Keeping up with the courts


October 14, 2015 | BY

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This article is from the Dispute Resolution chapter of the 2015 Annual Review and is available for download here.Qi Zhou of East & Concord…

This article is from the Dispute Resolution chapter of the 2015 Annual Review and is available for download here.

Qi Zhou of East & Concord Partners highlights the most important regulatory changes to dispute resolution in the past year, the most common types of disputes and the effect of the new CIETAC rules on arbitration in China

1. What important laws, regulations and judicial interpretations were issued or amended in the past twelve months?

In addition to conventional revisions made to certain laws, the major legislative highlights during the past year include: procuratorial authorities being granted the power to initiate public interest lawsuits, the establishment of the intellectual property courts, the expanded scope of Taiwan judgments and rulings that can be recognised and enforced and the implementation of the case opening registration system.

The important laws, regulations and judicial interpretations newly issued or revised in the past year are as follows:

  • Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, Decision Concerning Authorising the Supreme People's Procuratorate to Launch a Pilot Project for Public Interest Lawsuits in Certain Regions (promulgated on July 1 2015)
  • PRC National Security Law (promulgated on July 1 2015)
  • National People's Congress, Decision on Amending the (promulgated on March 15 2015)
  • PRC Administrative Procedure Law (Revised in 2014) (promulgated on November 1 2014)
  • Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, Decision on the Establishment of Intellectual Property Courts in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou (promulgated on August 31 2014)
  • Plan for the Pilot Project for the Reform of the Institution of Public Interest Lawsuits by Procuratorial Authorities (promulgated on July 3 2015)
  • Supreme People's Court, Provisions for the Recognition and Enforcement of Arbitration Awards from Taiwan (promulgated on June 29 2015)
  • Supreme People's Court, Provisions for the Recognition and Enforcement of Civil Judgments from Taiwan Courts (promulgated on June 29 2015)
  • Supreme People's Court, Interpretation on Several Issues Concerning the Application of the Law in the Trial of Environmental Tort Liability Dispute Cases (promulgated on June 1 2015)
  • Supreme People's Court, Interpretation on Several Issues Concerning the Application of the (promulgated on April 22 2015)
  • Supreme People's Court, Provisions on Several Issues Concerning the Registration of Case Openings by People's Courts (promulgated on April 15 2015)
  • Supreme People's Court, Provisions on Several Issues Concerning the Application of Civil Trial Supervision Procedures in Strict Accordance with the Law to Directed Retrials and Remands for New Trials (promulgated on February 16 2015)
  • Supreme People's Court, Opinions on Several Issues Concerning the Application of the (promulgated on January 30 2015)
  • Supreme People's Court, Several Provisions on Issues Concerning the Application of the Law in the Trial of Patent Disputes (Revised in 2015) (promulgated on January 29 2015)
  • Supreme People's Court, Decision on Amending the (promulgated on January 29 2015)
  • Supreme People's Court, Provisions on Several Issues Concerning the Trial of Cases by Circuit Courts (promulgated on January 28 2015)
  • Supreme People's Court, Interpretation on Several Issues Concerning the Application of the Law in the Trial of Environmental Civil Public Interest Litigation Cases (promulgated on January 6 2015)
  • Supreme People's Court, Ministry of Civil Affairs and Ministry of Environmental Protection, Circular on Thoroughly Implementing the Environmental Civil Public Interest Litigation System (promulgated on December 26 2014)
  • Supreme People's Procuratorate, Measures for Remote Video Interviews (Trial Implementation) (promulgated on December 25 2014)
  • Supreme People's Court, Provisions on Jurisdiction in Cases of the Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou Intellectual Property Courts (promulgated on October 31 2014)

2. What were the most common types of disputes during the past year and why?

It is our understanding that legal actions and arbitration involving lease financing were the most common in the past year.

The reasons were both macro, such as the transitioning of the Chinese economy, and micro, such as misunderstandings regarding the lease financing contracts by the lessees and repurchase parties, resulting in performance defects or controversy and thus frequent disputes.

Firstly, the comprehensive transformation of the Chinese economy toward a new normal has had an obvious driving effect on the number of lease financing contract dispute cases. The Chinese real estate market has seen its 15-year prosperity period come to an end, and is entering an adjustment period, resulting in a marked increase in pressure from the slowing economy and triggering a clear slide in the investment growth long driven by the real estate industry. Additionally, the continuous promotion of changes in the industrial structure, method of development and regime will be accompanied by the gradual elimination of dated production methods. The combination of the two greatly increases the likelihood of fluctuations in the industries where the subject matters of lease financing contracts are are relatively concentrated. Such fluctuations will definitely have a relatively large impact on the normal operations of the relevant lessees and their capacity to repay payables such as rent and interest, thus giving rise to a large number of lease financing contract disputes.

Secondly, the special nature of lease financing contracts themselves can easily give rise to misunderstandings by the parties over the contractual relationship. Generally speaking, a typical lease financing contractual relationship comprises three parties (the lessor, lessee and supplier) and two contracts (the sale and purchase contract and lease contract). However, with the development of new business models, lease financing transaction parties are becoming more complex. In addition to the typical three party transaction structure, lessors, out of risk control considerations, incorporate more interested parties into the lease financing transaction by adding repurchase parties, guarantors, etc., so as to maximise the protection of their rights and interests. This added complexity and the new changes that continuously arise further complicate the legal relationships in lease financing, making disputes more likely to occur. Furthermore, a lease financing contractual relationship is not a simple overlaying of a sale and purchase contractual relationship on a lease contractual relationship. It has separate legal features, which also give rise to several special provisions in lease financing contracts. Improper understanding of these special provisions has led to a number of disputes.

Lastly, parties to a lease financing relationship often lack awareness of guarding against the legal risks involved in entering into and performing their contracts. In the course of entering into the contracts, the parties, driven by performance, place emphasis on the number of items and neglect qualification reviews, and fail to establish a sound and rigorous credit check and risk management mechanism. In the course of performing the contracts, some lessors ignore post-financing business tracking, making it impossible for them to become aware of a deterioration in the business of the lessees, which also frequently gives rise to disputes. In addition, the separation of the ownership of and the right to use the leased property in lease financing transactions also brings to the fore the issue of the safety risks associated with the leased property.

3. What are the main amendments made to the CIETAC Rules in 2015? What are the major effects and significance of these amendments?

Substantive amendments were made to 20 articles of the main text of the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission, Arbitration Rules (2015) (2015 Rules), of which 10 are newly added articles.

The major amendments to the 2015 Rules have a significant impact on arbitration proceedings.

The Arbitration Court put in charge of managing cases

Article 2 of the 2015 Rules specifies that the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC) will establish an Arbitration Court responsible for carrying out case handling work such as applications for and management of arbitration cases, while the CIETAC Secretariat will be responsible for internal management functions such as implementing CIETAC's work plans and training and supervising arbitrators. These amendments are a product of CIETAC's need to adapt to its own reforms. Lifting the Secretariat's burden of having to handle both arbitration cases and administrative matters enhances the efficiency of proceedings.

The principle of good faith incorporated

The principle of good faith is the “king provision” in civil law. The express incorporation of the principle of good faith into the 2015 Rules with these most recent amendments is a product of the revamping of the arbitration philosophy. In the traditional philosophy of arbitration, the parties to arbitration are adversaries, a stance that is not conducive to the effective resolution of conflicts. In contrast, modern arbitration philosophy holds that the parties to a proceeding and their agents bear an obligation of procedural collaboration – while they pursue their own interests in the course of arbitration, they may not harm the interests of others or the public.

Rules for the consolidation of arbitration stipulated

Modern commercial activities often involve numerous entities, with multiple deals, linked deals and various transaction structures, and the master contractual relationship is also often accompanied by guarantee and other dependent contractual relationships. In civil procedures, such legal relationships should be consolidated for trial based on provisions for “general colitigation”, but the PRC Arbitration Law lacks specific provisions on the consolidation of arbitration for such cases.

Article 19 of the 2015 Rules sets forth four circumstances for the consolidation of arbitration, namely where: (1) the arbitration claims in each case are made on the basis of the same arbitration agreement; (2) the arbitration claims in each case are made on the basis of multiple arbitration agreements, the contents of such arbitration agreements are identical or compatible, the parties involved in each case are identical and the nature of the legal relationships involved in each dispute are identical; (3) the arbitration claims in each case are made on the basis of multiple arbitration agreements, the contents of such arbitration agreements are identical or compatible and the multiple contracts involved are in a master and dependent contractual relationship; or (4) all of the parties to the cases agree to the consolidation of arbitration.

These amendments provide clear guidance for the consolidation of arbitration, not only greatly enhancing arbitration efficiency and reducing the arbitration costs of the parties, but also avoiding situations where different tribunals render mutually conflicting awards.

Provisions on the addition of parties included

The 2015 Rules attempt a breakthrough in the long-debated issue as to whether parties may be added to an arbitration procedure and fill the gap in the PRC Arbitration Law.

Permitting the addition of third parties to arbitration procedures can effectively prevent the repeated hearing of the same arbitration claim, and is thus conducive to enhancing arbitration efficiency and economising judicial resources. However, its potential to run against the principle of arbitration being voluntary should not be overlooked. This is because, when a third party participates in arbitration, there may not be an effective arbitration agreement between the third party and the other parties, or if the same does exist, CIETAC may not have been selected as the arbitration institution to render an award. Accordingly, Article 18 of the 2015 Rules puts in place a restriction, namely that a party may apply to the arbitration commission to add a party only on the basis of an arbitration agreement that is prima facie binding on the party that is being added. The 2015 Rules additionally bestow the right of objecting to an arbitration agreement and/or arbitration case on any party, so as to preserve the voluntary nature of arbitration.

Emergency arbitrator procedure introduced

The addition of the emergency arbitrator procedure to the 2015 Rules is an innovative attempt to conform with international practice. It ensures that the arbitration commission can provide emergency remedies to a party before a tribunal is constituted, and is an effective supplement to the interim measures taken by courts and tribunals.

Author biography

Qi Zhou

Qi Zhou is the founding partner of East & Concord Partners, head of the dispute resolution team, senior arbitrator of the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission and adjunct professor of the law school of China University of Political Science and Law. He graduated from the economics law department of China University of Political Science and Law in 1986. In the same year, he started his work as a lawyer at Beijing Foreign Economic Law Firm and obtained his qualification in 1987. Qi is well versed in dealing with various civil and commercial disputes and has handled numerous complicated high profile litigation and arbitration cases.


1. 在过去12个月中有什么重要的法律、法规及司法解释出台或修改?



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  • 全国人民代表大会关于修改《中华人民共和国立法法》的决定(2015315日发布)
  • 中华人民共和国行政诉讼法(2014修正)(2014111日发布)
  • 全国人民代表大会常务委员会关于在北京、上海、广州设立知识产权法院的决定(2014831日发布)
  • 检察机关提起公益诉讼改革试点方案(201573日发布)
  • 最高人民法院关于认可和执行台湾地区仲裁裁决的规定(2015629日发布)
  • 最高人民法院关于认可和执行台湾地区法院民事判决的规定(2015629日发布)
  • 最高人民法院关于审理环境侵权责任纠纷案件适用法律若干问题的解释(201561日发布)
  • 最高人民法院关于适用《中华人民共和国行政诉讼法》若干问题的解释(2015422日发布)
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  • 最高人民法院关于修改《最高人民法院关于审理专利纠纷案件适用法律问题的若干规定》的决定(2015129日发布)
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3. 2015贸仲规则最主要的修改之处在哪里?这些修改的主要影响和意义是什么?



















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