State Council, Decision on the Abolition and Delegation to Lower Level Authorities of a Group of Items Subject to Administrative Examination and Approval and Other Such Matters


March 10, 2014 | BY

CLP Temp &clp articles

State Council facilitates engagement in the telecom business.

Clp Reference: 1100/14.01.28 Promulgated: 2014-01-28

Issued: January 28 2014

Main contents: Examination and approval matters involving the establishment of corporate entities, production permits, scope of business and disposal of capital and assets account for more than one half of the total quantity of abolitions and delegations according to this current Decision. Secondly, the extent of benefits has been further enlarged. For example, record filing/check and approval for permits to engage in the provision of basic telecommunications and cross-regional value-added telecommunications services are abolished.

Related legislation: Decision on the Abolition and Delegation to Lower Level Authorities of a Group of Items Subject to Administrative Examination and Approval and Other Such Matters, May 15 2013, CLP 2013 No.4 p.44

clp reference:1100/14.01.28

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