Investors look west

September 18, 2013 | BY

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Yang Yuhua of Alliance J&S Law Firm provides an overview of trends in both inbound and outbound investment and analyses the latest decisions on the controversial VIE structure

China Law & Practice's Annual Review was released at the Awards Ceremony in Beijing this month. Part of the Annual Review comprises insights from leading lawyers. It also includes analysis of the most important news stories of the year. Please click here to view the Annual Review on issuu.

1. What have been the key legislative developments affecting M&A in the past year?

The Foreign Investment Industrial Guidance Catalogue (Amended in 2011), Catalogue for Foreign Investment in the Dominant Industries of the Central and Western Regions (2013 Revision) and the Guiding Opinions on Accelerating Promotion of the Merger and Reorganisation of Enterprises in Key Industries issued by Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) in early 2012 represent a blueprint for M&A in nine sectors, which will have a great impact on the M&A market in terms of the industries to be invested in. More policy encouragement is found in sectors relating to environmental protection, renewable energy, high technology and services. Structural adjustments and industrial integration in the nine sectors will also provide huge market opportunities for M&A transactions.

From the end of 2012 to May this year, the State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE) issued the Circular on Further Improving and Revising the Foreign Exchange Control Policy on Direct Investment, the Measures for the Administration of Foreign Debt Registration and their operational guidelines, and the Provisions for Foreign Exchange Control in Connection with Direct Investment in China by Foreign Investors and their supporting documents. These provisions further simplify and integrate the processes and policies pertaining to FDI-related foreign exchange registrations, account opening and use, the receipt and payment of funds and foreign exchange settlement and sales. These will have a significant impact on the practical operation of obtaining relevant FIEs capital flows through M&A and the implementation of business strategies.

The impact of recent administrative decisions, court judgments and arbitral awards on the legality and validity of the use of a VIE structure remains unclear. In August 2012 the Anti-monopoly Bureau of the Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) issued a decision on the conditional anti-monopoly approval of Wal-mart's acquisition of Newheight Holdings, a company that owns Yihaodian, which expressly precludes Wal-mart from engaging in the value-added telecommunications business (VATB) services currently provided by Yihaodian via the VIE structure. This is the first time MOFCOM has explicitly prohibited the use of a VIE structure in a formal decision. The Supreme People's Court (SPC) made a ruling in late 2012 on a dispute that lasted for 12 years between Chinachem Financial Services (Chinachem), a Hong Kong investor, and China Small and Medium Enterprises Investment (the SME Company), a PRC firm which held shares in Minsheng Bank, a financial institution established in China, on behalf of Chinachem. The SPC ruled, among other things, that the agreements between Chinachem and the SME Company were invalid on the grounds that these agreements established an entrustment relationship, which circumvented PRC laws and regulations on foreign investment in the financial industry and constituted “concealing illegal intentions with a lawful form”.

In addition, the Shanghai Commission of the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC) ruled in 2010 and 2011 in two related cases involving the VIE arrangement of an online games operating company, stating that the VIE agreements were void on the grounds that such arrangements violated the mandatory provisions of administrative regulations prohibiting foreign investors from investing in the online games operation business, and constituted “concealing illegal intentions with a lawful form”. It remains unclear whether the recent decisions are generally applicable decisions on the legality or validity of VIE agreements or VIE structures. As the PRC authorities have been silent on VIE structures since their inception, the recent cases indicate a negative attitude on the part of the PRC government. It highlights the importance of discussion and preparation of an adjustment plan for the existing structure or a new design of the transaction structure in M&A practice.

2. Which sectors have attracted the most inbound M&A investment and why?

According to the relevant statistical data, the most popular sectors of the Chinese M&A market remain in metals, mining, telecoms and manufacturing. In addition, the nine major sectors including car production, steel, cement, shipbuilding, electrolytic aluminium, rare earth, electronic information, pharmaceuticals and agriculture will undergo a massive reorganisation driven by government policies and more foreign investment through M&A will be attracted to these nine sectors.

3. This year, the NDRC and MOFCOM issued the Catalogue for Foreign Investment in the Dominant Industries of the Central and Western Regions (2013 Revision) – How do you expect the Catalogue to affect M&A in China's interior? What advice can you offer to foreign acquirers of companies in China's regions?

The revised edition of the Catalogue contains more relevant items in labour-intensive and service sectors. Vehicle manufacturing projects that have been removed from the Foreign Investment Industrial Guidance Catalogue are now included in this regional Catalogue, which is another highlight of the revision. The Catalogue will undoubtedly stimulate foreign investment, including throughM&A, in the central and western regions. Vehicle manufacturing projects are included in the encoraged catagory in 11 provinces. For foreign automobile brands that have not yet been localised, as well as joint venture enterprises that still expect to expand production in China, the list of provinces provides them with some significant guidance. This also illustrates China's new reform plan for the automotive industry.

Many government policies, for example the simplification of the procedures for approval and preferential tax measures, have been adopted to encourage foreign investors and enterprises based in coastal areas to step up investment in the central and western regions. Having a good knowledge of all the preferential policies is one of the prerequsites for participating in M&A in the central and western regions.

4. What key trends are you seeing in outbound M&A Deals?

China's appetite for foreign energy and resources assets has been very clear for some time and the bulk of China's overseas investment will continue to be within the energy and resources industries, which are championed by state-owned enterprises. At the same time, the increasing participation of private capital is another trend in China's outbound M&A and private companies' M&A deals have become increasingly varied. They are inclined to acquire industrial technologies and consumer-linked businesses overseas, aiming to bring advanced western technologies, know-how, intellectual property and brands back for use in the Chinese domestic market.

5. What are some of the biggest challenges faced when carrying out due diligence before M&A deals? How do you overcome these challenges?

In terms of inbound M&A for foreign investors, one of the biggest challenges affecting the success of the transaction is the complete and accurate grasp of the real situation of the target equity or assets. A seemingly comprehensive due diligence questionnaire cannot guarantee that all the problems will be discovered. What is needed is to find out everything about the target assets and practically formulate an objective assessment based on the attributes of the target company, the characteristics of the target assets, the specific requirements of the local industry and policies and then to decide the price, structure, payment method and investment protection measures of the transaction.

In terms of outbound M&A for Chinese enterprises, different languages, culture, laws and regulations, and investment environment are undoubtedly the biggest challenges. The only solution is to obtain practical and effective support and cooperation from professional teams at home and abroad; at the same time Chinese enterprises need to learn quickly and accumulate valuable experience from each transaction. Opportunism in recklessly concluding a transaction without paying for the appropriate professional services often leads to a loss which outweighs the gain.

In terms of indirect overseas acquisitions involving domestic assets, it is rather risky to assume that the Chinese government's approval or regulation could be avoided. It is a smart move to make yourself aware of the latest laws and regulations and prepare the relevant plans.

6. Which deal has stood out as a particular highlight of the year for your firm? Why was it innovative?

From late 2012 to the beginning of 2013, a team of Alliance J&S assisted one of the overseas subsidiaries of TCL Corporation to obtain the 10-year naming rights to Grauman's Chinese Theatre, a landmark building on Hollywood Boulevard in Los Angeles (TCL Chinese Theatre). The nature of the transaction target was relatively special. It is neither equity nor a physical asset in the traditional sense but a combination of relevant real-estate related interests and great intangible assets under relevant US laws and the actual governing law is a third country law. Both the nature of the transaction target and the tough negotiations conducted before the final determination of the transaction price and TCL's complicated 10-year payment made this deal a particularly notable one.

7. Can you provide an update on MOFCOM's merger review process? When are the simplified reviews likely to be up and running?

In March and April this year, MOFCOM published the Provisions for the Imposition of Restrictive Conditions on Concentrations of Business Operators (Draft for Comments) and the Tentative Provisions on the Criteria Applicable to Simple Cases of Concentrations of Business Operators (Draft for Comments) respectively, inviting comments from relevant people and the public. These measures suggest that the promulgation of supporting anti-monopoly provisions is being expedited by MOFCOM and MOFCOM is aiming to improve the efficiency and transparency of reviews relating to concentrations of business operators.

8. What is the outlook for M&A in the year ahead?

Due to liquidity and other factors, the volume and value of M&A transactions might decrease. However, the quality of successful M&A transactions is expected to increase.

From the policy and regulation aspect, in the wake of the new rules on the foreign exchange control of foreign investments announced by SAFE and the Catalogue for Foreign Investment in the Dominant Industries of the Central and Western Regions, a series of policies relating to the improvement of the examination and approval process and of the investment environment are expected to be adopted this year, which will lead M&A players to concentrate on the modern agriculture, high-tech, advanced manufacturing, energy saving and environmental protection, new energy, modern service industries and other sectors.

9. If you could offer one piece of advice to foreign clients about to engage in M&A, what would it be?

Given the many special characteristics of the Chinese market, foreign investors should be on the highest alert and undertake thorough research in the Chinese policy and regulatory environment as well as the local investment conditions at the outset when choosing a transaction target and designing the transaction. They must maintain an operational flexibility and seek practical professional advice.

Author biography

Yang Yuhua

Yang Yuhua is a partner of Alliance J&S Law Firm. She graduated from Peking University in 1999 with an LLB degree and a bachelor's degree in Economics. Ms Yang received an LLM degree from University of Pennsylvania Law School and a Certificate of Study in Business and Public Policy from Wharton School in 2006. From 2004 to 2005, Ms Yang participated in the Lord Chancellor's Training Scheme (UK) for young Chinese lawyers, and during that period she worked with various law firms in London and Hong Kong. From 2006 to 2007, Ms Yang worked in a New York law firm, Phillips Nizer LLP. Ms Yang was qualified in China and admitted to the New York State Bar.

Ms Yang focuses on the fields such as corporate, securities and capital markets, foreign inbound investment, advising Chinese companies on outbound investment, international trade and other cross-border transactions, and has valuable international practice experience. She has advised on a number of projects and transactions including enterprise reforms, corporate reorganisations, M&A, divestments, offerings and listings inside and outside China, corporate finance and project finance, investment funds and has served different clients as outside general counsel on their day-to-day business operations and is involved in several heavy negotiations and high-profile complex transactions. Ms Yang possesses sound professional skills and multi-jurisdictional practice experience to provide practically efficient and effective services in the relevant areas both domestically and internationally. Ms Yang is proficient in English.




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2. 哪些行业吸引最多境内并购投资?原因何在?


3. 今年,国家发改委、商务部出台了《中西部地区外商投资优势产业目录(2013修订)》。您预计《目录》对于在中国内陆地区进行的并购有什么影响?您对外国投资者收购中国内陆地区的企业有什么建议?



4. 境外并购方面有什么主要趋势?


5. 进行并购交易前的尽职调查时,遇到的最大挑战是什么?您如何克服这些挑战?




6. 可否介绍您的事务所今年处理的一项重要交易?该项交易具有怎样的创新性?


7. 商务部的并购审查程序有什么最新发展?简易审查程序将于什么时候实施?


8. 您认为并购于未来1年有什么发展?



9. 如果您要为预备进行并购交易的外国客户提供一项建议,那会是怎样的建议?



杨玉华 (合伙人)

杨玉华律师1999年毕业于北京大学法学院及中国经济研究中心(CCER, 现北京大学国家发展研究院),获得法学学士学位及经济学学士学位;2006年毕业于美国宾夕法尼亚大学法学院及沃顿商学院,获得法学硕士学位及商务与公共政策研修证书。此外,杨玉华律师于2004 - 2005年赴英参加中国青年律师培训项目,期间在伦敦及香港律师事务所工作。杨律师于2006 - 2007年间在纽约 Phillips Nizer LLP 律师事务所工作。



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