Interpretation on Several Issues Concerning the Application of the «PRC Insurance Law» (2)


The information on the subject matter of insurance or the insured well known to the proposer at the time of entry into the insurance contract constitutes information that the proposer shall truthfully provide.

(Promulgated by the Supreme People's Court on May 31 2013 and effective as of June 8 2013.)


Judicial Interpretation [2013] No.14

With a view to correctly trying insurance contract dispute cases and duly safeguarding the lawful rights and interests of concerned parties, we, pursuant to laws such as the PRC Insurance Law, the PRC Contract Law and the PRC Civil Procedure Law (2nd Revision), and while taking into account adjudication practice, give the following interpretation on issues concerning the application of the law in respect of the section of the Insurance Law containing general provisions on insurance contracts as follows:

Article 1: In property insurance, if different proposers each take out coverage in respect of the same subject matter of insurance, and, after the occurrence of an insured event, the insured claims insurance indemnities within the scope of his/her/its insurable interest pursuant to the insurance contracts, the people's court shall uphold such claim.

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