Circular on Promoting the Compliant Development of Equity Investment Enterprises


NDRC issues the first nationwide circular on private equity investment enterprises regulating the establishment of equity investment enterprises and limitation on the number of investors.

(Issued by the General Office of the National Development and Reform Commission on, and effective as of, November 23 2011.)

Fa Gai Ban Cai Jin [2011] No.2864

General offices of the people's governments of the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government, and the General Office of the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps:


发改办财金 [2011] 2864号


With a view to regulating the operation and the record filing administration of equity investment enterprises (including equity investment funds of funds that invest in equity investment enterprises) established in the People's Republic of China and engaging in investment in the equity of enterprises that are not publicly traded, and promoting the compliant development of equity investment enterprises, we hereby notify you on relevant matters as follows:

1. Regulating the establishment of, the raising of capital by, and the investment sector of, equity investment enterprises


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