Measures for the Administration of the Sponsorship of the Offering and Listing of Securities
A sponsor shall establish a sound working draft system, and keep separate sponsorship working drafts for each project.
(Promulgated by the China Securities Regulatory Commission on October 17 2008 and effective as of December 1 2008.)
Order of the CSRC No.58
第一章 总则
Article 1: These Measures have been formulated pursuant to laws and administrative regulations such as the Securities Law and the State Council, Decision on the Instituting Administrative Permits for Administrative Examination and Approval Items That Truly Need To be Retained (Order of the State Council No.412) in order to regulate the sponsorship of the offering and listing of securities, improve the quality of listed companies and the professionalism of securities companies, protect the lawful rights and interests of investors and promote the healthy development of the securities market.
第一条 为了规范证券发行上市保荐业务,提高上市公司质量和证券公司执业水平,保护投资者的合法权益,促进证券市场健康发展,根据《证券法》、《国务院对确需保留的行政审批项目设定行政许可的决定》(国务院令第412号)等有关法律、行政法规,制定本办法。
Article 2: An issuer shall engage a securities company with sponsor qualifications to perform sponsorship duties, in respect of the matters set forth below:
第二条 发行人应当就下列事项聘请具有保荐机构资格的证券公司履行保荐职责:
(1) an initial public offering of shares and the listing thereof;
(2) an offering of new shares or convertible bonds by a listed company; or
(3) another circumstance as determined by the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC).
Article 3: If a securities company wishes to engage in the business of sponsoring the offering and listing of securities, it shall apply to the CSRC for sponsor qualifications in accordance herewith.
第三条 证券公司从事证券发行上市保荐业务,应依照本办法规定向中国证监会申请保荐机构资格。
When a sponsor performs sponsorship duties, it shall designate individuals who have obtained sponsor representative qualifications in accordance herewith to take charge of the specific sponsorship work.
No organisation or individual may engage in sponsorship business without the approval of the CSRC.
Article 4: A sponsor and its sponsor representatives shall comply with laws, administrative regulations and relevant CSRC provisions, strictly abide by business rules and industry codes, act in good faith and with due diligence, fulfil their duty of sponsoring the offering and listing of issuers' securities and guide issuers on an ongoing basis in performing obligations such as compliant operation, abiding by undertakings and information disclosure.
第四条 保荐机构及其保荐代表人应当遵守法律、行政法规和中国证监会的相关规定,恪守业务规则和行业规范,诚实守信,勤勉尽责,尽职推荐发行人证券发行上市,持续督导发行人履行规范运作、信守承诺、信息披露等义务。
A sponsor or sponsor representative may not seek illegitimate gains through its/his/her engagement in sponsorship business.
Article 5: A sponsor representative shall abide by professional ethical standards, value and safeguard the professional reputation of sponsor representatives, maintain professional prudence and maintain and improve his/her professional competence.
第五条 保荐代表人应当遵守职业道德准则,珍视和维护保荐代表人职业声誉,保持应有的职业谨慎,保持和提高专业胜任能力。
A sponsor representative shall safeguard the lawful interests of issuers and maintain the confidentiality of issuer information learnt in the course of engaging in sponsorship business. A sponsor representative shall duly abide by the principle of independent performance of duties, shall not stray from an objective and impartial position so as to cater to or satisfy improper requests by an issuer and may not instigate, assist or participate in unlawful or deceptive acts perpetrated by an issuer or a securities service institution.
A sponsor representative and his/her spouse may not hold shares of an issuer in any guise or manner.
Article 6: The sponsorship of the offering and the sponsorship of the listing of all of the securities in one offering shall be undertaken by the same sponsor. The sponsor shall examine the issuer's application documents and prospectus in accordance with the law and issue a sponsorship opinion to the CSRC and the stock exchange. The sponsor shall ensure that the documents it issues are true, accurate and complete.
第六条 同次发行的证券,其发行保荐和上市保荐应当由同一保荐机构承担。保荐机构依法对发行人申请文件、证券发行募集文件进行核查,向中国证监会、证券交易所出具保荐意见。保荐机构应当保证所出具的文件真实、准确、完整。
If a securities offering reaches a certain size, the offering may be sponsored through a joint sponsorship, provided that there are no more than two co-sponsors.
The role of lead underwriter of a securities offering may be undertaken by the sponsor or jointly by another securities company with sponsor qualifications and the sponsor.
Article 7: An issuer and its directors, supervisors and senior management personnel, and securities service institutions such as the law firm, accounting firm and asset appraisal firm that prepare and issue relevant documents for the securities offering and listing and their signatories, shall co-operate with the sponsor and its sponsor representatives in performing their sponsorship duties in accordance with laws, administrative regulations and relevant CSRC provisions and shall bear the attendant liability.
第七条 发行人及其董事、监事、高级管理人员,为证券发行上市制作、出具有关文件的律师事务所、会计师事务所、资产评估机构等证券服务机构及其签字人员,应当依照法律、行政法规和中国证监会的规定,配合保荐机构及其保荐代表人履行保荐职责,并承担相应的责任。
The performance by the sponsor and its sponsor representatives of their sponsorship duties shall not mitigate the liability of the issuer, its directors, supervisors and senior management personnel, or the securities service institutions and their signatories or release them from such liability.
Article 8: The CSRC shall oversee sponsors and their sponsor representatives in accordance with the law.
第八条 中国证监会依法对保荐机构及其保荐代表人进行监督管理。
The Securities Association of China shall be responsible for the self-regulation of sponsors and their sponsor representatives.
第二章 保荐机构和保荐代表人的资格管理
Article 9: To apply for sponsor qualifications, a securities company shall satisfy the following conditions:
第九条 证券公司申请保荐机构资格,应当具备下列条件:
(1) having registered capital of not less than Rmb100 million and net capital of not less than Rmb50 million;
(2) having sound corporate governance and internal control systems, and risk-control indicators complying with relevant provisions;
(3) its sponsorship department having sound business rules, a sound internal risk assessment and control system, a rational internal structure and the appropriate research capabilities, sales capabilities and other such back-office support;
(4) having a good sponsorship team with a rational professional structure, and having not less than 35 persons in the profession, of whom not less than 20 have been involved in sponsorship-related business during the most recent three years;
(5) having not less than four persons with sponsor representative qualifications;
(6) not having been subjected to administrative penalties during the most recent three years for a major violation of laws or regulations; and
(7) other conditions as specified by the CSRC.
Article 10: When applying for sponsor qualifications, a securities company shall submit the following materials to the CSRC:
第十条 证券公司申请保荐机构资格,应当向中国证监会提交下列材料:
(1) an application letter;
(2) the resolutions of the shareholders' (general) meeting and board of directors concerning the application for sponsor qualifications;
(3) the approval document for the establishment of the company;
(4) a photocopy of its business licence;
(5) an account of its corporate governance and internal control systems and the implementation thereof;
(6) an account of its directors, supervisors, senior management personnel and principal shareholders;
(7) an account of its internal risk assessment and control system and the implementation thereof;
(8) an account of the establishment of its sponsorship due diligence investigation system, guidance system, internal review system, ongoing guidance system, ongoing training system, and sponsorship working draft system;
(9) a net capital statement, risk capital reserve statement and risk control indicator regulatory statement for the most recent year audited by an accounting firm with securities and futures-related business qualifications;
(10) an account of the organisational structure, division of responsibilities and staffing of its sponsorship department;
(11) an account of the research, sales and other back-office support departments;
(12) a list and the résumés of the person in charge of its sponsorship business, person in charge of internal reviews, person in charge of the sponsorship department and the members of the internal review group;
(13) an account of the securities company's designated contact persons;
(14) an undertaking, signed by all of the directors, that the securities company assumes liability for the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of the application documents; and
(15) other materials as required by the CSRC.
Article 11: An individual applying for sponsor representative qualifications shall satisfy the following conditions:
第十一条 个人申请保荐代表人资格,应当具备下列条件:
(1) having at least three years of experience in sponsorship-related business;
(2) during the most recent three years, having served as project assistant in a domestic securities offering project as specified in Article 2 hereof;
(3) having sat and passed a sponsor representative competence examination recognised by the CSRC, and the results thereof remaining valid;
(4) being honest, of good conduct, not having a poor integrity record and not having been subjected to administrative penalties by the CSRC during the most recent three years;
(5) not being burdened by a relatively large matured but unpaid debt; and
(6) other conditions as specified by the CSRC.
Article 12: An individual wishing to apply for sponsor representative qualifications shall submit the following materials to the CSRC through the sponsor with which he/she serves;
第十二条 个人申请保荐代表人资格,应当通过所任职的保荐机构向中国证监会提交下列材料:
(1) an application letter;
(2) his/her résumé, identity document, educational history and diploma;
(3) proof of having passed the examination for a securities professional and the sponsor representative competence examination;
(4) his/her securities practice licence;
(5) a detailed account of his/her involvement in sponsorship-related business and an account of his/her work during the most recent three years as a project assistant in a domestic securities offering project as specified in Article 2 hereof;
(6) a letter of recommendation issued by the sponsor that shall give an account of the applicant's compliance with the law, his/her vocational level, organisational skills, etc.;
(7) an undertaking, signed by the chairman of the board or general manager, that the sponsor assumes liability for the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of the application documents; and
(8) other materials as required by the CSRC.
Article 13: Securities companies and individuals shall ensure that their application documents are true, accurate and complete. If a material change in a particular on the application documents occurs during the application period, the revised information shall be submitted to the CSRC within two working days from the date of the change.
第十三条 证券公司和个人应当保证申请文件真实、准确、完整。申请期间,申请文件内容发生重大变化的,应当自变化之日起2个工作日内向中国证监会提交更新资料。
Article 14: The CSRC shall accept and review the application documents in accordance with the law. It shall render its written decision on whether or not to approve an application for sponsor qualifications within 45 working days from the date of acceptance and within 20 working days for an application for sponsor representative qualifications.
第十四条 中国证监会依法受理、审查申请文件。对保荐机构资格的申请,自受理之日起45个工作日内做出核准或者不予核准的书面决定;对保荐代表人资格的申请,自受理之日起20个工作日内做出核准或者不予核准的书面决定。
Article 15: A securities company shall continue to satisfy the conditions set forth in Article 9 hereof on an ongoing basis after obtaining its sponsor qualifications. If a sponsor is subjected to administrative penalties for a major violation of laws or regulations, the CSRC shall revoke its sponsor qualifications. If a sponsor ceases to satisfy another of the conditions set forth in Article 9 hereof, the CSRC may order it to rectify the matter within a specified period of time. If it still fails to satisfy the requirement after the expiration of the deadline, the CSRC shall revoke its sponsor qualifications.
第十五条 证券公司取得保荐机构资格后,应当持续符合本办法第九条规定的条件。保荐机构因重大违法违规行为受到行政处罚的,中国证监会撤销其保荐机构资格;不再具备第九条规定其他条件的,中国证监会可责令其限期整改,逾期仍然不符合要求的,中国证监会撤销其保荐机构资格。
Article 16: An individual shall continue to satisfy the conditions set forth in Items (4), (5) and (6) of Article 11 hereof on an ongoing basis after obtaining his/her sponsor representative qualifications. If a sponsor representative has his/her securities practice licence revoked or cancelled or is subjected to administrative penalties by the CSRC, the CSRC shall revoke his/her sponsor representative qualifications. If a sponsor representative ceases to satisfy another condition, the CSRC shall order him/her to rectify the matter within a specified period of time. If he/she still fails to satisfy the requirement after the expiration of the deadline, the CSRC shall revoke his/her sponsor representative qualifications.
第十六条 个人取得保荐代表人资格后,应当持续符合本办法第十一条第(四)项、第(五)项和第(六)项规定的条件。保荐代表人被吊销、注销证券业执业证书,或者受到中国证监会行政处罚的,中国证监会撤销其保荐代表人资格;不再符合其他条件的,中国证监会责令其限期整改,逾期仍然不符合要求的,中国证监会撤销其保荐代表人资格。
Once an individual has passed the sponsor representative competence examination recognised by the CSRC or obtained sponsor representative qualifications, he/she shall regularly participate in annual vocational training for sponsor representatives given by the Securities Association of China or another institution recognised by the CSRC. If a sponsor representative fails to participate in annual vocational training for sponsor representatives as required, the CSRC shall revoke his/her sponsor representative qualifications. If an individual who has passed the sponsor representative competence examination but not obtained sponsor representative qualifications fails to participate in annual vocational training for sponsor representatives as required, his/her results in such examination shall cease to be valid.
Article 17: The CSRC shall register sponsors and sponsor representatives in accordance with the law.
第十七条 中国证监会依法对保荐机构、保荐代表人进行注册登记管理。
Article 18: The registered particulars of a sponsor shall include the following:
第十八条 保荐机构的注册登记事项包括:
(1) its name, date of establishment, registered capital, registered address, main office address and legal representative;
(2) details of its principal shareholders;
(3) details of its directors, supervisors and senior management personnel;
(4) details of the person in charge of its sponsorship business and of the person in charge of internal reviews;
(5) details of the person in charge of its sponsorship department;
(6) details of the organisational structure, division of responsibilities and staffing of its sponsorship department;
(7) details of its practice; and
(8) other particulars as required by the CSRC.
Article 19: The registered particulars of a sponsor representative shall include the following:
第十九条 保荐代表人的注册登记事项包括:
(1) his/her name, sex, date of birth and ID card number;
(2) his/her contact telephone and correspondence address;
(3) the firm he/she serves with and his/her position;
(4) his/her study and work experience;
(5) details of his/her practice; and
(6) other particulars as required by the CSRC.
Article 20: In the event of a change in a registered particular of a sponsor or sponsor representative, the sponsor shall report the same in writing to the CSRC within five working days from the date of the change and the CSRC shall amend the registration.
第二十条 保荐机构、保荐代表人注册登记事项发生变化的,保荐机构应当自变化之日起5个工作日内向中国证监会书面报告,由中国证监会予以变更登记。
Article 21: If a sponsor representative leaves the original sponsor with which he/she served and joins another sponsor, he/she shall apply to the CSRC for amendment of his/her registration through his/her new firm and submit the following materials:
第二十一条 保荐代表人从原保荐机构离职,调入其他保荐机构的,应通过新任职机构向中国证监会申请变更登记,并提交下列材料:
(1) an application letter for amendment of registration;
(2) his/her securities practice licence;
(3) an account of the handover of his/her sponsorship business with the sponsor he/she formerly served with;
(4) a letter of acceptance issued by the new firm he/she is to serve with;
(5) an undertaking, signed by the chairman of the board or general manager, that the new firm he/she is to serve with assumes liability for the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of the application documents; and
(6) other materials as required by the CSRC.
Article 22: A sponsor shall submit an annual practice report to the CSRC by April each year. An annual practice report shall contain the following information:
第二十二条 保荐机构应当于每年4月份向中国证监会报送年度执业报告。年度执业报告应当包括以下内容:
(1) an account of the sponsor's and sponsor representatives' practice during the year;
(2) an account of the examination by the sponsor of the due diligence work logs of its sponsor representatives;
(3) details of the sponsor's annual assessment and evaluation of sponsor representatives;
(4) an account of other material matters concerning the sponsor and its sponsor representatives;
(5) an undertaking, signed by the legal representative, that the sponsor assumes liability for the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of the annual practice report; and
(6) other information as required by the CSRC.
第三章 保荐职责
Article 23: A sponsor shall fulfil its duty of sponsoring the offering and listing of the issuer's securities.
第二十三条 保荐机构应当尽职推荐发行人证券发行上市。
Once the issuer's securities are listed, the sponsor shall guide the issuer on an ongoing basis in performing obligations such as compliant operation, abiding by undertakings and information disclosure.
Article 24: In sponsoring the offering and listing of the issuer's securities, a sponsor shall abide by the principles of acting in good faith and with due diligence, conduct a full investigation of the issuer in accordance with the requirements of the CSRC in respect of due diligence investigations conducted by sponsors, and fully understand the business position of the issuer and the risks and problems faced by it.
第二十四条 保荐机构推荐发行人证券发行上市,应当遵循诚实守信、勤勉尽责的原则,按照中国证监会对保荐机构尽职调查工作的要求,对发行人进行全面调查,充分了解发行人的经营状况及其面临的风险和问题。
Article 25: Before a sponsor sponsors an issuer's initial public offering of shares and the listing thereof, it shall give guidance to the issuer and systematic training on legal knowledge and securities market knowledge to the directors, supervisors, senior management personnel, shareholders holding at least 5% of the shares and the de facto controller(s) (or its/their legal representative) of the issuer, so as to cause them to have a complete understanding of relevant laws, regulations and rules on offering, listing, compliant operation, etc., be familiar with their responsibilities and obligations in respect of information disclosure and performance of undertakings and establish in them the awareness of good faith, self-regulation and the legal system required to enter the securities market.
第二十五条 保荐机构在推荐发行人首次公开发行股票并上市前,应当对发行人进行辅导,对发行人的董事、监事和高级管理人员、持有5%以上股份的股东和实际控制人(或者其法定代表人)进行系统的法规知识、证券市场知识培训,使其全面掌握发行上市、规范运作等方面的有关法律法规和规则,知悉信息披露和履行承诺等方面的责任和义务,树立进入证券市场的诚信意识、自律意识和法制意识。
Article 26: Once a sponsor has completed its guidance work, the CSRC agency of the place where the issuer is located shall conduct an acceptance check of such guidance.
第二十六条 保荐机构辅导工作完成后,应由发行人所在地的中国证监会派出机构进行辅导验收。
Article 27: A sponsor shall execute a sponsorship agreement with the issuer that specifies the rights and obligations of the parties, and they shall hold negotiations, based on industry codes, to determine relevant fees for performing the sponsorship duties.
第二十七条 保荐机构应当与发行人签订保荐协议,明确双方的权利和义务,按照行业规范协商确定履行保荐职责的相关费用。
Once the sponsorship agreement has been executed, the sponsor shall submit the same to the CSRC agency of the place where the issuer is located for the record within five working days.
Article 28: A sponsor shall be convinced that the issuer complies with laws, administrative regulations and relevant CSRC provisions before it sponsors the offering and listing of its securities.
第二十八条 保荐机构应当确信发行人符合法律、行政法规和中国证监会的有关规定,方可推荐其证券发行上市。
If a sponsor decides to sponsor the offering and listing of the issuer's securities, it may, as appointed by the issuer, arrange for the preparation of the application documents and issue sponsorship documents.
Article 29: While taking into account the information it obtained in the course of its due diligence investigation, the sponsor shall carefully examine the contents of the issuer's application documents and prospectus in respect of which the securities service institutions and their signatories have issued professional opinions and arrive at an independent judgement on the information provided and disclosed by the issuer.
第二十九条 对发行人申请文件、证券发行募集文件中有证券服务机构及其签字人员出具专业意见的内容,保荐机构应当结合尽职调查过程中获得的信息对其进行审慎核查,对发行人提供的资料和披露的内容进行独立判断。
If a material discrepancy exists between a professional opinion issued by a securities service institution and the judgement reached by the sponsor, an investigation and review of the relevant matters shall be carried out, and another securities service institution may be engaged to provide professional services.
Article 30: For contents of the issuer's application documents and prospectus in support of which the securities service institutions and their signatories have not issued professional opinions, the sponsor shall obtain sufficient due diligence evidence, arrive at an independent judgement on the information provided and disclosed by the issuer on the basis of a comprehensive analysis of the evidence and have sufficient grounds to be confident that no material discrepancy exists between the judgement it reached and the contents of the issuer's application documents and prospectus.
第三十条 对发行人申请文件、证券发行募集文件中无证券服务机构及其签字人员专业意见支持的内容,保荐机构应当获得充分的尽职调查证据,在对各种证据进行综合分析的基础上对发行人提供的资料和披露的内容进行独立判断,并有充分理由确信所作的判断与发行人申请文件、证券发行募集文件的内容不存在实质性差异。
Article 31: When sponsoring the securities offering of an issuer, a sponsor shall submit to the CSRC an offer sponsorship letter, powers of attorney of the sponsor representatives and other sponsorship business-related documents required by the CSRC. The offer sponsorship letter shall contain the following information:
第三十一条 保荐机构推荐发行人发行证券,应当向中国证监会提交发行保荐书、保荐代表人专项授权书以及中国证监会要求的其他与保荐业务有关的文件。发行保荐书应当包括下列内容:
(1) an item by item account of whether the contemplated offering complies with the offer conditions and procedure specified in the Company Law and the Securities Law;
(2) an item by item account of whether the contemplated offering complies with relevant CSRC provisions, the procedure by which each conclusion was ascertained and the factual basis for such conclusions;
(3) the main risks that the issuer is exposed to;
(4) an evaluation of the issuer's growth prospects;
(5) a brief description of the sponsor's internal review procedure and an internal review opinion;
(6) the affiliated relationship between the sponsor and the issuer;
(7) relevant undertakings; and
(8) other information as required by the CSRC.
Article 32: When sponsoring the listing of an issuer's securities, a sponsor shall submit to the stock exchange a listing sponsorship letter and other sponsorship business-related documents requested by the stock exchange, and shall submit the same to the CSRC for the record. The listing sponsorship letter shall contain the following information:
第三十二条 保荐机构推荐发行人证券上市,应当向证券交易所提交上市保荐书以及证券交易所要求的其他与保荐业务有关的文件,并报中国证监会备案。上市保荐书应当包括下列内容:
(1) an item by item account of whether the contemplated listing complies with the listing conditions specified in the Company Law, the Securities Law and the provisions of the stock exchange;
(2) the specific arrangement for ongoing guidance of the issuer after the listing;
(3) the affiliated relationship between the sponsor and the issuer;
(4) relevant undertakings; and
(5) other information as required by the CSRC or the stock exchange.
Article 33: In the offer sponsorship letter and listing sponsorship letter, the sponsor shall give undertakings in respect of the following matters:
第三十三条 在发行保荐书和上市保荐书中,保荐机构应当就下列事项做出承诺:
(1) its having sufficient grounds to be confident that the issuer complies with laws, regulations and relevant CSRC provisions on the offering and listing securities;
(2) its having sufficient grounds to be confident that the issuer's application documents and information disclosure materials do not contain false records, misleading statements or material omissions;
(3) its having sufficient grounds to be confident that the basis for the opinions expressed by the issuer and its directors in the application documents and information disclosure materials are sufficient and reasonable;
(4) its having sufficient grounds to be confident that there is no material discrepancy between the opinions expressed by the securities service institutions and the application documents and information disclosure materials;
(5) a warranty that the designated sponsor representatives and the relevant personnel of the sponsor have acted with due diligence, that they have conducted a due diligence investigation of the issuer's application documents and information disclosure materials and that they have carefully reviewed the same;
(6) a warranty that the sponsorship letter and the other documents relating to the performance of its sponsorship duties do not contain false records, misleading statements or material omissions;
(7) a warranty that the professional services it provides and the professional opinions it issues to the issuer comply with laws, administrative regulations, CSRC provisions and industry codes;
(8) a willingness to accept the regulatory measures taken by the CSRC in accordance herewith; and
(9) other matters as specified by the CSRC.
Article 34: After submitting the offer sponsorship letter, the sponsor shall co-operate in the review by the CSRC and undertake the following tasks:
第三十四条 保荐机构提交发行保荐书后,应当配合中国证监会的审核,并承担下列工作:
(1) arranging for the issuer and securities service institutions to respond to the comments by the CSRC;
(2) conducting a due diligence investigation or examination of specific matters relating to the contemplated securities offering and listing as requested by the CSRC;
(3) designating a sponsor representative to liaise with the functional departments of the CSRC on technical matters and to answer queries posed by committee members at meetings of the Public Offering Review Committee; and
(4) other tasks as specified by the CSRC.
Article 35: Based on the specific circumstances of the issuer, a sponsor shall determine the details of the post-offering and listing ongoing guidance, guide the issuer in performing obligations of a listed company such as compliant operation and abiding by undertakings and information disclosure, review information disclosure documents and other documents to be submitted to the CSRC and stock exchange and undertake the following tasks:
第三十五条 保荐机构应当针对发行人的具体情况,确定证券发行上市后持续督导的内容,督导发行人履行有关上市公司规范运作、信守承诺和信息披露等义务,审阅信息披露文件及向中国证监会、证券交易所提交的其他文件,并承担下列工作:
(1) guiding the issuer in effectively implementing and improving a system to guard against the controlling shareholder(s), de facto controller(s) and other affiliated persons from appropriating the issuer's resources in violation of provisions;
(2) guiding the issuer in effectively implementing and improving internal control systems to guard against the issuer's directors, supervisors and senior management personnel from exploiting the advantages of their positions to harm the issuer's interests;
(3) guiding the issuer in effectively implementing and improving a system to ensure the fairness and compliance of affiliated transactions and expressing opinions on such affiliated transactions;
(4) scrutinising on an ongoing basis the issuer's undertakings concerning the deposits in the offer proceeds account, implementation of the investment project(s), etc.
(5) scrutinising on an ongoing basis matters such as the provision of security for third parties by the issuer and expressing opinions thereon; and
(6) other tasks as specified by the CSRC and stock exchange and in the sponsorship agreement.
Article 36: In the case of an initial public offering of shares and the listing thereof, the term of ongoing guidance shall be the remaining period during the year of the listing plus the subsequent two full financial years; and in the case of an offering of new shares or convertible bonds by a listed company, the term of ongoing guidance shall be the remaining period during the year of the listing plus the subsequent full financial year.
第三十六条 首次公开发行股票并上市的,持续督导的期间为证券上市当年剩余时间及其后2个完整会计年度;上市公司发行新股、可转换公司债券的,持续督导的期间为证券上市当年剩余时间及其后1个完整会计年度。
The term of ongoing guidance shall count from the date of the listing.
Article 37: If at the expiration of the term of ongoing guidance there are sponsorship tasks that have yet to be completed, the sponsor shall continue with the same until completion.
第三十七条 持续督导期届满,如有尚未完结的保荐工作,保荐机构应当继续完成。
If a sponsor fails to act with due diligence during the term for the performance of its sponsorship duties, its liability shall not be released or end as a result of the expiration of the term of ongoing guidance.
第四章 保荐业务规程
Article 38: A sponsor shall establish a sound internal control system for its sponsorship work, duly ensure that the person in charge of its sponsorship business, person in charge of internal reviews, person in charge of its sponsorship department, sponsor representatives, project assistants and other relevant sponsorship business personnel act with due diligence, strictly control risks and improve the overall quality of its sponsorship business.
第三十八条 保荐机构应当建立健全保荐工作的内部控制体系,切实保证保荐业务负责人、内核负责人、保荐业务部门负责人、保荐代表人、项目协办人及其他保荐业务相关人员勤勉尽责,严格控制风险,提高保荐业务整体质量。
Article 39: A sponsor shall establish a sound due diligence investigation system and guidance system for securities offerings and listings, a system for the internal review of offer and listing application documents and a system for the ongoing guidance of issuers after listing.
第三十九条 保荐机构应当建立健全证券发行上市的尽职调查制度、辅导制度、对发行上市申请文件的内部核查制度、对发行人证券上市后的持续督导制度。
Article 40: A sponsor shall establish a sound system for the ongoing training of its sponsor representatives and other relevant sponsorship business personnel.
第四十条 保荐机构应当建立健全对保荐代表人及其他保荐业务相关人员的持续培训制度。
Article 41: A sponsor shall establish a sound working draft system, and keep separate sponsorship working drafts for each project.
第四十一条 保荐机构应当建立健全工作底稿制度,为每一项目建立独立的保荐工作底稿。
A sponsor representative shall keep a due diligence work log for each project for which he/she is responsible, which shall be placed on file as part of the sponsorship working draft. The sponsor shall regularly examine such due diligence work logs.
The sponsorship working drafts shall truthfully, accurately and completely reflect the entire course of the sponsorship work and shall be retained for not less than 10 years.
Article 42: The person in charge of a sponsor's sponsorship business and person in charge of internal reviews shall be responsible for monitoring and implementing the various sponsorship business systems and bear the attendant liability.
第四十二条 保荐机构的保荐业务负责人、内核负责人负责监督、执行保荐业务各项制度并承担相应的责任。
Article 43: If a sponsor and its controlling shareholder(s), de facto controller(s) and major affiliated persons together hold in excess of 7% of the issuer's shares, or if the issuer holds or controls more than 7% of the sponsor's shares, the sponsor shall, when sponsoring the offering and listing of the issuer's securities, bring in an unaffiliated sponsor to jointly perform the sponsorship duties and such unaffiliated sponsor shall be the lead sponsor.
第四十三条 保荐机构及其控股股东、实际控制人、重要关联方持有发行人的股份合计超过7%,或者发行人持有、控制保荐机构的股份超过7%的,保荐机构在推荐发行人证券发行上市时,应联合1家无关联保荐机构共同履行保荐职责,且该无关联保荐机构为第一保荐机构。
Article 44: If the sponsorship agreement is terminated before the publication of the prospectus, the sponsor and the issuer shall each report the same to the CSRC within five working days from the date of termination and give the reason therefor.
第四十四条 刊登证券发行募集文件前终止保荐协议的,保荐机构和发行人应当自终止之日起5个工作日内分别向中国证监会报告,说明原因。
Article 45: The sponsor and the issuer may not terminate the sponsorship agreement during the period between the publication of the prospectus and conclusion of the ongoing guidance, unless there are reasonable grounds therefor. The sponsorship agreement shall be terminated if the issuer re-applies for an offering of securities and engages another sponsor or if the sponsor has its sponsor qualifications revoked by the CSRC.
第四十五条 刊登证券发行募集文件以后直至持续督导工作结束,保荐机构和发行人不得终止保荐协议,但存在合理理由的情形除外。发行人因再次申请发行证券另行聘请保荐机构、保荐机构被中国证监会撤销保荐机构资格的,应当终止保荐协议。
If the sponsorship agreement is terminated, the sponsor and the issuer shall report the same to the CSRC and stock exchange within five working days from the date of termination and give the reason therefor.
Article 46: If the sponsor has its sponsor qualifications revoked during the term of ongoing guidance, the issuer shall engage another sponsor within one month. If it fails to engage another sponsor within the specified period of time, the CSRC may designate a sponsor for it.
第四十六条 持续督导期间,保荐机构被撤销保荐机构资格的,发行人应当在1个月内另行聘请保荐机构,未在规定期限内另行聘请的,中国证监会可以为其指定保荐机构。
Article 47: The newly engaged sponsor shall complete the ongoing guidance work not completed by the former sponsor.
第四十七条 另行聘请的保荐机构应当完成原保荐机构未完成的持续督导工作。
If another sponsor is engaged due to the former sponsor having had its sponsor qualifications revoked, the term of ongoing guidance by the newly engaged sponsor may not be less than one full financial year.
The newly engaged sponsor shall commence the sponsorship work and bear the attendant liability from the date of execution of the sponsorship agreement. If the former sponsor failed to act with due diligence while performing its sponsorship duties, its liability shall not be released or terminate as a result of the change in sponsor.
Article 48: A sponsor shall designate two sponsor representatives to be in charge of the specific sponsorship work for one issuer, issue powers of attorney for the project signed by the legal representative and ensure that its relevant departments and personnel efficiently divide responsibilities and co-operate. The sponsor may designate a project assistant.
第四十八条 保荐机构应当指定2名保荐代表人具体负责1家发行人的保荐工作,出具由法定代表人签字的专项授权书,并确保保荐机构有关部门和人员有效分工协作。保荐机构可以指定1名项目协办人。
Article 49: Once the securities have been offered, the sponsor may not replace the sponsor representatives, unless a sponsor representative leaves office or has his/her sponsor representative qualifications revoked, in which case he/she shall be replaced.
第四十九条 证券发行后,保荐机构不得更换保荐代表人,但因保荐代表人离职或者被撤销保荐代表人资格的,应当更换保荐代表人。
If a sponsor replaces a sponsor representative, it shall notify the issuer and, within five working days, report the same to the CSRC and stock exchange and give the reason therefor. If the outgoing sponsor representative failed to act with due diligence while in charge of the specific sponsorship work, his/her liability shall not be released or terminate as a result of his/her replacement.
Article 50: The sponsor's legal representative, person in charge of its sponsorship business, person in charge of internal reviews, sponsor representatives and project assistant shall sign the offer sponsorship letter, and its legal representative and sponsor representatives shall additionally sign the prospectus.
第五十条 保荐机构法定代表人、保荐业务负责人、内核负责人、保荐代表人和项目协办人应当在发行保荐书上签字,保荐机构法定代表人、保荐代表人应同时在证券发行募集文件上签字。
Article 51: The sponsor shall, in a timely manner, inform the issuer of opinions it expresses in performing its sponsorship duties and preserve the same in the sponsorship working draft, and may issue a public statement in respect thereof and report the same to the CSRC or stock exchange in accordance herewith.
第五十一条 保荐机构应将履行保荐职责时发表的意见及时告知发行人,同时在保荐工作底稿中保存,并可依照本办法规定公开发表声明、向中国证监会或者证券交易所报告。
Article 52: After conclusion of the ongoing guidance, the sponsor shall submit a sponsorship summary report to the CSRC and stock exchange within 10 working days from the date of the announcement of the issuer's annual report. The sponsor's legal representative and sponsor representatives shall sign the sponsorship summary report. The sponsorship summary report shall contain the following information:
第五十二条 持续督导工作结束后,保荐机构应当在发行人公告年度报告之日起的10个工作日内向中国证监会、证券交易所报送保荐总结报告书。保荐机构法定代表人和保荐代表人应当在保荐总结报告书上签字。保荐总结报告书应当包括下列内容:
(1) the basic particulars of the issuer;
(2) an overview of the sponsorship work;
(3) material events that occurred during performance of the sponsorship duties and an account of how the same were dealt with;
(4) an account and assessment of the issuer's cooperation in the sponsorship work;
(5) an account and assessment of the participation in the work relating to the offering and listing of the securities by the securities service institutions; and
(6) other information as required by the CSRC.
Article 53: The sponsor representatives and other sponsorship business-related personnel, as persons with insider information, shall comply with laws, administrative regulations and CSRC provisions and may not use insider information to directly or indirectly seek illegitimate gains for the sponsor, themselves or third parties.
第五十三条 保荐代表人及其他保荐业务相关人员属于内幕信息的知情人员,应当遵守法律、行政法规和中国证监会的规定,不得利用内幕信息直接或者间接为保荐机构、本人或者他人谋取不正当利益。
第五章 保荐业务协调
Article 54: In performing their sponsorship duties, the sponsor and its sponsor representatives may exercise the following rights towards the issuer:
第五十四条 保荐机构及其保荐代表人履行保荐职责可对发行人行使下列权利:
(1) requiring the issuer to communicate information by the method specified in these Measures and the sponsorship agreement;
(2) regularly or irregularly visiting the issuer and reviewing the issuer's materials that are necessary for the sponsorship work;
(3) attending the issuer's shareholders' general meetings, board meetings and supervisory board meetings in a non-voting capacity;
(4) reviewing in advance the issuer's information disclosure documents and other documents to be submitted to the CSRC and stock exchange;
(5) conducting reviews of relevant matters of the issuer that are the subject of scrutiny by relevant departments and, when necessary, engaging relevant securities service institutions to co-operate therein;
(6) issuing public statements in respect of violations of laws or regulations by the issuer in accordance with information disclosure provisions of the CSRC and the stock exchange; and
(7) other rights as specified by the CSRC or in the sponsorship agreement.
Article 55: The issuer shall notify or consult with the sponsor and submit to it relevant documents in a timely manner if:
第五十五条 发行人有下列情形之一的,应当及时通知或者咨询保荐机构,并将相关文件送交保荐机构:
(1) it is to make changes to its undertakings in respect of the offer proceeds, investment project(s), etc.;
(2) an affiliated transaction is to occur or it is to provide security for a third party;
(3) it is to perform its information disclosure obligation or report relevant matters to the CSRC and stock exchange;
(4) it has violated laws or regulations or another material event has occurred; or
(5) another event as specified by the CSRC or in the sponsorship agreement has occurred.
Article 56: If the issuer fails to co-operate with the sponsor in performing its sponsorship duties before the securities offering, the sponsor shall issue a qualified opinion and give an account thereof in the offer sponsorship letter. If the circumstances are serious, it shall refuse to act as sponsor, and if it has acted as sponsor, it shall withdraw from sponsorship.
第五十六条 证券发行前,发行人不配合保荐机构履行保荐职责的,保荐机构应当发表保留意见,并在发行保荐书中予以说明;情节严重的,应当不予保荐,已保荐的应当撤销保荐。
Article 57: If, after the securities offering, the sponsor has sufficient grounds to be confident that the issuer may have violated laws or regulations or committed another improper act, it shall procure the provision of an explanation and rectification within a specified period of time by the issuer. If the circumstances are serious, it shall report the same to the CSRC and stock exchange.
第五十七条 证券发行后,保荐机构有充分理由确信发行人可能存在违法违规行为以及其他不当行为的,应当督促发行人做出说明并限期纠正;情节严重的,应当向中国证监会、证券交易所报告。
Article 58: The sponsor shall arrange for and co-ordinate the participation of the securities service institutions and their signatories in the work relating to the offering and listing of the securities.
第五十八条 保荐机构应当组织协调证券服务机构及其签字人员参与证券发行上市的相关工作。
If the sponsor has sufficient grounds to believe that there is a marked defect in the professional capabilities of the accounting firm, law firm, asset appraisal firm or other such securities service institution engaged by the issuer in connection with the offering and listing of its securities, it may recommend to the issuer that it be replaced.
Article 59: If the sponsor harbours doubts in respect of the professional opinion issued by a securities service institution and its signatories, it shall initiate consultations with the securities service institution and may require it to provide an explanation or provide evidence.
第五十九条 保荐机构对证券服务机构及其签字人员出具的专业意见存有疑义的,应当主动与证券服务机构进行协商,并可要求其做出解释或者出具依据。
Article 60: If the sponsor has sufficient grounds to be confident that a securities service institution and its signatories may have violated laws or regulations by issuing a professional opinion containing false records, misleading statements or material omissions, etc. or that they may have committed another improper act, it shall express its opinion thereon in a timely manner. If the circumstances are serious, it shall report the same to the CSRC and stock exchange.
第六十条 保荐机构有充分理由确信证券服务机构及其签字人员出具的专业意见可能存在虚假记载、误导性陈述或重大遗漏等违法违规情形或者其他不当情形的,应当及时发表意见;情节严重的,应当向中国证监会、证券交易所报告。
Article 61: A securities service institution and its signatories shall maintain their professional independence, carefully review their judgement in light of the doubts or comments of the sponsor and timely express their opinion to the sponsor and the issuer in a timely manner.
第六十一条 证券服务机构及其签字人员应当保持专业独立性,对保荐机构提出的疑义或者意见进行审慎的复核判断,并向保荐机构、发行人及时发表意见。
第六章 监管措施和法律责任
Article 62: The CSRC may conduct regular or irregular onsite inspections of the sponsorship activities of a sponsor and its sponsor representatives, and they shall actively co-operate in such inspections, provide truthful relevant information, may not refuse, interfere with or evade such inspections and may not fraudulently provide, conceal or destroy relevant evidentiary materials.
第六十二条 中国证监会可以对保荐机构及其保荐代表人从事保荐业务的情况进行定期或者不定期现场检查,保荐机构及其保荐代表人应当积极配合检查,如实提供有关资料,不得拒绝、阻挠、逃避检查,不得谎报、隐匿、销毁相关证据材料。
Article 63: The CSRC shall establish a sponsor dependability oversight system, effect ongoing dynamic administration of the registration of sponsors and sponsor representatives, record details of their practice, violations of laws or regulations, other misconduct and the regulatory measures taken against them, etc. and, when necessary, may make such records public.
第六十三条 中国证监会建立保荐信用监管系统,对保荐机构和保荐代表人进行持续动态的注册登记管理,记录其执业情况、违法违规行为、其他不良行为以及对其采取的监管措施等,必要时可以将记录予以公布。
Article 64: A sponsor and its sponsor representatives shall bear the attendant liability from the date on which the sponsor submits the sponsorship documents to the CSRC.
第六十四条 自保荐机构向中国证监会提交保荐文件之日起,保荐机构及其保荐代表人承担相应的责任。
Article 65: If application documents for sponsor qualifications contain false records, misleading statements or material omissions, the CSRC shall withhold its approval. If it has granted its approval, it shall revoke the sponsor qualifications.
第六十五条 保荐机构资格申请文件存在虚假记载、误导性陈述或者重大遗漏的,中国证监会不予核准;已核准的,撤销其保荐机构资格。
If application documents for sponsor representative qualifications contain false records, misleading statements or material omissions, the CSRC shall withhold its approval. If it has granted approval, it shall revoke the sponsor representative qualifications. Additionally, it shall not accept sponsor representative qualification applications from the sponsor that submitted the aforementioned application documents for a period of six months from the revocation date.
Article 66: If a sponsor, sponsor representative, person in charge of the sponsorship business or person in charge of internal reviews violates these Measures by failing to perform its/his/her relevant obligations in good faith and with due diligence, the CSRC shall order it/him/her to rectify the matter and take regulatory measures against it/him/her such as giving a regulatory discussion, giving it/him/her special scrutiny, ordering it/him/her to take vocational study, issuing a written warning, ordering it/him/her to give a public account or declaring it/him/her persona non grata. If, in accordance with the law, administrative penalties are in order, such administrative penalties shall be imposed in accordance with relevant provisions. If the circumstances are serious and there is suspicion that a criminal offence has been committed, the case shall be transferred to the judicial authorities for criminal prosecution.
第六十六条 保荐机构、保荐代表人、保荐业务负责人和内核负责人违反本办法,未诚实守信、勤勉尽责地履行相关义务的,中国证监会责令改正,并对其采取监管谈话、重点关注、责令进行业务学习、出具警示函、责令公开说明、认定为不适当人选等监管措施;依法应给予行政处罚的,依照有关规定进行处罚;情节严重涉嫌犯罪的,依法移送司法机关,追究其刑事责任。
Article 67: If any of the following circumstances apply to a sponsor, the CSRC shall suspend its sponsor qualifications for three months from the date of confirmation thereof; if the circumstances are serious, it shall suspend its sponsor qualifications for six months and may order it to replace the person in charge of its sponsorship business and/or person in charge of internal reviews; and if the circumstances are particularly serious, it shall revoke its sponsor qualifications:
第六十七条 保荐机构出现下列情形之一的,中国证监会自确认之日起暂停其保荐机构资格3个月;情节严重的,暂停其保荐机构资格6个月,并可以责令保荐机构更换保荐业务负责人、内核负责人;情节特别严重的,撤销其保荐机构资格:
(1) the documents relating to its sponsorship work that it submits to the CSRC and stock exchange contain false records, misleading statements or material omissions;
(2) its internal control systems have not been effectively implemented;
(3) its due diligence investigation system, internal review system, ongoing guidance system and/or sponsorship working draft system has/have not been effectively implemented;
(4) its sponsorship working drafts contain false records, misleading statements or material omissions;
(5) it has instigated, assisted or participated in the submission by the issuer or a securities service institution of documents containing false records, misleading statements or material omissions;
(6) it has instigated, assisted or participated in the interference by the issuer in the review work by the CSRC and its Public Offering Review Committee;
(7) it has sought illegal gains through its sponsorship business; or
(8) another circumstance involving a serious breach of its obligation of good faith and due diligence applies to it.
Article 68: If any of the following circumstances applies to a sponsor representative, the CSRC may, depending on the circumstances, refuse to accept sponsorship by him/her/her for a period of three to 12 months from the date of confirmation thereof; and, if the circumstances are particularly serious, it shall revoke his/her sponsor representative qualifications:
第六十八条 保荐代表人出现下列情形之一的,中国证监会可根据情节轻重,自确认之日起3个月到12个月内不受理相关保荐代表人具体负责的推荐;情节特别严重的,撤销其保荐代表人资格:
(1) his/her due diligence work log is defective or omits or conceals material problems;
(2) he/she fails to complete or participate in guidance;
(3) he/she fails to participate in ongoing guidance or fails to act with due diligence in the ongoing guidance;
(4) during the sponsorship term, the issuer is publicly censured by the CSRC or stock exchange in connection with the sponsorship or the specific sponsorship work for which he/she was responsible;
(5) he/she has instigated, assisted or participated in the interference by the issuer in the review work by the CSRC and its Public Offering Review Committee; or
(6) another circumstance involving a serious breach of his/her obligation of good faith and due diligence applies to him/her.
Article 69: If any of the following circumstances applies to a sponsor representative, the CSRC shall revoke his/her sponsor representative qualifications; if the circumstances are serious, it shall ban him/her from the securities market;
第六十九条 保荐代表人出现下列情形之一的,中国证监会撤销其保荐代表人资格;情节严重的,对其采取证券市场禁入的措施:
(1) he/she has signed the sponsorship-related documents and sponsored the offering and listing of an issuer's securities, but did not participate in the due diligence investigation work, or the due diligence investigation was not thorough and sufficient, clearly failing to comply with business rules and industry codes;
(2) he/she has sought illegal gains through sponsorship business;
(3) he/she or his/her spouse holds shares of the issuer;
(4) he/she has instigated, assisted or participated in the submission by the issuer or a securities service institution of documents containing false records, misleading statements or material omissions; or
(5) he/she has participated in and organised the preparation of sponsorship-related documents that contain false records, misleading statements or material omissions.
Article 70: If a case has been opened and a sponsor or sponsor representative is under investigation due to a suspected violation of laws or regulations in its/his/her sponsorship business, the CSRC shall not accept sponsorship by such sponsor, or sponsorship for which such sponsor representative is specifically responsible, while the case is pending.
第七十条 保荐机构、保荐代表人因保荐业务涉嫌违法违规处于立案调查期间的,中国证监会暂不受理该保荐机构的推荐;暂不受理相关保荐代表人具体负责的推荐。
Article 71: If any of the following circumstances applies to an issuer, the CSRC shall suspend the sponsor qualifications of the sponsor for three months from the date of confirmation thereof and revoke the sponsor representative qualifications of the relevant person(s):
第七十一条 发行人出现下列情形之一的,中国证监会自确认之日起暂停保荐机构的保荐机构资格3个月,撤销相关人员的保荐代表人资格:
(1) the prospectus and other such application documents contain false records, misleading statements or material omissions;
(2) it makes a loss in the year its securities are offered and listed; or
(3) its information disclosure documents during the term of ongoing guidance contain false records, misleading statements or material omissions.
Article 72: If any of the following circumstances apply to an issuer during the term of ongoing guidance, the CSRC may, depending on the circumstances, refuse to accept sponsorship for which the relevant sponsor representative(s) is/are specifically responsible for a period of three to 12 months from the date of confirmation thereof; if the circumstances are particularly serious, it shall revoke the sponsor representative qualifications of the relevant person(s):
第七十二条 发行人在持续督导期间出现下列情形之一的,中国证监会可根据情节轻重,自确认之日起3个月到12个月内不受理相关保荐代表人具体负责的推荐;情节特别严重的,撤销相关人员的保荐代表人资格:
(1) its use of 50% or more of the aggregate offer proceeds in the year of the listing is inconsistent with the undertakings given;
(2) its operating profit in the year of the public offering and listing of its securities decreases by 50% or more as compared to the preceding year;
(3) a change in its controlling shareholder(s) or de facto controller(s) occurs in the 12 months following the date of the initial public offering and listing of its shares;
(4) 50% or more of its assets in the aggregate or its core business are/is reorganised in the 12 months following the date of the initial public offering and listing of its shares;
(5) 50% or more of the listed company's assets in the aggregate or its core business are/is reorganised in the 12 months following the date of its offering of new shares or convertible bonds and the same was not disclosed in the prospectus;
(6) its actual profit is less than the projected profit by 20% or more;
(7) an affiliated transaction is markedly lacking in fairness or the procedure therefor violated regulations, and a relatively large amount was involved;
(8) its controlling shareholder(s), de facto controller(s) or other affiliated person appropriated some of its resources and the amount thereof was relatively large;
(9) it provided security for a third party in violation of provisions and the amount thereof was relatively large;
(10) it purchased or sold assets, took out a loan, entrusted the management of certain assets, etc. in violation of provisions and the amount thereof was relatively large;
(11) a director, supervisor or member of its senior management personnel appropriated benefits of the issuer and was subjected to administrative penalties or had his/her criminal liability pursued therefor;
(12) it violated laws or regulations on the compliant operation of listed companies or information disclosure, etc. and the circumstances were serious; or
(13) another circumstance as specified by the CSRC.
Article 73: If sponsorship by a sponsor representative is refused for a fixed period of time or if his/her sponsor representative qualifications are revoked, the person in charge of the sponsorship business and the person in charge of internal reviews shall bear the attendant liability and the sponsor shall cancel sponsorship of the project(s) the sponsorship of which by the relevant sponsor representative had already been accepted. If the circumstances are serious, the sponsor shall be ordered to rectify its sponsorship systems within a specified period of time and replace the person in charge of its sponsorship business and the person in charge of internal reviews. If it still fails to satisfy requirements after the expiration of the period for rectification, its sponsor qualifications shall be revoked.
第七十三条 保荐代表人被暂不受理具体负责的推荐或者被撤销保荐代表人资格的,保荐业务负责人、内核负责人应承担相应的责任,对已受理的该保荐代表人具体负责推荐的项目,保荐机构应当撤回推荐;情节严重的,责令保荐机构就各项保荐业务制度限期整改,责令保荐机构更换保荐业务负责人、内核负责人,逾期仍然不符合要求的,撤销其保荐机构资格。
Article 74: If the regulatory measures specified in Article 66 hereof are imposed an aggregate of at least five times on a sponsor and person in charge of its sponsorship business or person in charge of internal reviews within one calendar year, the CSRC may suspend the sponsor's sponsor qualifications for three months and order it to replace the person in charge of its sponsorship business or person in charge of internal reviews.
第七十四条 保荐机构、保荐业务负责人或者内核负责人在1个自然年度内被采取本办法第六十六条规定监管措施累计5次以上,中国证监会可暂停保荐机构的保荐机构资格3个月,责令保荐机构更换保荐业务负责人、内核负责人。
If the regulatory measures specified in Article 66 hereof are imposed an aggregate of at least two times on a sponsor representative within two calendar years, the CSRC may refuse to accept sponsorship by him/her for six months.
Article 75: If a sponsor and its sponsor representatives challenge the regulatory measures imposed by the CSRC and they have sufficient evidence to establish the following facts and grounds, the CSRC shall accept the same:
第七十五条 对中国证监会采取的监管措施,保荐机构及其保荐代表人提出申辩的,如有充分证据证明下列事实且理由成立,中国证监会予以采纳:
(1) the issuer or its directors, supervisors and/or senior management personnel deliberately concealed material facts, and the sponsor and its sponsor representatives performed their obligation of due diligence;
(2) the issuer gave a special alert in the prospectus and the sponsor and its sponsor representatives performed their obligation of due diligence;
(3) irregularities arise in the issuer's business results, use of the offer proceeds, etc. or the issuer was unable to perform its undertakings and the same are due to an event of force majeure;
(4) during the term of ongoing guidance the issuer and its directors, supervisors and/or senior management personnel deliberately violated laws or regulations, and the sponsor and its sponsor representatives took the initiative in bringing the same to light and performed their obligation of due diligence; or
(5) another circumstance under which the sponsor and its sponsor representatives performed their obligation of due diligence.
Article 76: If an issuer and its directors, supervisors and/or senior management personnel violate these Measures by failing to engage another sponsor after changing the former sponsor, committing a violation of laws or regulations during the term of ongoing guidance and refusing to rectify the same, failing to notify the sponsor after the occurrence of a material event in a timely manner or otherwise materially failing to co-operate in the sponsorship work, the CSRC may order them to rectify the matter, make a public announcement thereof and, depending on the circumstances, take the following regulatory measures:
第七十六条 发行人及其董事、监事、高级管理人员违反本办法规定,变更保荐机构后未另行聘请保荐机构,持续督导期间违法违规且拒不纠正,发生重大事项未及时通知保荐机构,或者发生其他严重不配合保荐工作情形的,中国证监会可以责令改正,予以公布并可根据情节轻重采取下列监管措施:
(1) requiring the issuer to give an account on a monthly basis of its acceptance of the guidance by the sponsor;
(2) requiring the issuer to disclose its monthly financial reports and related information;
(3) designating a securities service institution to conduct an inspection;
(4) requiring the stock exchange to issue a special alert in respect of the trading in the issuer's securities;
(5) not accepting its securities offering applications for 36 months; or
(6) declaring the person directly in charge and other responsible persons as persona non grata.
Article 77: If a securities service institution and its signatories violate these Measures, the CSRC shall order them to rectify the matter and take regulatory measures against the relevant organisations and responsible persons such as giving a regulatory discussion, giving them special scrutiny, issuing a written warning, ordering them to give a public account or declaring them persona non grata.
第七十七条 证券服务机构及其签字人员违反本办法规定的,中国证监会责令改正,并对相关机构和责任人员采取监管谈话、重点关注、出具警示函、责令公开说明、认定为不适当人选等监管措施。
Article 78: If the professional opinion issued by a securities service institution and its signatories contains false records, misleading statements or material omissions, or if their failure to co-operate in the sponsorship work results in serious consequences, the CSRC shall refuse to accept documents from them for a period of six to 36 months from the date of confirmation thereof and publicly announce such sanction.
第七十八条 证券服务机构及其签字人员出具的专业意见存在虚假记载、误导性陈述或重大遗漏,或者因不配合保荐工作而导致严重后果的,中国证监会自确认之日起6个月到36个月内不受理其文件,并将处理结果予以公布。
Article 79: If an issuer and its directors, supervisors and/or senior management personnel or a securities service institution and its signatories violate laws or administrative regulations and, in accordance with the law, administrative penalties are in order, such administrative penalties shall be imposed in accordance with relevant provisions. If a criminal offence is suspected, the case shall be transferred to the judicial authorities for criminal prosecution.
第七十九条 发行人及其董事、监事、高级管理人员、证券服务机构及其签字人员违反法律、行政法规,依法应予行政处罚的,依照有关规定进行处罚;涉嫌犯罪的,依法移送司法机关,追究其刑事责任。
第七章 附则
Article 80: For the purposes of these Measures, the term “sponsor” means a sponsor as referred to in Article 11 of the Securities Law.
第八十条 本办法所称“保荐机构”,是指《证券法》第十一条所指“保荐人”。
Article 81: The Securities Association of China or another organisation recognised by the CSRC may arrange for the administration of sponsor representative competence examinations.
第八十一条 中国证券业协会或者经中国证监会认可的其他机构,可以组织保荐代表人胜任能力考试。
Article 82: If a sponsor engaging in the sponsorship of the offering and listing of securities before the implementation hereof does not fully comply with the provisions hereof, it shall satisfy the requirements hereof within three months of the implementation date hereof and shall be subject to an acceptance check by the CSRC. If it still fails to comply with requirements after the expiration of the deadline, the CSRC shall revoke its sponsor qualifications.
第八十二条 本办法实施前从事证券发行上市保荐业务的保荐机构,不完全符合本办法规定的,应当在本办法实施之日起3个月内达到本办法规定的要求,并由中国证监会组织验收。逾期仍然不符合要求的,中国证监会撤销其保荐机构资格。
Article 83: These Measures shall be effective as of December 1 2008. The Tentative Measures for the Sponsorship System for Issue and Listing of Securities (Order of the CSRC No.18) and the Measures for the Provision of Guidance for Initial Public Offerings of Shares (Zheng Jian Fa [2001] No.125) shall be repealed simultaneously.
clp reference:3700/08.10.17prc reference:证监会令第58号promulgated:2008-10-17effective:2008-12-01第八十三条 本办法自2008年12月1日起施行,《证券发行上市保荐制度暂行办法》(证监会令第18号)、《首次公开发行股票辅导工作办法》(证监发[2001]125号)同时废止。
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