Turkey 2014 (English & Chinese)


November 09, 2014 | BY


Yeşim Bezen, Zekican Samlı, Uğur Sebzeci, Can Özilhan and Onur OkşanBezen & PartnersSection 1: China outbound investment a. What are the key sectors…

Yeşim Bezen, Zekican Samlı, Uğur Sebzeci, Can Özilhan and Onur Okşan

Bezen & Partners

Section 1: China outbound investment

a. What are the key sectors in your jurisdiction that attract, or to which the government is seeking to attract, China outbound investment (COI)?

As of December 31 2013 there were 36,327 companies in Turkey which had foreign shareholders, 540 of which were China outbound investments (COI). In 2003, there were 112 COIs in Turkey, indicating the dramatic increase in Chinese investors' interest in Turkey. According to the data provided by the Turkish Republic's Ministry of Economy, investments from China constitute the 16th highest of all foreign investments into Turkey.

In Turkey, Chinese investors have focused on commercial trading, manufacturing, hotels and restaurants, mining, sales, maintenance and repair of motorised goods, construction, telecommunications and the generation and distribution of energy.

Chinese investors have a leading role in the mining sector. China is the third highest investor in the Turkish mining sector after Germany and the United Kingdom.

The investment incentive scheme (see section 4) introduced in 2012, among others, provides incentives for large-scale investments.

Large scale investment can be in relation to refined petroleum products, production of chemical products, harbour and harbour services, automotive OEM, automotive supply industries, production of railway locomotives and cars, transit pipeline transportation services, electronics production, production of medical, high precision and optical equipment, production of aircraft and spacecraft and/or related parts, production of machinery and mining. Large scale investments benefit from VAT exemption, customs duty exemption, tax reduction, contribution to investment by the State, social security premium support, land allocation and income tax withholding allowance.

In line with the Turkish Government's 2023 targets for the centennial of the Republic, the sectors identified for large-scale investments provide a good guideline of which sectors the Government is seeking to attract foreign direct investment (FDI), including COI.

b. Is the government generally supportive of COI? Which government, and regional, bodies are responsible for driving COI in your jurisdiction?

Turkey attracted US$15.9 billion of FDI in 2011, a 76% increase from the previous year. Turkey attracted 20.8% more FDI in the first half of 2012 than a year earlier, entering the top 20 of FDI recipient countries with over US$8 billion of FDI, according to the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development.

In order to facilitate one of the targets to attract US$80 billion of FDI per year by 2023, the Turkish Government has incorporated the Republic of Turkey's Prime Ministry Investment Support and Promotion Agency (ISPAT) with the goal of providing assistance to investors before, during and after their entry into Turkey through a one-stop shop approach. The importance given to COI is illustrated by the fact that ISPAT provides assistance to potential investors in, among other languages, Chinese.

Section 2: Investment vehicles

a. What are the most common legal entities and vehicles used for COI in your jurisdiction? How long do they take to become operational?

Joint stock companies and limited liability companies continue to be the most common forms of legal entities for foreign investors. Chinese investors have chosen to facilitate their investments generally through limited liability companies. 496 of the entities which were incorporated by Chinese investors were limited liability companies, whereas 36 of them were incorporated as joint stock companies.

The procedures for the establishment and operation of these types of entities are quite similar and generally take around six business days once the required documentation is in place.

b. What are the key requirements for establishment and operation of these vehicles which are relevant to COI (e.g. is there a requirement for local directors)?

With the enactment of the Foreign Direct Investment Law (FDI Law) numbered 4875 in 2003, foreigners and Turkish nationals have been subject to equal treatment. Accordingly, with the exception of a small number of special sectors, foreigners are subject to the same rules with respect to their investments as Turkish nationals/entities.

However, operationally, once a Chinese investor intends to employ foreigners, each foreign employee will be required to obtain a work permit if the employee does not fall within the exceptional cases provided by the relevant legislation.

Section 3:
Investment approval

a. For foreign investment approval (including any national security review) explain the approval process and timing.

As indicated above, the FDI Law diminished any prior approval requirement for FDIs. However, if investing into a Turkish entity, the foreigner must notify the Ministry of Economy so that the inflow of FDIs in Turkey can be tracked.

The notification carries more of a statistical purpose and therefore requires basic information in relation to the investment such as where the foreign investment inflow is from, the purpose of the entity, the names of the relevant entities/persons making the investment and the amount of the investment.

b. Briefly explain the investment restrictions for any specially regulated/restricted sectors (natural resources, financial services, telecoms and infrastructure, etc), including whether the government is entitled to any special rights (e.g. golden share) in those sectors.

As indicated above, the FDI Law diminished any need to obtain an approval for foreigners to make investments in Turkey. However, there are still certain regulated markets which foreigners have limited access to due to certain specific legislations. For companies operating in the maritime and civil aviation markets, foreign shareholding is limited to 49% and the maximum foreign shareholding allowed for a broadcasting entity is 50%.

In relation to other regulated markets such as electricity, mining, petroleum, banking, telecommunications and civil aviation, prior approval of the relevant regulatory government agencies is required in order to effectuate a share transfer with respect to the companies which operate in such markets.

Aside from the limitations provided above, acquisition of real estate by foreigners is also subject to certain limitations which are worth mentioning. Accordingly, the total area of the real estate and limited rights in rem which a foreign real person can acquire in Turkey cannot exceed 30 hectares or 10% of the land of the relevant municipality subject to private ownership.

Only foreign legal entities which fall within the scope of a specific legislation such as the Tourism Encouragement Law numbered 2634, the Petroleum Law 6491 or Industrial Zones Law numbered 4737 can acquire real estate in Turkey.

Turkish companies controlled by foreign investors can acquire real estate in Turkey provided that the acquisition falls within the scope of activities provided in their constitutional documents.

Depending on the location, the acquisition of real estate by a foreign real person, a foreign legal entity or a Turkish legal entity controlled by foreign shareholders is subject to the approval of the commanderships which is authorised by the Turkish General Staff or the relevant Governorship.

c. Which authority oversees competition clearance, when is notification mandatory, and what is the merger clearance process (including whether pre- or post-closing)?

The Turkish Competition Authority (TCA) is the governmental body which ensures the formation and development of markets for goods and services in a free and sound competitive environment in Turkey. In order to achieve this goal, the TCA carries out antitrust reviews of transactions prior to their consummation if (a) the total turnovers of the transaction parties in Turkey exceed TL100 million (Rmb293 million), and turnovers of at least two of the transaction parties in Turkey each exceed TL30 million (Rmb88 million); or (b) the turnover in Turkey for the acquired asset or operation in acquisition transactions or for at least one of the transaction parties in merger transactions exceeds TL30 million (Rmb88 million), and at least one of the other transaction parties has a global turnover exceeding TL500 million (Rmb1.47 billion).

Once the fundamental terms of the transaction are clear and the conditions are met, the parties of the transaction apply by completing a form. Following the submission of the application to the TCA, the TCA is required to respond to the clearance application within 30 days. In the event the TCA fails to respond within the said timeframe, the transaction will be deemed to have cleared.

d. Are there any unique processes that potentially could block a foreign investment, e.g. consent from labour unions?

Aside from the limitations and approvals provided above, there are no unique processes which could potentially block a foreign investment.

e. Are there approval requirements when a foreign investor increases or exits its investments?

Except for regulated markets where share transfers require the approval of a specific regulator and the notification requirement to the Ministry of Economy in relation to the FDI, there are no approval requirements when a foreign investor increases or exits its investments.

Section 4:
Tax and grants

a. Are there tax structures and/or favourable intermediary tax jurisdictions that are particularly useful for FDI into the country?

Promoting growth and attracting FDI has played and continues to play a pivotal role in shaping policies in Turkey. For this purpose, various regional and sector-specific incentive schemes have been introduced and various double tax treaties have been put in place over the years.

While these generally are not FDI specific, they are useful for FDIs in reducing the tax exposure of their investments, thereby giving FDIs more room for investment return.

Incentive scheme

The Council of Ministers' Decision numbered 2012/3305 and dated June 19 2012 introduced an incentive scheme with various advantages for both local and foreign investors.

The incentives system recognises four types of incentive implementations (i.e. general incentive implementation, regional incentive implementation, implementation for large-scale investments, and implementation for strategic investments) and nine incentive items (i.e. support elements (destek unsurları)). These incentive items and their classification under the incentive implementations are shown in the table above.

Free zones*

Free zones are established pursuant to the Law on Free Zones (No. 3218) for the purposes of promoting investments relating to the export of goods.

Broadly speaking, operators benefit from exemptions from customs taxes, value added tax, income withholding tax on salary payments and transferring operating profits offshore or to their respective parent companies in Turkey.

Technological development zones*

Technological development zones are established pursuant to the Law on Technological Development Zones (Law No. 4691) for the purposes of promoting R&D investments.

Operators benefit from government support on social security payments and value added tax-exempt sales for certain products originating from technological development zones for designated periods of time.

Organised industrial zones*

Organised industrial zones are established pursuant to the Law on Organised Industrial Zones (Law No. 4562) for the purposes of promoting industrial investments in designated industrial zones.

Operators benefit from value added tax exemptions on the purchase of land in the zone and exemptions from property taxes for a designated period of time.

* A list of free zones, technological development zones and organised industrial zones in Turkey can be accessed at (http://www.invest.gov.tr/en-US/infocenter/publications/Documents/

b. What are the applicable rates of corporate tax and withholding tax on dividends?

The current rate of corporate tax is 20% of taxable profits (based on worldwide income for tax residents in Turkey and Turkey income for limited taxpayers).

The rate of withholding that applies on dividend payments to non-Turkish residents is 15% unless a lower rate is provided under a double tax treaty.

c. Does the government have any FDI tax incentive schemes in place?

While certain additional deductions from the tax base are allowed for FDIs through general incentive schemes, there are no large-scale tax incentive schemes that apply specifically to FDIs.

d. Other than through the tax system, does the government provide any other financial support to FDI investors? If so, please provide an overview.

Please see the incentive system summarised in section 4a.

e. Are there any reciprocal tax arrangements between your jurisdiction and China? If so, how can they aid investors?

Turkey and China have signed a double tax treaty on May 23 1995 which came into force on January 1 1998 (Tax Treaty).

The Tax Treaty provides measures for the prevention of double taxation with respect to capital gains, income tax on profits and lowers withholding on profits to 10%.

Chinese FDIs controlled directly through China would benefit from the favourable cross-border tax regime and reduced withholding on dividends which would lower the overall tax exposure on investments.

Section 5:
Forex controls and local operations

a. What foreign currency or exchange restrictions should foreign investors be aware of?

Turkey does not have a strict currency control regime and the Turkish currency (Turkish lira – TRY) is convertible into other currencies in Turkey. Companies and individuals are entitled to maintain foreign currency deposits and transfer funds in both local and foreign currency offshore provided that the transfers are made through banks.

b. Are there any legal restrictions on bringing in foreign workers and how difficult is it for foreign investors to secure expatriate visas for shareholder representatives, senior managers and workers in practice?

There are certain criteria that need to be met in order to employ foreign workers. These primarily include a minimum paid-in capital of TL100,000 (Rmb293,000) or a turnover or export revenue in excess of the applicable threshold, which is TL800,000 (Rmb2.35 million) for turnover and US$250,000 (Rmb1.56 million) for export revenue, and the need to maintain a ratio of foreign to Turkish workers of 1:5.

Provided the applicant meets the applicable criteria, the process is relatively straightforward with permits being issued on average within four to six weeks of application.

Section 6:
Dispute resolution

a. Does your jurisdiction have a bilateral investment protection treaty with China or other jurisdictions commonly used for investing into the country?

Turkey and China have signed a bilateral investment protection treaty on November 13 1990 which came into force on August 1 1994.

Certain protections are offered to qualifying investments under this treaty, such as the so-called most favoured nation clause, which provides that the contracting states would offer to each other not less than they offer to other investors under similar circumstances.

Turkey is party to various others investment protection treaties (including the CIS and European countries).

b. How efficient are local courts' enforcement and dispute resolution proceedings, and are there any procedural idiosyncrasies foreign investors must be aware of?

Turkey is a civil law country with its civil and commercial laws modelled on the Swiss and German law systems and with other laws largely following European Union (EU) guidelines as part of the EU compliance effort over the last decade.

The Turkish court system is generally criticised for being inefficient in terms of timing with an average claim taking over one year to be finalised. It is common practice for foreign investors to opt for international or domestic arbitration.

c. Do local courts respect foreign judgments and are international arbitration awards enforceable?

Turkey is party to the New York Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards. Accordingly, foreign arbitral awards will be recognised and enforced in Turkey unless it falls within the exceptions in Article 5.

Foreign court judgements will be enforceable in Turkey pursuant to the Private International and Procedural Code of Turkey (Law No. 5718) except where there is no (contractual or de facto) reciprocity between the jurisdiction where the judgement has been awarded and Turkey, the judgement relates to a matter which falls exclusively within the jurisdiction of the Turkish courts, the party enforcement is sought against has objected to the award before Turkish courts on the basis that he has not been properly summoned or served in connection with the proceedings or the judgment is against the public order of Turkey.

d. Are local judgments and arbitration awards from your jurisdiction generally enforceable in other jurisdictions?

This depends on the rules of the jurisdiction where enforcement is sought. In general and as explained above, Turkey is a civil law country with civil and commercial laws very similar to European countries.

Yesim Bezen

Yesim Bezen is a founding partner of Bezen & Partners. She assists international clients in a wide variety of transactions, most notably in banking, finance, asset and project finance transactions. Yesim Bezen is a qualified solicitor (England & Wales). She completed her training
with and was employed by a magic circle law firm's London office from 2001 to 2007.

Zekican Samlı

Zekican Samlı is an attorney registered with the Istanbul Bar. He joined the Bezen & Partners team in August 2009 following his graduation from Ankara University Faculty of Law. Zekican advises both domestic and international clients on any matters related to regulatory and real
estate issues.

Uğur Sebzeci

Uğur Sebzeci is an attorney registered with the Istanbul Bar. He joined the Bezen & Partners team in September 2009 following his graduation from Ankara University, Faculty of Law. Uğur advises both domestic and international clients on any matters related to commercial law, commercial disputes, mergers and acquisitions and employment.

Can Özilhan

Can Özilhan is an attorney registered with the Istanbul Bar. He joined the Bezen & Partners team in June 2010 following his graduation from Marmara University Faculty of Law. Can advises both domestic and international clients on finance and corporate matters.

Onur Okşan

Onur Oksan is an attorney registered with the Istanbul Bar. He joined the Bezen & Partners team in July 2011 following his graduation from Galatasaray University Faculty of Law. Onur advises both domestic and international clients on regulatory and real estate matters.


Yeşim Bezen, Zekican Samlı, Uğur Sebzeci, Can Özilhan 和 Onur Okşan
Bezen & Partners


1. 您国家吸引中国境外投资或您政府有意吸引中国境外投资的主要有哪些行业?






2. 政府一般支持中国境外投资吗?在您国家,哪些政府或地方机构负责推动中国境外投资?



1. 您国家最常用于中国境外投资的法人实体和工具有哪些?要多久才可营运?


2. 设立和营运与中国境外投资相关的企业主要需符合什么要求 (例如:有没有规定必须要有本地董事)?


1. 关于外商投资的审批 (包括任何国家安全审查),请说明审批程序和所需时间。

2. 请概述任何特别受监管/限制的行业 (自然资源、金融服务、电信和基础设施等)的投资限制,包括政府在有关行业是否有特别权利 (例如黄金股份)。





3. 哪个机关负责监管竞争审查?什么时候报告是强制性的?并请概述合并审查程序(包括合并前后)。


4. 有没有任何特别的程序例如工会同意之类,有可能会阻止外国投资的呢?

5. 外国投资者如增加或撤回投资,有什么审批要求?


1. 有没有一些税务结构或有利的中介税务管辖区,是对外商直接投资土耳其尤其有用的?



该鼓励制度划分了四类鼓励措施实施方案(即综合性鼓励措施实施方案、地方性鼓励措施实施方案、大规模投资实施方案和战略投资实施方案)和九种鼓励措施项目(即支持元素(destek unsurlari))。这些鼓励措施项目及其在鼓励措施实施方案中的分类见上表。







*土耳其的自由区、技术开发区和有组织工业区名单见 (http://www.invest.gov.tr/en-US/infocenter/publications/Documents/SPECIAL-INVESTMENT-ZONES-TURKEY.pdf).

2. 企业所得税和股息预提税的适用税率是多少?


3. 政府是否已设立外商直接投资税务优惠制度?

4. 除了通过税务制度,政府还有向外商直接投资者提供其他财务支持吗?如有,请加以概述。

5. 您国家与中国之间有没有任何相互税务安排?如有,这些安排如何帮助投资者?





2. 引入外国员工有什么法律限制?在操作上外商投资者为股东代表、高级经理和员工取得外国员工签证有多困难?



1. 您国家是否有和中国或其他国家签订关于投资您国的双边投资保障条约?



2. 当地法院的执法和争议解决程序的效率如何?有什么特别的程序是外商投资者需要注意的?


3. 当地法院尊重外国判决吗?可执行国际仲裁裁决吗?


4. 您国家的判决和仲裁裁决一般会在其他国家执行吗?


Yesim Bezen
Yesim Bezen是Bezen & Partners的创始合伙人。她协助国际客户进行各种各样的交易,尤其是银行、金融、资产和项目融资交易。Yesim Bezen是英国及爱尔兰执业律师。2001至2007年,她在首屈一指的律所伦敦分所完成训练及获聘。

Zekican Samlı
Zekican Samlı 是伊斯坦堡注册律师。他在Ankara 大学法律学院毕业后,于2009年8月加入Bezen & Partners的团队。Zekican Samlı就监管和房地产事务向本地和外国客户提供法律意见。

Uğur Sebzeci
Uğur Sebzeci是伊斯坦堡注册律师。他在Ankara 大学法律学院毕业后,于2009年9月加入Bezen & Partners的团队。Uğur Sebzeci就商业法、商业争议、并购和劳动事宜向本地和外国客户提供法律意见。

Can Özilhan
Can Özilhan是伊斯坦堡注册律师。他在Marmara大学法律学院毕业后,于2010年6月加入Bezen & Partners的团队。Can Özilhan就财务和企业相关事宜,向本地和外国客户提供法律意见。

Onur Okşan
Onur Okşan是伊斯坦堡注册律师。他在Galatasaray 大学法律学院毕业后,于2011年7月加入Bezen & Partners的团队。Onur Okşan就监管和房地产事务向本地和外国客户提供法律意见。

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