Implementing Regulations for the PRC Law on the Invitation for and Submission of Bids


Implementing Regulations finally come out after the promulgation of the PRC Law on the Invitation for and Submission of Bids in 1999, preventing the restriction or preclusion of potential bidders.

Clp Reference: 5000/11.12.20 Promulgated: 2011-12-20 Effective: 2012-02-01

(Promulgated by the State Council on December 20 2011 and effective as of February 1 2012.)

Order of the State Council No.613

Part One: General provisions

Article 1: These Regulations have been formulated pursuant to the PRC Law on the Invitation for and Submission of Bids (中华人民共和国招标投标法)(the Bidding Law) in order to regulate bid invitation and submission activities.



第一章 总则

Article 2: For the purposes of Article 3 of the Bidding Law, the term “construction project” means the works and the goods and services relating to the construction of the works.

第一条 为了规范招标投标活动,根据《中华人民共和国招标投标法》(以下简称招标投标法),制定本条例。第二条 招标投标法第三条所称工程建设项目,是指工程以及与工程建设有关的货物、服务。

For the purposes of the preceding paragraph, the term “works” means construction works, including the new construction, alteration and expansion of buildings and structures and related renovation, demolition, repair, etc.; the term “goods relating to the construction of works” means equipment, materials, etc. constituting integral parts of the works and that are necessary to realise the basic functions of the works; and the term “services relating to the construction of works” means services such as surveying, design, supervision, etc. that are required to complete the works.

第二条 招标投标法第三条所称工程建设项目,是指工程以及与工程建设有关的货物、服务。

Article 3: The specific scope of and scale standards for construction projects that legally require the invitation for bids shall be formulated by the State Council's development and reform department together with relevant State Council departments, and published and implemented after approval by the State Council.


第三条 依法必须进行招标的工程建设项目的具体范围和规模标准,由国务院发展改革部门会同国务院有关部门制订,报国务院批准后公布施行。

Article 4: The State Council's development and reform department shall guide and coordinate bid invitation and submission work nationwide and conduct monitoring inspections of the invitation for and submission of bids for works in major state construction projects. The State Council's industry and information technology, housing and urban-rural development, transport, railway, water resource, commerce and other such departments shall monitor relevant bid invitation and submission activities within their specified scopes of responsibility.

第四条 国务院发展改革部门指导和协调全国招标投标工作,对国家重大建设项目的工程招标投标活动实施监督检查。国务院工业和信息化、住房城乡建设、交通运输、铁道、水利、商务等部门,按照规定的职责分工对有关招标投标活动实施监督。

The development and reform departments of local people's governments at the county level and above shall guide and coordinate bid invitation and submission work in their jurisdictions. Relevant departments of local people's governments at the county level and above shall monitor bid invitation and submission activities within their specified scopes of responsibility and investigate and deal with, in accordance with the law, violations of the law committed in the course of bid invitation and submission activities. If a local people's government at the county level or above provides otherwise in respect of the division of responsibilities of its subordinate departments for monitoring bid invitation and submission activities, such provisions shall apply.


Finance departments shall, in accordance with the law, monitor the implementation of budgets for government construction projects subject to the invitation for and submission of bids and the implementation of government procurement policies.


Inspection authorities shall, in accordance with the law, inspect subjects of inspection that relate to bid invitation and submission activities.


Article 5: Local people's governments at the level of city divided into districts and above may, as actually required, establish centralised and standardised bid invitation and submission exchanges to provide services for bid invitation and submission activities. A bid invitation and submission exchange shall not be subordinate to the administrative supervision departments and may not be operated for profit.

第五条 设区的市级以上地方人民政府可以根据实际需要,建立统一规范的招标投标交易场所,为招标投标活动提供服务。招标投标交易场所不得与行政监督部门存在隶属关系,不得以营利为目的。

The government encourages the use of information networks for the invitation for and submission of bids electronically.


Article 6:  Working personnel of the state are prohibited from illegally interfering in bid invitation and submission activities in any manner.

第六条 禁止国家工作人员以任何方式非法干涉招标投标活动。

Part Two: Bid invitation

第二章 招标

Article 7: The bid invitation scope, bid invitation method and organisational form of the bid invitation for a project that legally requires the invitation for bids and for which, in accordance with relevant state provisions, examination and approval procedures need to be carried out shall be submitted to the project examination and approval/check and approval department for examination and approval/check and approval. The project examination and approval/check and approval department shall, in a timely manner, notify the relevant administrative supervision departments of the bid invitation scope, bid invitation method and organisational form of the bid invitation determined in the examination and approval/check and approval.

第七条 按照国家有关规定需要履行项目审批、核准手续的依法必须进行招标的项目,其招标范围、招标方式、招标组织形式应当报项目审批、核准部门审批、核准。项目审批、核准部门应当及时将审批、核准确定的招标范围、招标方式、招标组织形式通报有关行政监督部门。

Article 8: For a project that legally requires the invitation for bids and in which state-owned funds hold a controlling or predominant position, a public invitation for bids shall be carried out. However, a private invitation for bids may be carried out if:

第八条 国有资金占控股或者主导地位的依法必须进行招标的项目,应当公开招标;但有下列情形之一的,可以邀请招标:

(1) the technology is complex, there are special requirements or limitations are imposed by the natural environment and only a small pool of potential bidders is available to choose from; or


(2) the expenses for carrying out a public invitation for bids would account for an excessive percentage of the project contract amount.


In the event of the circumstance set forth in Item (2) of the preceding paragraph, if it is a project as specified in Article 7 hereof, the determination shall be made by the project examination and approval/check and approval department at the time it examines/checks the project. For other projects, the bid inviting party shall apply to the relevant administrative supervision departments to make a determination.


Article 9: In addition to the special circumstances specified in Article 66 of the Bidding Law where an invitation for bids may be dispensed with, an invitation for bids may be dispensed with if:

第九条 除招标投标法第六十六条规定的可以不进行招标的特殊情况外,有下列情形之一的,可以不进行招标:

(1) use of an unsubstitutable patent or proprietary technology is required;


(2) the procurer can itself lawfully carry out the construction, production or provision;


(3) a concession project investor that has been selected through an invitation for bids can itself lawfully carry out the construction, production or provision;


(4) works, goods or services need to be procured from the original winning bidder, failing which construction or functional requirements will be affected; or


(5) another special circumstance as specified by the state applies.



If a bid inviting party acts fraudulently in order to apply the preceding paragraph, such act constitutes circumvention of an invitation for bids as specified in Article 4 of the Bidding Law.

第十条 招标投标法第十二条第二款规定的招标人具有编制招标文件和组织评标能力,是指招标人具有与招标项目规模和复杂度相适应的技术、经济等方面的专业人员。

Article 10: A bid inviting party that has the capability to prepare the bid invitation documents and organise the bid evaluation as specified in the second paragraph of Article 12 of the Bidding Law means that the bid inviting party has the technical, economic and other such professional personnel consistent with the size and complexity of the project that is the subject of the invitation for bids.

第十一条 招标代理机构的资格依照法律和国务院的规定由有关部门认定。

Article 11: The qualifications of a bid invitation agency shall be recognised by the relevant department in accordance with laws and State Council provisions.


The State Council's housing and urban-rural development, commerce, development and reform, industry and information technology and other such departments shall Oversee bid invitation agencies within the scope of their specified responsibilities in accordance with the law.

第十二条 招标代理机构应当拥有一定数量的取得招标职业资格的专业人员。取得招标职业资格的具体办法由国务院人力资源部会保障部门会同国务院发展改革部门制定。

Article 12: A bid invitation agency shall have a certain number of professional personnel with professional bid invitation qualifications. The specific measures for securing professional bid invitation qualifications shall be formulated by the State Council's human resources and social security department together with the State Council's development and reform department.

第十三条 招标代理机构在其资格许可和招标人委托的范围内开展招标代理业务,任何单位和个人不得非法干涉。

Article 13: A bid invitation agency shall carry out its bid invitation agency business within the scope of its qualification permit and the scope of its appointment by the bid inviting party. No entity or individual may illegally interfere therein.


When a bid invitation agency carries out a bid invitation on behalf of another, it shall comply with the provisions on bid inviting parties of the Bidding Law and these Regulations. A bid invitation agency may not bid or submit a bid on behalf of another for a project in which it is acting as the agent, or provide consulting services for a bidder for a project in which it is acting as agent.


A bid invitation agency may not alter, lease, lend or transfer its qualification certificate.

第十四条 招标人应当与被委托的招标代理机构签订书面委托合同,合同约定的收费标准应当符合国家有关规定。

Article 14: A bid inviting party shall execute an engagement contract with the bid invitation agency that it has appointed, and the fee rate specified in the contract shall comply with relevant state provisions.

第十五条 公开招标的项目,应当依照招标投标法和本条例的规定发布招标公告、编制招标文件。


Article 15: For a project for which a public invitation for bids is to be carried out, a bid invitation announcement shall be published and bid invitation documents prepared in accordance with the Bidding Law and these Regulations.


If the bid inviting party opts to review the qualifications of potential bidders by the advance qualification review method, it shall publish an advance qualification review announcement and prepare the advance qualification review documents.


The advance qualification review announcement and bid invitation announcement for a project that legally requires the invitation for bids shall be published in the media designated in accordance with the law by the State Council's development and reform department. The contents of advance qualification review announcements or bid invitation announcements for the same bid inviting project published in different media shall be identical. When the designated media publish the domestic advance qualification review announcement and bid invitation announcement for a project that legally requires the invitation for bids, they may not charge a fee therefor.

第十六条 招标人应当按照资格预审公告、招标公告或者投标邀请书规定的时间、地点发售资格预审文件或者招标文件。资格预审文件或者招标文件的发售期不得少于5日。

When preparing the advance qualification review documents and bid invitation documents for a project that legally requires the invitation for bids, the model texts formulated by the State Council's development and reform department together with the relevant administrative supervision departments shall be used.


Article 16: A bid inviting party shall sell the advance qualification review documents or bid invitation documents at the time and place specified in the advance qualification review announcement, bid invitation announcement or bid invitation letter. Advance qualification review documents or bid invitation documents may not be on sale for less than five days.

第十七条 招标人应当合理确定提交资格预审申请文件的时间。依法必须进行招标的项目提交资格预审申请文件的时间,自资格预审文件停止发售之日起不得少于5日。

The amount that the bid inviting party charges for the advance qualification review documents or bid invitation documents shall be limited to covering the costs and expenditures for printing and mailing, and may not have profit as its objective.

第十八条 资格预审应当按照资格预审文件载明的标准和方法进行。

Article 17: The bid inviting party shall determine a reasonable deadline for submitting the application documents for the advance review of qualifications. The deadline for the submission of application documents for the advance review of qualifications for a project that legally requires the invitation for bids shall not be less than five days from the date on which the sale of the advance qualification review documents stops.


Article 18: The advance review of qualifications shall be conducted based on the criteria and by the method specified in the advance qualification review documents.

第十九条 资格预审结束后,招标人应当及时向资格预审申请人发出资格预审结果通知书。未通过资格预审的申请人不具有投标资格。

For a project that legally requires the invitation for bids and in which state-owned funds hold a controlling or predominant position, the bid inviting party shall assemble a qualification review committee to review the application documents for the advance review of qualifications. The qualification review committee and its members shall comply with the provisions on bid evaluation committees and their members of the Bidding Law and these Regulations.


Article 19: Once the advance review of qualifications is concluded, the bid inviting party shall issue a notice of the results of the advance review of qualifications to the advance qualification review applicants in a timely manner. Those applicants that fail the advance review of their qualifications shall not be qualified to bid.

第二十条 招标人采用资格后审办法对投标人进行资格审查的,应当在开标后由评标委员会按照招标文件规定的标准和方法对投标人的资格进行审查。

If fewer than three applicants pass the advance review of their qualifications, a new invitation for bids shall be carried out.

第二十一条 招标人可以对已发出的资格预审文件或者招标文件进行必要的澄清或者修改。澄清或者修改的内容可能影响资格预审申请文件或者投标文件编制的,招标人应当在提交资格预审申请文件截止时间至少3日前,或者投标截止时间至少15日前,以书面形式通知所有获取资格预审文件或者招标文件的潜在投标人;不足3日或者15日的,招标人应当顺延提交资格预审申请文件或者投标文件的截止时间。

Article 20: If a bid inviting party is to review the qualifications of bidders by the later qualification review method, the bid evaluation committee shall review the qualifications of the bidders based on the criteria and by the method specified in the bid invitation documents after the opening of the bids.

第二十二条 潜在投标人或者其他利害关系人对资格预审文件有异议的,应当在提交资格预审申请文件截止时间2日前提出;对招标文件有异议的,应当在投标截止时间10日前提出。招标人应当自收到异议之日起3日内作出答复;作出答复前,应当暂停招标投标活动。

Article 21: A bid inviting party may make necessary clarifications or amendments to the advance qualification review documents or bid invitation documents that it has issued. If the clarifications or amendments could affect the preparation of the application documents for the advance review of qualifications or bidding documents, the bid inviting party shall notify in writing all of the potential bidders that obtained the advance qualification review documents or bid invitation documents at least three days before the deadline for the submission of the application documents for the advance review of qualifications, or at least 15 days before the bid submission deadline. If there are less than three days or 15 days, respectively, remaining when it does so, the bid inviting party shall extend the deadline for the submission of application documents for the advance review of qualifications or the bidding documents accordingly.

第二十三条 招标人编制的资格预审文件、招标文件的内容违反法律、行政法规的强制性规定,违反公开、公平、公正和诚实信用原则,影响资格预审结果或者潜在投标人投标的,依法必须进行招标的项目的招标人应当在修改资格预审文件或者招标文件后重新招标。

Article 22: If a potential bidder or a materially interested party has an objection to an advance qualification review document, it shall raise the same two days before the deadline for the submission of application documents for the advance review of qualifications; if it has an objection to a bid invitation document, it shall raise the same 10 days before the bid submission deadline. The bid inviting party shall give a response within three days from the date of receipt of the objection, and it shall temporarily suspend the bid invitation and submission activities until it gives the response.

第二十四条 招标人对招标项目划分标段的,应当遵守招标投标法的有关规定,不得利用划分标段限制或者排斥潜在投标人。依法必须进行招标的项目的招标人不得利用划分标段规避招标。

Article 23: If the contents of the advance qualification review documents or bid invitation documents prepared by a bid inviting party violate the mandatory provisions of laws or administrative regulations, or violate the principles of transparency, equality, impartiality or good faith, thereby affecting the results of the advance review of qualifications or the submission of bids by the potential bidders, the bid inviting party for a project that legally requires the invitation for bids shall, after revising the advance qualification review documents or bid invitation documents, carry out a new invitation for bids.

第二十五条 招标人应当在招标文件中载明投标有效期。投标有效期从提交投标文件的截止之日起算。

Article 24: If a bid inviting party splits up the project for which bids are invited for different sections, it shall comply with the relevant provisions of the Bidding Law and may not use the splitting up of the project to restrict or preclude potential bidders. A bid inviting party for a project that legally requires the invitation for bids may not split up the project in order to circumvent an invitation for bids.

第二十六条 招标人在招标文件中要求投标人提交投标保证金的,投标保证金不得超过招标项目估算价的2%。投标保证金有效期应当与投标有效期一致。

Article 25: A bid inviting party shall specify the term of validity of bids in the bid invitation documents. The term of validity of bids shall start to count from the deadline for the submission of the bidding documents.


Article 26: If a bid inviting party requires, in the bid invitation documents, the bidders to provide a bid deposit, the amount of such deposit may not exceed 2% of the estimated value of the project for which bids are invited. The term of validity of the bid deposits shall be identical to that of the bids.


The bid deposit provided in cash or by cheque by a domestic entity bidding on a project that legally requires the invitation for bids shall be transferred from its basic account.

第二十七条 招标人可以自行决定是否编制标底。一个招标项目只能有一个标底。标底必须保密。 

A bid inviting party may not divert bid deposits for other purposes.


Article 27: A bid inviting party may itself decide whether to set a reserve price. A project for which bids are invited may have only one reserve price. The reserve price must be kept confidential.


An intermediary firm that has been engaged to set a reserve price may not participate in the bidding for the project for which it was engaged to set the reserve price or prepare bidding documents or provide consulting services for bidders on the project.

第二十八条 招标人不得组织单个或者部分潜在投标人踏勘项目现场。

If a bid inviting party has set a ceiling price for bids, it shall expressly state such ceiling price or the method of calculating the same in the bid invitation documents. A bid inviting party may not set a floor price for bids.

第二十九条 招标人可以依法对工程以及与工程建设有关的货物、服务全部或者部分实行总承包招标。以暂估价形式包括在总承包范围内的工程、货物、服务属于依法必须进行招标的项目范围且达到国家规定规模标准的,应当依法进行招标。

Article 28: A bid inviting party may not arrange for on-the-spot surveys of the project for single or some potential bidders.


Article 29: A bid inviting party may, in accordance with the law, fully or partially carry out a general contract bid invitation for the works and the goods and services relating to the construction of the works. If works, goods or services included within the scope of a general contract in the form of a provisional estimate fall within the scope of a project that legally requires the invitation for bids and reaches the size criterion specified by the state, an invitation for bids shall be carried out therefor in accordance with the law.

第三十条 对技术复杂或者无法精确拟定技术规格的项目,招标人可以分两阶段进行招标。

For the purposes of the preceding paragraph, the term “provisional estimate” means the amount for works, goods or services provisionally estimated by the bid inviting party in the bid invitation documents when the price cannot be determined for a general contract bid invitation.


Article 30: For a project the technology for which is complex or where it is impossible to precisely draft the technical specifications, the bid inviting party may carry out the invitation for bids in two stages.


During the first stage, the bidders shall submit technical proposals without quotes in accordance with the requirements of the bid invitation announcement or bid invitation letter, and the bid inviting party shall determine the technical standards and requirements based on the technical proposals submitted by the bidders and prepare the bid invitation documents.


During the second stage, the bid inviting party shall provide the bid invitation documents to the bidders that submitted technical proposals at the first stage, and the bidders shall submit, in accordance with the requirements of the bid invitation documents, bidding documents that include their final technical solutions and bid prices.

第三十一条 招标人终止招标的,应当及时发布公告,或者以书面形式通知被邀请的或者已经获取资格预审文件、招标文件的潜在投标人。已经发售资格预审文件、招标文件或者已经收取投标保证金的,招标人应当及时退还所收取的资格预审文件、招标文件的费用,以及所收取的投标保证金及银行同期存款利息。

If the bid inviting party requires the bidders to provide bid deposits, such requirement shall be specified in the second stage.

第三十二条 招标人不得以不合理的条件限制、排斥潜在投标人或者投标人。

Article 31: If a bid inviting party terminates the bid invitation, it shall, in a timely manner, publish an announcement or notify in writing the potential bidders that have been invited or that have obtained the advance qualification review documents and bid invitation documents. If the advance qualification review documents and bid invitation documents have already been sold or the bid deposits received, the bid inviting party shall, in a timely manner, refund the charge received for the advance qualification review documents and bid invitation documents and the bid deposits received with interest thereon at the rate for bank deposits over the same period.


Article 32: A bid inviting party may not restrict or preclude potential bidders or bidders by specifying unreasonable conditions.


Any of the following acts by a bid inviting party shall constitute restricting or precluding potential bidders or bidders by specifying unreasonable conditions:


(1) providing different project information in respect of the same project for which bids are invited to different potential bidders or bidders;


(2) the qualifications, technologies and/or commercial conditions it has set are inconsistent with the specific features and actual requirements of the project for which bids are invited or are irrelevant to the performance of the contract;


(3) setting a specific administrative area or the performance in or awards of a particular industry as conditions for additional points or conditions for winning the bid for a project that legally requires the invitation for bids;


(4) using different qualification review criteria or bid evaluation criteria for different potential bidders or bidders;



(5) restricting or designating specific patents, trademarks, brands, origins or suppliers;

第三章 投标

(6) illegally placing restrictions on the form of ownership or organisational form of the potential bidders or bidders for a project that legally requires the invitation for bids; or

第三十三条 投标人参加依法必须进行招标的项目的投标,不受地区或者部门的限制,任何单位和个人不得非法干涉。

(7) using other unreasonable conditions to restrict or preclude potential bidders or bidders.

第三十四条 与招标人存在利害关系可能影响招标公正性的法人、其他组织或者个人,不得参加投标。

Part Three: Submission of bids


Article 33: Bidders participating in the submission of bids of a project that legally requires the invitation for bids shall not be restricted by region or department, and no entity or individual may illegally interfere therein.


Article 34: Legal persons, other organisations and individuals that have a material interest in the bid inviting party that could affect the impartiality of the bid invitation may not participate in the submission of bids.

第三十五条 投标人撤回已提交的投标文件,应当在投标截止时间前书面通知招标人。招标人已收取投标保证金的,应当自收到投标人书面撤回通知之日起5日内退还。

Different entities of which the person in charge is the same person, or different entities between which a controlling or management relationship exists, may not participate in the bid for the same section or the bid for a project that is not divided into sections for bid invitation.


In the event of a violation of either of the preceding paragraphs, the relevant bid shall be invalid.

第三十六条 未通过资格预审的申请人提交的投标文件,以及逾期送达或者不按照招标文件要求密封的投标文件,招标人应当拒收。

Article 35: If a bidder wishes to withdraw the bidding documents that it has already submitted, it shall notify the bid inviting party thereof in writing before the bid submission deadline. If the bid inviting party has received the bid deposit, it shall refund the same within five days from the date of receipt of the written withdrawal notice from the bidder.


If a bidder withdraws its bid invitation documents after the bid submission deadline, the bid inviting party shall not be required to refund the bid deposit.

第三十七条 招标人应当在资格预审公告、招标公告或者投标邀请书中载明是否接受联合体投标。

Article 36: A bid inviting party shall refuse to accept bidding documents submitted by applicants that failed the advance review of their qualifications or bidding documents that are served late or that are not sealed as required in the bid invitation documents.


The bid inviting party shall truthfully record the date of service of the bidding documents and the manner in which they were sealed, and keep the same on file for future reference.


Article 37: A bid inviting party shall specify in the advance qualification review announcement, bid invitation announcement or bid invitation letter whether bids from consortiums will be accepted.

第三十八条 投标人发生合并、分立、破产等重大变化的,应当及时书面告知招标人。投标人不再具备资格预审文件、招标文件规定的资格条件或者其投标影响招标公正性的,其投标无效。

If the bid inviting party accepts bids from consortiums and will carry out an advance review of qualifications, a consortium shall be assembled before the submission of the application documents for the advance review of qualifications. If a consortium adds, removes or replaces members after the advance review of qualifications, its bid shall be invalid.

第三十九条 禁止投标人相互串通投标。

If parties constituting a consortium separately submit bids in their own names for the same project for which bids are invited or participate in the submission of bids by other consortiums, the relevant bids shall be invalid.


Article 38: If a material change to a bidder occurs, such as a merger, division or bankruptcy, it shall inform the bid inviting party thereof in writing in a timely manner. If the bidder ceases to satisfy the qualification conditions specified in the advance qualification review documents or bid invitation documents or its bid would affect the impartiality of the bid invitation, its bid shall be invalid.


Article 39: Bidders are forbidden from colluding in the submission of their bids.


Such collusion shall be constituted if:



(1) bidders reach agreement on substantive particulars of their bidding documents, such as their bid prices, through consultations;


(2) bidders reach agreement on the winning bidder;

第四十条 有下列情形之一的,视为投标人相互串通投标:

(3) bidders agree that certain bidders will renounce their bid or winning of the bid;


(4) bidders that are members of the same group, association, chamber of commerce or other such organisation coordinate the submission of their bids as required by the organisation; or


(5) other joint action is taken by bidders with a view to winning the bid or to preclude a specific bidder.


Article 40: Bidders shall be deemed as having colluded in the submission of their bids if:


(1) the bidding documents of different bidders are prepared by the same entity or individual;


(2) different bidders appoint the same entity or individual to carry out bid submission matters;


(3) a project management member specified in the bidding documents of different bidders is the same person;

第四十一条 禁止招标人与投标人串通投标。

(4) the bidding documents of different bidders are unusually similar or their bid prices show a regular difference;


(5) the bidding documents of different bidders are bound together; or


(6) the bid deposits of different bidders are transferred from the account of the same entity or individual.


Article 41: Collusion between a bid inviting party and a bidder in the submission of a bid is prohibited.


Such collusion shall be constituted if:


(1) the bid inviting party opens the bidding documents before the bid opening and divulges the relevant information to a bidder;


(2) the bid inviting party directly or indirectly divulges the reserve price, the members of the bid evaluation committee or other such information to a bidder;


(3) the bid inviting party expressly or implicitly indicates to a bidder to lower or increase its bid price;

第四十二条 使用通过受让或者租借等方式获取的资格、资质证书投标的,属于招标投标法第三十三条规定的以他人名义投标。

(4) the bid inviting party suggests a bidder replaces or amends its bidding documents;


(5) the bid inviting party expressly or implicitly indicates to a bidder to provide facilitating conditions for a specific bidder to win the bid; or


(6) other collusive acts are engaged in by a bid inviting party and bidder so that a specific bidder is determined as the winning bidder.


Article 42: Using a qualification certificate obtained through acquisition, renting, borrowing or otherwise to submit a bid constitutes submitting a bid in the name of a third party as specified in Article 33 of the Bidding Law.


Any of the acts set forth below committed by a bidder shall constitute using other fraudulent means as specified in Article 33 of the Bidding Law:



(1) using a forged or altered permit;

第四十三条 提交资格预审申请文件的申请人应当遵守招标投标法和本条例有关投标人的规定。

(2) providing a fraudulent financial position or performance;

第四章 开标、评标和中标

(3) providing (a) fraudulent résumé(s) and/or proof(s) of employment relationship of the person in charge of the project or the main technical personnel;

第四十四条 招标人应当按照招标文件规定的时间、地点开标。

(4) providing a fraudulent credit rating; or


(5) another act of fraud.


Article 43: An applicant submitting application documents for the advance review of its qualifications shall comply with the provisions on bidders of the Bidding Law and these Regulations.

第四十五条 国家实行统一的评标专家专业分类标准和管理办法。具体标准和办法由国务院发展改革部门会同国务院有关部门制定。

Part Four: Opening of bids, evaluation of bids and determination of the winning bidder


Article 44: The bid inviting party shall open the bids at the time and place specified in the bid invitation documents.

第四十六条 除招标投标法第三十七条第三款规定的特殊招标项目外,依法必须进行招标的项目,其评标委员会的专家成员应当从评标专家库内相关专业的专家名单中以随机抽取方式确定。任何单位和个人不得以明示、暗示等任何方式指定或者变相指定参加评标委员会的专家成员。

The bids may not be opened if there are fewer than three bidders. In such a case, the bid inviting party shall carry out a new invitation for bids.


If a bidder has an objection to the bid opening, it shall raise the same on the spot at the bid opening, and the bid inviting party shall respond thereto on the spot and make a record thereof.


Article 45: The state implements uniform profession classification criteria and administration measures for bid evaluation experts. The specific criteria and measures shall be formulated by the State Council's development and reform department together with relevant State Council departments.


第四十七条 招标投标法第三十七条第三款所称特殊招标项目,是指技术复杂、专业性强或者国家有特殊要求,采取随机抽取方式确定的专家难以保证胜任评标工作的项目。

People's governments at the provincial level and relevant State Council departments shall establish a comprehensive pool of bid evaluation experts.

第四十八条 招标人应当向评标委员会提供评标所必需的信息,但不得明示或者暗示其倾向或者排斥特定投标人。

Article 46: With the exception of special projects as specified in the third paragraph of Article 37 of the Bidding Law, the expert members of the bid evaluation committee for a project that legally requires the invitation for bids shall be determined at random from the list of experts of the relevant profession in the pool of bid evaluation experts. No entity or individual may use any express or implicit method to designate or designate in a disguised manner the expert members on a bid evaluation committee.


The bid inviting party for a project that legally requires the invitation for bids may not replace the lawfully determined members of the bid evaluation committee for a reason not specified in the Bidding Law or these Regulations. The replacement of an expert member of a bid evaluation committee shall be carried out in accordance with the preceding paragraph.


If a member of a bid evaluation committee has a material interest in a bidder, he or she shall take the initiative to recuse himself or herself.

第四十九条 评标委员会成员应当依照招标投标法和本条例的规定,按照招标文件规定的评标标准和方法,客观、公正地对投标文件提出评审意见。招标文件没有规定的评标标准和方法不得作为评标的依据。

The relevant administrative supervision departments shall monitor the manner of determining the members of bid evaluation committees, the random selection of bid evaluation experts and the bid evaluation activities within the specified scope of their responsibilities. The working personnel of an administrative supervision department may not serve as members of the bid evaluation committee for a project the monitoring of which the department is responsible for.


Article 47: For the purposes of the third paragraph of Article 37 of the Bidding Law, the term “special project” means a project the technology for which is complex, that is highly specialised or in respect of which the state has special requirements and it would be difficult to ensure that experts determined at random would be competent to carry out the bid evaluation work.

第五十条 招标项目设有标底的,招标人应当在开标时公布。标底只能作为评标的参考,不得以投标报价是否接近标底作为中标条件,也不得以投标报价超过标底上下浮动范围作为否决投标的条件。

Article 48: The bid inviting party shall provide to the bid evaluation committee the information required for the evaluation of the bids, but may not expressly or implicitly indicate to the committee a specific bidder that it favours or wishes to preclude.

第五十一条 有下列情形之一的,评标委员会应当否决其投标:

The bid inviting party shall set a reasonable period of time for evaluating the bids based on factors such as the size of the project and its technical complexity. If more than one-third of the members of the bid evaluation committee deem the bid evaluation period insufficient, the bid inviting party shall extend the same appropriately.


If, in the course of the evaluation of the bids, a member of the bid evaluation committee cannot continue to evaluate the bids due to his or her having to recuse himself or herself, absenting himself or herself from his or her duties without authorisation, health reasons, etc., he or she shall be promptly replaced. The evaluation conclusion rendered by the replaced member of the bid evaluation committee shall be invalid, and his or her replacement shall carry out the evaluation anew.


Article 49: Members of a bid evaluation committee shall objectively and impartially issue an evaluation opinion in respect of the bidding documents in accordance with the Bidding Law and these Regulations and based on the bid evaluation criteria and by the method specified in the bid invitation documents. If the bid invitation documents are silent on the bid evaluation criteria and method, they may not serve as the basis for evaluating the bids.


Members of a bid evaluation committee may not have contact with bidders in private, may not accept property or other advantages offered by bidders, may not ask the bid inviting party its intent on the determination of the winning bidder, may not accept an express or implied request made by any entity or individual favouring or precluding a specific bidder and may not commit any other act whereby they perform their duties in a non-objective and non-impartial manner.


Article 50: If a reserve price has been set for a project for which bids are invited, the bid inviting party shall announce the same at the time of the opening of the bids. A reserve price may only serve as a reference in the evaluation of the bids. Whether a bid price is close to the reserve price may not be set as a condition for winning the bid, and whether a bid price exceeds the lower or upper range around the reserve price may not be a condition for denying a bid.


Article 51: A bid shall be denied by the bid evaluation committee if:


(1) the bidding documents do not bear the stamp of the bidding entity and/or the signature of the person in charge of the entity;


(2) a bid consortium fails to submit its joint bid agreement;

第五十二条 投标文件中有含义不明确的内容、明显文字或者计算错误,评标委员会认为需要投标人作出必要澄清、说明的,应当书面通知该投标人。投标人的澄清、说明应当采用书面形式,并不得超出投标文件的范围或者改变投标文件的实质性内容。

(3) the bidder fails to satisfy the qualification conditions specified by the state or in the bid invitation documents;


(4) one bidder submits two or more sets of different bidding documents or two or more bid prices, unless the bid invitation documents require the submission of alternative bids;

第五十三条 评标完成后,评标委员会应当向招标人提交书面评标报告和中标候选人名单。中标候选人应当不超过3个,并标明排序。

(5) the bid price is less than cost or exceeds the ceiling price set in the bid invitation documents;


(6) the bidding documents fail to address the substantive requirements and conditions in the bid invitation documents; or

第五十四条 依法必须进行招标的项目,招标人应当自收到评标报告之日起3日内公示中标候选人,公示期不得少于3日。

(7) the bidder has committed a violation of the law, such as collusion in the submission of its bid, fraud or bribery.


Article 52: If a bidding document has content the meaning of which is unclear or contains obvious typographical or calculation errors and the bid evaluation committee deems it necessary for the bidder to give the necessary clarification and/or explanation, it shall notify such bidder in writing. The clarification and/or explanation by the bidder shall be in writing, and may not exceed the scope of the bidding documents or alter substantive contents of the bidding documents.

第五十五条 国有资金占控股或者主导地位的依法必须进行招标的项目,招标人应当确定排名第一的中标候选人为中标人。排名第一的中标候选人放弃中标、因不可抗力不能履行合同、不按照招标文件要求提交履约保证金,或者被查实存在影响中标结果的违法行为等情形,不符合中标条件的,招标人可以按照评标委员会提出的中标候选人名单排序依次确定其他中标候选人为中标人,也可以重新招标。

The bid evaluation committee may not implicitly ask, or induce, a bidder to give a clarification or explanation, and may not accept a clarification or explanation offered by a bidder at its own initiative.

第五十六条 中标候选人的经营、财务状况发生较大变化或者存在违法行为,招标人认为可能影响其履约能力的,应当在发出中标通知书前由原评标委员会按照招标文件规定的标准和方法审查确认。

Article 53: Once the evaluation of the bids is completed, the bid evaluation committee shall submit to the bid inviting party its written bid evaluation report and list of candidates for the status of winning bidder. There shall not be more than three candidates for the status of winning bidder and they shall be ranked in order.

第五十七条 招标人和中标人应当依照招标投标法和本条例的规定签订书面合同,合同的标的、价款、质量、履行期限等主要条款应当与招标文件和中标人的投标文件的内容一致。招标人和中标人不得再行订立背离合同实质性内容的其他协议。

The bid evaluation report shall be signed by all of the members of the bid evaluation committee. If a member of the bid evaluation committee holds a dissenting opinion in respect of the bid evaluation results, he or she shall explain his or her dissenting opinion and give the reasons therefor in writing, and the bid evaluation report shall note such dissenting opinion. If a member of the bid evaluation committee refuses to sign the bid evaluation report and fails to explain his or her dissenting opinion and give the reasons therefor, he or she shall be deemed as agreeing to the bid evaluation results.


Article 54: For a project that legally requires the invitation for bids, the bid inviting party shall announce the candidates for the status of winning bidder within three days from the date of receipt of the bid evaluation report, and the announcement period may not be less than three days.

第五十八条 招标文件要求中标人提交履约保证金的,中标人应当按照招标文件的要求提交。履约保证金不得超过中标合同金额的10%。

If a bidder or a materially interested party has an objection to the bid evaluation results for a project that legally requires the invitation for bids, it shall raise the same during the announcement period for the candidates for the status of winning bidder. The bid inviting party shall respond within three days from the date of receipt of the objection, and shall temporarily suspend the bid invitation and submission activities until it gives the response.

第五十九条 中标人应当按照合同约定履行义务,完成中标项目。中标人不得向他人转让中标项目,也不得将中标项目肢解后分别向他人转让。

Article 55: For a project that legally requires the invitation for bids and in which state funds hold a controlling or predominant position, the bid inviting party shall determine the candidate for the status of winning bidder ranked first as the winning bidder. If the candidate for the status of winning bidder ranked first renounces its winning of the bid, is unable to perform the contract due to force majeure, fails to provide a performance bond as required in the bid invitation documents, or is found to have committed a violation of the law that affected the awarding of the bid and therefore does not satisfy the conditions for winning the bid or other such circumstance under which the conditions for winning the bid are not satisfied exists, the bid inviting party may either determine the candidate for the status of winning bidder according to the ranking on the list of candidates for the status of winning bidder submitted by the bid evaluation committee as the winning bidder, or invite bids anew.


Article 56: If a relatively large change in the business or financial position of a candidate for the status of winning bidder occurs or if such candidate commits a violation of the law and the bid inviting party deems that the same could affect its capacity to perform, the same shall be reviewed and confirmed by the original bid evaluation committee based on the criteria and by the method specified in the bid invitation documents before issuance of the letter of acceptance.


Article 57: The bid inviting party and the winning bidder shall execute a written contract in accordance with the Bidding Law and these Regulations. The major provisions of the contract, such as those on the subject matter of the contract, the price, quality and term for performance, shall be consistent with the contents of the bid invitation documents and the winning bidder's bidding documents. The bid inviting party and the winning bidder may not conclude other agreements that run counter to the substantive provisions of the contract.

第五章 投诉与处理

The bid inviting party shall refund the bid deposits to the winning bidder and the losing bidders with interest at the rate for bank deposits over the same period no later than five days after the execution of the written contract.

第六十条 投标人或者其他利害关系人认为招标投标活动不符合法律、行政法规规定的,可以自知道或者应当知道之日起10日内向有关行政监督部门投诉。投诉应当有明确的请求和必要的证明材料。

Article 58: If the bid invitation documents require the winning bidder to provide a performance bond, it shall do so as required by the bid invitation documents. The performance bond may not exceed 10% of the contract amount.


Article 59: The winning bidder shall perform its obligations, and complete the project that it has won, in accordance with the contract of the project won. The winning bidder may not transfer the project that it has won to a third party, or break up the project that it has won and subsequently transfer the parts to third parties.

第六十一条 投诉人就同一事项向两个以上有权受理的行政监督部门投诉的,由最先收到投诉的行政监督部门负责处理。

Subject to the provisions of the contract or the consent of the bid inviting party, the winning bidder may sub-contract out the completion of some of the non-principal, non-key parts of the work for the project that it has won. The sub-contractors shall possess the appropriate qualifications required and may not further sub-contract their projects.


The winning bidder shall be accountable to the bid inviting party for the sub-contracted projects, and the sub-contractors shall bear joint and several liability for the sub-contracted projects.


Part Five: Complaints and handling thereof

第六十二条 行政监督部门处理投诉,有权查阅、复制有关文件、资料,调查有关情况,相关单位和人员应当予以配合。必要时,行政监督部门可以责令暂停招标投标活动。

Article 60: If a bidder or a materially interested party is of the opinion that the bid invitation and submission activities were not in conformity with laws or administrative regulations, it may file a complaint with the relevant administrative supervision department within 10 days from the date on which it learnt or ought to have learnt thereof. The complaint shall have clear claims and the necessary supporting documentation.


第六章 法律责任

 第六十三条 招标人有下列限制或者排斥潜在投标人行为之一的,由有关行政监督部门依照招标投标法第五十一条的规定处罚:


If a complaint is filed in respect of a matter specified in Article 22, 44 or 54 hereof, an objection shall first be raised in respect thereof to the bid inviting party. The time required to respond to the objection shall not be counted as part of the time period specified in the preceding paragraph.


Article 61: If a complainant files a complaint in respect of the same matter with two or more administrative supervision departments with the authority to accept the same, the administrative supervision department that first receives the complaint shall be responsible for dealing therewith.


An administrative supervision department shall decide on whether or not to accept a complaint within three working days from the date of receipt of the complaint, and render a written handling decision within 30 working days from the date of acceptance of the complaint. If an inspection, testing, assessment or expert evaluation is required, the time required therefor shall not be counted as part of the period.

第六十四条 招标人有下列情形之一的,由有关行政监督部门责令改正,可以处10万元以下的罚款:

If the complainant has fabricated facts, forged materials or obtained supporting documentation by illegal means to file the complaint, the administrative supervision department shall reject its complaint.


Article 62: When an administrative supervision department is handling a complaint, it shall have the right to review and take copies of relevant documents and information and investigate relevant circumstances, and relevant entities and personnel shall cooperate therewith. When necessary, the administrative supervision department may order that the bid invitation and submission activities be suspended.


The working personnel of an administrative supervision department shall keep confidential in accordance with the law the state secrets and trade secrets to which they are privy in the course of monitoring inspections.


Part Six: Legal liability


Article 63: If a bid inviting party commits any of the following acts that restrict or preclude potential bidders, the relevant administrative supervision department shall impose penalties in accordance with Article 51 of the Bidding Law:


(1) it fails to publish an advance qualification review announcement or bid invitation announcement in the designated media in accordance with provisions for a project that legally requires a public invitation for bids; or

第六十五条 招标代理机构在所代理的招标项目中投标、代理投标或者向该项目投标人提供咨询的,接受委托编制标底的中介机构参加受托编制标底项目的投标或者为该项目的投标人编制投标文件、提供咨询的,依照招标投标法第五十条的规定追究法构责任。

(2) the contents of the advance qualification review announcement or bid invitation announcement for the same project that it publishes in different media differ, affecting potential bidders' applications for advance review of their qualifications or submission of their bids.

第六十六条 招标人超过本条例规定的比例收取投标保证金、履约保证金或者不按照规定退还投标保证金及银行同期存款利息的,由有关行政监督部门责令改正,可以处5万元以下的罚款;给他人造成损失的,依法承担赔偿责任。

If a bid inviting party for a project that legally requires the invitation for bids fails to publish an advance qualification review announcement or bid invitation announcement in accordance with provisions and the same constitutes circumvention of an invitation for bids, penalties shall be imposed in accordance with Article 49 of the Bidding Law.

第六十七条 投标人相互串通投标或者与招标人串通投标的,投标人向招标人或者评标委员会成员行贿谋取中标的,中标无效;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任;尚不构成犯罪的,依照招标投标法第五十三条的规定处罚。投标人未中标的,对单位的罚款金额按照招标项目合同金额依照招标投标法规定的比例计算。

Article 64: If any of the following circumstances applies to a bid inviting party, the relevant administrative supervision department shall order it to rectify the matter, and may fine it up to Rmb100,000:


(1) it was required in accordance with the law to carry out a public invitation for bids but instead carried out a private invitation for bids;


(2) the deadline for the sale, clarification or amendment of the bid invitation documents or advance qualification review documents, or the deadline set for the submission of the application documents for the advance review of qualifications or bidding documents is not in conformity with the Bidding Law or these Regulations;


(3) it accepted participation in the bidding by an entity or individual that failed the advance review of its/his/her qualifications; or


(4) it accepted bidding documents the acceptance of which it was required to refuse.


If a bid inviting party commits any of the acts set forth in Item (1), (3) or (4) of the preceding paragraph, the supervisor directly in charge and other directly responsible personnel of the entity shall be disciplined in accordance with the law.


Article 65: If a bid invitation agency itself submits a bid or submits a bid on behalf of another for a project in which it is acting as agent, or provides consulting services to a bidder for such project, or if an intermediary firm that has been engaged to set the reserve price participates in the bidding for the project for which it was engaged to set the reserve price or prepares bidding documents or provides consulting services for a bidder for such project, its legal liability shall be pursued in accordance with Article 50 of the Bidding Law.


Article 66: If a bid inviting party charges a bid deposit or performance bond in excess of the percentage specified herein or fails to refund, in accordance with provisions, the bid deposits with interest thereon at the rate for bank deposits over the same period, the relevant administrative supervision department shall order it to rectify the matter and may fine it up to Rmb50,000; if a third party was caused to incur a loss, the bid inviting party shall be liable for compensation in accordance with the law.

第六十八条 投标人以他人名义投标或者以其他方式弄虚作假骗取中标的,中标无效;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任;尚不构成犯罪的,依照招标投标法第五十四条的规定处罚。依法必须进行招标的项目的投标人未中标的,对单位的罚款金额按照招标项目合同金额依照招标投标法规定的比例计算。

Article 67: If a bidder colludes with one or more other bidders or with the bid inviting party in the submission of its bid, or if a bidder seeks to win the project by offering a bribe to the bid inviting party or a member of the bid evaluation committee, the acceptance of its bid shall be void; if a criminal offence is constituted, its criminal liability shall be pursued in accordance with the law; or if a criminal offence is not constituted, penalties shall be imposed in accordance with Article 53 of the Bidding Law. In the case where the bidder was not the winning bidder, the amount of the fine on the entity shall be calculated based on the contract amount for the project at the percentage specified in the Bidding Law.


any of the acts set forth below, the same shall constitute an act the circumstances of which are serious as specified in Article 53 of the Bidding Law, and the relevant administrative supervision department shall cancel the bidder's qualifications to bid on projects that legally require the invitation for bids for one to two years:



(1) it sought to win the bid by offering bribes;


(2) it colludes in the submission of bids on at least two occasions within a period of three years;


(3) its collusion in the submission of bids harms the lawful rights and interests of the bid inviting party and other bidders or those of the state, the collective or citizens, causing direct economic losses of at least Rmb300,000; or


(4) it commits another act of collusion in the submission of bids the circumstances of which are serious.

第六十九条 出让或者出租资格、资质证书供他人投标的,依照法律、行政法规的规定给予行政处罚;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。

if, within three years from the date of expiration of the penalty execution period specified in the second paragraph of this Article, a bidder again commits one of the illegal acts specified in that paragraph, or colludes in the submission of bids or offers a bribe to have its bid accepted and the circumstances thereof are particularly serious, the administration for industry and commerce shall revoke its business licence.

第七十条 依法必须进行招标的项目的招标人不按照规定组建评标委员会,或者确定、更换评标委员会成员违反招标投标法和本条例规定的,由有关行政监督部门责令改正,可以处10万元以下的罚款,对单位直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员依法给予处分;违法确定或者更换的评标委员会成员作出的评审结论无效,依法重新进行评审。

If laws or administrative regulations provide otherwise in respect of the penalties for collusion on the bid price, such provisions shall apply.


Article 68: If a bidder submits its bid in the name of a third party or uses other fraudulent means to have its bid accepted, the acceptance of its bid shall be void; if a criminal offence is constituted, its criminal liability shall be pursued in accordance with the law; or if a criminal offence is not constituted, penalties shall be imposed in accordance with Article 54 of the Bidding Law. In the case where the bidder for a project that legally requires the invitation for bids did not win the bid, the amount of the fine on the entity shall be calculated based on the contract amount for the project at the percentage specified in the Bidding Law.

第七十一条 评标委员会成员有下列行为之一的,由有关行政监督部门责令改正;情节严重的,禁止其在一定期限内参加依法必须进行招标的项目的评标;情节特别严重的,取消其担任评标委员会成员的资格:

If a bidder commits any of the acts set forth below, the same shall constitute an act the circumstances of which are serious as specified in Article 54 of the Bidding Law, and the relevant administrative supervision department shall cancel the bidder's qualifications to bid on projects that legally require the invitation for bids for one to three years:


(1) it forges or alters its qualification certificate or other permit to fraudulently have its bid accepted;


(2) it submits its bid in the name of a third party on at least two occasions within a period of three years;


(3) it uses fraudulent means to have its bid accepted causing the bid inviting party to incur direct economic losses of at least Rmb300,000; or


(4) it otherwise uses fraudulent means to win the bid and the circumstances of which are serious.


If, within three years from the date of expiration of the penalty execution period specified in the second paragraph of this Article, a bidder again commits one of the illegal acts specified in such paragraph, or uses fraudulent means to win a bid and the circumstances thereof are particularly serious, the administration for industry and commerce shall revoke its business licence.


Article 69: If a qualification certificate is sold or leased to a third party to submit a bid, administrative penalties shall be imposed in accordance with laws and administrative regulations; if a criminal offence is constituted, criminal liability shall be pursued in accordance with the law.


Article 70: If a bid inviting party for a project that legally requires the invitation for bids fails to assemble a bid evaluation committee in accordance with provisions, or its determination or replacement of a member of the bid evaluation committee violates the Bidding Law or these Regulations, the relevant administrative supervision department shall order it to rectify the matter, may fine it up to Rmb100,000, and shall discipline the supervisor directly in charge and other directly responsible personnel of the entity in accordance with the law; the evaluation conclusions rendered by the illegally determined or replaced member of the bid evaluation committee shall be invalid, and the evaluation shall, in accordance with the law, be carried out anew.


If a member of the working personnel of the state illegally interferes in the selection of the members of a bid evaluation committee in any manner, his or her legal liability shall be pursued in accordance with Article 81 hereof.

第七十二条 评标委员会成员收受投标人的财物或者其他好处的,没收收受的财物,处3000元以上5万元以下的罚款,取消担任评标委员会成员的资格,不得再参加依法必须进行招标的项目的评标;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。

Article 71: If a member of a bid evaluation committee commits any of the acts set forth below, the relevant administrative supervision department shall order him or her to rectify the matter; if the circumstances are serious, he or she shall be prohibited from participating for a set period of time in the evaluation of bids for projects that legally require the invitation for bids; if the circumstances are particularly serious, his or her qualifications to serve as a member of a bid evaluation committee shall be cancelled:

第七十三条 依法必须进行招标的项目的招标人有下列情形之一的,由有关行政监督部门责令改正,可以处中标项目金额10‰以下的罚款;给他人造成损失的,依法承担赔偿责任;对单位直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员依法给予处分:

(1) he or she ought to recuse himself or herself but does not do so;


(2) he or she absents himself or herself from his or her duties without authorisation;


(3) he or she fails to evaluate the bids based on the criteria and by the method specified in the bid invitation documents;


(4) he or she has contact with bidders in private;


(5) he or she asks the bid inviting party its intent on the determination of the winning bidder or accepts an express or implied request made by any entity or individual favouring or precluding a specific bidder;


(6) he or she does not issue a denial opinion in respect of a bid where such denial is called for in accordance with the law;

第七十四条 中标人无正当理由不与招标人订立合同,在签订合同时向招标人提出附加条件,或者不按照招标文件要求提交履约保证金的,取消其中标资格,投标保证金不予退还。对依法必须进行招标的项目的中标人,由有关行政监督部门责令改正,可以处中标项目金额10‰以下的罚款。

(7) he or she implicitly asks, or induces, a bidder to give a clarification or explanation, or accepts a clarification or explanation offered by a bidder at its own initiative; or

第七十五条 招标人和中标人不按照招标文件和中标人的投标文件订立合同,合同的主要条款与招标文件、中标人的投标文件的内容不一致,或者招标人、中标人订立背离合同实质性内容的协议的,由有关行政监督部门责令改正,可以处中标项目金额5‰以上10‰以下的罚款。

(8) he or she commits another act whereby he or she performs his or her duties in a non-objective and non-impartial manner.

第七十六条 中标人将中标项目转让给他人的,将中标项目肢解后分别转让给他人的,违反招标投标法和本条例规定将中标项目的部分主体、关键性工作分包给他人的,或者分包人再次分包的,转让、分包无效,处转让、分包项目金额5‰以上10‰以下的罚款;有违法所得的,并处没收违法所得;可以责令停业整顿;情节严重的,由工商行政管理机关吊销营业执照。

Article 72: If a member of a bid evaluation committee accepts property or other advantage from a bidder, the property shall be confiscated, he or she shall be fined not less than Rmb3,000 and not more than Rmb50,000, his or her qualifications to serve as a member of a bid evaluation committee shall be cancelled, and he or she may not again participate in the evaluation of bids for projects that legally require the invitation for bids; if a criminal offence is constituted, his or her criminal liability shall be pursued in accordance with the law.

第七十七条 投标人或者其他利害关系人捏造事实、伪造材料或者以非法手段取得证明材料进行投诉,给他人造成损失的,依法承担赔偿责任。

Article 73: If a bid inviting party for a project that legally requires the invitation for bids commits any of the acts set forth below, the relevant administrative supervision department shall order it to rectify the matter and may fine it up to 1% of the amount of the project based on the accepted bid; if a third party is caused to incur a loss, the bid inviting party shall be liable for compensation in accordance with the law; and the supervisor directly in charge and other directly responsible personnel of the entity shall be disciplined in accordance with the law:


(1) it fails to issue a letter of acceptance without a legitimate reason;

第七十八条 取得招标职业资格的专业人员违反国家有关规定办理招标业务的,责令改正,给予警告;情节严重的,暂停一定期限内从事招标业务;情节特别严重的,取消招标职业资格。

(2) it determines the winning bidder in a manner contrary to provisions;

第七十九条 国家建立招标投标信用制度。有关行政监督部门应当依法公告对招标人、招标代理机构、投标人、评标委员会成员等当事人违法行为的行政处理决定。

(3) it changes the result of the determination of the winning bidder without a legitimate reason after the issuance of the letter of acceptance;

第八十条 项目审批、核准部门不依法审批、核准项目招标范围、招标方式、招标组织形式的,对单位直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员依法给予处分。


(4) it fails to enter into a contract with the winning bidder without a legitimate reason; or


(5) it imposes additional conditions on the winning bidder at the time of entering into the contract.

第八十一条 国家工作人员利用职务便利,以直接或者间接、明示或者暗示等任何方式非法干涉招标投标活动,有下列情形之一的,依法给予记过或者记大过处分;情节严重的,依法给予降级或者撤职处分;情节特别严重的,依法给予开除处分;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责事责任

Article 74: If a winning bidder fails to enter into a contract with the bid inviting party without a legitimate reason, proposes additional conditions to the bid inviting party at the time of entering into the contract, or fails to provide a performance bond as required in the bid invitation documents, its qualifications as winning bidder shall be cancelled and its bid deposit will not be refunded. In the case of a winning bidder for a project that legally requires the invitation for bids, the relevant administrative supervision department shall order it to rectify the matter and may fine it up to 1% of the amount of the project that it won.


Article 75: If the bid inviting party and winning bidder enter into a contract that runs counter to the bid invitation documents and the winning bidder's bidding documents, the major terms of the contract are inconsistent with the contents of the bid invitation documents and the winning bidder's bidding documents or the bid inviting party and winning party enter into an agreement that runs counter to the substantive provisions of the contract, the relevant administrative supervision department shall order them to rectify the matter and may fine them not less than 0.5% and not more than 1% of the amount of the project based on the accepted bid.


Article 76: If a winning bidder transfers the project that it won to a third party or breaks up the project that it won and subsequently transfers the parts to third parties, sub-contracts out some of the principal, key parts of the work for the project that it has won to a third party in violation of the Bidding Law or these Regulations, or a sub-contractor further sub-contracts out its project, the transfer or sub-contract shall be invalid and a fine of not less than 0.5% and not more than 1% of the amount of the transferred or sub-contracted project shall be imposed; if there is any illegal income, the same shall be confiscated; an order to suspend operations and undergo rectification may be given; and if the circumstances are serious, the administration for industry and commerce shall revoke its business licence.


Article 77: If a bidder or a materially interested party fabricates facts, forges materials or obtains supporting documentation by illegal means to lodge a complaint, causing a third party to incur a loss, the bidder or materially interested party shall be liable for compensation in accordance with the law.

第八十二条 依法必须进行招标的项目的招标投标活动违反招标投标法和本条例的规定,对中标结果造成实质性影响,且不能采取补救措施予以纠正的,招标、投标、中标无效,应当依法重新招标或者评标。

If a bid inviting party fails to respond to an objection in accordance with provisions and proceeds with the bid invitation and submission activities, the administrative supervision department shall order it to rectify the matter; if it refuses or fails to rectify the matter, thereby affecting the results of the determination of the winning bidder, the matter shall be dealt with in accordance with Article 82 hereof.

第七章 附 则

Article 78: If a professional with professional bid invitation qualifications handles bid invitation matters in a manner that violates relevant state provisions, he or she shall be ordered to rectify the matter and be given a warning; if the circumstances are serious, he or she shall be ordered to cease engaging in bid invitation matters for a specific period of time; and if the circumstances are particularly serious, his or her professional bid invitation qualifications shall be cancelled.

第八十三条 招标投标协会按照依法制定的章程开展活动,加强行业自律和服务。

Article 79: The state shall establish a bid invitation and submission credibility system. An administrative supervision department shall announce in accordance with the law the administrative handling decisions it renders in respect of violations of the law by bid inviting parties, bid invitation agencies, bidders, members of bid evaluation committees, etc.

第八十四条 政府采购的法律、行政法规对政府采购货物、服务的招标投标另有规定的,从其规定。

Article 80: If a project check/examination and approval department fails to check/examine the bid invitation scope, bid invitation method and organisational form of a bid invitation for a project in accordance with the law, the supervisor directly in charge and other directly responsible personnel of the department shall be disciplined in accordance with the law.

第八十五条 本条例自2012年2月1日起施行。

If a relevant administrative supervision department fails to perform its duties in accordance with the law, fails, in accordance with the law, to investigate and deal with an act that violates the Bidding Law or these Regulations, fails to handle a complaint in accordance with provisions or fails to announce in accordance with the law the administrative handling decision it rendered in respect of a violation of the law by a party involved in a bid invitation and submission, the supervisor directly in charge and other directly responsible personnel shall be disciplined in accordance with the law.

If a member of the working personnel of a project check/examination and approval department or administrative supervision department practises favouritism by committing fraud, abuses his or her authority or is derelict in his or her duties, and the same constitutes a criminal offence, his or her criminal liability shall be pursued in accordance with the law.

Article 81: If a member of the working personnel of the state uses the advantages of his or her position to illegally interfere in bid invitation and submission activities by any means, whether direct or indirect, express or implicit, and any of the circumstances set forth below applies thereto, he or she shall be disciplined in accordance with the law by the recording of a demerit or the recording of a major demerit; if the circumstances are serious, he or she shall be disciplined in accordance with the law by demotion or removal from office; if the circumstances are particularly serious, he or she shall be disciplined in accordance with the law by dismissal; or if a criminal offence is constituted, his or her criminal liability shall be pursued in accordance with the law:

(1) he or she demands that no invitation for bids be carried out for a project that legally requires the invitation for bids, or demands that a non-public invitation for bids be carried out for a project that legally requires a public invitation for bids;

(2) he or she demands that a member of the bid evaluation committee or the bid inviting party select the bidder designated by him or her as a candidate for the status of winning bidder or the winning bidder, or otherwise illegally interferes in the bid evaluation activities, thereby affecting the results of the determination of the winning bidder; or

(3) he or she otherwise illegally interferes in bid invitation and submission activities.

Article 82: If the bid invitation and submission activities for a project that legally requires the invitation for bids violate the Bidding Law or these Regulations and materially affect the results of the determination of the winning bidder, an effect that cannot be rectified by taking remedial measures, the bid invitation, bids and acceptance of the bid shall be invalid, and bids shall be invited or evaluated anew in accordance with the law.

Part Seven: Supplementary provisions

Article 83: Bid invitation and submission associations shall carry out their activities in accordance with their charters formulated in accordance with the law, and strengthen industry self-regulation and service.

Article 84: If laws or administrative regulations on government procurement provide otherwise in respect of the invitation for and submission of bids for government procurement of goods or services, such provisions shall apply.

Article 85: These Regulations shall be effective as of February 1 2012.

clp reference:5000/11.12.20prc reference:国务院令第613号promulgated:2011-12-20effective:2012-02-01

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