Circular on Matters Relevant to Renminbi Settlement in Connection with Investment in Financial Institutions in China by Overseas Investors


Where an overseas investor has been granted approval to invest in a financial institution in China, it may make this investment in renminbi.

(Issued by the People's Bank of China on September 23 2013.)


Shanghai Head Office, branches, business management departments, provincial capital central sub-branches and sub-provincial city central sub-branches of the People's Bank of China, China Development Bank, policy banks, state-owned commercial banks, commercial banks limited by shares and Postal Savings Bank of China:


With a view to regulating and facilitating the use of renminbi by overseas investors in carrying out cross-border settlement in connection with transactions such as their establishment and acquisition of, and taking of equity participation in, financial institutions in China, we, pursuant to provisions such as the PRC People's Bank of China Law and the Measures for the Administration of Renminbi Bank Settlement Accounts (issued with Order of the PBOC [2003] No.5), hereby notify you of relevant matters as follows:


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