Guidelines for the Disclosure of Information on the Application of Capital by Insurance Companies No.1: Affiliated Transactions


Insurance companies are required to disclose information of application of insurance capital with an affiliated party within 10 working days.

Clp Reference: 3910/14.05.19 Promulgated: 2014-05-19 Effective: 2014-05-19

(Issued by the China Insurance Regulatory Commission on, and effective as of, May 19 2014.)

Bao Jian Fa [2014] No.44
Article 1: These Guidelines have been formulated pursuant to the Tentative Measures for the Administration of the Affiliated Transactions of Insurance Companies, the Measures for the Administration of the Information Disclosure of Insurance Companies and related provisions in order to regulate the disclosure of information by insurance companies relating to the application of capital in affiliated transactions and guard against investment risks.


Article 2: For the purposes of these Guidelines, the term “affiliated party” means affiliated enterprises and natural persons as determined in the Tentative Measures for the Administration of the Affiliated Transactions of Insurance Companies.


Article 3: These Guidelines shall apply to the disclosure of information by an insurance company when it carries out any of the following acts of application of insurance capital with an affiliated party:


(1) making a bank deposit (with the exception of demand deposits) with the affiliated party;


(2) investment in the affiliated party's equity, immovable property or other assets;


(3) investment in a financial product offered by the affiliated party or in a financial product the underlying assets of which include assets of the affiliated party; or


(4) other affiliated transactions as determined by the China Insurance Regulatory Commission (CIRC).


Article 4: When an insurance company carries out one of the aforementioned affiliated transactions with an affiliated party, it shall prepare an information disclosure announcement in the required format and disclose the following information:


(1) an overview of the transaction and the basic particulars of the subject matter of the transaction;


(2) the affiliated relationship between the parties and the basic particulars of the affiliated party;


(3) the pricing policy and pricing basis for the transaction;


(4) the main provisions of the transaction agreement, including the transaction price, transaction settlement method, conditions for entry into effect of the agreement, the effective date, the term for performance, etc.;


(5) details of the decision and the deliberation on the transaction; and


(6) other information that the CIRC deems ought to be disclosed.


Article 5: When an insurance company carries out one of the aforementioned affiliated transactions with an affiliated party, it shall publish its information disclosure announcement on its website and the website of the Insurance Association of China in accordance with provisions within 10 working days after execution of the transaction agreement (or if there is no transaction agreement, within 10 working days from the date of occurrence of the event).


Article 6: The information on an affiliated transaction disclosed by an insurance company in accordance herewith shall be true, accurate, complete and compliant, and may not contain false or misleading statements or material omissions.


Article 7: Where the information on an affiliated transaction that an insurance company is required to disclose in accordance herewith may not be publicly disclosed in accordance with the law because it involves state secrets, trade secrets or other related reason, it shall explain the situation in writing to the CIRC at least five working days before the specified information disclosure date, and withhold such disclosure in accordance with the law. A listed insurance company that has disclosed the relevant information specified herein in accordance with the requirements on information disclosure by listed companies may be exempted from making a redundant disclosure, but shall indicate in its information disclosure announcement the specific location of the information disclosure (website, newspaper, periodical, mass medium, etc.).


Article 8: These Guidelines shall apply mutatis mutandis where an insurance group (holding) company or insurance asset management institution is involved in an affiliated transaction as specified in Article 3 hereof, or where an insurance asset management institution promotes and establishes a financial product where an affiliated party is the transaction counterparty or assets of the affiliated party serve as the underlying assets.


Article 9: The CIRC shall be in charge of interpreting these Guidelines. These Guidelines shall be effective as of the date of issuance.




Form for the Disclosure of Information on the Application of Capital by an Insurance Company No.1: Affiliated Transactions (omitted)


第一条 为规范保险公司资金运用关联交易的信息披露行为,防范投资风险,根据《保险公司关联交易管理暂行办法》、《保险公司信息披露管理办法》及相关规定,制定本准则。

第二条 本准则所称关联方,是指按照《保险公司关联交易管理暂行办法》确定的关联企业和关联自然人。

第三条 保险公司与关联方之间开展下列保险资金运用行为的信息披露适用本准则:





第四条 保险公司与关联方之间开展上述关联交易,应当按照相关格式要求编制信息披露公告,披露下列信息:







第五条 保险公司与关联方之间开展上述关联交易,应当于签订交易协议后10个工作日内(无交易协议的,自事项发生之日起10个工作日内),按照规定在保险公司网站和中国保险行业协会网站发布信息披露公告。

第六条 保险公司按照本准则规定披露的关联交易信息,应当真实、准确、完整、规范,不得存在虚假记载、误导性陈述或重大遗漏。

第七条 保险公司按本准则要求披露的关联交易信息,因涉及国家秘密、商业秘密或其他相关原因,依法不得公开披露的,应当至少于信息披露规定日期前5个工作日内,向中国保监会书面说明情况,并依法不予披露。上市保险公司按照上市公司信息披露的要求,已经披露本准则规定的有关信息的,可免予重复披露,但应当在信息披露公告中注明信息披露的具体地点(网站、报刊、媒体等)。

第八条 保险集团(控股)公司、保险资产管理机构发生本准则第三条所列关联交易行为,以及保险资产管理机构发起设立以关联方为交易对手或以关联方资产为基础资产的金融产品,参照适用本准则。

第九条 本准则由中国保监会负责解释,自发布之日起施行。

clp reference:3910/14.05.19
prc reference:保监发〔2014〕44号

(Issued by the China Insurance Regulatory Commission on, and effective as of, May 19 2014.)

Bao Jian Fa [2014] No.44
Article 1: These Guidelines have been formulated pursuant to the Tentative Measures for the Administration of the Affiliated Transactions of Insurance Companies, the Measures for the Administration of the Information Disclosure of Insurance Companies and related provisions in order to regulate the disclosure of information by insurance companies relating to the application of capital in affiliated transactions and guard against investment risks.


Article 2: For the purposes of these Guidelines, the term “affiliated party” means affiliated enterprises and natural persons as determined in the Tentative Measures for the Administration of the Affiliated Transactions of Insurance Companies.


Article 3: These Guidelines shall apply to the disclosure of information by an insurance company when it carries out any of the following acts of application of insurance capital with an affiliated party:


(1) making a bank deposit (with the exception of demand deposits) with the affiliated party;


(2) investment in the affiliated party's equity, immovable property or other assets;


(3) investment in a financial product offered by the affiliated party or in a financial product the underlying assets of which include assets of the affiliated party; or


(4) other affiliated transactions as determined by the China Insurance Regulatory Commission (CIRC).


Article 4: When an insurance company carries out one of the aforementioned affiliated transactions with an affiliated party, it shall prepare an information disclosure announcement in the required format and disclose the following information:


(1) an overview of the transaction and the basic particulars of the subject matter of the transaction;


(2) the affiliated relationship between the parties and the basic particulars of the affiliated party;


(3) the pricing policy and pricing basis for the transaction;


(4) the main provisions of the transaction agreement, including the transaction price, transaction settlement method, conditions for entry into effect of the agreement, the effective date, the term for performance, etc.;


(5) details of the decision and the deliberation on the transaction; and


(6) other information that the CIRC deems ought to be disclosed.


Article 5: When an insurance company carries out one of the aforementioned affiliated transactions with an affiliated party, it shall publish its information disclosure announcement on its website and the website of the Insurance Association of China in accordance with provisions within 10 working days after execution of the transaction agreement (or if there is no transaction agreement, within 10 working days from the date of occurrence of the event).


Article 6: The information on an affiliated transaction disclosed by an insurance company in accordance herewith shall be true, accurate, complete and compliant, and may not contain false or misleading statements or material omissions.


Article 7: Where the information on an affiliated transaction that an insurance company is required to disclose in accordance herewith may not be publicly disclosed in accordance with the law because it involves state secrets, trade secrets or other related reason, it shall explain the situation in writing to the CIRC at least five working days before the specified information disclosure date, and withhold such disclosure in accordance with the law. A listed insurance company that has disclosed the relevant information specified herein in accordance with the requirements on information disclosure by listed companies may be exempted from making a redundant disclosure, but shall indicate in its information disclosure announcement the specific location of the information disclosure (website, newspaper, periodical, mass medium, etc.).


Article 8: These Guidelines shall apply mutatis mutandis where an insurance group (holding) company or insurance asset management institution is involved in an affiliated transaction as specified in Article 3 hereof, or where an insurance asset management institution promotes and establishes a financial product where an affiliated party is the transaction counterparty or assets of the affiliated party serve as the underlying assets.


Article 9: The CIRC shall be in charge of interpreting these Guidelines. These Guidelines shall be effective as of the date of issuance.




Form for the Disclosure of Information on the Application of Capital by an Insurance Company No.1: Affiliated Transactions (omitted)


clp reference:3910/14.05.19
prc reference:保监发〔2014〕44号


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