PRC Regulations for the Administration of Foreign-funded Insurance Companies (Revised)

中华人民共和国外资保险公司管理条例 (修订)

Branches of foreign insurance companies are allowed to make capital contributions in renminbi.

Clp Reference: 3910/13.05.30 Promulgated: 2013-05-30 Effective: 2013-08-01

(Promulgated by the State Council on May 30 2013 and effective as of August 1 2013.)


Order of the State Council No.636


Part One: General provisions

第一章 总则

第一条 为了适应对外开放和经济发展的需要,加强和完善对外资保险公司的监督管理,促进保险业的健康发展,制定本条例。

第二条 本条例所称外资保险公司,是指依照中华人民共和国有关法律、行政法规的规定,经批准在中国境内设立和营业的下列保险公司:




第三条 外资保险公司必须遵守中国法律、法规,不得损害中国的社会公共利益。


第四条 中国保险监督管理委员会(以下简称中国保监会)负责对外资保险公司实施监督管理。中国保监会的派出机构根据中国保监会的授权,对本辖区的外资保险公司进行日常监督管理。

第二章 设立与登记

第五条 设立外资保险公司,应当经中国保监会批准。


第六条 设立经营人身保险业务的外资保险公司和经营财产保险业务的外资保险公司,其设立形式、外资比例由中国保监会按照有关规定确定。

第七条 合资保险公司、独资保险公司的注册资本最低限额为2亿元人民币或者等值的自由兑换货币;其注册资本最低限额必须为实缴货币资本。



第八条 申请设立外资保险公司的外国保险公司,应当具备下列条件:








第九条 设立外资保险公司,申请人应当向中国保监会提出书面申请,并提交下列资料:








第十条 中国保监会应当对设立外资保险公司的申请进行初步审查,自收到完整的申请文件之日起6个月内作出受理或者不受理的决定。决定受理的,发给正式申请表;决定不受理的,应当书面通知申请人并说明理由。

第十一条 申请人应当自接到正式申请表之日起1年内完成筹建工作;在规定的期限内未完成筹建工作,有正当理由的,经中国保监会批准,可以延长3个月。在延长期内仍未完成筹建工作的,中国保监会作出的受理决定自动失效。筹建工作完成后,申请人应当将填写好的申请表连同下列文件报中国保监会审批:













第十二条 中国保监会应当自收到设立外资保险公司完整的正式申请文件之日起60日内,作出批准或者不批准的决定。决定批准的,颁发经营保险业务许可证;决定不批准的,应当书面通知申请人并说明理由。


第十三条 外资保险公司成立后,应当按照其注册资本或者营运资金总额的20%提取保证金,存入中国保监会指定的银行;保证金除外资保险公司清算时用于清偿债务外,不得动用。

第十四条 外资保险公司在中国境内设立分支机构,由中国保监会按照有关规定审核批准。

第三章 业务范围

第十五条 外资保险公司按照中国保监会核定的业务范围,可以全部或者部分依法经营下列种类的保险业务:




第十六条 同一外资保险公司不得同时兼营财产保险业务和人身保险业务。

第十七条 外资保险公司可以依法经营本条例第十五条规定的保险业务的下列再保险业务:



第十八条 外资保险公司的具体业务范围、业务地域范围和服务对象范围,由中国保监会按照有关规定核定。外资保险公司只能在核定的范围内从事保险业务活动。

第四章 监督管理

第十九条 中国保监会有权检查外资保险公司的业务状况、财务状况及资金运用状况,有权要求外资保险公司在规定的期限内提供有关文件、资料和书面报告,有权对违法违规行为依法进行处罚、处理。


第二十条 除经中国保监会批准外,外资保险公司不得与其关联企业从事下列交易活动:







第二十一条 外国保险公司分公司应当于每一会计年度终了后3个月内,将该分公司及其总公司上一年度的财务会计报告报送中国保监会,并予公布。

第二十二条 外国保险公司分公司的总公司有下列情形之一的,该分公司应当自各该情形发生之日起10日内,将有关情况向中国保监会提交书面报告:









第二十三条 外国保险公司分公司的总公司解散、依法被撤销或者被宣告破产的,中国保监会应当停止该分公司开展新业务。

第二十四条 外资保险公司经营外汇保险业务的,应当遵守国家有关外汇管理的规定。


第二十五条 本条例规定向中国保监会提交、报送文件、资料和书面报告的,应当提供中文本。

第五章 终止与清算

第二十六条 外资保险公司因分立、合并或者公司章程规定的解散事由出现,经中国保监会批准后解散。外资保险公司解散的,应当依法成立清算组,进行清算。


第二十七条 外资保险公司违反法律、行政法规,被中国保监会吊销经营保险业务许可证的,依法撤销,由中国保监会依法及时组织成立清算组进行清算。

第二十八条 外资保险公司因解散、依法被撤销而清算的,应当自清算组成立之日起60日内在报纸上至少公告3次。公告内容应当经中国保监会核准。

第二十九条 外资保险公司不能支付到期债务,经中国保监会同意,由人民法院依法宣告破产。外资保险公司被宣告破产的,由人民法院组织中国保监会等有关部门和有关人员成立清算组,进行清算。

第三十条 外资保险公司解散、依法被撤销或者被宣告破产的,未清偿债务前,不得将其财产转移至中国境外。

第六章 法律责任

第三十一条 违反本条例规定,擅自设立外资保险公司或者非法从事保险业务活动的,由中国保监会予以取缔;依照刑法关于擅自设立金融机构罪、非法经营罪或者其他罪的规定,依法追究刑事责任;尚不够刑事处罚的,由中国保监会没收违法所得,并处违法所得1倍以上5倍以下的罚款,没有违法所得或者违法所得不足20万元的,处20万元以上100万元以下的罚款。

第三十二条 外资保险公司违反本条例规定,超出核定的业务范围、业务地域范围或者服务对象范围从事保险业务活动的,依照刑法关于非法经营罪或者其他罪的规定,依法追究刑事责任;尚不够刑事处罚的,由中国保监会责令改正,责令退还收取的保险费,没收违法所得,并处违法所得1倍以上5倍以下的罚款,没有违法所得或者违法所得不足10万元的,处10万元以上50万元以下的罚款;逾期不改正或者造成严重后果的,责令限期停业或者吊销经营保险业务许可证。

第三十三条 外资保险公司违反本条例规定,有下列行为之一的,由中国保监会责令改正,处5万元以上30万元以下的罚款;情节严重的,可以责令停止接受新业务或者吊销经营保险业务许可证:




第三十四条 外资保险公司违反本条例规定,有下列行为之一的,由中国保监会责令限期改正;逾期不改正的,处1万元以上10万元以下的罚款:



第三十五条 外资保险公司违反本条例规定,有下列行为之一的,由中国保监会处10万元以上50万元以下的罚款:



第三十六条 外资保险公司违反本条例规定,将其财产转移至中国境外的,由中国保监会责令转回转移的财产,处转移财产金额20%以上等值以下的罚款。

第三十七条 外资保险公司违反中国有关法律、行政法规和本条例规定的,中国保监会可以取消该外资保险公司高级管理人员一定期限直至终身在中国的任职资格。

第七章 附则

第三十八条 对外资保险公司的管理,本条例未作规定的,适用《中华人民共和国保险法》和其他有关法律、行政法规和国家其他有关规定。

第三十九条 香港特别行政区、澳门特别行政区和台湾地区的保险公司在内地设立和营业的保险公司,比照适用本条例。

第四十条 本条例自2002年2月1日起施行。

Article 1: These Regulations are formulated to suit the requirements for opening up and economic development, to strengthen and perfect the supervision and administration of foreign-funded insurance companies, and to promote the healthy development of the insurance industry.

Article 2: Foreign-funded insurance companies as referred to in these Regulations shall be the following types of insurance companies approved for establishment and operation within China in accordance with the relevant laws and administrative regulations of the PRC:

(1) Equity Joint Insurance Companies within China between foreign insurance companies and Chinese insurance companies or enterprises (hereafter, Equity Joint Insurance Companies);

(2) foreign capital insurance companies invested in and operated within China by foreign insurance companies (hereafter, Wholly Foreign-owned Insurance Companies); and

(3) branches within China of foreign insurance companies (hereafter, Foreign Insurance Company Branches).

Article 3: Foreign-funded insurance companies must abide by Chinese laws and regulations and shall not harm the public interest of Chinese society.

The proper business activities and lawful rights and interests of foreign-funded insurance companies shall be protected under Chinese law.

Article 4: The China Insurance Regulatory Committee (hereafter, the CIRC) shall be responsible for the supervision and administration of foreign-funded insurance companies. Agencies of the CIRC shall implement day-to-day supervision and administration of foreign-funded insurance companies within the area under their control in accordance with the authority given them by the CIRC.

Part Two: Establishment and registration

Article 5: The establishment of foreign-funded insurance companies shall be approved by the CIRC.

The areas in which foreign-funded insurance companies are established shall be determined by the CIRC in accordance with the relevant provisions.

Article 6: The form of and ratio of foreign capital in foreign-funded insurance companies engaging in personal accident insurance or in property insurance shall be determined by the CIRC in accordance with the relevant provisions.

Article 7: The minimum registered capital of Equity Joint Insurance Companies and Wholly Foreign-owned Insurance Companies shall be Rmb200 million or the equivalent in a freely convertible currency. The minimum registered capital must be fully paid-up capital.

Foreign Insurance Company Branches shall be allocated, without consideration by their parent companies, operating capital of not less than Rmb200 million or the equivalent in a freely convertible currency.

The CIRC may increase the minimum registered capital or operating capital as stipulated in the previous two paragraphs in accordance with the scope of business and scale of operations of foreign-funded insurance companies.

Article 8: Foreign insurance companies applying to set up a foreign-funded insurance company shall fulfil the following criteria:

(1) they shall have been in the insurance business for at least 30 years;

(2) they shall have had a representative organisation within China for at least two years;

(3) they shall have total year-end assets of not less than US$5 billion in the year before the application;

(4) their country or region of origin shall have a good system of insurance regulation and the foreign insurance company shall have been subject to effective regulation by the relevant authorities in their country or region of origin;

(5) they shall have compensation capability in accordance with the standards of their country or region of origin;

(6) the relevant authorities in their country or region of origin shall agree to the application; and

(7) other prudential criteria formulated by the CIRC.

Article 9: The applicant shall submit an application in writing to the CIRC for establishment of foreign-funded insurance companies and shall provide the following materials:

(1) a written application signed by the applicant's statutory representative; in the case of Equity Joint Insurance Companies the written application shall be signed by the statutory representatives of all the parties concerned;

(2) the business licence (a copy), certification that the company's compensation capability fulfils the criteria, and a written opinion on the application issued by the relevant authorities in the foreign applicant's country or region of origin;

(3) the foreign applicant's articles of association and annual reports for the last three years;

(4) relevant materials from the Chinese applicant in the case of Equity Joint Insurance Companies;

(5) feasibility study and preparatory plan for setting up the company;

(6) name list, CVs and proof of qualifications of those responsible for preparing to set up the company; and

(7) other materials that the CIRC stipulates shall be provided.

Article 10: The CIRC shall conduct an initial examination of applications to establish foreign-funded insurance companies and shall decide whether or not to accept the application within six months of receiving all the application documents. If an application is accepted it shall issue a formal application form; if an application is not accepted it shall inform the applicant of the reasons for this in writing.

Article 11: Applicants shall complete preparatory work within one year of receiving the formal application form. Those unable for good reason to complete this work within the stipulated period can extend by three months with the approval of the CIRC. If preparatory work is still not completed within the extended period, the CIRC's decision to accept the application shall automatically become invalid. Once preparatory work is complete the applicant shall submit the completed application form and the following documents to the CIRC for examination and approval:

(1) the preparation report;

(2) the articles of association for the company to be set up;

(3) information on the capital contributors and the amount of capital they are contributing to the company to be set up;

(4) capital verification certificate issued by the statutory capital verification authority;

(5) the authorisation letters held by the proposed principal officials of the company to be set up;

(6) name list, CVs and proof of qualification for the senior managers in the company to be set up;

(7) business plan and reinsurance plan for the next three years for the company to be set up;

(8) explanation of calculation of insurance clauses, premiums and liability reserves for the types of insurance to be conducted within China;

(9) materials on the place of business of the company to be set up and on other facilities related to its business;

(10) in the case of Foreign Insurance Company Branches, a guarantee from the parent company that it will be liable for the branch's taxes and debts;

(11) the joint venture contract in the case of Equity Joint Insurance Companies; and

(12) other documents as stipulated by the CIRC.

Article 12: The CIRC shall decide whether or not to issue approval within 60 days of receiving all the formal application documents for setting up a foreign-funded insurance company. If approval is given it shall issue an insurance business permit; if it is not given it shall notify the applicant in writing of the reasons.

Applicants given approval to set up a foreign-funded insurance company shall submit the insurance business permit to the industry and commerce administration authority, undergo registration and draw a business licence.

Article 13: Once a foreign-funded insurance company is set up it shall deposit 20% of its registered capital or operating capital as a security deposit in a bank designated by the CIRC. The security deposit shall not be used except to discharge debts if the foreign-funded insurance company goes into liquidation.

Article 14: The setting up of branches within China by foreign-funded insurance companies shall be examined and approved by the CIRC in accordance with the relevant regulations.

Part Three: Scope of business

Article 15: Foreign-funded insurance companies may legally engage in all or some of the following types of insurance business in accordance with the scope of business stipulated by the CIRC:

(1) property insurance, including damage insurance, liability insurance and fidelity insurance; and

(2) personal accident insurance, including life insurance, medical insurance and accident insurance.

Foreign-funded insurance companies may, within their stipulated scope of business, engage in large-scale commercial insurance business and master policy insurance business with the approval of the CIRC in accordance with the relevant regulations.

Article 16: One foreign-funded insurance company shall not simultaneously engage in property and personal accident insurance business.

Article 17: Foreign-funded insurance companies may legally engage in the following reinsurance business for the types of insurance stipulated in Article 15:

(1) outward reinsurance; and

(2) inward reinsurance.

Article 18: The precise scope of foreign-funded insurance companies' business, their area of business and those to whom they can offer services shall be ratified by the CIRC in accordance with the relevant provisions. Foreign-funded insurance companies may only operate within the approved scope of business.

Part Four: Supervision and administration

Article 19: The CIRC has the power to investigate foreign-funded insurance companies' business situation, financial situation and use of funds. It has the power to require foreign-funded insurance companies to submit within the stipulated time relevant documents, materials and written reports, and to punish or handle in accordance with the law for violations of laws and regulations.

Foreign-funded insurance companies shall accept supervision and investigation in accordance with the law by the CIRC and shall provide accurate documents, materials and written reports. They shall not refuse, obstruct or cover-up.

Article 20: Foreign-funded insurance companies shall not engage in the following transactions with their affiliated enterprises except with the approval of the CIRC:

(1) outward or inward reinsurance; or

(2) buying and selling of assets or other transactions involving assets.

Affiliated enterprises as referred to in the previous paragraph shall be enterprises having one of the following relationships with the foreign-funded insurance company:

(1) control of the company through shareholding or capital contribution;

(2) control as a third party through shareholding or capital contribution; or

(3) other affiliated interests.

Article 21: Foreign Insurance Company Branches shall within three months of the end of each accounting year submit their and their parent company's financial accounts for the preceding year to the CIRC and shall make them public.

Article 22: If one of the following situations applies to the parent company of a Foreign Insurance Company Branch, the branch shall within 10 days of the circumstance occurring submit a written report to the CIRC:

(1) a change of name, of principal officers or of place of registration;

(2) a change in capital contribution;

(3) a change in the shareholder(s) who hold(s) at least 10% of the total capital or shares;

(4) an adjustment to scope of business;

(5) penalties imposed by the relevant authorities of the country or region of domicile;

(6) major losses;

(7) division, merger, dissolution, or being shut down or declared bankrupt in accordance with the law; or

(8) other circumstances stipulated by the CIRC.

Article 23: If the parent company of a Foreign Insurance Company Branch is dissolved, or shut down or declared bankrupt in accordance with the law, the CIRC shall stop the branch from developing new business.

Article 24: Foreign-funded insurance companies conducting foreign exchange insurance business shall abide by national provisions on control of foreign exchange.

Insurance business within China by foreign-funded insurance companies shall be priced and settled in renimnbi except with the approval of the administration of foreign exchange.

Article 25: The documents, materials and written reports stipulated in these Regulations to be handed over to the CIRC shall be written in Chinese.

Part Five: Termination and liquidation

Article 26: Foreign-funded insurance companies shall be dissolved after approval by the CIRC if such companies divide or merge, or if reasons for dissolution stipulated in their articles of association arise. Foreign-funded insurance companies to be dissolved shall set up a liquidation group in accordance with the law to carry out the liquidation.

Foreign-funded insurance companies engaging in life insurance business shall not be dissolved except through division or merger.

Article 27: Foreign-funded insurance companies that violate laws or regulations shall be stripped of their insurance business permit by the CIRC and dissolved in accordance with the law. The CIRC shall organise and set up a liquidation group in a timely manner according to law to carry out the liquidation.

Article 28: Foreign-funded insurance companies liquidated because of dissolution or shutting down in accordance with the law shall publicise this at least three times in the press within 60 days of the liquidation group being set up. The announcement shall be approved by the CIRC.

Article 29: Foreign-funded insurance companies unable to pay their due debts shall be declared bankrupt in accordance with the law by the people's court with the agreement of the CIRC. The people's court shall set up a liquidation group composed of the relevant personnel and organisations such as the CIRC to carry out the liquidation of foreign-funded insurance companies that have been declared bankrupt.

Article 30: Foreign-funded insurance companies that are dissolved, shut down in accordance with the law or declared bankrupt shall not transfer their assets outside China until their debts have been settled.

Part Six: Legal liability

Article 31: Foreign-funded insurance companies set up without authorisation or illegally engaging in insurance business in violation of these Regulations shall be banned by the CIRC. Criminal liability shall be pursued in accordance with the law for those that fit the stipulations in criminal law on the unauthorised establishment of financial institutions, illegal business or other crimes. If the offence is not sufficient to merit a criminal fine their illegal gains shall be confiscated by the CIRC and they shall be fined not less than one time and not more than five times their illegal gains. If there are no illegal gains or if these are less than Rmb200,000, they shall be fined not less than Rmb200,000 and not more than Rmb1 million.

Article 32: Foreign-funded insurance companies that in violation of these Regulations exceed their approved scope of business, area of business or scope of those to whom they may offer services shall be prosecuted in accordance with the stipulations of the criminal law on illegal business or other crimes. If the offence is not sufficient to merit a criminal fine they shall be ordered to put matters right by the CIRC and to return the insurance premiums collected. Their illegal gains shall be confiscated and they shall be fined not less than one time and not more than five times their illegal gains. If they have no illegal gains or if these are less than Rmb100,000, they shall be fined not less than Rmb100,000 and not more than Rmb500,000. Companies that fail to put matters right within the stipulated time or that have caused serious consequences shall be ordered to stop operating within a certain time or be stripped of their insurance business permit.

Article 33: Foreign-funded insurance companies that commit one of the following in violation of these Regulations shall be ordered by the CIRC to put matters right and shall be fined not less than Rmb50,000 and not more than Rmb300,000. In serious cases they shall be ordered to stop accepting new business or be stripped of their insurance business permits:

(1) failure to provide guarantee funds in violation of the provisions or use of these funds in violation of the provisions;

(2) conduct of transactions with affiliated enterprises in violation of the provisions; or

(3) failure to provide sufficient registered capital or operating funds in violation of the provisions.

Article 34: Foreign-funded insurance companies that commit one of the following in violation of these Regulations shall be ordered by the CIRC to remedy the situation within a specified time. Those that fail to do so shall be fined not less than Rmb10,000 and not more than Rmb100,000:

(1) failure to submit the relevant documents, materials and written reports in violation of the provisions; or

(2) failure to make information public in violation of the regulations.

Article 35: Foreign-funded insurance companies that commit one of the following in violation of these Regulations shall be fined by the CIRC not less than Rmb100,000 and not more than Rmb500,000:

(1) provision of false documents, materials or written reports; or

(2) refusal or obstruction of supervision and administration in accordance with the law.

Article 36: Foreign-funded insurance companies that in violation of these Regulations transfer assets outside China shall be ordered by the CIRC to transfer them back again, and shall be fined not less than 20% and not more than the equivalent value of the transferred assets.

Article 37: The CIRC may cancel the qualifications of senior managers of foreign-funded insurance companies that violate Chinese laws and administrative regulations, and these Regulations, to work in China, either temporarily or permanently.

Part Seven: Supplementary provisions

Article 38: Where there is no provision in these Regulations for the administration of foreign-funded insurance companies the PRC Insurance Law and other relevant laws, administrative regulations and state provisions shall apply.

Article 39: These Regulations shall apply to insurance companies set up and operated on the mainland by insurance companies from the Hong Kong SAR, the Macao SAR and Taiwan.

Article 40: These Regulations shall be effective as of February 1 2002

clp reference:3910/13.05.30prc reference:国务院令636号promulgated:2013-05-30effective:2013-08-01

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