被不正当使用的受害者可以使用哪些争议解决机制?企业应当如何应对?



5. 去年有哪些重大的案件反映了信息私隐的重要?


6. 有哪些监管机关是负责处理信息安全违法案件的?


7. 第三方代表信息收集人/保存人处理个人信息时需遵守哪些规则和要求呢?


8. 对于将信息传送至中国境外,有什么监管措施?


9. 有什么罚则和处罚是针对未能遵守信息保护法规的行为的?


10. 您认为信息保护法规会朝哪个方向走?为确保合规,您对企业有什么建议?








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