Catalogue for Foreign Investment in the Dominant Industries of the Central and Western Regions (2013 Revision)

中西部地区外商投资优势产业目录 (2013年修订)

More labour intensive (manufacture of digital television and energy saving refrigerators) and service sector (development and application of the internet of Things and mobile internet) projects are added to the revised Catalogue.

(Promulgated by the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Commerce on May 9 2013 and effective as of June 10 2013.)


Order of the NDRC and MOFCOM [2013] No.1

发展改革委、商务部令 [2013] 第1号

The Catalogue for Foreign Investment in the Dominant Industries of the Central and Western Regions (2008 Revision) (Order of the NDRC and MOFCOM [2008] No.4) promulgated by the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Commerce on December 23 2008 shall be repealed simultaneously.

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