Nigeria 2015 (English & Chinese)


October 06, 2015 | BY


Tiwalola OkeyinkaÆLEXSection 1: China outbound investment (COI)What are the key sectors in your jurisdiction that attract, or to which the government…

Tiwalola Okeyinka


Section 1: China outbound investment (COI)

What are the key sectors in your jurisdiction that attract, or to which the government is seeking to attract, COI? Is the government generally supportive of COI? Which government, and regional, bodies are responsible for driving COI in your jurisdiction?

The Nigerian government is generally supportive of investments from China. In fact, Nigeria currently has several bilateral agreements and memoranda of understanding (MOU) with the People's Republic of China. The key sectors which are subjects of these agreements include infrastructure (public), oil and gas, power, agriculture, communications and tourism.

The bilateral relations between Nigeria and China are mostly facilitated by the Federal Government and the Ministry for Trade and Investment, with the President taking the lead and with support from states governors and relevant ministers.

Some of China's current investments in Nigeria include:

1. Development of 110 villas near the Lekki Free Trade Zone by the Chinese Civil Engineering Construction Corporation (CCECC). The project was announced in 2013, in addition to a further commitment of about US$1 billion for more projects in Nigeria.

2. In July 2013, the China Development Bank (CDB) signed a US$100 million facility agreement with the First Bank of Nigeria in order to boost lending to small and medium scale enterprises in the country and stimulate the Nigerian economy.

3. The Federal Ministry of Trade and Investment (Nigeria) and the Sanshui District Bureau of Economy, Science and Technology Development Promotion in China signed an MOU in 2013 to facilitate the transfer of skills and technologies, including a trade cooperation agreement between many of the factories in Nigeria and the industrial park within the Sanshui Economic Development Zones.

4. In 2013, Unicontinental International Engineering Company, a Chinese mining company, signed a multi-million dollar joint venture agreement with a Nigerian company, Multiverse plc to commence work on new mining projects in the country. The joint venture plans to build quarries that would supply granite and minerals to support infrastructure projects across the country.

5. In 2013, a US$20 billion MOU was signed between Power China and the Ministry of Power to generate 20,000 megawatts of electricity for Nigeria.

Section 2: Investment vehicle

What are the most common legal entities and vehicles used for COI in your jurisdiction? How long do they take to become operational? What are the key requirements for establishment and operation of these vehicles which are relevant to COI (e.g. is there a requirement for local directors)?

If a foreign company wishes to do business in Nigeria directly, without investment in an existing entity, it is required by law to first incorporate a separate legal entity in Nigeria for that purpose, by registering with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC).

Certain categories of foreign companies may, however, apply to the President of Nigeria for exemption from local incorporation. These are:

(a) foreign companies invited to Nigeria by or with approval of the federal government to execute a specified individual project;

(b) foreign companies executing individual loan projects on behalf of donor countries or international organisations;

(c) foreign government-owned companies engaged solely in export promotion activities; and

(d) engineering consultants and technical experts engaged in any individual specialist projects under contract with any of the governments of the federation, their agencies or other bodies where the contract is approved by the federal government.

A company may be incorporated as either a private or a public company in any of the following forms:

(a) company limited by shares, which is a company having the liability of its members limited to the amount, if any, unpaid on the shares held by them;

(b) company limited by guarantee, which is a not-for-profit entity having the liability of its members limited to the amount that they have undertaken to contribute (or guarantee) in the event of the company being wound up; or

(c) unlimited company, which is a company not having any limit on the liability of its members.

For the purpose of registration with the CAC, there are no residency or nationality restrictions with respect to shareholders or directors of the company. As such, all of a company's shareholders and directors can be foreign persons or entities.

The registration of a company with the CAC will usually take about one to two weeks. Post-registration filings include:

Registration with the Nigerian Investment Promotion Commission

A company with foreign shareholding is required to register with the Nigerian Investment Promotion Commission (NIPC), especially where the company may in future seek pioneer status or require other services from the NIPC.

Business permit

A company with foreign shareholding is required to register with the Ministry of Interior and obtain a business permit. A business permit is a permanent approval granted to a company with foreign shareholders to carry on business in Nigeria. To qualify, the company must have a minimum share capital of NGN10 million (Rmb330,000).

Tax registration

All companies are expected to register at the relevant tax office for income tax purposes. They are also required to register for Pay as You Earn (PAYE) and value-added tax (VAT) purposes within six months of incorporation.

Upon registration, a tax identification number (TIN) and VAT registration number will be allocated to each registered company. These numbers must be inserted on all the company's invoices.

Registration for corporate tax and VAT may take up to two weeks and obtaining a Tax Clearance Certificate may take another two weeks.


Expatriate quota

An expatriate quota is the permit granted a company to employ expatriates to specifically approved positions. Companies wishing to obtain expatriate quota are required to apply to the Ministry of Interior in the prescribed form.

The quota may either be granted as “Permanent until Reviewed” (PUR) or for a renewable term, usually of two to three years at each instance. The PUR is usually granted with respect to the chief executive position in the company.

One of the functions of the Ministry of Interior is to monitor the execution of the quota positions granted in order to ensure effective transfer of technology to Nigerians and the eventual indigenisation of the positions occupied by the expatriates. Emphasis is therefore placed on employing Nigerians to understudy the foreign experts and acquire relevant skills for the eventual take-over of the expatriate quota positions.

Processing expatriate quota approvals can take about 10-12 weeks. The application is usually processed simultaneously with that of the business permit.

STR visa and CERPAC

A foreigner who has been employed to take up an expatriate quota position would in the first instance require a Subject-to-Regularisation (STR) visa to enter Nigeria for the purpose of taking up the employment. An STR visa may be obtained from the Nigerian mission in the country where the applicant has been domiciled for at least six months.

A foreigner with an STR visa is required to regularise his stay in Nigeria by applying for and obtaining a Combined Expatriate Residence Permit and Alien Card (CERPAC) from the Nigerian Immigration Service within 90 days of his entry into Nigeria.

Once the CERPAC is issued, the expatriate will be expected to register his presence at the immigration office closest to his place of residence or occupation.

Temporary Work Permit

Temporary Work Permits (TWPs) are usually issued to expatriates invited by corporate bodies to provide specialised services, such as after-sales installation, maintenance, repair of machines and equipment and other services that require special skills or expertise. It is issued by and obtainable only from the office of the Comptroller General of Immigration at the Nigeria Immigration Service Headquarters in Abuja.

The process may take between one and two weeks.

Section 3: Tax and grants

a. Are there tax structures and/or favourable intermediary tax jurisdictions that are particularly useful for FDI into the country? Are there any reciprocal tax arrangements between your jurisdiction and China?

Nigeria has signed a number of double taxation treaties with countries including China. Residents of these countries enjoy a preferential withholding tax rate of 7.5% on payments of interest, rent, royalties and dividends that are subject to Nigerian taxation.

b. What are the applicable rates of corporate tax and withholding tax on dividends?

Corporate tax

The profits of a Nigerian company accruing in, derived from, brought into or received in Nigeria are subject to income tax at the rate of 30% of taxable profits.

Withholding tax

Where payment is due to a company or individual with respect to goods or services supplied by the recipient or the payment is of a dividend, interest on loan or rent, the payer is required to deduct a portion of the payment by way of withholding tax and to remit the tax withheld to the appropriate tax authority. The tax remitted will be held by the tax authority to the credit of the recipient concerned and be available for set-off against the income tax due from the recipient.

The rate of withholding tax on dividends is 10%.

The tax withheld from a dividend, interest on loan or rent is the final tax due from a foreign company or a non-resident recipient of the payment.

The dividend (net of withholding tax) received by a company out of the profits of another company are regarded as franked investment income of the company receiving it and are not charged to further tax. In the event that the dividend is redistributed to the company's shareholders and withholding tax is to be deducted from it in accordance with the law, the company may set off the withholding tax which it has itself suffered on the same income.

c. Does the government have any FDI tax incentive schemes in place?

Yes. One incentive involves obtaining pioneer status. Under the Industrial Development (Income Tax Relief) Act of 1970, an industry or a product may be declared a pioneer industry or product if (i) the industry is not carried on in a scale suitable to the economic development of Nigeria; (ii) there are favourable prospects of further development; or (iii) it is expedient in the public interest to encourage the development of the industry in Nigeria.

Pioneer status is granted to companies to encourage the development or establishment of an industry and to enable a company in the industry or manufacturing a product to make a reasonable level of profit within its formative years.

A company with pioneer status is entitled to a tax holiday of three years which may be renewed for a further period of two years. Dividends received by shareholders are also exempted from withholding tax.

An application may be made by a company for the issue of a pioneer certificate with respect to any industry declared a pioneer industry, provided that the qualifying capital expenditure to be incurred on or before production day is at least NGN10 million (Rmb330,000).

Other tax reliefs and incentives include:

(a) Investment allowance: An investment allowance of 10% of expenditure incurred on plant and machinery.

(b) Rural investment allowance: An allowance ranging from 5% to 100% of capital expenditure incurred on the provision of facilities such as electricity, water, tarred road or telephone for the purpose of a trade or business which is located at least 20km away from the facilities.

(c) Research and development: Deduction of research and development costs from taxable profits. The amount deducted will not exceed 10% of the total profit of the company as ascertained before any deduction is made.

(d) Tax reliefs and incentives applicable to specific sectors.

(e) Losses may be carried forward indefinitely.

d. Other than through the tax system, does the government provide any other financial support to FDI investors? If so, please provide an overview.

The Nigerian Investment and Promotion Commission Act (NIPC) provides that the federal government of Nigeria will not acquire any enterprises unless the acquisition is for a public purpose or in the national interest and is done under a law that makes provision for:

(a) fair and adequate compensation; and

(b) a right of access to the courts for determining the investor's interest or right and the amount of compensation to which he is entitled.

Save for the above, the nationalisation or expropriation of any enterprise is prohibited.

Section 4: Forex controls and local operations

What foreign currency or exchange restrictions should foreign investors be aware of?

The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) maintains general surveillance over the foreign exchange market. The principal law regulating the foreign exchange market is the Foreign Exchange (Monitoring and Miscellaneous Provisions) Act (FX Act) of 1995. Pursuant to powers conferred under the FX Act, the CBN has issued a Foreign Exchange Manual which is intended to guide applications for foreign exchange transactions in Nigeria.

Foreign currency is freely obtainable on the Autonomous Foreign Exchange Market (AFEM) subject to minimum documentation requirements. Transactions in the AFEM can be conducted in any convertible foreign currency through authorised dealers (commercial banks).

The application and approval formalities in relation to foreign currency payments/receipts are determined by the activity the payment or receipt is for.

Import of investment capital

There are no prior approvals required to be obtained in order to import foreign capital. Foreign capital may be imported into Nigeria through accounts operated with any of the commercial banks in Nigeria. It will be evidenced by a Certificate of Capital Importation (CCI), which is statutorily required to be issued by the bank through which the capital is imported within 24 hours of import.

Repatriation of dividends, loan repayments and capital

Any person who invests foreign equity or loan capital in any enterprise in Nigeria and obtains a CCI is guaranteed unconditional transferability of funds in freely convertible currency with respect to:

• dividends or profits (net of taxes) attributable to the investment;

• payments for the purpose of servicing a foreign loan; or

• the remittance of proceeds (net of taxes) and other obligations in the event of sale or liquidation of the business or interest attributable to the investment.

The CCI issued at the time of import of capital together with the other relevant documents are required to facilitate the repatriation of dividends, loan repayments and capital respectively.

Author biography

Tiwalola Okeyinka

Tiwalola Okeyinka is a member of the corporate commercial group at ÆLEX. Tiwalola's main practice areas are corporate commercial, intellectual property, insurance, corporate governance and regulatory compliance.

Tiwa advises on business entry requirements, including compliance with the relevant regulations in Nigeria. Her work also involves the protection of intellectual property rights, including trademarks, patents, industrial designs and copyright, IP portfolio management and the provision of franchising and licensing advice as well as legal solutions for combating counterfeit products and parallel imports.

Tiwa has a law degree from one of Nigeria's most prestigious universities and was called to the Nigerian Bar in 2010. She is a member of the Nigerian Bar Association and International Trademark Association (INTA) where she also currently serves on the Issues Identification Sub-Committee. She has attended a number of local and international conferences and seminars.


Tiwalola Okeyinka







1. 中国土木工程集团有限公司在莱基自由贸易区旁发展110幢别墅。项目于2013年公布,另在尼日利亚投放额外10亿美元进行更多项目。

2. 2013年7月,国家开发银行与尼日利亚第一银行签署1亿美元的融资协议,提升该国中小企业借贷,刺激尼日利亚经济。

3. 尼日利亚联邦贸易及投资部与中国三水区经济和科技促进局在2013年签署谅解备忘录,推进科技转移,包括尼日利亚多家工厂与三水经济开发区内工业园之间的贸易合作协议。

4. 2013年,中国矿业公司Unicontinental International Engineering Company与尼日利亚Multiverse plc签署合资企业协议,价值达数亿美元,在尼日利亚开展新采矿项目。合资公司计划兴建矿场提供花岗石和矿物,支持尼日利亚的基础设施项目。

5. 2013年,中国电力建设股份有限公司与尼日利亚电力部签署200亿美元的谅解备忘录,为尼日利亚提供20,000兆瓦电力。


您国家最常用于中国境外投资的法人实体和工具有哪些?要多久才可营运?设立和营运与中国境外投资相关的企业主要需符合什么要求 (例如:有没有规定必须要有本地董事)?



(1) 由尼日利亚邀请或获联邦政府批准推行指定独立项目的外国公司;

(2) 代表捐赠国家或国际组织执行个别贷款项目的外国公司;

(3) 纯粹参与推动出口活动的外国政府拥有的公司;

(4) 参与个别专家项目的工程顾问和技术专家,而该工程合同是与任何联邦政府或其机构签署的,或该工程合同是与其他组织签署但经联邦政府批准的。


(1) 股份有限公司,即公司成员的责任只限于其持有的股份未支付的金额(如有);

(2) 担保责任有限公司,即非营利性公司,其成员的责任只限于公司清盘时他们承诺提供(或担保)的金额;

(3) 无限责任公司,即公司成员承担无限责任。












• 外籍劳务配额





• 长期工作签证及外籍劳务居留及永久居民联合证




• 临时工作证




1. 有没有一些税务结构或有利的中介税务管辖区,是对外商直接投资尼日利亚尤其有用的?您国家与中国之间有没有任何相互税务安排?


2. 企业所得税和股息预提税的适用税率是多少?








3. 政府是否已设立外商直接投资税务优惠制度?

是的,一项税务优惠计划涉及取得创新业务资格。根据1970年 的《工业发展(所得税宽免)法》,一个行业或一件产品可视为新兴行业或产品,如(i)有关行业的运作规模不符合尼日利亚的经济发展;(ii)有望进一步发展;或(iii)在尼日利亚鼓励发展有关行业符合公共利益。





(1) 投资补助:投资补助为厂房和机器支出的10%。

(2) 乡村投资补助:津贴为提供设施所涉及的资本支出的5%至100%之间,例如电力、水、柏油路或电话,供距离设施最少20公里的贸易或业务使用。

(3) 研究及发展:从应付税利润中扣除研究及发展成本。扣除的金额在作出其他扣除前,不超过公司总利润的10%。

(4) 适用于指定领域的税务宽免及激励。

(5) 亏损可无限结转。

4. 除了通过税务制度,政府还有向外商直接投资者提供其他财务支持吗?如有,请加以概述。


(a) 合理和足够赔偿;

(b) 向法院申诉的权利,以决定投资者的利益或权利,及其他有权取得的赔偿金额。











• 投资带来的股息或利润(税后);

• 偿还外国贷款的款项;

• 在业务出售或清算或在分配投资利益时汇出款项(税后)或其他应付金额。



Tiwalola Okeyinka

Tiwalola Okeyinka 是ÆLEX律师事务所公司商业事务组的成员。Tiwalola的主要业务领域为公司商务、知识产权、保险、企业治理及合规。



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