Luxembourg 2013: The gateway to Europe (English & Chinese)


July 15, 2013 | BY


By Stéphane KarolczukArendt & MedernachLuxembourg is a rather small country surrounded by Belgium, France and Germany. At the heart of Europe, Luxembourg…

By Stéphane Karolczuk

Arendt & Medernach

Luxembourg is a rather small country surrounded by Belgium, France and Germany. At the heart of Europe, Luxembourg has taken advantage of its position to rapidly develop into a major European financial centre, thanks to its flexible and secure legal and regulatory environment, an interesting tax regime – including a broad network of double taxation treaties – and an international, specialised and multilingual workforce.

Over the years, these features have attracted more than 140 international banks – including Bank of China (BOC) and Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC), which have settled around the centre of the 1000-year-old former fortress. Fund sponsors, including China Asset Management Company and other well-known Chinese asset managers, have also been attracted by Luxembourg investment funds and have created more than 3,800 investment funds, representing approximately €2,359 billion (US$3,188 billion) to distribute their strategies to European investors. Luxembourg is the first location for investment funds distributed on a cross-border basis. See figure 1 for the number of funds resident in Luxembourg and assets under management. In addition, a number of multinational companies, including Huawei and SAIC, have decided to use Luxembourg as their gateway to Europe and its single market.

This article aims at introducing the reader to the main opportunities available to Chinese investors and entrepreneurs to structure their global or European strategies using Luxembourg. It will summarise why Luxembourg is selected for its products, services and legal solutions and why it is increasingly considered by Chinese companies, fund sponsors, service providers and legal advisers as part of their plans to develop or invest outside mainland China, access new markets, in particular the European market and reach new investors on a global basis.


UCITS – the best solution for retail funds

Undertaking for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities (UCITS) is the retail fund vehicle distributed on a pan-European basis, using a European passport. Most Luxembourg UCITS are set up by foreign sponsors in order to be marketed to European investors and on a worldwide basis. See figure 2 for an overview of the origin of promoters of Luxembourg funds.

Unlike local fund structures or funds setup in offshore centres like the Cayman Islands or the British Virgin Islands (BVI), Luxembourg UCITS are widely accepted by a large number of investors and distributors not only in Europe, but also in the Middle East, South America and Asia, where they represent a significant portion of funds distributed.

UCITS are subject to a harmonised legal framework and benefit from a European passport, which makes those funds freely marketable throughout the European Union (EU) from Luxembourg and subject to a simplified notification procedure. Outside of the EU, Luxembourg UCITS need to be registered with local regulators for public distribution, but are recognised and therefore often benefit from a fast track registration procedure.

Pursuant to UCITS rules, UCITS funds may only invest, subject to specific conditions, in certain eligible assets. In addition to restrictions applicable to the eligible assets into which they can invest, UCITS are also subject to certain liquidity and diversification requirements.

Asset managers having a greater China focus may consider using UCITS to gain exposure to Chinese assets directly through the Qualified Foreign Institutional Investor (QFII) scheme, subject to certain limitations. Or indirectly using financial derivative instruments, or by investing in offshore renminbi (CNH) denominated securities (like Dim Sum bonds listed on a stock exchange or traded over-the-counter in Hong Kong) or Hong Kong domiciled Renminbi Qualified Foreign Institutional Investor (RQFII) funds. With the relaxation of the QFII rules in the People's Republic of China (PRC), possibly the opening of the RQFII scheme to structures other than Hong Kong domiciled funds, and the expected free convertibility of renminbi, one may expect that in the short term future, UCITS will have even better access to Chinese products, making it even easier for asset managers from that part of the world to market their products to European, Middle-Eastern, South American and Asian retail and institutional investors.

Luxembourg UCITS are distributed in the entire Asia Pacific region. Furthermore, they are eligible investments in the PRC under the Qualified Domestic Institutional Investor (QDII) scheme.


Non-UCITS regulated funds

Luxembourg offers a wide array of vehicles for investment in asset classes or the implementation of strategies which are not eligible for UCITS (for example, hedge funds, real estate, funds of funds, and private equity strategies). Regulated structures include Specialised Investment Funds (SIFs), investment companies in risk capital (SICARs) and, to a lesser extent, Undertakings for Collective Investment (UCIs).

A SIF is a regulated vehicle dedicated to institutional, professional and other sophisticated investors, such as a high net worth individual (HNWI).

This investment vehicle provides a flexible framework to diverse investment types and strategies like hedge funds-, real estate funds- and private equity funds-like strategies, while at the same time ensuring a cost and time efficient fund set up.

SIFs are not subject to quantitative investment restrictions and such flexibility allows them to combine investments in private equity with other strategies, for example investments in listed companies or derivatives.

Risk diversification must be ensured at all times (following the initial portfolio build-up phase), and not more than 30% of the SIFs assets or commitments may be invested in securities of the same type issued by the same issuer.

SIFs may invest up to 100% of their net assets in a diversified portfolio of A-shares, up to 100% of their net assets in a diversified portfolio of Dim Sum bonds and they may also invest up to 100% of their net assets in one single Hong Kong domiciled RQFII fund, subject to certain conditions. This flexibility, together with the European passport that will be available to AIFMD compliant alternative investment fund managers (AIFMs) (see below), will create unprecedented opportunities for Chinese asset managers to access the European market.

The SICAR has a similar investor profile to the SIF, catering exclusively to well-informed investors. It is specifically designed for private equity, as it aims at directly or indirectly contributing assets to entities in view of their launch, development or listing on a stock exchange, without being subject to the risk-spreading requirements applicable to SIFs.


The Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive (AIFMD)

Certain of the investment vehicles referred to above (other than UCITS) will in the near future be impacted by an important European regulation, called the AIFMD. The goal of the AIFMD is to further strengthen investor protection by setting higher standards for transparency, valuation, appropriate risk and liquidity management, as well as the disclosure and management of conflicts of interests among fund decision-makers.

The possibility to distribute offshore funds to EU investors will be greatly impacted by the AIFMD as: (i) private placement exemptions will be restricted or even abolished in certain jurisdictions and (ii) funds will have to comply with certain requirements, which will be technically and legally challenging for traditional offshore funds such as Cayman Islands funds or BVI funds.

AIFMs will receive a passport allowing for pan-European marketing of investment vehicles complying with the AIFMD. This passport will create unprecedented opportunities for Chinese asset managers to access the European market. It is expected that Luxembourg will take advantage of its expertise in UCITS funds and its existing fund servicing infrastructure to service new AIFs and AIFMs under the AIFMD and thus strengthen its reputation as the gateway to Europe.


Tax aspects

Besides investment funds, Luxembourg is widely used as a middle jurisdiction for tax optimisation purposes. One important question Chinese companies should consider is whether a new investment should be made directly from China or whether it would be more efficient to use Luxembourg as an entry point to Europe. The use of Luxembourg as a holding company location may offer substantial tax advantages to Chinese companies making outbound investments. Luxembourg has long been recognised as a prime location for setting up holding companies. The well-known société de participations financières (SOPARFI) refers to ordinary, unregulated, fully-taxable Luxembourg resident companies whose main activity is the holding of shares benefiting from the participation exemption.

From a tax perspective, a SOPARFI is subject to the common tax system in Luxembourg. Since SOPARFIs are tax residents subject to corporate income taxes, they benefit from Luxembourg's double tax treaty network, as well as from the European Directives, including the EU Parent-Subsidiary Directive.

The main advantages of using a Luxembourg SOPARFI as an intermediate holding company may be summarised as follows:

• Luxembourg has entered into 64 comprehensive double tax treaties based on the OECD model tax convention on income and capital in order to avoid or reduce the domestic withholding taxes and the risks of double taxation.

• In the Asian market, Luxembourg is actively building relationships with 11 double tax treaties entered into with various Asian countries or regions (including the PRC, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Mongolia, Singapore, South Korea, Thailand and Vietnam).

• By virtue of the European Directives (the EU Parent-Subsidiary Directive relative to dividend payments and the EU Interest and Royalty Directive), dividend, interest and royalty payments made by an EU company to a Luxembourg SOPARFI are fully exempt from domestic withholding tax, under certain conditions.

• There are no or only low taxes upon exit and repatriation of proceeds to investors. Luxembourg does not levy withholding tax on liquidation proceeds or on interest paid by a Luxembourg SOPARFI to its corporation shareholders. Profits distributed to corporation shareholders are generally exempt from dividend withholding tax under Luxembourg law (subject to certain conditions) and the tax treaty concluded between Luxembourg and Hong Kong.

• Luxembourg SOPARFIs can benefit from the participation exemption, which fully exempts dividend income, liquidation proceeds and capital gains realised on the disposal of shares to the extent that certain conditions are fulfilled. Qualified shareholdings in eligible subsidiaries are also exempt from net worth tax and losses realised on the disposal of shares and are always deductible. In comparison with foreign participation exemption regimes, the Luxembourg regime is generally acknowledged to have less stringent conditions.

• Luxembourg domestic tax laws further provide for an attractive intellectual property (IP) regime with exemptions of up to 80% on the income and gains generated by IP rights and no withholding tax on royalty payments whatever the beneficiary of the income may be.

• There is no capital duty on capital contributions and no controlled foreign corporation rules in Luxembourg.

A Double Tax Treaty (DTT) between Hong Kong and Luxembourg allows a tax efficient repatriation of profits and cash from Europe, via Luxembourg, to Hong Kong and China, without incurring additional tax costs.

One of the main benefits of the DTT is the possibility for a Luxembourg company to distribute dividends to the Hong Kong parent company free of withholding tax. In particular, provided that the Hong Kong company holds at least 10% of the share capital in the Luxembourg company or has invested at least €1.2 million in the acquisition of shares in the Luxembourg company, the Luxembourg dividend withholding tax rate on dividends repatriated to the Hong Kong parent company is reduced to zero percent. In other cases, the dividend withholding tax is 10% pursuant to the DTT.


Credit institutions and electronic money institutions

By establishing themselves in Luxembourg, foreign banks or credit institutions can benefit from an access point to the European market using the European passport, as well as provide their local clients with a portal dedicated to European investments (see figure 3).

Two Chinese banks are currently established in the territory of Luxembourg, namely BOC and ICBC.

Under Luxembourg law, credit institutions are all-purpose banks (universal bank principle). This means that they can provide all the traditional banking services like acceptance of deposits and other repayable funds, lending activities, issuance of electronic money, all investment and other financial services such as management of assets, investment advice, or other services falling within the scope of the law on the financial sector.

For foreign banks wishing to issue electronic money for online payments, for example of goods or services, the lighter regime applicable to electronic money institutions (EMIs) may be an option. A specific authorisation is nonetheless required for mortgage banks. For the purpose of this article, the regime applicable to mortgage banks will not be further discussed.

Luxembourg rules regarding credit institutions and EMIs derive from European rules laying out a global framework for financial services throughout Europe. This harmonised framework allows, in particular, Luxembourg credit institutions (for example the Luxembourg subsidiary of a Chinese bank) and EMIs to conduct business on the basis of their Luxembourg authorisation within other EEA countries (Member States of the European Union as well as contracting parties to the European Economic Area Agreement) via a branch or on a cross-border basis provided that the credit institution or EMI has complied with a notification procedure, the European passport.

Foreign banks may establish themselves in Luxembourg by setting up a branch or a subsidiary. A dual establishment setup with one subsidiary and one branch in Luxembourg enables non-EEA banks to benefit from two advantages linked to the characteristics of, and the rules applicable to, subsidiaries and branches:

- a subsidiary authorised as a credit institution may benefit from the European passport and can thus freely conduct business activities in other EEA countries (whereas a branch of a non-European bank is not allowed to do so);

- the branch allows financing to be directly sourced from the credit institution in the home country. The subsidiary in Luxembourg therefore does not necessarily need to be highly capitalised since all financing may pass through the branch.

Both credit institutions and EMIs are subject to a largely similar authorisation process. The authorisation is granted by the Minister of Finance upon written application, after due examination by the Luxembourg regulatory authority, the CSSF. In practice, the authorisation of the Minister of Finance may be obtained within a short time period. From a tax perspective, a low effective tax rate may be achieved with an appropriate tax planning.


Other advantages of Luxembourg

Luxembourg is a prime location for setting-up holding, financing, leasing, IP and trading intermediary vehicles. It has also developed an export-driven industry and enjoys a high level of cross-border trade, investment and employment.

Luxembourg's competitiveness and flexibility have already attracted recognised multinational companies like Amazon, Arcelor Mittal, China Airlines, Dupont de Nemours, Ferrero, Procter & Gamble, SES, Skype, iTunes, Huawei and SAIC.

In addition, many key international logistics providers are located in Luxembourg, like Kuehne + Nagel and Panalpina. The Luxembourg government has in fact notably developed a logistics hub, offering efficient access to cargo railways and highway connections throughout Europe, from the North Sea to the Mediterranean Sea. Luxembourg has also recently announced the creation of a free trade zone near the airport.

Considering the advantages available to HNWIs with regard to the structuring of their global wealth or the European portion thereof, from an asset protection, diversification and estate planning perspectives, Luxembourg offers well-tested structures that are tax efficient and at least tax neutral. The SOPARFI and the SIF, in particular, do provide for a number of advantages to structure Chinese HNWI's assets, from Hong Kong or Singapore, for example.

Similarly, the Family Wealth Management Company (SPF) is an investment company dedicated to the management of private wealth for individuals and intermediary vehicles acting exclusively for the management of the private assets of an individual or a group of individuals.

Life insurance products are also used to transfer ownership of the assets underlying the policy to the insurance company. Insurance products benefit from tax advantages, a favourable tax treatment and from broad international tax recognition.

For listings, the Luxembourg Stock Exchange (LuxSE) is today the principal centre for the listing of international securities. It currently lists around 45,000 securities, out of which 30,000 bonds represent 42% of the total international bonds listed on EU markets. This makes LuxSE the first listing venue for international bonds.

Over the years, the Luxembourg finance industry has developed a broad range of financial products, services and legal solutions for banks, financial service providers, fund sponsors and multinational companies. This has resulted in them often selecting Luxembourg as their gateway to Europe and intensively using Luxembourg investment vehicles to reach investors worldwide.

With the opening of the Chinese economy, opportunities are becoming more available to Chinese companies or fund sponsors wishing to structure outbound investments of Chinese capital – or set up investment structures marketable to the rest of the world.

Author biography

Stéphane Karolczuk

Head of Hong Kong office

Stéphane Karolczuk is head of Arendt & Medernach's representative office in Hong Kong, where he advises clients based in the Asia Pacific region regarding their Luxembourg legal and regulatory questions.

As a senior associate of the investment funds practice, Stéphane also advises international clients on all issues relating to investment funds, such as the structuring, registration, marketing, public offering and listing of Luxembourg and foreign investment funds. He also advises and assists clients in relation to the selection and setting-up of investment structures, drafting of contractual and marketing documentation, and liaises with the Luxembourg financial regulator, the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF) and the Luxembourg Stock Exchange in relation to such matters.

From September 2007 to January 2009, Stéphane was seconded to Arendt & Medernach's representative office in New York in view of developing an investment management helpdesk advising US clients in relation to Luxembourg investment funds questions. He has been permanently based in Hong Kong since September 2009.

Stéphane graduated from the University of Brussels (Belgium) and the University of Ghent (Belgium). He is admitted to practice in Hong Kong as registered foreign lawyer, as well as in Luxembourg and Brussels.


Stéphane Karolczuk

Arendt & Medernach





UCITS – 零售基金的最佳解决方案


























• 卢森堡在经合组织的所得和资本税收协定范本的基础上订立了64条涵盖面广泛的双重征税协定,以避免或减少国内预提税和双重征税风险。

• 在亚洲市场,卢森堡与亚洲国家和地区积极建立关系,与各国和各地区签订了11个双重征税协定(包括中国、香港特别行政区、印度、印尼、日本、马来西亚、蒙古、新加坡、韩国、泰国和越南)。

• 根据欧洲指令(欧盟关于股息支付的母子公司指令和欧盟利息和特许权使用费指令),欧盟公司向卢森堡SOPARFI支付的股息、利息和特许权使用费在符合某些条件的情况下可全额免纳国内预提税。

• 投资者退出投资和调回资金不须缴税,或只需缴纳些微的税款。卢森堡对清算款项或卢森堡SOPARFI向其公司股东支付的利息不征收预提税。根据卢森堡法律(在符合某些条件的前提下)及卢森堡与香港之间的税务协定,分配给公司股东的利润一般可免征股息预提税。

• 卢森堡SOPARFI可享受股东免税,根据该项税务优惠,股息收入、清算款项和股票处置时实现的资本收益,只要符合若干条件,都完全豁免征税。在合资格子公司中的合格持股也豁免净财富税,处置股份时发生的损失则都是可抵扣的。与其他国家的股东免税制度相比,卢森堡的制度总体上被认为附带的条件较为宽松。

• 卢森堡国内税法还提供了一个有吸引力的知识产权制度,知识产权产生的所得和收益可有最高达80%的免税额,而特许权使用费则免征预提税,不论所得受益人是谁。

• 在卢森堡,资本出资不须缴纳资本税,也没有受控外国公司规则。











- 经批准的信贷机构子公司享有欧盟通行证的优惠,因而可在其他欧洲经济区成员国自由从事业务活动(而非欧洲银行的分公司则不可);

- 分公司可向本国的母公司直接融资。因此,在卢森堡的子公司不一定需要具备很多资金,因为分公司可以向其输送资金。





卢森堡的竞争力和灵活性已吸引了很多著名的跨国公司,例如亚马逊(Amazon)、安赛乐米塔尔(Arcelor Mittal)、中华航空、杜邦公司(Dupont de Nemours)、费列罗(Ferrero)、宝洁(Procter & Gamble)、SES、Skype、iTunes、华为和上汽。

另外,很多主要的国际物流公司也在卢森堡落户,例如Kuehne + Nagel和Panalpina。卢森堡政府事实上已特地发展了一个物流枢纽,提供从北海至地中海贯穿欧洲的货运铁路和公路的有效连接点。卢森堡最近还宣布在机场附近建立一个自由贸易区。






随着中国经济的开放,中国公司和基金发起人有更多的机会为中国资本制定对外投资结构——或建立可向全球推销的投资结构 。




Stéphane Karolczuk是Arendt & Medernach律师事务所香港代表处的主管,负责向亚太地区客户提供有关卢森堡法律及监管事务的法律顾问服务。


2007年9月至2009年1月,Stéphane被派驻Arendt & Medernach的纽约代表处,开拓了一个投资管理咨询站,向美国客户提供有关卢森堡投资基金问题的顾问服务。他从2009年9月起常驻香港。


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