Supreme People's Court, Annual Report on Intellectual Property Cases (2012) (Abstract)


This year's report has derived 37 law application issues with general guiding significance from 34 typical cases carefully selected from the intellectual property and competition cases completed by the Supreme People's Court in 2012.

(Published by the Supreme People's Court on April 25 2013.)


In 2012, the Intellectual Property Division of the Supreme People's Court accepted a total of 359 new intellectual property cases, and concluded 366 cases (including cases remaining from previous years). The aforementioned cases reflected the following characteristics: the characteristics and trends of the intellectual property and competition cases heard by the Supreme People's Court in 2012 were as follows: there was some slowing in the explosive growth trend in cases, with the total number of cases accepted tending basically to remain similar to before; the number of new types and difficult cases continued to increase, with the number of cases involving the ascertainment of complex technical facts and cases requiring the clarification of legal definitions or the filling in of legal gaps continually increasing; there was an increasingly greater breadth in the fields involved in patent cases, the technical content and market value involved were increasingly greater, the legal issues involved increasingly broader and deeper and the proportion of difficult cases higher, with both civil patent cases involving the rules of interpretation of claims and administrative patent cases involving determination of an inventive step relatively numerous; the proportion of trademark cases remained basically similar to before, with cases involving conflicts of rights being the most numerous, and particularly so in administrative trademark cases; in copyright cases, cases involving new fields, such as the internet, software and animation, continued to increase, and the commercial value of the works involved was increasingly greater; and in unfair competition cases, disputes involving network technologies and new business models and passing off disputes increased. This year's report has derived 37 law application issues with general guiding significance from 34 typical cases carefully selected from the intellectual property and competition cases completed by the Supreme People's Court in 2012. They reflect the trial standards, adjudication methods and judicial policy direction of the Supreme People's Court in handling new, difficult and complicated cases in the intellectual property and competition trial fields.


I. Trial of Patent Cases


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