Circular on Issues Relevant to the Regulation of the Investment and Acquisition of Equity Stakes in Insurance Companies by Limited Equity Investment Partnerships


The capital contribution or shareholding of each PE partnership may not exceed 5% of a single insurance company.

Clp Reference: 3910/13.04.17 Promulgated: 2013-04-17 Effective: 2013-04-17

(Issued by the China Insurance Regulatory Commission on, and effective as of, April 17 2013.)


Bao Jian Fa [2013] No.36




第一条 有限合伙制股权投资企业投资入股保险公司,应当符合以下条件:








第二条 有限合伙制股权投资企业投资入股保险公司,应当向中国保监会提出书面申请,并提交以下材料:








第三条 本通知自发布之日起实施。

Insurance companies, insurance asset management companies and bureaux of the China Insurance Regulatory Commission (CIRC):

With a view to further implementing the China Insurance Regulatory Commission, Implementing Opinions on Encouraging and Supporting the Healthy Development of Private Investment (Bao Jian Fa [2012] No.54) and guiding the rational and orderly entry of private capital into the insurance industry, we, pursuant to relevant provisions such as the PRC Insurance Law and the Provisions for the Administration of Insurance Companies, hereby notify you on matters relevant to the investment and acquisition of equity stakes in Chinese-invested insurance companies by limited equity investment partnerships as follows:

Article 1: To invest or acquire an equity stake in an insurance company, a limited equity investment partnership shall satisfy the following conditions:

(1) the investee insurance company having a controlling shareholder or de facto controller, its equity structure being rational and its corporate governance being sound and stable;

(2) its having truthfully disclosed the source of the funds and the background information on its partners, including their names, nationalities, scopes of business or professions, capital contribution amounts, etc.;

(3) the general partner that is responsible for executing the limited partnership's affairs having a good integrity and tax payment record, not having a record of major violations or laws or regulations, and undertaking that the source of the funds does not violate relevant anti-money laundering provisions and that it will bear relevant liability for the investment or acquisition of an equity stake in the insurance company by the equity investment partnership;

(4) the capital contribution or shareholding percentage of one limited equity investment partnership in one insurance company may not exceed 5%, and the total of the capital contribution or shareholding percentages therein of limited equity investment partnerships may not exceed 15%;

(5) a limited equity investment partnership may not become the largest shareholder, controlling shareholder or de facto controller of an insurance company and may not participate in the operation and management thereof;

(6) if a term of existence has been set for a limited equity investment partnership, it shall transfer the equity it holds in the insurance company before the expiration of such term; and

(7) other conditions as specified by the CIRC.

Article 2: When a limited equity investment partnership wishes to invest or acquire an equity stake in an insurance company, it shall submit a written application and the following materials to the CIRC:

(1) its basic particulars, including a photocopy of its business licence, its scope of business, organisational and management structure, its position in the industry, the source of the investment funds, its investments in third parties, and details of its and its affiliates' (proposed) investment and acquisition of equity stakes in the insurance company and other financial institutions;

(2) its financial accounting reports for the previous year audited by an accounting firm;

(3) proof of its payment of taxes for the most recent three years and a credit record issued by a credit information agency;

(4) an account of the affiliations between the partners/partnership and the other investors in the insurance company, and if no affiliation exists, a statement to that effect;

(5) the equity subscription or transfer agreement, and materials evidencing that the partnership consents to the investment;

(6) a statement that it does not have a record of major violations of laws or regulations during the most recent three years; and

(7) other materials as specified by the CIRC.

Article 3: This Circular shall be effective as of the date of issuance.

clp reference:3910/13.04.17 prc reference:保监发 [2013] 36号 issued:2013-04-17 effective:2013-04-17

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