Provisions on Several Issues Concerning the Application of the «PRC Enterprise Bankruptcy Law»(2)

关于适用《中华人民共和国企业破产法》若干问题的规定 (二)

The Provisions cover the delineation of, the lifting of preservation from and the suspension of enforcement against the property of debtors.

(Promulgated by the Supreme People's Court on September 5 2013 and effective as of September 16 2013.)


Judicial Interpretation [2013] No.22

Pursuant to relevant laws such as the PRC Enterprise Bankruptcy Law, the PRC Property Law and the PRC Contract Law and while taking into account adjudication practice, we formulate these Provisions in respect of relevant issues in the application of the law to the determination of the property of debtors by people's courts in trials of enterprise bankruptcy cases.

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