Tentative Measures for the Recognition of Onward Investments by Taiwanese Investors Through a Third Place


If a Taiwanese investor invests in and establishes an enterprise on the mainland using a company, enterprise or other economic organisation in a third place that it directly or indirectly owns or controls, it may apply to have such third place investor recognised as being the equivalent of a Taiwanese investor.

(Promulgated by the Ministry of Commerce and the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council on, and effective as of, February 20 2013.)


Announcement of MOFCOM and TAOSC [2013] No.12

商务部、国台办公告 [2013] 第12号

Article 1: These Measures have been formulated pursuant to relevant laws and administrative regulations in order to protect the lawful rights and interests of Taiwanese investors investing in the mainland and to implement the Cross-strait Bilateral Investment Protection and Promotion Agreement.

第一条 为保护台湾投资者在大陆投资的合法权益,实施《海峡两岸投资保护和促进协议》,根据有关法律、行政法规制定本办法。

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