Provisions for the Classification of Types of Enterprise Registration (Revised)

关于划分企业登记注册类型的规定 (修订)

The Provisions revise the classification of enterprise registration to incorporate foreign partnerships.

(Issued by the National Statistics Bureau and the State Administration for Industry and Commerce on, and effective as of, September 30 2011.)


Guo Tong Zi [2011] No.86

国统字 [2011] 86号

Article 1: The targets of classification of these Provisions are the various types of enterprises registered with administrations for industry and commerce. These Provisions shall apply mutatis mutandis to other economic organisations.

第一条 本规定以在工商行政管理机关登记注册的各类企业为划分对象。其他经济组织参照本规定执行。

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