Implementing Rules for the Tentative Measures for the Administration of Overseas Investment of Insurance Capital


Insurance capital may now invest in 25 developed markets and 20 emerging markets. The amount allowed to be invested in emerging markets has also increased from not exceeding 5% of last year end's total assets to 10%. Investment instruments allowed include money market instruments, fixed-return instruments, equity, immovable property, investment funds and REITs.

(Issued by the China Insurance Regulatory Commission on, and effective as of, October 12 2012.)



Bao Jian Fa [2012] No.93

第一章 总 则

第一条 为规范保险资金境外投资运作行为,防范投资管理风险,实现保险资产保值增值,根据《保险资金境外投资管理暂行办法》(以下简称《办法》),制定本细则。

第二条 保险资金境外投资当事人,应当根据《办法》和本细则规定,充分研判拟投资国家或者地区的政治、经济和法律等风险,审慎开展境外投资。

第三条 中国保监会依法对保险资金境外投资当事人的管理能力进行持续评估和监管。

第二章 资质条件

第四条 委托人除符合《办法》第九条规定外,还应当满足下列条件:




第五条 境内受托人除符合《办法》第十条规定外,还应当满足下列条件:



(三)境外投资专业人员不少于5人,其中具有5年以上境外证券市场投资管理经验人员不少于3人, 3年以上境外证券市场投资管理经验人员不少于2人。


第六条 境外受托人除符合《办法》第十一条规定外,还应当满足下列条件:












第七条 保险资金投资股权投资基金,发起并管理该基金的股权投资机构,应当符合下列条件:



第八条 托管人除符合《办法》第十二条规定条件外,还应当满足下列条件:





第九条 商业银行与委托人有下列关系之一的,不得担任该委托人的托管人或托管代理人:





第十条 保险资金境外投资当事人申请开展业务,应当向中国保监会报告,并承诺接受中国保监会有关保险资金境外投资的质询。委托人变更受托人和托管人,应当重新提交材料。

第三章 投资规范

第十一条 保险资金境外投资应当选择附件1所列国家或者地区的金融市场,且投资下列品种:













第十二条 保险资金投资的境外基金,应当满足下列条件:










第十三条 同一投资标的在同一会计核算期间,具有两家以上信用评级机构信用评级的,应当采用孰低原则确认信用级别。

第十四条 保险机构境外投资余额不超过上年末总资产的15%,投资附件1所列新兴市场余额不超过上年末总资产的10%。


第十五条 保险资金境外投资应当控制短期资金融出或者融入,并遵守下列规定:



第十六条 保险资金境外投资不得有下列行为:




第四章 风险控制

第十七条 委托人应当建立覆盖境内外市场的信息管理系统,实时监控投资市场、投资品种、投资比例、交易对手集中度和衍生品风险敞口等指标,确保依规合法运作。

第十八条 委托人上季度末偿付能力充足率低于监管规定的,应当及时调整境外投资策略,不得继续投资或者增持无担保债券、权益类工具、不动产或者相关金融产品。

第十九条 委托人应当自行或者聘请投资咨询顾问,对受托人和托管人进行尽职调查,充分了解托管人选择的托管代理人,关注相关风险。

第二十条 委托人应当根据《办法》、本细则规定及投资管理协议约定,定期评估受托人和托管人,审核投资指引每年不少于一次。

第二十一条 受托人将保险资金交由母公司控制的其他专业机构投资管理的,应当经委托人同意,并承担转委托的最终责任。


第二十二条 受托人因市场波动、信用评级调整等因素,致使投资行为不符合《办法》和本细则规定的,应当在3个月内进行调整。

第二十三条 受托人应当制定并执行交易对手选择标准,并经委托人认可。除券款兑付交易外,受托人应当选择信用评级在A级或者相当于A级以上的机构。


第二十四条 托管人应当根据托管资产类别、规模及提供服务内容,合理收取托管费用。


第二十五条 托管人或者托管代理人应当妥善保管托管资产所有权文件正本或者证明全部所有权的文件正本,投资所在地法律法规另有规定的,从其规定。

第二十六条 委托人与受托人、托管人签订协议,应当符合监管要求及一般惯例,适用中华人民共和国或者中国香港特别行政区法律,并由中国境内或者香港特别行政区的仲裁机构裁决。


第二十七条 保险资金境外投资当事人,不得发生合法佣金、税费之外的任何利益输送行为,不得利用保险资金获取不正当利益。

第二十八条 保险资金境外投资不动产和未上市企业股权,应当参照境内同类品种相关监管规定,规范投资行为,加强后续管理,防范投资风险、经营风险和市场风险。

第二十九条 保险资金境外投资,可以运用利率远期、利率掉期、利率期货、外汇远期、外汇掉期、股指期货、买入股指期权等衍生产品规避投资风险,并遵守下列规定:




(四)场外交易对手已与受托人签订《国际掉期与衍生品主合同》(ISDA Master Agreement),并经委托人认可和授权。利率期货、股指期货和买入股指期权限于附件2所列交易所上市交易。


第五章 监督管理

第三十条 委托人应当按照规定,向中国保监会报告下列事项:





第三十一条 保险机构开展境外股权和不动产投资,应当参照境内相关规定,履行核准或者报告义务。

第三十二条 托管人应当按照规定,向中国保监会报告下列事项:






第三十三条 保险资金境外投资当事人,违反法律、行政法规及本细则规定的,中国保监会将依法对该机构和相关人员予以处罚。

第六章 附 则

第三十四条 保险资金投资境外以人民币计价发行的金融产品,境内以人民币或者外币计价发行,以境外金融工具或者其他资产为投资对象的金融工具,适用本细则。

第三十五条 本细则由中国保监会负责解释,自发布之日起施行。本细则施行前已经开展保险资金境外投资的当事人,应当在6个月内符合本细则的规定。

附件1: 可投资国家或者地区
















































附件2: 期货期权交易所































Part One: General provisions

Article 1: These Rules have been formulated pursuant to the Tentative Measures for the Administration of Overseas Investment of Insurance Capital (the Measures) in order to regulate operations involving the investment of insurance capital overseas, guard against investment management risks and realise the preservation/increase in the value of insurance assets.

Article 2: Parties involved in the investment of insurance capital overseas shall, in accordance with the Measures and these Rules, fully study and assess the political, economic, legal and other risks of the countries or regions in which they propose to invest and carry out such overseas investment prudently.

Article 3: The China Insurance Regulatory Commission (CIRC) shall carry out, in accordance with the law, ongoing assessments and regulation of the management capabilities of parties involved in the investment of insurance capital overseas.

Part Two: Qualification conditions

Article 4: A principal shall, in addition to being in compliance with Article 9 of the Measures, satisfy the following conditions:

(1) having overseas investment-related positions, and not fewer than three overseas investment professionals, of whom not fewer than two persons have at least three years of foreign stock market investment management experience;

(2) at the time of the investment, having a solvency adequacy ratio of not less than 120% as at the end of the previous quarter; and

(3) if it is investing in the equity of unlisted enterprises, immovable property or a related financial product overseas, having management capabilities complying with relevant provisions.

Article 5: A trustee in China, in addition to being in compliance with Article 10 of the Measures, shall satisfy the following conditions:

(1) having at least three years of insurance asset management experience;

(2) having assets of no less than Rmb10 billion under its management during the most recent financial year; and

(3) having no fewer than five overseas investment professionals, of whom no fewer than three persons have at least five years of foreign stock market investment management experience and not fewer than two persons have at least three years of foreign stock market investment management experience.

A domestic trustee shall be restricted to investing insurance capital under its management in the Hong Kong market.

Article 6: An overseas trustee, in addition to being in compliance with Article 11 of the Measures, shall satisfy the following conditions:

(1) having at least five years of international asset management experience and at least three years of old-age pension or insurance asset management experience;

(2) having paid-in capital or net assets of not less than US$30 million or the equivalent in a freely convertible currency during the most recent financial year;

(3) having an average of not less than US$30 billion, or the equivalent in a freely convertible currency, in assets under its management during the most recent year; and the assets of non-affiliated parties under its management accounting for not less than 50% of the total assets under its management, or not less than US$30 billion or the equivalent in a freely convertible currency;

(4) the investment team satisfying the professional qualification requirements of the country or region where it is located and having on average at least five years of experience in the industry, and the principal investment management personnel therein having at least eight years of experience in the industry; and

(5) having a good historical investment performance.

The assets under the management of the trustee's parent or the asset management institution in the trustee's group may be combined for calculation purposes, but the assets under the management of investment consultants, investment banks, etc. or those with which investment consultants, investment banks, etc. have a connection are excluded.

A trustee may be exempted from the provision on the assets under its management of Item (3) of the first paragraph if it engages in dedicated asset management and satisfies the following conditions:

(1) having assets under its management of at least US$5 billion or the equivalent in a freely convertible currency;

(2) the dedicated assets under its management accounting for not less than 70% of the total assets under its management; and

(3) having a professional reputation and appraisal publicly recognised in the market, and its management team having outstanding performance in the dedicated asset management sector.

If the asset management institution established in Hong Kong by an insurance institution in China fails to satisfy the provisions of this Article, the domestic insurance capital that it has been engaged to manage may only be invested in the Hong Kong market.

Article 7: If insurance capital are invested in an equity investment fund, the equity investment institution that promoted and manages the fund shall satisfy the following conditions:

(1) having paid-in capital or net assets of not less than US$15 million or the equivalent in a freely convertible currency; and

(2) having total assets that have been under its management of not less than US$1 billion or the equivalent in a freely convertible currency, and having good historical performance and a good business reputation.

Article 8: A custodian, in addition to being in compliance with the conditions set forth in Article 12 of the Measures, shall satisfy the following conditions:

(1) having paid-in capital or net assets of not less than Rmb30 billion and assets in its custody of not less than Rmb200 billion as at the end of the most recent financial year;

(2) if the custodian is a wholly foreign-owned bank or a branch of a foreign bank, and its parent/head office satisfies the conditions set forth in Item (1) and can bear joint and several liability for the custodian's performance of the custody agreement, the custodian's paid-in capital or net assets and the assets in its custody may be calculated based on those of its parent/head office;

(3) its long-term credit rating being at least A grade or the equivalent of A grade; the capital adequacy ratio, core capital adequacy ratio and credit rating of a branch of a foreign bank may be calculated based on those of its parent/head office; and

(4) having not fewer than six professionals engaged in insurance asset custody business.

Article 9: If a commercial bank has any of the following relationships with a principal, it may not serve as the custodian or custodial agent of the principal:

(1) either party directly or indirectly holds more than 10% of the shares of the other party;

(2) a third party directly or indirectly holds more than 10% of the shares of both parties; or

(3) another affiliated relationship as determined by the CIRC applies.

If a custodian (or custodial agent) has any of the relationships set forth in the preceding paragraph with a trustee, it shall establish an effective risk isolation mechanism, and may not engage in insider trading or the funnelling of benefits.

Article 10: When a party involved in the investment of insurance capital overseas applies to engage in business, it shall report to the CIRC and undertake to submit itself to inquiries by the CIRC about the investment of insurance capital overseas. When a principal replaces its trustee or custodian, it shall submit materials anew.

Part Three: Code of investment

Article 11: For the investment of insurance capital overseas, the financial market of a country or region listed in Appendix 1 shall be selected and the investment shall be made in the following products:

(1) money market products

including money market instruments or products such as commercial paper with a term not exceeding one year, banker's bills, negotiable certificates of deposit, reverse repos, short-term government bonds and overnight interbank loans;

the issuer of a money market instrument (including reverse repos used as mortgaged securities) shall have a credit rating of at least A grade or the equivalent of A grade;

(2) fixed return products

including bank deposits, government bonds, government-backed bonds, supra-national bonds, corporate bonds, convertible bonds and other such fixed return products;

bonds shall be denominated in a major international currency, and the issuer and liability shall be rated BBB or the equivalent of BBB by an internationally recognised ratings agency. If a bond, in accordance with provisions, is exempt from credit rating requirements, the issuer shall have a credit rating that is not lower than the rating requirement for the bond. PRC government bonds issued overseas are not subject to credit rating restrictions. A convertible bond shall be one that is listed and traded on the main board of a stock exchange in a country or region listed in Appendix 1;

(3) equity

including common shares, preferential shares, global depository receipts, American depositary receipts, equity of unlisted enterprises and other such equity instruments or products;

a stock or depository receipt shall be one that is listed and traded on the main board of a stock exchange in a country or region listed in Appendix 1;

direct investments in the equity of unlisted enterprises shall be limited to the equity of financial, pension, medical, energy, resource, automotive service and modern agricultural enterprises;

(4) immovable property

direct investments in immovable property shall be limited to mature commercial immovable property and office immovable property that generate stable returns and that are located in the core areas of major cities in the developed markets listed in Appendix 1.

Article 12: Overseas funds in which insurance capital are invested shall satisfy the following conditions:

(1) securities investment fund

approved or registered by the securities regulator of a country or region listed in Appendix 1; the fund manager being in compliance with Article 6; having a traceable historical performance of not fewer than three years; having a simple and clear structure and having underlying assets that are clear and complying with Items (1), (2) and (3) of Article 11; a money market fund shall additionally have a rating of AAA or the equivalent of AAA;

(2) equity investment fund

the investment target being in its growth period, mature period or having a relatively high acquisition value, and not being restricted by the countries and regions listed in Appendix 1; having subscription moneys of no less than US$300 million or the equivalent in a freely convertible currency and paid-in funds in place proportional to the funds subscribed for;

having at least 10 professionals with equity investment and related experience; among the senior management personnel, having no fewer than two persons with at least eight years of relevant experience, having complete fund offering, management and divestment experience and having not fewer than five projects that were directed and divested from by them (funds of funds excepted); having no fewer than three of its key professionals having worked together for at least three years; having a sound governance structure, an effective incentive and restraint mechanism and benefit protection mechanism; having key personnel terms that can ensure the exclusive orientation of the management team;

insurance capital may be invested in funds of funds the targets of which are equity investment funds complying with the preceding paragraph. The trading structure of a fund of funds shall be simple and clear and may not include other funds of funds;

a financial institution or a subsidiary thereof may not actually control the management and operation of an equity investment fund in which insurance capital are invested, nor may it hold a general partner equity interest therein;

(3) REITs

listed and traded on an exchange in a country or region listed in Appendix 1.

Article 13: If two or more ratings agencies have rated an investment target during the same accounting period, its credit rating shall be confirmed by the principle of whichever is lower.

Article 14: The balance of the overseas investments of an insurance institution shall not exceed 15% of its total assets as at the end of the previous year and the balance of investments in the new markets listed in Appendix 1 shall not exceed 10% of its total assets as at the end of the previous year.

An insurance institution shall calculate together the percentages of its domestic and overseas investments of various types, and the percentages invested in the various items shall be handled with reference to identical products invested in domestically.

Article 15: In the overseas investment of insurance capital, short-term financing loans and borrowings shall be controlled and comply with the following provisions:

(1) funds tied up in reverse repos and overnight interbank loans shall not exceed 1% of the total assets as at the end of the previous year; and

(2) proceeds of interbank borrowings for transaction settlement purposes shall not exceed 1% of the total assets as at the end of the previous year and the term of such borrowings shall not exceed five working days.

Article 16: The acts set forth below may not be committed in the course of the overseas investment of insurance capital:

(1) investment in physical commodities, precious metals or precious metal certificates, or commodity derivatives;

(2) utilising securities business firm financing to purchase securities and take part in non-asset backed short selling; or

(3) borrowing funds in any manner other than interbank borrowing for transaction settlement purposes.

Part Four: Risk control

Article 17: A principal shall establish an information management system that covers both domestic and foreign markets and monitor metrics such as investment markets, investment products, investment percentages, transaction counterparty concentration and derivative risk exposure in real time to ensure that it operates compliantly and lawfully.

Article 18: If a principal's solvency adequacy ratio as at the end of the previous quarter is lower than that specified in provisions, it shall revise its overseas investment strategy in a timely manner, and may not continue to invest in or increase its holding of debenture bonds, equity instruments, immovable property or related financial products.

Article 19: A principal shall itself, or engage an investment consultant to, conduct due diligence investigations of the trustee and custodian, fully apprise itself of the custodial agents selected by the custodian and pay attention to the relevant risks.

Article 20: A principal shall regularly evaluate the trustee and custodian and review the investment guidelines at least once per year in accordance with the Measures, these Rules and the investment management agreement.

Article 21: If the trustee is to hand over insurance capital for investment management by another professional institution controlled by its parent, it shall secure the consent of the principal therefor and assume ultimate responsibility for the sub-entrustment.

Except by the method mentioned above, a trustee may not sub-entrust entrusted assets under any guise or by any means.

Article 22: If the investment act of a trustee ceases to be in compliance with the Measures and these Rules due to factors such as market fluctuations or revision of the credit rating, it shall make adjustments within three months.

Article 23: A trustee shall formulate and impose criteria for selecting transaction counterparties and have the same approved by the principal. Except in the case of delivery vs. payment transactions, a trustee shall select an organisation with a credit rating of at least A grade or the equivalent of A grade.

In keeping with the principle of the best interests of the principal, a trustee shall select a reputable overseas securities service firm that operates compliantly to carry out securities trading on its behalf, reasonably allocate insurance capital for securities trading, ensure trading quality, control trading costs and disclose to the principal the payment of business charges to the securities business firm and securities brokers or the refund name and collection and payment method.

Article 24: A custodian shall charge reasonable custodial charges based on the type and the size of the assets in its custody and the services it provides.

If, in the course of a custodial agent's performance of its duties, a loss results from the overseas investment of insurance capital due to an error on its part, negligence or other such reason, the custodian shall assume the attendant liability.

Article 25: A custodian or custodial agent shall duly keep the originals of the custodial asset ownership documents or the originals of all of the documents proving ownership, unless the laws of the place where the investment is made provide otherwise, in which case such provisions shall apply.

Article 26: The agreements executed by a principal with the trustee and custodian shall comply with regulatory requirements and general practice, be governed by the law of the People's Republic of China or the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of China and be subject to awards of an arbitration institution of China or the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

A professional lawyer with a law firm who has at least three years of relevant practice experience shall issue a legal opinion in respect of the agreements mentioned in the preceding paragraph.

Article 27: Parties involved in the investment of insurance capital overseas may not engage in the funnelling of any benefits other than lawful commissions, taxes and levies, or utilise insurance capital to obtain illegitimate benefits.

Article 28: For the investment of insurance capital in immovable property and equity of unlisted enterprises overseas, reference shall be made to regulations for similar domestic products, investment shall be carried out in a compliant manner, follow-up management shall be strengthened and investment risks, operational risks and market risks shall be guarded against.

Article 29: Derivatives, such as interest rate forwards, interest rate swaps, interest rate futures, exchange rate forwards, exchange rate swaps, stock index futures and call stock index options, may be utilised to evade investment risks inherent in the investment of insurance capital overseas and the following provisions shall be complied with:

(1) speculation may not be engaged in, and the total value of the subject matter of derivative contracts may not exceed 102% of the underlying assets whose risks need to be hedged against ;

(3) the value of over-the-counter contracts shall be assessed each working day and the mark-to-market exposure to any over-the-counter transaction counterparty shall not exceed 1% of the total assets as at the end of the previous year; and

(4) an over-the-counter transaction counterparty shall have executed an ISDA Master Agreement with the trustee which shall have been approved and authorised by the principal. The listing and trading of interest rate futures, stock index futures and call stock index options shall be restricted to the exchanges listed in Appendix 2.

The investment guidelines shall expressly provide for the scope, type and risk limit requirements made in respect of derivative trading, the selection of transaction counterparties, approval of special matters, information provision and reporting systems, among other matters.

Part Five: Regulation

Article 30: A principal shall report the following matters to the CIRC in accordance with provisions:

(1) material reports: the execution of asset entrustment and management agreements and custody agreements and the execution and revision of investment guidelines shall be reported within five working days; material contingencies involving the trustee or custodian, and material contingencies involving the investment market that affect the safety of insurance assets or investment performance shall be reported within three working days, and the matters reported shall at minimum include asset preservation and risk prevention measures;

(2) quarterly reports: details of overseas investments, risk assessment reports, details of overseas investment settlement account balances and receipts and expenditures, and affiliated transactions shall be reported within 30 working days of the end of each quarter;

(3) annual reports: a report assessing the management of insurance capital by the trustee and custodian during the previous year shall be submitted by April 30 each year; and

(4) other matters as specified by the CIRC.

Article 31: An insurance institution wishing to invest in equity or immovable property overseas shall refer to relevant domestic provisions and perform its approval or reporting obligations.

Article 32: A custodian shall report the following matters to the CIRC in accordance with provisions:

(1) material reports: the replacement of an overseas custodial agent shall be reported within five working days;

(2) monthly reports: details of custody matters relating to the investment of insurance capital overseas during the month shall be reported within 10 working days of the end of each month; and

(3) annual reports: the company's financial report and internal control audit report for the previous year issued by an accounting firm shall be submitted by April 30 each year.

A trustee and custodian shall fully disclose relevant information to the principal in accordance with the relevant agreements, and the contents of such disclosure shall not be less than those specified by the relevant provisions hereof and may not contain false records, misleading statements or material omissions.

For the purposes of these Rules, the term “accounting firm” means an accounting firm with auditing experience in the relevant industry inside and outside China, with a good reputation and that is widely recognised.

Article 33: If a party involved in the investment of insurance capital overseas violates a law, administrative regulations or these Rules, the CIRC shall penalise such institution and the relevant personnel in accordance with the law.

Part Six: Supplementary provisions

Article 34: These Rules shall govern the investment of insurance capital in financial products offered overseas and denominated in renminbi , and financial instruments offered in China, denominated in renminbi or a foreign currency and the investment targets of which are overseas financial instruments or other assets.

Article 35: The CIRC is in charge of interpreting these Rules. These Rules shall be effective as of the date of issuance. Parties that engaged in the investment of insurance capital overseas before the implementation of these Rules shall bring themselves into compliance herewith within six months.


A. Developed Markets


Hong Kong
















United Kingdom



United States


New Zealand



B. Emerging Markets





South Korea




South Africa

Czech Republic












Country (Place)

Name of the Exchange

United States

CME Group


Sydney Futures Exchange


NYSE Euronext Brussels


The Montreal Exchange

United Kingdom



NYSE Euronext Paris




NYSE Euronext Amsterdam

Hong Kong

Hong Kong Futures



Tokyo Stock

Exchange (TSE)

Osaka Securities Exchange

South Korea


Exchange (KRX)






Note: An exchange established from a merger by absorption or merger by new establishment of any of the above two exchanges will be deemed as an approved exchange.

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