Measures for the Administration of Material Asset Restructurings by Listed Companies


The revised Measures abolish the requirement for the examination and approval of material purchases, sales and exchanges of assets of listed companies where the same do not constitute a backdoor listing.

Clp Reference: 3710/14.10.23 Promulgated: 2014-10-23 Effective: 2014-11-23

(Promulgated by the China Securities Regulatory Commission on October 23 2014 and effective as of November 23 2014.)


Order of the CSRC No.109


Part One: General provisions

第一章 总 则

Article 1: These Measures have been formulated pursuant to laws and administrative regulations such as the Company Law and Securities Law in order to regulate material asset restructurings by listed companies, protect the lawful rights and interests of listed companies and investors, promote the continuous improvement in the quality of listed companies and safeguard the order in the securities market and the public interest.

第一条 为了规范上市公司重大资产重组行为,保护上市公司和投资者的合法权益,促进上市公司质量不断提高,维护证券市场秩序和社会公共利益,根据《公司法》、《证券法》等法律、行政法规的规定,制定本办法。

Article 2: These Measures shall govern asset transactions by listed companies and by the companies in which they have a controlling interest or which they control that involve the purchase or sale of assets outside the normal course of business activities or asset transactions carried out by other means and that reach a prescribed percentage and, as a result, cause a material change in the core business, assets and/or revenue of the listed companies (Material Asset Restructuring).

第二条 本办法适用于上市公司及其控股或者控制的公司在日常经营活动之外购买、出售资产或者通过其他方式进行资产交易达到规定的比例,导致上市公司的主营业务、资产、收入发生重大变化的资产交易行为(以下简称重大资产重组)。

The issuance of shares by a listed company to purchase assets shall comply with these Measures.


When a listed company uses the proceeds of a share offering to purchase assets or make an investment outside the company in line with the purpose of such proceeds as disclosed in the securities offering documents approved by the China Securities Regulatory Commission (the CSRC), these Measures shall not apply.


Article 3: No work unit or individual may exploit a Material Asset Restructuring to prejudice the lawful rights and interests of a listed company and its shareholders.

第三条 任何单位和个人不得利用重大资产重组损害上市公司及其股东的合法权益。

Article 4: When a listed company is to carry out a Material Asset Restructuring, all relevant parties must disclose or provide information in a timely and fair manner and warrant that the information disclosed or provided is true, accurate, complete and does not contain false records, misleading statements or material omissions.

第四条 上市公司实施重大资产重组,有关各方必须及时、公平地披露或者提供信息,保证所披露或者提供信息的真实、准确、完整,不得有虚假记载、误导性陈述或者重大遗漏。

Article 5: The directors, supervisors and senior management personnel of a listed company shall, in the course of Material Asset Restructuring activities, act in good faith and with due diligence, safeguard the security of the company's assets and protect the lawful rights and interests of the company and of all of its shareholders.

第五条 上市公司的董事、监事和高级管理人员在重大资产重组活动中,应当诚实守信、勤勉尽责,维护公司资产的安全,保护公司和全体股东的合法权益。

Article 6: Securities service institutions and personnel who provide services for Material Asset Restructurings shall abide by laws, administrative regulations and relevant CSRC provisions, comply with business standards and ethical standards generally recognised in the industry, strictly perform their duties and be liable for the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of the documents that they prepare and issue.

第六条 为重大资产重组提供服务的证券服务机构和人员,应当遵守法律、行政法规和中国证监会的有关规定,遵循本行业公认的业务标准和道德规范,严格履行职责,对其所制作、出具文件的真实性、准确性和完整性承担责任。

The securities service institutions and personnel mentioned in the preceding paragraph may not incite, assist or collude with the client in preparing or disclosing report or announcement documents that contain false records, misleading statements or material omissions, engage in unfair competition or take advantage of the Material Asset Restructuring of the listed company to seek illegitimate gains.


Article 7:Work units and individuals that are privy to information on a Material Asset Restructuring shall bear an obligation of confidentiality in respect thereof until such information has been disclosed in accordance with the law.

第七条 任何单位和个人对所知悉的重大资产重组信息在依法披露前负有保密义务。

Units and individuals are prohibited from using information on a Material Asset Restructuring to engage in insider trading, manipulate the stock market or engage in other such illegal activity.


Article 8: The CSRC shall oversee the Material Asset Restructurings of listed companies in accordance with the law.

第八条 中国证监会依法对上市公司重大资产重组行为进行监督管理。

When reviewing applications from listed companies for Material Asset Restructurings or offerings of shares to purchase assets, the CSRC may make differentiated and transparent regulatory system arrangements and conditionally reduce the review information and stages depending on such listed companies' compliant operation and integrity status, the practice capabilities and practice quality of their financial advisors and in light of state industrial policy and the type of restructuring transaction.


Article 9:The participation by lawfully established merger and acquisition funds, equity investment funds, venture capital funds, industry investment funds and other such investment institutions in the mergers, acquisitions and restructurings of listed companies is encouraged.

第九条 鼓励依法设立的并购基金、股权投资基金、创业投资基金、产业投资基金等投资机构参与上市公司并购重组。

Article 10: The CSRC shall establish a Committee for the Review of the Merger, Acquisition and Restructuring of Listed Companies in its Public Offering Review Committee (the M&A and Restructuring Committee), which shall vote on the applications for Material Asset Restructurings or offerings of shares to purchase assets submitted to it for deliberation and give its opinions thereon.

第十条 中国证监会在发行审核委员会中设立上市公司并购重组审核委员会(以下简称并购重组委),并购重组委以投票方式对提交其审议的重大资产重组或者发行股份购买资产申请进行表决,提出审核意见。

Part Two: Principles and criteria governing material asset restructurings

第二章 重大资产重组的原则和标准

Article 11: When carrying out a Material Asset Restructuring, a listed company shall provide sufficient explanations that the contemplated transaction satisfies the following requirements and shall disclose the same:

第十一条 上市公司实施重大资产重组,应当就本次交易符合下列要求作出充分说明,并予以披露:

(1) complying with state industrial policy, and laws and administrative regulations on environmental protection, land administration, anti-monopoly, etc.;


(2) not causing the listed company to be disqualified for the listing of its shares;


(3) the pricing of the assets involved being fair and there not being a circumstance that would prejudice the lawful rights and interests of the listed company or its shareholders;


(4) the title to the assets involved being clear, there not being any legal obstacle to the change in ownership or transfer of the assets, and the handling of the relevant claims and debts being lawful;


(5) being conducive to the strengthening of the listed company's capacity as a going concern and there not being a circumstance that could result in the listed company's principal assets post-restructuring being cash or its not having any actual business;


(6) being conducive to the maintenance of independence by the listed company from its de facto controller and other affiliated parties in terms of its business, assets, finances, personnel, organisations, etc. and complying with relevant CSRC provisions on the independence of listed companies; and


(7) being conducive to the creation or maintenance by the listed company of a sound and effective corporate governance structure.


Article 12:A Material Asset Restructuring shall be constituted when the purchase or sale of assets by a listed company and by the companies in which it has a controlling interest or that it controls reaches any of the following benchmarks:

第十二条 上市公司及其控股或者控制的公司购买、出售资产,达到下列标准之一的,构成重大资产重组:

(1) the total value of the assets to be purchased or sold accounts for at least 50% of the listed company's total asset value at period end on its audited consolidated financial accounting report for the most recent financial year;

(一)购买、出售的资产总额占上市公司最近一个会计年度经审计的合并财务会计报告期末资产总额的比例达到 50%以上;

(2) the operating revenue during the most recent financial year generated by the assets to be purchased or sold accounts for at least 50% of the listed company's operating revenue on its audited consolidated financial accounting report for the same period; or

(二)购买、出售的资产在最近一个会计年度所产生的营业收入占上市公司同期经审计的合并财务会计报告营业收入的比例达到 50%以上;

(3) the net value of the assets to be purchased or sold accounts for at least 50% of the listed company's net asset value at period end on its audited consolidated financial accounting report for the most recent financial year and the amount thereof exceeds Rmb50 million.

(三)购买、出售的资产净额占上市公司最近一个会计年度经审计的合并财务会计报告期末净资产额的比例达到 50%以上,且超过 5000 万元人民币。

If the assets to be purchased or sold do not reach any of the benchmarks specified in the preceding paragraph, but the CSRC discovers major issues that could prejudice the lawful rights and interests of the listed company or its shareholders, it may, based on the principle of prudential regulation, order the listed company to disclose additional relevant information in accordance herewith, suspend the transaction, engage an independent financial consultant or other securities service institution to conduct an additional review, and disclose the professional opinions thereon.


Article 13:If, following the date on which the change in control occurs, the total assets purchased by a listed company from the acquirer and its affiliated parties reach at least 100% of the period-end total assets on its audited consolidated financial accounting report for the financial year preceding the change in control in the listed company, not only shall the requirements of Articles 11 and 43 hereof be complied with, the business entity corresponding to the assets purchased by the company, in the case of one listed on the main board (including the small and medium enterprise board), shall be a company limited by shares or limited liability company as well as satisfying the other offering conditions set forth in the Measures for the Administration of Initial Public Offerings of Shares and the Listing Thereof (Order of the CSRC No.32); the CSRC shall specify otherwise for assets purchased by listed companies that fall in specific industries such as finance and venture capital.

第十三条 自控制权发生变更之日起,上市公司向收购人及其关联人购买的资产总额,占上市公司控制权发生变更的前一个会计年度经审计的合并财务会计报告期末资产总额的比例达到100%以上的,除符合本办法第十一条、第四十三条规定的要求外,主板(含中小企业板)上市公司购买的资产对应的经营实体应当是股份有限公司或者有限责任公司,且符合《首次公开发行股票并上市管理办法》(证监会令第 32 号)规定的其他发行条件;上市公司购买的资产属于金融、创业投资等特定行业的,由中国证监会另行规定。

A company listed on the Growth Enterprise Market may not carry out a transaction as specified in the preceding paragraph.


Article 14: When calculating the percentages specified in Article 12 or 13 hereof, the following principles shall be complied with:

第十四条 计算本办法第十二条、第十三条规定的比例时,应当遵守下列规定:

(1) if the asset to be purchased is equity, the higher of (i) the product of the total asset value of the investee enterprise and the percentage of the equity accounted for by the investment or (ii) the transaction amount shall be the total asset value; the operating revenue shall be the product of the operating revenue of the investee enterprise and the percentage of the equity accounted for by the investment; the higher of (i) the product of the net asset value of the investee enterprise and the percentage of the equity accounted for by the investment or (ii) the transaction amount shall be the net asset value; if the asset to be sold is equity, the total asset value, operating revenue and net asset value shall be the product of the total asset value, operating revenue or net asset value of the investee enterprise respectively and the percentage of the equity accounted for by the investment;


if the equity purchase would result in the listed company acquiring a controlling interest in the investee enterprise, the higher of either the total asset value of the investee enterprise or the transaction amount shall be the total asset value; the operating revenue shall be the operating revenue of the investee enterprise; the higher of either the net asset value of the investee enterprise or the transaction amount shall be the net asset value; if the equity sale would result in the listed company losing its controlling interest in the investee enterprise, the total asset value, operating revenue and net asset value shall be the total asset value, operating revenue and net asset value of the investee enterprise respectively;


(2) if the assets to be purchased are non-equity assets, the higher of either the book value of the assets or the transaction amount shall be the total asset value; the higher of either (i) the difference between the book value of the relevant assets and liabilities or (ii) the transaction amount shall be the net asset value; if the assets to be sold are non-equity assets, the book value of the assets and the difference between the book value of the relevant assets and liabilities shall be the total value of the assets and the net value of the assets respectively; if no liabilities attach to the non-equity assets, the benchmark for the net asset value specified in Item (3) of the first paragraph of Article 12 shall not apply;


(3) if a listed company is to simultaneously purchase and sell assets, the relevant percentages for the assets to be purchased and sold shall be calculated separately, and the higher of the two percentages shall apply; and/or


(4) if a listed company purchases or sells identical or related assets for a continuous period of 12 months, the pertinent figures shall be calculated separately using the aggregate figures. With the exception of cases specified in Article 13 hereof, asset transactions of which a Material Asset Restructuring report has been formulated and disclosed in accordance herewith need not be included in the aggregate calculation.

(四)上市公司在 12 个月内连续对同一或者相关资产进行购买、出售的,以其累计数分别计算相应数额。已按照本办法的规定编制并披露重大资产重组报告书的资产交易行为,无须纳入累计计算的范围,但本办法第十三条规定情形除外。

If the subject assets of a transaction are owned or controlled by the same transaction counterparty or fall within an identical or similar scope of business or if another circumstance recognised by the CSRC applies, they may be recognised as identical or related assets.


Article 15: For the purposes of Article 2 hereof, the phrase “asset transaction carried out by other means” includes:

第十五条 本办法第二条所称通过其他方式进行资产交易,包括:

(1) the establishment of a new enterprise with a third party, or the increase or reduction of the capital of an existing enterprise;


(2) entrusted operation or leasing of the assets of another enterprise, or entrustment of the operation or leasing of operating assets to a third party;


(3) acceptance of an asset bestowal to which obligations attach or donation of assets to a third party; or


(4) another circumstance as determined by the CSRC in accordance with the principle of prudential regulation.


If any of the aforementioned asset transactions substantively constitutes an asset purchase or sale, and any relevant percentage calculated in relation to the benchmarks specified herein reaches at least 50%, relevant obligations and procedures shall be performed in accordance herewith.

上述资产交易实质上构成购买、出售资产,且按照本办法规定的标准计算的相关比例达到 50%以上的,应当按照本办法的规定履行相关义务和程序。

Part Three: Procedure for a material asset restructuring

第三章 重大资产重组的程序

Article 16:When a listed company and the transaction counterparty conduct initial negotiations on matters relating to a Material Asset Restructuring, they shall take necessary and sufficient confidentiality measures, formulate a stringent and effective confidentiality system and restrict the scope of persons that are privy to relevant sensitive information. If the listed company and transaction counterparty engage a securities service institution, they shall promptly execute a confidentiality agreement with such securities service institution.

第十六条 上市公司与交易对方就重大资产重组事宜进行初步磋商时,应当立即采取必要且充分的保密措施,制定严格有效的保密制度,限定相关敏感信息的知悉范围。上市公司及交易对方聘请证券服务机构的,应当立即与所聘请的证券服务机构签署保密协议。

If relevant information is broadcast in the media or unusual fluctuations occur in the trading of the listed company's shares before the board resolution on the Material Asset Restructuring is announced, the listed company shall promptly announce the relevant plan, proposal or the current status of relevant matters as well as related developments and risk factors, etc. and carry out other relevant matters in accordance with relevant information disclosure rules.


Article 17: The listed company shall engage securities service institutions, such as an independent financial consultant, law firm, and accounting firm with relevant securities business qualifications, etc. to issue opinions on the Material Asset Restructuring.

第十七条 上市公司应当聘请独立财务顾问、律师事务所以及具有相关证券业务资格的会计师事务所等证券服务机构就重大资产重组出具意见。

The independent financial consultant and law firm shall carefully verify whether the Material Asset Restructuring constitutes an affiliated transaction and, based on the facts confirmed through the verification, issue a clear opinion. If the Material Asset Restructuring involves an affiliated transaction, the independent financial consultant shall issue a clear opinion on the effect that the contemplated restructuring would have on the non-affiliated shareholders of the listed company.


If the pricing of the asset transaction is to be based on the outcome of an asset appraisal, the listed company shall engage an asset appraisal firm with relevant securities business qualifications to issue an asset appraisal report.


If a securities service institution incorporates the professional opinions of other securities service institutions or personnel in the opinion that it issues, it shall nevertheless conduct a due diligence investigation, carefully verify the contents of the professional opinions used and bear liability for the conclusions derived from the professional opinions of the other securities service institutions and personnel that it used.


Article 18: After the listed company and the transaction counterparty have executed an engagement contract with a securities service institution, they may not replace such firm without a legitimate reason. If there is a legitimate reason making the replacement of the securities service institution necessary, the specific reason for the replacement and the statement and comments of the securities service institution shall be disclosed.

第十八条 上市公司及交易对方与证券服务机构签订聘用合同后,非因正当事由不得更换证券服务机构。确有正当事由需要更换证券服务机构的,应当披露更换的具体原因以及证券服务机构的陈述意见。

Article 19:In the management discussion and analysis section of its Material Asset Restructuring report, the listed company shall provide a detailed analysis of the effect of the contemplated transaction on financial and non-financial metrics such as its capacity as a going concern, future growth prospects and earnings per share for the year in question.

第十九条 上市公司应当在重大资产重组报告书的管理层讨论与分析部分,就本次交易对上市公司的持续经营能力、未来发展前景、当年每股收益等财务指标和非财务指标的影响进行详细分析。

Article 20:Where the results of an asset appraisal serve as the pricing basis for the assets involved in a Material Asset Restructuring, the asset appraisal firm shall carry out its practice activities in accordance with asset appraisal related rules and codes. The board of directors of the listed company shall issue a clear opinion on the independence of the appraisal firm, the reasonableness of its appraisal assumptions, the correlation of the appraisal methods and appraisal objectives and the fairness of the appraisal-based pricing.

第二十条 重大资产重组中相关资产以资产评估结果作为定价依据的,资产评估机构应当按照资产评估相关准则和规范开展执业活动;上市公司董事会应当对评估机构的独立性、评估假设前提的合理性、评估方法与评估目的的相关性以及评估定价的公允性发表明确意见。

Where the results of an asset appraisal do not serve as the pricing basis for the relevant assets, the listed company shall provide in the Material Asset Restructuring report a detailed analysis and explanation of the method of, and parameters for, the valuation of the relevant assets and other metrics and factors that affect the valuation results. The board of directors of the listed company shall express a clear opinion on the independence of the valuation firm, the reasonableness of the valuation assumptions and the correlation of the valuation method and valuation objective, and, in light of the price of the relevant assets in comparable market transactions, the price-earnings ratio or price-to-book ratio of listed companies in the same industry and other such generally accepted metrics, provide a detailed analysis of the fairness of the pricing of the contemplated transaction in the Material Asset Restructuring report.


In the circumstances set forth in the preceding two paragraphs, the appraisal firm or valuation firm shall, in principle, conduct its appraisal or valuation using two or more methods. The independent directors of the listed company shall attend the meeting of the board of directors and issue an independent opinion on the independence of the appraisal or valuation firm, the reasonableness of the appraisal or valuation assumptions and the fairness of the pricing of the transaction and disclose the same separately.


Article 21: When a listed company is to carry out a Material Asset Restructuring, the board of directors shall adopt a resolution thereon in accordance with the law and submit the same to the shareholders' general meeting for approval.

第二十一条 上市公司进行重大资产重组,应当由董事会依法作出决议,并提交股东大会批准。

The board of directors of the listed company shall issue a clear judgement as to whether the Material Asset Restructuring constitutes an affiliated transaction and disclose the same as a matter on which the board of directors has adopted a resolution.


The independent directors of the listed company shall issue their independent opinion on the Material Asset Restructuring on the basis of a solid understanding of relevant information. If the Material Asset Restructuring constitutes an affiliated transaction, the independent directors may separately engage an independent financial consultant to issue an opinion on the effect that the contemplated transaction would have on the non-affiliated shareholders of the listed company. The listed company shall actively cooperate with the independent directors in retrieving relevant materials and provide them the necessary support and conveniences to perform their duties, such as by arranging for an onsite investigation and arranging for the securities service institutions to give their reports to them.


Article 22: The listed company shall disclose at least the documents set forth below on the working day following the adoption of the resolution on the Material Asset Restructuring by the board of directors:

第二十二条 上市公司应当在董事会作出重大资产重组决议后的次一工作日至少披露下列文件:

(1) the resolution of the board of directors and the opinions of the independent directors; and


(2) the listed company's preliminary plan for the Material Asset Restructuring.


The Material Asset Restructuring report for the contemplated restructuring, the independent financial consultant's report, the legal opinion, and the audit report and asset appraisal or valuation report relating to the restructuring shall be announced no later than simultaneously with the notice convening the shareholders' general meeting. If a listed company is to disclose a profit forecast report voluntarily, the same shall have been reviewed by an accounting firm with the relevant securities business qualifications and be announced at the same time as the Material Asset Restructuring report.


The contents and formats of the information disclosure documents specified in Item (2) of the first paragraph and the second paragraph of this Article shall be specified separately.


The listed company shall announce the board's resolution and the opinion of the independent directors in at least one newspaper or periodical designated by the CSRC and disclose in full the Material Asset Restructuring report and its abstract as well as the reports or opinions of the relevant securities service institutions on the stock exchange's website.


Article 23: The resolution on the Material Asset Restructuring adopted by the shareholders' general meeting shall at minimum contain the following details:

第二十三条 上市公司股东大会就重大资产重组作出的决议,至少应当包括下列事项:

(1) the method of the contemplated Material Asset Restructuring, the subject matter of the transaction and the transaction counterparty;


(2) the transaction price or price range;


(3) the pricing method or pricing basis;


(4) in whom the gains and losses from the relevant assets during the period between the pricing reference date and the closing date shall vest;


(5) the contractual obligations for carrying out the transfer of title to the relevant assets and liability for breach of contract;


(6) the period of validity of the resolution;


(7) the specific authorisation of the board of directors to carry out the matters relating to the contemplated Material Asset Restructuring; and


(8) other details that need to be specified.


Article 24: The resolution on the Material Asset Restructuring before the shareholders' general meeting of the listed company shall require at least two-thirds of the voting rights held by the shareholders in attendance for adoption.

第二十四条 上市公司股东大会就重大资产重组事项作出决议,必须经出席会议的股东所持表决权的 2/3 以上通过。

If a shareholder of the company or an affiliated party thereof has an affiliation with the listed company's Material Asset Restructuring, such affiliated shareholder shall recuse itself from the vote by the shareholders' general meeting on matters of the Material Asset Restructuring.


If the transaction counterparty has reached an agreement or tacit understanding with the controlling shareholder of the listed company on acquisition of equity of the listed company or on the recommendation of directors of the listed company, and such agreement or tacit understanding could result in a change in the de facto control of the listed company, the controlling shareholder of the listed company and its affiliated parties shall recuse themselves from the vote.


When the listed company convenes a shareholders' general meeting on the Material Asset Restructuring, such meeting shall be held in person, and internet voting and other such lawful method shall be provided to make participation in the shareholders' general meeting by shareholders convenient. The outcome of the votes of the shareholders other than the listed company's directors, supervisors, senior management personnel and shareholders who alone or together hold at least 5% of the shares of the listed company shall be counted separately and disclosed.

上市公司就重大资产重组事宜召开股东大会,应当以现场会议形式召开,并应当提供网络投票和其他合法方式为股东参加股东大会提供便利。除上市公司的董事、监事、高级管理人员、单独或者合计持有上市公司 5%以上股份的股东以外,其他股东的投票情况应当单独统计并予以披露。

Article 25:The listed company shall announce the resolution on a Material Asset Restructuring adopted by its shareholders' general meeting on the working day immediately following adoption thereof together with a legal opinion issued by a law firm on matters such as the meeting's convening procedure, the qualifications of the convener and the persons present, the voting procedure and the voting results.

第二十五条 上市公司应当在股东大会作出重大资产重组决议后的次一工作日公告该决议,以及律师事务所对本次会议的召集程序、召集人和出席人员的资格、表决程序以及表决结果等事项出具的法律意见书。

If the transaction circumstances set forth in Article 13 hereof are involved, the listed company shall additionally engage an independent financial consultant in accordance with CSRC provisions to submit an application to the CSRC within three working days after the adoption of the resolution.

属于本办法第十三条规定的交易情形的,上市公司还应当按照中国证监会的规定委托独立财务顾问在作出决议后 3 个工作日内向中国证监会提出申请。

Article 26: All of the listed company's directors, supervisors and senior management personnel shall announce an undertaking warranting that the information disclosure and application documents of the Material Asset Restructuring do not contain false records, misleading statements or material omissions.

第二十六条 上市公司全体董事、监事、高级管理人员应当公开承诺,保证重大资产重组的信息披露和申请文件不存在虚假记载、误导性陈述或者重大遗漏。

The counterparty to the Material Asset Restructuring shall announce an undertaking to provide to the listed company relevant information on the contemplated restructuring in a timely manner and warrant that the information provided is true, accurate and complete and that if the listed company or investors incur a loss due to the information it provided containing false records, misleading statements or material omissions, it shall be liable for compensation in accordance with the law.


The entities and individuals specified in the preceding two paragraphs shall announce an additional undertaking that if there is suspicion that the information provided or disclosed by them contains false records, misleading statements or material omissions, resulting in the judicial authority or CSRC opening a case and launching an investigation, they will suspend transferring the shares of the listed company in which they have an interest until a definite conclusion has been reached in the case investigation.


Article 27: The CSRC shall render a decision on whether or not to approve an application of a listed company's transaction involving the circumstances specified in Article 13 hereof based on the statutory conditions and procedure.

第二十七条 中国证监会依照法定条件和程序,对上市公司属于本办法第十三条规定情形的交易申请作出予以核准或者不予核准的决定。

If the CSRC, during the review period, issues a feedback opinion requiring the listed company to give a written explanation, the listed company shall give its written reply within 30 days from the date on which it received the feedback opinion, and the independent financial consultant shall cooperate with the listed company in giving such written reply. If the listed company fails to give its reply by the deadline, it shall announce details of the progress on the contemplated transaction, the specific reason why it could not provide its reply on time, etc. on the day following the expiration of the deadline.

中国证监会在审核期间提出反馈意见要求上市公司作出书面解释、说明的,上市公司应当自收到反馈意见之日起 30 日内提供书面回复意见,独立财务顾问应当配合上市公司提供书面回复意见。逾期未提供的,上市公司应当在到期日的次日就本次交易的进展情况及未能及时提供回复意见的具体原因等予以公告。

Article 28: If the listed company wishes to make a change to the transaction counterparty, subject matter of the transaction, transaction price, etc. after the adoption of the resolution on the Material Asset Restructuring by its shareholders' general meeting, and such change would constitute a material revision of the original transaction plan, it shall submit the same anew to the shareholders' general meeting for deliberation after adoption by the board of directors through voting and, in a timely manner, announce the relevant documents.

第二十八条 股东大会作出重大资产重组的决议后,上市公司拟对交易对象、交易标的、交易价格等作出变更,构成对原交易方案重大调整的,应当在董事会表决通过后重新提交股东大会审议,并及时公告相关文件。

If the listed company makes a material revision to the original transaction plan in accordance with the preceding paragraph during the review by the CSRC, it shall additionally submit an application anew to the CSRC in accordance herewith and simultaneously announce the relevant documents.


If the board of directors of the listed company resolves to withdraw the application during the review by the CSRC, the reason therefor shall be explained and an announcement shall be published; if the board of directors of the listed company resolves to terminate the contemplated transaction, the same shall additionally be submitted to the shareholders' general meeting for deliberation in accordance with the company's articles of association.


Article 29:If the Material Asset Restructuring of a listed company involves the transaction circumstances set forth in Article 13 hereof, it shall be submitted to the M&A and Restructuring Committee for review.

第二十九条 上市公司重大资产重组属于本办法第十三条规定的交易情形的,应当提交并购重组委审核。

Article 30: Once the listed company receives notice from the CSRC concerning the convening of a meeting of the M&A and Restructuring Committee to review its application, it shall promptly announce the same and apply for the suspension of the trading of its shares during the meeting of the M&A and Restructuring Committee until the outcome of its vote is disclosed.

第三十条 上市公司在收到中国证监会关于召开并购重组委工作会议审核其申请的通知后,应当立即予以公告,并申请办理并购重组委工作会议期间直至其表决结果披露前的停牌事宜。

On the working day following receipt of the notice on the outcome of the vote of the M&A and Restructuring Committee on its application, the listed company shall announce the outcome and apply for the resumption of trading of its shares. The announcement shall specify that another announcement will be made when the company receives the decision rendered by the CSRC on whether or not to grant its approval.


Article 31: On the working day following receipt of the decision rendered by the CSRC on whether or not to approve its application, the listed company shall announce the same.

第三十一条 上市公司收到中国证监会就其申请作出的予以核准或者不予核准的决定后,应当在次一工作日予以公告。

If the CSRC grants its approval, the listed company shall disclose additional relevant documents in accordance with relevant information disclosure rules simultaneously with its announcement of the approval decision.


Article 32: After the listed company has completed the relevant approval procedures for its Material Asset Restructuring, it shall implement its restructuring plan in a timely manner, prepare a report on its implementation of the plan within three working days from the date of completion of implementation, submit the written report to the stock exchange and announce the same.

第三十二条 上市公司重大资产重组完成相关批准程序后,应当及时实施重组方案,并于实施完毕之日起 3 个工作日内编制实施情况报告书,向证券交易所提交书面报告,并予以公告。

The independent financial consultant and law firm engaged by the listed company shall review the compliance of, and the risks involved in, the Material Asset Restructuring implementation process, change of ownership of the assets and related follow-up matters and issue clear conclusive opinions. The opinions issued by the independent financial consultant and law firm shall be submitted and announced simultaneously with the report on the implementation of the plan.


Article 33:If implementation of the contemplated Material Asset Restructuring is not completed within 60 days from the date of completion of the relevant approval procedures, the listed company shall, on the working day following the expiration of the period, report on the progress of the implementation and announce the same. Thereafter, an announcement shall be made once every 30 days until implementation is completed.

第三十三条 自完成相关批准程序之日起 60 日内,本次重大资产重组未实施完毕的,上市公司应当于期满后次一工作日将实施进展情况报告,并予以公告;此后每 30 日应当公告一次,直至实施完毕。属于本办法第十三条、第四十四条规定的交易情形的,

If the transaction circumstances set forth in Article 13 or 44 hereof are involved, the approval document shall become null and void if implementation of the Material Asset Restructuring is not completed within 12 months from the date of receipt of the CSRC approval document.

自收到中国证监会核准文件之日起超过 12 个月未实施完毕的,核准文件失效。

Article 34: If, in the course of the implementation of the Material Asset Restructuring, a material event that laws and regulations require be disclosed occurs, the listed company shall make an announcement thereof in a timely manner. If such event causes a substantive change in the contemplated transaction, the transaction must be submitted anew to the shareholders' general meeting for deliberation. If the transaction circumstances set forth in Article 13 hereof are involved, the transaction shall additionally be submitted anew to the CSRC for approval.

第三十四条 上市公司在实施重大资产重组的过程中,发生法律、法规要求披露的重大事项的,应当及时作出公告;该事项导致本次交易发生实质性变动的,须重新提交股东大会审议,属于本办法第十三条规定的交易情形的,还须重新报经中国证监会核准。

Article 35: If the present earning value method, hypothetical development method or other such method based on a forecast of future earnings to appraise or valuate the assets to be purchased and the same was used as a pricing reference basis, the listed company shall, in the annual reports for the three years following completion of the implementation of the Material Asset Restructuring, separately disclose the discrepancy between the actual profit figure and the forecast profit figure of the relevant assets, and the accounting firm shall issue a review opinion thereon. The transaction counterparty shall execute with the listed company a clear and practicable indemnification agreement in respect of the circumstance where the actual profit figure for the relevant assets is less than the forecast profit figure therefor.

第三十五条 采取收益现值法、假设开发法等基于未来收益预期的方法对拟购买资产进行评估或者估值并作为定价参考依据的,上市公司应当在重大资产重组实施完毕后 3 年内的年度报告中单独披露相关资产的实际盈利数与利润预测数的差异情况,并由会计师事务所对此出具专项审核意见;交易对方应当与上市公司就相关资产实际盈利数不足利润预测数的情况签订明确可行的补偿协议。

If it is anticipated that the contemplated Material Asset Restructuring will dilute the earnings per share of the listed company for the year in question, the listed company shall propose specific measures to make up the earnings per share and submit the relevant motion to the board of directors and the shareholders' general meeting for a vote. The relevant entity responsible for implementing the specific measures shall announce an undertaking to the effect that it warrants that it will duly perform its obligations and responsibilities.


If a listed company purchases assets from a specific party other than its controlling shareholder, de facto controller or an affiliated party controlled thereby without the same resulting in a change of control, the preceding two paragraphs of this Article shall not apply, and the listed company and transaction counterparty may, based on market principles, hold consultations at their own initiative as to whether to take performance compensation and earnings per share make-up measures and on the relevant specific arrangements.


Article 36: If either of the following circumstances arises in the course of the Material Asset Restructuring of a listed company, the independent financial consultant shall, in a timely manner, issue a review opinion and announce the same:

第三十六条 上市公司重大资产重组发生下列情形的,独立财务顾问应当及时出具核查意见,并予以公告:

(1) before completing the relevant approval procedures, the listed company makes a change to the transaction counterparty, subject matter of the transaction, transaction price, etc. and such change constitutes a material revision of the original restructuring plan, or a substantive change in the original restructuring plan results after the occurrence of a material event; or


(2) after the listed company has completed the relevant approval procedures, a material event occurs in the course of the implementation of the restructuring plan, causing a substantive change in the original restructuring plan.


Article 37:An independent financial consultant shall, in accordance with relevant CSRC provisions, perform its ongoing guidance duties toward a listed company that has implemented a Material Asset Restructuring. The term of such ongoing guidance shall be not less than one financial year from the date on which the implementation of the Material Asset Restructuring is completed. If a Material Asset Restructuring as set forth in Article 13 hereof is implemented, the term of ongoing guidance shall not be less than three financial years from the date on which the CSRC approves the Material Asset Restructuring.

第三十七条 独立财务顾问应当按照中国证监会的相关规定,对实施重大资产重组的上市公司履行持续督导职责。持续督导的期限自本次重大资产重组实施完毕之日起,应当不少于一个会计年度。实施本办法第十三条规定的重大资产重组,持续督导的期限自中国证监会核准本次重大资产重组之日起,应当不少于 3个会计年度。

Article 38: While taking into consideration the reports of the listed company for the year in which the Material Asset Restructuring was carried out and the first financial year after completion of the implementation thereof, the independent financial consultant shall, within 15 days from the date of disclosure of the annual report, issue an ongoing guidance opinion on the following matters relating to the implementation of the Material Asset Restructuring and announce the same:

第三十八条 独立财务顾问应当结合上市公司重大资产重组当年和实施完毕后的第一个会计年度的年报,自年报披露之日起15 日内,对重大资产重组实施的下列事项出具持续督导意见,并予以公告:

(1) details of the delivery or change in ownership of the transaction assets;


(2) performance by the parties to the transaction of their undertakings;


(3) the fulfilment of the announced earnings forecast or profit forecast;


(4) the development of the businesses as mentioned in the management discussion and analysis section;


(5) the company's governance structure and the operation thereof; and


(6) other matters with respect to which there is a discrepancy as compared to the published restructuring plan.


The independent financial consultant shall additionally, in light of the annual reports for the second and the third financial years after the completion of the implementation of the Material Asset Restructuring as specified in Article 13 hereof, issue an ongoing guidance opinion on the matters set forth in Items (2) to (6) of the preceding paragraph and announce the same within 15 days from the date of disclosure of the annual report.

独立财务顾问还应当结合本办法第十三条规定的重大资产重组实施完毕后的第二、三个会计年度的年报,自年报披露之日起15 日内,对前款第(二)至(六)项事项出具持续督导意见,并予以公告。

Part Four: Management of information relating to a material asset restructuring

第四章 重大资产重组的信息管理

Article 39: When a listed company is planning and implementing a Material Asset Restructuring, relevant persons with an obligation to disclose information shall fairly disclose to all investors relevant information that could have a relatively large effect on the trading price of the listed company's shares (Price Sensitive Information), and may not selectively disclose the same early to specific parties.

第三十九条 上市公司筹划、实施重大资产重组,相关信息披露义务人应当公平地向所有投资者披露可能对上市公司股票交易价格产生较大影响的相关信息(以下简称股价敏感信息),不得有选择性地向特定对象提前泄露。

Article 40: The listed company's shareholders, de facto controller, and other relevant organisations and persons involved in the planning, discussion, decision and other such stages of the Material Asset Restructuring shall, in a timely manner, accurately report relevant information to the listed company and cooperate with the listed company in accurately and completely disclosing the same. If the listed company learns of Price Sensitive Information, it shall, in a timely manner, apply to the stock exchange to suspend the trading of its shares and disclose such information.

第四十条 上市公司的股东、实际控制人以及参与重大资产重组筹划、论证、决策等环节的其他相关机构和人员,应当及时、准确地向上市公司通报有关信息,并配合上市公司及时、准确、完整地进行披露。上市公司获悉股价敏感信息的,应当及时向证券交易所申请停牌并披露。

Article 41: The listed company, its directors, supervisors and senior management personnel, the transaction counterparty involved in the Material Asset Restructuring and its affiliated parties, the directors, supervisors, senior management personnel or persons in charge of the transaction counterparty and its affiliated parties, the securities service institutions engaged by the parties to the transaction and their working personnel, relevant organisations and persons involved in the planning, discussion, decision, approval and other such stages of the Material Asset Restructuring and other relevant organisations and persons who are privy or could be privy to Price Sensitive Information due to an immediate family relationship, provision of services, business relationship, etc. shall bear an obligation of confidentiality until such Price Sensitive Information on the Material Asset Restructuring has been disclosed in accordance with the law. They are prohibited from using such information for insider trading purposes.

第四十一条 上市公司及其董事、监事、高级管理人员,重大资产重组的交易对方及其关联方,交易对方及其关联方的董事、监事、高级管理人员或者主要负责人,交易各方聘请的证券服务机构及其从业人员,参与重大资产重组筹划、论证、决策、审批等环节的相关机构和人员,以及因直系亲属关系、提供服务和业务往来等知悉或者可能知悉股价敏感信息的其他相关机构和人员,在重大资产重组的股价敏感信息依法披露前负有保密义务,禁止利用该信息进行内幕交易。

Article 42: When the listed company is planning the Material Asset Restructuring, it shall record in detail the progress of each specific stage in the planning process, including the specific times and places of the discussions on the relevant plan, the formation of the relevant intent and the execution of the relevant agreements or letters of intent, the organisations and persons involved, the substance of the discussions and resolutions, etc., prepare a written transaction progress memorandum and duly preserve the same. All persons involved at each stage shall promptly sign the memorandum in confirmation.

第四十二条 上市公司筹划重大资产重组事项,应当详细记载筹划过程中每一具体环节的进展情况,包括商议相关方案、形成相关意向、签署相关协议或者意向书的具体时间、地点、参与机构和人员、商议和决议内容等,制作书面的交易进程备忘录并予以妥当保存。参与每一具体环节的所有人员应当即时在备忘录上签名确认。

If the listed company estimates that it will be difficult to keep the planned Material Asset Restructuring secret or if the same has already been divulged, it shall apply to the stock exchange to suspend the trading of its shares in a timely manner until such time as it truthfully, accurately and completely discloses relevant information. During the suspension of the trading of its shares, the listed company shall issue an announcement on the progress of the event at least once each week.


If the trading price of the listed company's shares experiences unusual fluctuations due to market rumours of a Material Asset Restructuring, the listed company shall, in a timely manner, apply to the stock exchange to suspend the trading in its shares, verify whether there is a restructuring that would affect the trading price of its shares and clarify the same. The listed company may not fail to perform its information disclosure obligation on the grounds of uncertainty in the relevant matters.


Part Five: Issuance of shares to purchase assets

第五章 发行股份购买资产

Article 43: An issuance of shares by a listed company to purchase assets shall comply with the following provisions:

第四十三条 上市公司发行股份购买资产,应当符合下列规定:

(1) it is fully explained and disclosed that the contemplated transaction is conducive to enhancing the quality of the listed company's assets, improving its financial position and strengthening its capacity as a going concern; and it is conducive to reducing the listed company's affiliated transactions, avoiding inter-affiliate competition and strengthening its independence;


(2) the certified public accountant has issued unqualified audit reports on the listed company's financial accounting reports for the most recent year and most recent period; if an audit report with a qualified opinion, adverse opinion or disclaimer of opinion was issued, a special audit by a certified public accountant confirming that the material effect of the matters giving rise to the qualified opinion, adverse opinion or disclaimer of opinion has been eliminated or that it will be eliminated by virtue of the contemplated transaction;


(3) the listed company and its incumbent directors and senior management personnel have not had a case opened against them and been under investigation by the judicial authority for suspicion of having committed a criminal offence or have not had a case opened against them and been under investigation by the CSRC for a suspected violation of laws or regulations, unless three years have elapsed since the end of the suspected criminal offence or violation of laws or regulations, the transaction plan would be conducive to eliminating the adverse consequences that could be caused by the act in question and pursuit of the liability of the relevant authors of the act would not be affected;

(三)上市公司及其现任董事、高级管理人员不存在因涉嫌犯罪正被司法机关立案侦查或涉嫌违法违规正被中国证监会立案调查的情形,但是,涉嫌犯罪或违法违规的行为已经终止满 3 年,交易方案有助于消除该行为可能造成的不良后果,且不影响对相关行为人追究责任的除外;

(4) it is fully explained and disclosed that the assets purchased with the proceeds from the share offering by the listed company are operational assets the title to which is clear, and the procedures for the transfer of title thereto can be completed within the specified period of time; and


(5) other conditions as specified by the CSRC.


For the purpose of promoting the integration, transformation and upgrading of the industry, a listed company may offer shares to specific parties other than its controlling shareholder, de facto controller or other affiliated party controlled thereby to purchase the assets, provided that such offering would not result in a change in its control. If the assets to be purchased have no obvious synergy with the existing main business, the business development strategy and business management model as well as the risks that may be encountered in the transformation and upgrading of the business and the countermeasures thereto after the contemplated transaction shall be fully explained and disclosed.


If the specified party subscribes for the privately placed shares of the listed company in cash or with assets and if the listed company uses the proceeds from the private placement to purchase assets from the specified party, the same shall be deemed an issuance of shares by the listed company to purchase assets.


Article 44:Where a listed company offers shares to purchase assets, it may simultaneously make an offering to raise certain ancillary funds. The pricing method therefor shall be handled in accordance with current relevant provisions.

第四十四条 上市公司发行股份购买资产的,可以同时募集部分配套资金,其定价方式按照现行相关规定办理。

When offering shares to purchase assets, a listed company shall comply with the provisions on Material Asset Restructurings hereof, prepare a preliminary plan for the offering of shares to buy assets and a report for the offering of shares to buy assets, and submit an application to the CSRC.


Article 45:The price of the shares offered by a listed company may not be less than 90% of the market reference price. The market reference price shall be the average trading price of the company's stock for the 20 trading days, 60 trading days or 120 trading days preceding the date of the announcement of the resolution of the board of directors on the contemplated offering of shares to purchase assets. The resolution of the board of directors on the contemplated offering of shares to purchase assets shall provide an explanation of the basis for the choice of the market reference price.

第四十五条 上市公司发行股份的价格不得低于市场参考价的 90%。市场参考价为本次发行股份购买资产的董事会决议公告日前 20 个交易日、60 个交易日或者 120 个交易日的公司股票交易均价之一。本次发行股份购买资产的董事会决议应当说明市场参考价的选择依据。

The formula for calculating the average trading price mentioned in the preceding paragraph is as follows: the average trading price of the company's stock for the number of trading days preceding the date of the announcement of the resolution of the board of directors = total trading amount of the company's stock during the number of trading days preceding the resolution announcement date ÷ total trading volume of the company's stock during the number of trading days preceding the resolution announcement date.


The resolution of the board of directors on the contemplated offering of shares to purchase assets may specify that if, before the approval by the CSRC, there is a material change in the price of the listed company's stock as compared to the initially determined offer price, the board of directors may revise the offer price once based on the predetermined revision plan.


The plan for revising the offer price specified in the preceding paragraph shall be clear, specific and practicable, explain in detail whether the pricing of the assets to be purchased, the quantity of shares to be offered and the reasons therefor are to be revised accordingly, be fully disclosed at the time of the first announcement of the board resolution and be submitted to the shareholders' general meeting in accordance with regulations for deliberation. If the board of directors revises the offer price in accordance with the predetermined plan after adoption of the resolution by the shareholders' general meeting, the listed company shall not be required to submit an application anew to the CSRC in accordance with Article 28 hereof.


Article 46: Shares of a listed company subscribed for and obtained by a specified party with assets may not be transferred for a period of 12 months from the date on which the share issuance was completed. They may not be transferred for a period of 36 months if:

第四十六条 特定对象以资产认购而取得的上市公司股份,自股份发行结束之日起 12 个月内不得转让;属于下列情形之一的,36 个月内不得转让:

(1) the specified party is the listed company's controlling shareholder, de facto controller or an affiliated party controlled by it;


(2) the specified party obtained de facto control of the listed company through its subscription for the shares issued; or


(3) at the time the specified party obtained the shares issued, it had owned the rights and interests in the assets it used to subscribe for the shares for less than 12 months in succession.

(三)特定对象取得本次发行的股份时,对其用于认购股份的资产持续拥有权益的时间不足 12 个月。

Article 47: When a listed company applies to issue shares to purchase assets, its application shall be submitted to the M&A and Restructuring Committee for review.

第四十七条 上市公司申请发行股份购买资产,应当提交并购重组委审核。

Article 48: If the issuance of shares by a listed company to purchase assets results in the shares held or controlled by the specified party reaching a statutory percentage, the relevant obligations shall be performed in accordance with the Measures for the Administration of the Takeover of Listed Companies (Revised in 2014) (Order of the CSRC No.108).

第四十八条 上市公司发行股份购买资产导致特定对象持有或者控制的股份达到法定比例的,应当按照《上市公司收购管理办法 (2014年修订)》(证监会令第 108 号)的规定履行相关义务。

If a listed company offers shares to its controlling shareholder, de facto controller or an affiliated party controlled thereby to purchase assets, or if the offering of shares to purchase assets would cause a change in the actual control of the listed company, the specific party that subscribes for the shares shall give a publicsev undertaking in the report for the offering of shares to purchase assets to the effect that if the closing price of the stock of the listed company is less than the offer price for 20 trading days in succession within the six months after completion of the contemplated transaction or the closing price is less than the offer price at the end of the six months after completion of the transaction, the lockup period for the company stock that it holds will automatically be extended for at least six months.

上市公司向控股股东、实际控制人或者其控制的关联人发行股份购买资产,或者发行股份购买资产将导致上市公司实际控制权发生变更的,认购股份的特定对象应当在发行股份购买资产报告书中公开承诺:本次交易完成后 6 个月内如上市公司股票连续20 个交易日的收盘价低于发行价,或者交易完成后 6 个月期末收盘价低于发行价的,其持有公司股票的锁定期自动延长至少 6 个月。

The specific party specified in the preceding paragraph shall additionally give a public undertaking in the report for the offering of shares to purchase assets to the effect that if the judicial authority or the CSRC opens a case and launches an investigation as a result of a suspicion that the information provided or disclosed by it contained false records, misleading statements or material omissions, it will not transfer the shares of the listed company in which it has an interest until a definite conclusion has been reached in the case investigation.


Article 49: Once the CSRC approves its application to issue shares to purchase assets, the listed company shall proceed with the same in a timely manner. Once ownership of the relevant assets purchased from the specified party has been changed to the listed company, the independent financial consultant and law firm engaged by the listed company shall check the compliance and risks of the change in ownership of the assets and relevant follow-up matters and issue clear opinions thereon. The listed company shall issue an announcement on the change of ownership of the relevant assets within three working days after completion of the change of ownership procedures. The announcement shall contain the conclusive opinions of the independent financial consultant and the law firm.

第四十九条 中国证监会核准上市公司发行股份购买资产的申请后,上市公司应当及时实施。向特定对象购买的相关资产过户至上市公司后,上市公司聘请的独立财务顾问和律师事务所应当对资产过户事宜和相关后续事项的合规性及风险进行核查,并发表明确意见。上市公司应当在相关资产过户完成后 3 个工作日内就过户情况作出公告,公告中应当包括独立财务顾问和律师事务所的结论性意见。

Once the listed company has completed the announcement and reporting tasks specified in the preceding paragraph, it may carry out the securities registration procedures with the stock exchange and the securities depository and clearing company for the specified party that subscribed for the shares.


Article 50:If a merger by absorption effected with a share swap involves a listed company, the pricing and offering of the listed company's shares shall be handled in accordance with this Part.

第五十条 换股吸收合并涉及上市公司的,上市公司的股份定价及发行按照本章规定执行。

If a listed company offers preference shares to purchase assets or merge with another company and the CSRC provides otherwise in respect thereof, such provisions shall apply.


A listed company may, for the purpose of purchasing assets or merging with another company, offer to specific parties corporate bonds or privately placed warrants convertible into shares.


Part Six: Application for the offering of new shares or corporate bonds after a material asset restructuring

第六章 重大资产重组后申请发行新股或者公司债券

Article 51: Once the implementation of an approved Material Asset Restructuring that was reviewed by the CSRC has been completed and the listed company applies to make a public offering of shares or of corporate bonds and the following conditions are satisfied, a simulated calculation of the business results prior to the Material Asset Restructuring may be made at the time of the review:

第五十一条 经中国证监会审核后获得核准的重大资产重组实施完毕后,上市公司申请公开发行新股或者公司债券,同时符合下列条件的,本次重大资产重组前的业绩在审核时可以模拟计算:

(1) the asset that was incorporated into the listed company was a complete business entity;


(2) since the completion of the Material Asset Restructuring, the undertakings given by the parties to the restructuring have been performed on schedule, and the listed company's business has been stable and its operations good; and


(3) since the completion of the Material Asset Restructuring, the profits of the listed company and from the assets have reached the level forecast.


If the listed company did not satisfy the conditions for a public offering of shares specified by the CSRC before the Material Asset Restructuring or if the restructuring resulted in a change in the de facto controller of the listed company, at least one complete financial year shall have elapsed from the time of completion of the restructuring transaction before the listed company can apply for a public offering of new shares or corporate bonds.


Article 52:A “complete business entity” as mentioned herein shall satisfy the following conditions:

第五十二条 本办法所称完整经营实体,应当符合下列条件:

(1) the business it engages in and its operating assets are independent and complete, and no major change therein has occurred in the two most recent years;


(2) before incorporation into the listed company, it had been operated continuously for at least two years by the same de facto controller;


(3) before incorporation into the listed company, it practised independent accounting, or, if it did not practise independent accounting, the revenues and expenses relating to its business can be clearly separated out accounting-wise; and


(4) the listed company has executed engagement contracts with the principal members of the senior management personnel of the business entity or by other means has arrived at a suitable arrangement on the continued operation and management of the business entity after completion of the transaction.


Part Seven: Oversight and legal liability

第七章 监督管理和法律责任

Article 53: If a listed company fails to perform the relevant obligations or procedures in accordance herewith but nevertheless carries out a Material Asset Restructuring without authorisation, the CSRC shall order rectification, and may take regulatory measures such as giving a regulatory lecture and issuance of a written warning against it. If the circumstances are serious, the CSRC may order suspension or termination of the restructuring activities, issue a warning and impose a fine, and may take the measure to ban the relevant responsible persons from the market.

第五十三条 未依照本办法的规定履行相关义务或者程序,擅自实施重大资产重组的,由中国证监会责令改正,并可以采取监管谈话、出具警示函等监管措施;情节严重的,可以责令暂停或者终止重组活动,处以警告、罚款,并可以对有关责任人员采取市场禁入的措施。

If the Material Asset Restructuring of a listed company prejudices the lawful rights and interests of the listed company and/or investors due to obviously unfair pricing, improper funneling of benefits or other such issue, the CSRC shall order rectification and may take regulatory measures such as giving a regulatory lecture and issuance of a warning letter. If the circumstances are serious, the CSRC may order suspension or termination of the restructuring activities, issue a warning and impose a fine, and may take the measure to ban the relevant responsible persons from the market.


Article 54: If a listed company or other party with an information disclosure obligation fails to submit a Material Asset Restructuring report in accordance herewith, or if the report submitted contains false records, misleading statements or material omissions, the CSRC shall order rectification and impose penalties in accordance with Article 193 of the Securities Law. If the circumstances are serious, the CSRC may order suspension or termination of the restructuring activities, and may take the measure to ban the relevant responsible persons from the market. If a criminal offence is suspected, the case shall, in accordance with the law, be transferred to the judicial authority for pursuit of criminal liability.

第五十四条 上市公司或者其他信息披露义务人未按照本办法规定报送重大资产重组有关报告,或者报送的报告有虚假记载、误导性陈述或者重大遗漏的,由中国证监会责令改正,依照《证券法》第一百九十三条予以处罚;情节严重的,可以责令暂停或者终止重组活动,并可以对有关责任人员采取市场禁入的措施;涉嫌犯罪的,依法移送司法机关追究刑事责任。

Article 55: If a listed company or other party with an information disclosure obligation fails to disclose information on a Material Asset Restructuring in accordance with provisions, or if the information it discloses contains false records, misleading statements or material omissions, the CSRC shall order rectification and impose penalties in accordance with Article 193 of the Securities Law. If the circumstances are serious, the CSRC may order suspension or termination of the restructuring activities, and may take the measure to ban the relevant responsible persons from the market. If a criminal offence is suspected, the case shall, in accordance with the law, be transferred to the judicial authority for pursuit of criminal liability.

第五十五条 上市公司或者其他信息披露义务人未按照规定披露重大资产重组信息,或者所披露的信息存在虚假记载、误导性陈述或者重大遗漏的,由中国证监会责令改正,依照《证券法》第一百九十三条规定予以处罚;情节严重的,可以责令暂停或者终止重组活动,并可以对有关责任人员采取市场禁入的措施;涉嫌犯罪的,依法移送司法机关追究刑事责任。

If the transaction counterparty to a Material Asset Restructuring or offering of shares to purchase assets fails to provide in a timely manner information to the listed company or other party with an information disclosure obligation, or if the information that it provides contains false records, misleading statements or material omissions, matters shall be handled in accordance with the preceding paragraph.


Article 56:If it is suspected that a circumstance as set forth in Article 53, 54 or 55 hereof applies to a Material Asset Restructuring, the CSRC may order the listed company to provide a public explanation, engage an independent financial consultant or other securities service institution to conduct an additional review and disclose its professional opinion, and the listed company shall suspend the restructuring until the provision of the public explanation and disclosure of the professional opinion. If the judicial authority or CSRC has opened a case and launched an investigation as a result of the listed company being suspected of any of the aforementioned circumstances, the listed company shall suspend its restructuring until a definite conclusion has been reached in the case investigation.

第五十六条 重大资产重组涉嫌本办法第五十三条、第五十四条、第五十五条规定情形的,中国证监会可以责令上市公司作出公开说明、聘请独立财务顾问或者其他证券服务机构补充核查并披露专业意见,在公开说明、披露专业意见之前,上市公司应当暂停重组;上市公司涉嫌前述情形被司法机关立案侦查或者被中国证监会立案调查的,在案件调查结论明确之前应当暂停重组。

If a circumstance as set forth in Article 54 or 55 hereof is suspected and the judicial authority or the CSRC has opened a case and launched an investigation, the relevant entities and individuals shall strictly comply with the undertakings that they have announced and they may not transfer the shares of the listed company in which they have an interest until a definite conclusion has been reached in the case investigation.


Article 57:If the directors, supervisors and senior management personnel of a listed company fail to perform their obligation of acting in good faith and with due diligence, or the shareholders and de facto controller of a listed company and their relevant persons in charge fail to perform their relevant obligations in accordance herewith, causing the restructuring plan to prejudice the interests of the listed company, the CSRC shall order rectification and may take regulatory measures such as giving a regulatory lecture and issuance of a warning letter. If the circumstances are serious, the CSRC shall issue a warning, impose fines and may take measures such as declaring the relevant persons persona non grata or banning them from the market. If a criminal offence is suspected, the case shall, in accordance with the law, be transferred to the judicial authority for pursuit of criminal liability.

第五十七条 上市公司董事、监事和高级管理人员未履行诚实守信、勤勉尽责义务,或者上市公司的股东、实际控制人及其有关负责人员未按照本办法的规定履行相关义务,导致重组方案损害上市公司利益的,由中国证监会责令改正,并可以采取监管谈话、出具警示函等监管措施;情节严重的,处以警告、罚款,并可以对有关人员采取认定为不适当人选、市场禁入的措施;涉嫌犯罪的,依法移送司法机关追究刑事责任。

Article 58:If a securities service institution that issues financial consultant reports, audit reports, legal opinions, asset appraisal reports, valuation reports or other professional documents for a Material Asset Restructuring and its personnel fail to perform their obligation of acting in good faith and with due diligence, breach industry codes or business rules, or fail to perform their reporting and announcement obligations or ongoing guidance obligations in accordance with the law, the CSRC shall order rectification and may take regulatory measures such as giving a regulatory lecture, issuing a warning letter, ordering the provision of a public explanation, ordering the participation in training, ordering the issuance of regular reports and declaring them persona non grata. If the circumstances are serious, the CSRC shall impose penalties in accordance with Article 226 of the Securities Law.

第五十八条 为重大资产重组出具财务顾问报告、审计报告、法律意见、资产评估报告、估值报告及其他专业文件的证券服务机构及其从业人员未履行诚实守信、勤勉尽责义务,违反行业规范、业务规则,或者未依法履行报告和公告义务、持续督导义务的,由中国证监会责令改正,并可以采取监管谈话、出具警示函、责令公开说明、责令参加培训、责令定期报告、认定为不适当人选等监管措施;情节严重的,依照《证券法》第二百二十六条予以处罚。

If the documents prepared or issued by a securities service institution and its professional personnel as mentioned in the preceding paragraph contain false records, misleading statements or material omissions, the CSRC shall order rectification and impose penalties in accordance with Article 223 of the Securities Law. If the circumstances are serious, the CSRC may take the measure to ban market access. If a criminal offence is suspected, the case shall, in accordance with the law, be transferred to the judicial authority for pursuit of criminal liability.


Where any of the circumstances set forth in the preceding two paragraphs applies, the acceptance of new business on mergers, acquisitions and restructurings of listed companies shall be prohibited until rectification as required by the CSRC is completed.


Article 59: If, after the completion of a Material Asset Restructuring, for a reason other than one that could not have been known in advance by the management of the listed company and was beyond their control after the fact, the profit realised from the assets purchased by the listed company fails to reach 80% of the forecast amount stated in the asset appraisal or valuation report, or there exists a relatively large discrepancy between the actual operating results and those stated in the management discussion and analysis section of the Material Asset Restructuring report, the listed company's chairman of the board, general manager and the accounting firm, financial consultant, asset appraisal firm and valuation firm that bear corresponding liability therefor and their professional personnel shall give an explanation and publicly apologise to investors in the same newspapers/periodicals at the same time that the listed company discloses its annual report. If the profit realised fails to reach 50% of the forecast amount, the CSRC may take regulatory measures such as giving a regulatory lecture, issuance of a written warning and ordering the submission of regular reports against the listed company, relevant firms and their responsible persons.

第五十九条 重大资产重组实施完毕后,凡因不属于上市公司管理层事前无法获知且事后无法控制的原因,上市公司所购买资产实现的利润未达到资产评估报告或者估值报告预测金额的80%,或者实际运营情况与重大资产重组报告书中管理层讨论与分析部分存在较大差距的,上市公司的董事长、总经理以及对此承担相应责任的会计师事务所、财务顾问、资产评估机构、估值机构及其从业人员应当在上市公司披露年度报告的同时,在同一报刊上作出解释,并向投资者公开道歉;实现利润未达到预测金额50%的,中国证监会可以对上市公司、相关机构及其责任人员采取监管谈话、出具警示函、责令定期报告等监管措施。

Article 60: If a person privy to information on a Material Asset Restructuring divulges such information before it is disclosed in accordance with the law, purchases or sells, or recommends to others to purchase or sell, securities of the relevant listed company, takes advantage of the Material Asset Restructuring to disseminate false information, manipulates the securities market or engages in fraudulent activities, the CSRC shall impose penalties against him/her in accordance with Article 202, 203 or 207 of the Securities Law. If a criminal offence is suspected, the case shall, in accordance with the law, be transferred to the judicial authority for pursuit of criminal liability.

第六十条 任何知悉重大资产重组信息的人员在相关信息依法公开前,泄露该信息、买卖或者建议他人买卖相关上市公司证券、利用重大资产重组散布虚假信息、操纵证券市场或者进行欺诈活动的,中国证监会依照《证券法》第二百零二条、第二百零三条、第二百零七条予以处罚;涉嫌犯罪的,依法移送司法机关追究刑事责任。

Part Eight: Supplementary provisions

第八章 附 则

Article 61: These Measures shall be effective as of November 23 2014. The Measures for the Administration of Material Asset Restructurings by Listed Companies (Order of the CSRC No.73) promulgated on April 16 2008 and revised on August 1 2011 and the Supplementary Provisions for the Pricing of Shares Issued for Material Asset Restructurings of Listed Companies that are to Undergo Bankruptcy Reorganisation (CSRC Announcement [2008] No.44) shall be repealed simultaneously.

clp reference:3710/14.10.23prc reference:证监会令第109号promulgated:2014-10-23effective:2014-11-23

第六十一条 本办法自 2014 年 11 月 23 日起施行。2008 年 4月 16 日发布并于 2011 年 8 月 1 日修改的《上市公司重大资产重组管理办法》(证监会令第 73 号)、2008 年 11 月 11 日发布的《关于破产重整上市公司重大资产重组股份发行定价的补充规定》(证监会公告〔2008〕44 号)同时废止。

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