Interpretation on Several Issues Concerning the Application of the «PRC Law on the Application of Laws to Foreign-related Civil Relationships» (1)
If the public interest is involved, foreign-related cases concerning labour protection, food safety, environmental protection, forex control, anti-monopoly and anti-dumping may be governed by PRC mandatory provisions.
(Promulgated by the Supreme People's Court on December 28 2012 and effective as of January 7 2013.)
Judicial Interpretation [2012] No.24
法释 [2012] 24号
Pursuant to the PRC Law on the Application of Laws to Foreign-related Civil Relationships (the Law), the following interpretation on issues relevant to the application of the Law by people's courts are given in order to correctly try foreign-related civil cases:
Article 1: A people's court may find a civil relationship to be a foreign-related civil relationship if:
第一条 民事关系具有下列情形之一的,人民法院可以认定为涉外民事关系:
(1) either or both parties is/are (a) citizen(s), legal person(s) or other organisation(s), of a foreign country or stateless person(s);
(2) the normal place of residence of either or both parties is located outside the territory of the People's Republic of China;
(3) the subject matter is located outside the territory of the People's Republic of China;
(4) the legal fact that gives rise to, changes or extinguishes the civil relationship occurs outside the territory of the People's Republic of China; or
(5) another circumstance that can be found to be a foreign-related civil relationship applies.
Article 2: For a foreign-related civil relationship that arose prior to the implementation of the Law, the people's court shall determine the applicable laws pursuant to the relevant laws at the time the foreign-related civil relationship arose; if the laws of such time are silent on the issue, the people's court may make its determination with reference to the Law.
第二条 涉外民事关系法律适用法实施以前发生的涉外民事关系,人民法院应当根据该涉外民事关系发生时的有关法律规定确定应当适用的法律;当时法律没有规定的,可以参照涉外民事关系法律适用法的规定确定。
Article 3: Where there is a discrepancy between the Law and other laws on the application of laws to the same foreign-related civil relationship, the Law shall prevail, except in the case of the special provisions of the PRC Negotiable Instruments Law, the PRC Maritime Law, the PRC Civil Aviation Law and other such laws in the commercial field, or the special provisions of laws in the intellectual property field.
第三条 涉外民事关系法律适用法与其他法律对同一涉外民事关系法律适用规定不一致的,适用涉外民事关系法律适用法的规定,但《中华人民共和国票据法》、《中华人民共和国海商法》、《中华人民共和国民用航空法》等商事领域法律的特别规定以及知识产权领域法律的特别规定除外。
If the Law is silent on the application of laws to a foreign-related civil relationship and another law provides for the same, the provisions of the other law shall apply.
Article 4: If the application of laws to a foreign-related civil relationship involves the application of an international treaty, the people's court shall apply the same pursuant to the second paragraph of Article 142 of the PRC General Principles of the Civil Law, and the first paragraph of Article 95 of the PRC Negotiable Instruments Law, the first paragraph of Article 268 of the PRC Maritime Law, the first paragraph of Article 184 of the PRC Civil Aviation Law or other such provisions of laws, with the exception of international treaties in the intellectual property field that have been or need to be converted into domestic laws.
第四条 涉外民事关系的法律适用涉及适用国际条约的,人民法院应当根据《中华人民共和国民法通则》第一百四十二条第二款以及《中华人民共和国票据法》第九十五条第一款、《中华人民共和国海商法》第二百六十八条第一款、《中华人民共和国民用航空法》第一百八十四条第一款等法律规定予以适用,但知识产权领域的国际条约已经转化或者需要转化为国内法律的除外。
Article 5: If the application of laws to a foreign-related civil relationship involves the application of international practice, the people's court shall apply the same pursuant to the third paragraph of Article 142 of the PRC General Principles of the Civil Law, and the second paragraph of Article 95 of the PRC Negotiable Instruments Law, the second paragraph of Article 268 of the PRC Maritime Law, the second paragraph of Article 184 of the PRC Civil Aviation Law or other such provisions of laws.
第五条 涉外民事关系的法律适用涉及适用国际惯例的,人民法院应当根据《中华人民共和国民法通则》第一百四十二条第三款以及《中华人民共和国票据法》第九十五条第二款、《中华人民共和国海商法》第二百六十八条第二款、《中华人民共和国民用航空法》第一百八十四条第二款等法律规定予以适用。
Article 6: If the laws of the People's Republic of China do not expressly provide that parties may select the laws applicable to a foreign-related civil relationship and such parties make such a selection, the people's court shall find such selection to be invalid.
第六条 中华人民共和国法律没有明确规定当事人可以选择涉外民事关系适用的法律,当事人选择适用法律的,人民法院应认定该选择无效。
Article 7: If a party asserts that, on the grounds that there is no actual connection between the laws that the parties agreed to select and the foreign-related civil relationship in question, the selection made is invalid, the people's court shall reject such assertion.
第七条 一方当事人以双方协议选择的法律与系争的涉外民事关系没有实际联系为由主张选择无效的,人民法院不予支持。
Article 8: If the parties reach agreement on selecting or changing their selection of the applicable laws before the conclusion of arguments in the court of first instance, the people's court shall permit the same.
第八条 当事人在一审法庭辩论终结前协议选择或者变更选择适用的法律的,人民法院应予准许。
If the parties cite the laws of the same country and neither raises objections to the laws applied, the people's court may find that the parties have selected the laws applicable to their foreign-related civil relationship.
Article 9: If the parties cite in their contract an international treaty that has yet to enter into effect in the People's Republic of China, the people's court may determine the rights and obligations between the parties based on the provisions of said international treaty, unless the same violates the public interest in the People's Republic of China or the mandatory provisions of a law or a set of administrative regulations of the People's Republic of China.
第九条 当事人在合同中援引尚未对中华人民共和国生效的国际条约的,人民法院可以根据该国际条约的内容确定当事人之间的权利义务,但违反中华人民共和国社会公共利益或中华人民共和国法律、行政法规强制性规定的除外。
Article 10: In any of the circumstances set forth below, if the provisions of a law or a set of administrative regulations involve the public interest in the People's Republic of China, applicability thereof may not be dispensed with by the parties through agreement, and they are directly applicable to a foreign-related civil relationship without recourse to the guidelines on conflict of laws, the people's court shall find them to be mandatory provisions as specified in Article 4 of the Law:
第十条 有下列情形之一,涉及中华人民共和国社会公共利益、当事人不能通过约定排除适用、无需通过冲突规范指引而直接适用于涉外民事关系的法律、行政法规的规定,人民法院应当认定为涉外民事关系法律适用法第四条规定的强制性规定:
(1) protection of the rights and interests of workers is involved;
(2) food or public health and safety is involved;
(3) environmental safety is involved;
(4) financial security, such as foreign exchange control, is involved;
(5) anti-monopoly or anti-dumping is involved; or
(6) another circumstance where determination of a mandatory provision is called for applies.
Article 11: If a party deliberately creates a foreign-related civil relationship link to circumvent mandatory provisions of the laws and administrative regulations of the People's Republic of China, the people's court shall find that the validity of the applicability of foreign laws did not occur.
第十一条 一方当事人故意制造涉外民事关系的连结点,规避中华人民共和国法律、行政法规的强制性规定的,人民法院应认定为不发生适用外国法律的效力。
Article 12: Where the resolution of a foreign-related civil dispute is contingent on the confirmation of another foreign-related civil relationship, the people's court shall determine the laws that are applicable based on the nature of the predetermination issue itself.
第十二条 涉外民事争议的解决须以另一涉外民事关系的确认为前提时,人民法院应当根据该先决问题自身的性质确定其应当适用的法律。
Article 13: Where a case involves two or more foreign-related civil relationships, the people's court shall respectively determine the laws applicable to each.
第十三条 案件涉及两个或者两个以上的涉外民事关系时,人民法院应当分别确定应当适用的法律。
Article 14: Where the parties have neither selected the laws governing a foreign-related arbitration agreement, nor specified the arbitration institution or place of arbitration, or their stipulations thereon are unclear, the people's court may apply the laws of the People's Republic of China in determining the validity of the arbitration agreement.
第十四条 当事人没有选择涉外仲裁协议适用的法律,也没有约定仲裁机构或者仲裁地,或者约定不明的,人民法院可以适用中华人民共和国法律认定该仲裁协议的效力。
Article 15: The people's court may determine that the place where a natural person had been resident for at least one year and that had served as the centre of his/her life at the time a foreign-related civil relationship arose, changed or ended is the normal place of residence of a natural person as specified in the Law, except where the same is due to seeking medical treatment, performance of temporary work, official business, etc.
第十五条 自然人在涉外民事关系产生或者变更、终止时已经连续居住一年以上且作为其生活中心的地方,人民法院可以认定为涉外民事关系法律适用法规定的自然人的经常居所地,但就医、劳务派遣、公务等情形除外。
Article 16: A people's court shall determine that the place where a foreign legal person is established and registered is the place of registration of a legal person as specified in the Law.
第十六条 人民法院应当将法人的设立登记地认定为涉外民事关系法律适用法规定的法人的登记地。
Article 17: If a people's court is unable to obtain a foreign law by reasonable means such as provision by the parties, means specified in an international treaty that is effective in the People's Republic of China or provision by a Chinese or foreign legal expert, it may render a finding that the foreign law could not be consulted.
第十七条 人民法院通过由当事人提供、已对中华人民共和国生效的国际条约规定的途径、中外法律专家提供等合理途径仍不能获得外国法律的,可以认定为不能查明外国法律。
Pursuant to the first paragraph of Article 10 of the Law, a party is required to provide the foreign law, and if such party fails to provide the foreign law by the reasonable deadline specified by the people's court without a legitimate reason, the people's court may render a finding that the foreign law could not be consulted.
Article 18: The people's court shall listen to the opinions of the parties on the contents of the applicable foreign law and the understanding and application thereof. If the parties have no objections to the contents of the foreign law or the understanding or application thereof, the people's court may give its confirmation; if a party has an objection, the people's court shall conduct a review and render a finding.
第十八条 人民法院应当听取各方当事人对应当适用的外国法律的内容及其理解与适用的意见,当事人对该外国法律的内容及其理解与适用均无异议的,人民法院可以予以确认;当事人有异议的,由人民法院审查认定。
Article 19: For issues concerning the application of laws to civil relationships involving the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region or Macao Special Administrative Region, these provisions shall apply mutatis mutandis.
第十九条 涉及香港特别行政区、澳门特别行政区的民事关系的法律适用问题,参照适用本规定。
Article 20: The Interpretation shall apply to foreign-related civil dispute cases that arose after the implementation of the Law, but have not reached final judgment after the implementation hereof. In cases where a final judgment was rendered prior to the implementation hereof and a party applies for retrial or a decision is made in accordance with the procedure for adjudication supervision to retry the case, the Interpretation shall not apply.
第二十条 涉外民事关系法律适用法施行后发生的涉外民事纠纷案件,本解释施行后尚未终审的,适用本解释;本解释施行前已经终审,当事人申请再审或者按照审判监督程序决定再审的,不适用本解释。
Article 21: In the event of a discrepancy between the Interpretation and judicial interpretations previously promulgated by this Court, the Interpretation shall prevail.
clp reference:1420/12.12.28prc reference:法释 [2012] 24号promulgated:2012-12-28effective:2013-01-07第二十一条 本院以前发布的司法解释与本解释不一致的,以本解释为准。
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