Commencing investment into Nigeria 2013 (English & Chinese)


July 15, 2013 | BY


By Fred Onuobia, Olajumoke Arowolo and Oluwatoyin OdewoleG Elias & CoThe expansion of several sectors of the Nigerian economy has seen more foreign…

By Fred Onuobia, Olajumoke Arowolo and Oluwatoyin Odewole

G Elias & Co

The expansion of several sectors of the Nigerian economy has seen more foreign investors in the market. Investors are eager to participate and make profit, but they are also aware of the importance of sound legal advice in the success of such a venture. There are certain key considerations any foreign investors should think about when investing in Nigeria.


Establishing an enterprise

Foreigners may fully own, invest and participate in Nigerian companies, except enterprises relating to the items on the negative list like production of arms and ammunition, narcotics and psychotropic substances, military, paramilitary, police, customs, immigration and prison service uniforms and accoutrements.

A foreign company, however, cannot do business in Nigeria directly. It must incorporate a local company in Nigeria. There are certain exemptions though under the Companies and Allied Matters Act of 2004 (CAMA). These exemptions include where the foreign company is invited to Nigeria by the federal government to execute any specified individual or loan project, or as an engineering expert engaged on an individual specialist project. The new company must then be registered with the Nigeria Investment Promotion Commission (NIPC), before it commences operations. Where applicable, sector-specific licences, like for petroleum and telecommunications should be applied for. A foreign-owned vessel for instance, cannot engage in business in Nigeria's inland waters without prior consent of the minister for transport. The Nigeria Investment Promotion Commission's prevailing practice is to decline to register businesses in which foreigners do not invest at least US$300,000.


Foreign employees and immigration requirements

If the company intends to employ foreigners for its operations in Nigeria, the company must comply with immigration requirements under applicable law. Every foreign employee from outside the West African economic community requires a visa. Companies that employ more than one expatriate will need an expatriate quota. In either case, evidence that a Nigerian cannot readily be found to do the work in question needs to be shown. The new oil and gas local content legislation requires companies operating in that industry to give first consideration to Nigerians for employment in any project to be executed by a company in the sector. In addition, oil and gas companies must apply to the local content regulator, prior to applying for an expatriate quota. Further, expatriates may hold no more than 5% of the management positions of an oil and gas company.


Government approval for finance

If the company intends to import capital, it will also require a Certificate of Capital Importation (CCI). If a transfer of technology is involved, the company has to obtain the approval of the National Office for Technology Acquisition and Promotion (NOTAP) for remittances of fees payable under the contract. The income taxes, capital gains taxes and value-added tax (VAT) chargeable on Nigerian-controlled companies are also chargeable on foreign-controlled companies.

There are a number of fiscal incentives for foreign investors. Some of these include, relief against double taxation, a waiver of income tax on loan interest for loans with a moratorium of at least two years and the rule that withholding tax is the final tax on investment income for non-resident foreigners. Companies with at least 25% imported equity capital are exempt from the minimum tax requirement. Generally, the taxes and other levies that apply to local investors and companies also apply to foreign investors: income taxes (corporate and personal), capital gains tax, VAT and stamp duties.

Nigeria has bilateral investment treaties with Algeria, Bulgaria, China, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Jamaica, Korea, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Italy, Montenegro, the Nether- lands, Romania, Serbia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Turkey, Uganda and the United Kingdom. Nigeria also has double tax agreements with the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Canada, Belgium, Romania, France, Pakistan, South Africa and the Philippines. Nigeria is also a signatory to the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) Convention. The guarantees against expropriation that are set out in these treaties do not appear to add significantly to those granted in the 1999 Constitution of Nigeria.

Apart from money laundering restrictions (no more than US$5,000 in cash) and disclosure requirements, both Nigerians and foreigners are free to bring foreign currency into Nigeria. Both foreigners and Nigerians can buy or sell foreign currency only from or to companies licensed by the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) to deal in foreign currency.

Investors are free to bring foreign currency into Nigeria, subject to applicable money-laundering regulations. As to controls, remittances can be made only if one has either a CBN special authorisation to remit money or a routine Certificate of Capital Importation (CCI) issued by a Nigerian bank when the capital in question first entered Nigeria. There are no fees or taxes payable on remitting money from Nigeria other than usual commercial bank service charges.

Since 1995, both foreigners and Nigerians have been free to bring in capital in cash or in kind and to repatriate in foreign currency (to be purchased from CBN-regulated markets) capital and income proceeds on such capital, as long as a Nigerian bank issues a CCI when the capital first entered Nigeria. Usual commercial bank service charges apply to issuances of CCIs. CCIs cost less than US$5. The NOTAP application fee is fixed from time to time by NOTAP. The current fee payable is dependent on the value of the contract to be registered, but the minimum is US$667.

Non-resident investors are required to register their investments with the NIPC for statistical purposes. Any technology transfer contracts, for example, intellectual property licences and technical support contracts must be registered with NOTAP. All project and finance documents must also be stamped. Those documents that need to be filed with or approved, or both, by regulators under sector-specific statutes (for example, a document assigning an interest in petroleum acreage or a mortgage of a telecommunications licence) will need to get approved as the sector-specific provisions warrant. In addition, documents that create security over assets will need to be registered.

Project finance transactions almost always involve the importation of project equipment. Import duty may be payable at rates that vary from goods to goods. If the equipment is imported to form part of the equity in the Nigerian business, a CCI will be needed for it if future proceeds on it are to be repatriated. If the equipment requires registration in Nigeria, it will have to be so registered.


Financing and security

Nigeria is a common law country with many of the usual features that one would expect to see in such a country. For high-budget project financing, debt financing is always an option. All property, including bank balances, future property and intangible property like licence rights can be used as collateral. However, securing the debt can be a challenge for a newly-incorporated company. The type of collateral asset and the type of borrower (company, government or individual) determines the appropriate perfection regime for security.

When a mortgage is created over immovable property, the security document must be perfected at the government lands registry where the property is situated, if the security interest is to bind future bona fide purchasers of the land. Perfection of security over land is a threefold process: stamping; obtaining the consent of the governor of the state where the land is situated and; registration at the government lands registry.

Companies must register most charges created over their assets at the Corporate Affairs Commission in Abuja (CAC) within 90 days of the creation of such charge. Charges attract ad valorem stamp duty and registration charges. Where such a charge is registrable but unregistered, it will not be effective against the company's other creditors in the event of the company's insolvency. Where a charge is created over land belonging to a company, in addition to perfection at the relevant lands registry, the charge must also be registered at the CAC.

Not all security interests are registrable. For example, charges and mortgages over receivables (including book debts), goods and land are registrable while pledges of goods created by the delivery of possession and charges or mortgages over shares are not registrable. There are some other asset-specific registration regimes. For instance, a mortgage over a ship must be registered with the Registrar of Ships and a mortgage over trademarks must be registered with the trademarks registry. There are bills of sale registers for mortgages of goods in some states.

Priority is determined by factors like the asset type, the type of interest created (legal or equitable), the time of creation of the interest and time of registration of interest. Priority depends primarily on the time of creation, with older security interests ranking ahead of more recent ones. Where registration is required, priority depends primarily on the time of registration: the first security interest to be registered will have priority, except that competing security interests created by companies and registered within 90 days of creation will have priority according to their actual dates of creation.

There are two noteworthy exceptional rules: a floating charge will rank after a fixed charge created prior to the crystallisation of the floating charge and; a purchase money security interest will have priority over other charges on the same asset.

Ways of minimising perfection tax include structuring the security as security over an asset that attracts less tax, for example, having a security over a company that holds land rather than over the land itself, or perfecting the security for only a part of the sum advanced. This second option has become popular. A corporate trustee, but not a mere agent, may hold collateral on behalf of the project lenders as the secured party. In the event of the bankruptcy of the trustee, the collateral will not form part of the assets of the trustee.

Usually, prior to investing in a project, a lender assures itself of the absence of any interest in the secured assets that will rank prior to the interest of the lender. A legal due diligence inquiry can be conducted on the borrower. Depending on the type of borrower and the collateral, a search may have to be conducted at both the lands registry, CAC and other relevant registries. It is also advisable to procure that the borrower makes a representation and warrants in the financing documentation to the effect that there are no existing liens or encumbrances on its assets.

However, a lender cannot completely eliminate the risk that there may be prior security interests, because there are security interests that are not required by law to be registered like charges over shares and pledges of goods, and prior registered interests may not be disclosed in the course of a search, owing to administrative lapses at the relevant registry.


Enforcement of collateral

Project lenders' main enforcement methods outside bankruptcy proceedings are to exercise their step-in rights under a direct agreement, sale, take possession, appoint a receiver and foreclosure. Self-help, as such, is not allowed.

To enforce a mortgage, a lender must have served a notice requiring payment of the sum due. In practice, the document creating the mortgage contains provisions stating the period of time that must lapse before the power of sale would become exercisable. Where the security documents contain a power of sale, the lender can exercise the power of sale without recourse to court. A court order is required where there is no power of sale in the registered security documents.

A sale may be by private treaty, by auction or by tender. Project lenders may participate as buyers in a sale as long as the sale is conducted at arm's-length and in good faith. A sale by secured creditors may be made in foreign currency.

A bankruptcy proceeding in respect of the project company also affects the ability of a project lender to enforce its rights as a secured party over the collateral. A lender's security interests in the collateral will survive the borrower's bankruptcy, where those interests are fully perfected against the borrower's creditors, especially by registration at the CAC, in the case of a company borrower.

The claims of foreign creditors rank pari passu with the claims of local creditors. In bankruptcy proceedings, preferential creditors' rights for tax debts, employees' wages or claims and deductions have priority over the claims of floating charge holders in so far as assets of the company available for payment of general creditors are insufficient to meet them.

If a company concludes a transaction and a winding-up order is made in respect of such company within three months from the conclusion of the transaction, the transaction, if challenged by the insolvent company's liquidator, may be regarded as invalid and reversed.


Accounts and repatriation of proceeds

Project companies may open and operate foreign currency accounts with both Nigerian banks and foreign banks. However, a project company exporting goods must open and maintain a foreign currency domiciliary account with a Nigerian bank. Export proceeds must be paid into such an account within 90 days from the date of shipment of the goods. Thereafter, the proceeds may be freely repatriated. There is no requirement that the foreign currency in such accounts must be converted to local currency.


Government authorities and regulatory agencies

The leading federal government agencies with authority over projects in the typical project finance sectors are as follows:

• Oil and gas: Ministry of Petroleum Resources, Department of Petroleum Resources and the Nigeria Sao-Tome Joint Development Authority Zone

• Power generation and transmission: The Ministry of Energy and the Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission

• Maritime: Ministry of Transport, Nigeria Maritime Administration and Safety Agency, Nigerian Ports Authority and Nigerian Inland Waterways Authority

• Rail: Ministry of Transport and Nigeria Railway Corporation

• Road: Ministry of Works and the Federal Road Management Agency

• Telecommunications: Ministry of Information, Ministry of Communications and the Nigerian Communications Commission

• Airports: Ministry of Aviation and Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority

• Water resources: Ministry of Water Resources

The agencies have rule-making, decision-making and enforcement powers in the relevant sectors and industries. They have the power to issue and revoke licences and licences cannot be assigned without their consent. Their supervising ministers make policy and do not do regulatory work on a day-to-day basis. However, the Ministry of Water Resources is itself the water regulator.

The Federal Infrastructure Regulatory Commission has the power to take custody of concession agreements in all sectors and ensure compliance with the provisions of the act that establishes it. Until quite recently, the ownership in these sectors was entirely held by the state. In recent times, many government-owned enterprises have become privatised and commercialised with concessions being granted to the private sector, particularly in the transport sector. Water is still almost entirely owned by the state.

There are some state-level agencies. For example, the Lagos State Roads, Bridges and Highways Infrastructure Board is the best-developed transport regulator in the country, but it has no power outside Lagos State.

The preceding paragraphs briefly outline the key considerations that should be of interest to foreigners who intend to invest in Nigeria. Besides the incorporation of the company locally, certain sector-specific registrations, usually with the government regulatory agency, depending on the sector in which the company intends to operate, may need to be undertaken. Finally, it is advisable to seek professional
legal advice in all cases as the peculiarity or structure of a transaction may make certain requirements mandatory and others optional.

Author biographies

Fred Onuobia

Managing partner

Fred is the managing partner of G Elias & Co, a leading law firm in Nigeria. He has over 20 years of experience in corporate and financial work for both private and public sector clients.

Some of his experience in project finance includes advising on the syndicated financing of expansion and rehabilitation works on the Lekki Toll Road concession (Nigeria's pioneering toll road concession), the concession agreement for a monorail at Tinapa (as lawyers to the financiers) and the syndicate of lenders on the Lagos airport terminal development (Nigeria's pioneering airport terminal concession). Fred Onuobia acted as lenders' advisor.

He holds a Master of Laws degree from University College London.

Olajumoke Arowolo


Olajumoke holds a Master of Laws degree from the University of Durham, England. She has considerable experience in project finance work. She was actively involved in the legal review of financing documentation in several of our project finance transactions. Recently, she advised on a lending for the operation and maintenance of several oil mining leases in Nigeria. She is now working on another lending, advising on financing for the acquisition of an oil and gas acreage.

Oluwatoyin Odewole


Oluwatoyin is an experienced member of the firm's project finance and corporate commercial team. She holds a Master of Laws degree from the University College London. She is experienced in corporate finance and oil and gas transactions and has advised on a number of the firm's oil and gas sector transactions. These include the US$850 million financing by a leading bank in the UK and the US$158 million financing by a leading Nigerian bank to two different oil and gas companies in Nigeria for the acquisition of certain oil and gas acreages.


Fred Onuobia、Olajumoke Arowolo 和 Oluwatoyin Odewole

G Elias & Co











































• 石油天然气:石油资源部,石油资源司和尼日利亚-圣多美联合开发区

• 发电和输电:能源部和尼日利亚电力监管委员会

• 海事:交通部、尼日利亚海事管理和安全局、尼日利亚港务局和尼日利亚国内水路管理局

• 铁道:交通部和尼日利亚铁道公司

• 公路:工程部和联邦公路管理局

• 电信:信息部、通信部和尼日利亚通信委员会

• 机场:航空部和尼日利亚民航管理局

• 水资源:水资源部








Fred是尼日利亚行内卓越的律师事务所G Elias & Co的管理合伙人。他为公私领域各类客户承办公司和融资法律事务已超过20年,经验极为丰富。





Olajumoke 拥有英格兰杜伦大学的法学硕士学位。她在项目融资方面相当有经验。她积极参与了本所多个项目融资交易中的融资文件法律审阅工作。最近,她就尼日利亚几个石油矿区租约运营维护项目的贷款提供法律意见。她目前正在另一宗贷款项目中就一个石油天然气矿区的收购提供融资方面的法律意见。




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