Provisions on Several Issues Concerning the Application of the System of the Prescription of Actions in Trials of Civil Cases


The Provisions detail matters in respect of the counting, interruption, suspension and validity of prescription of actions.

Clp Reference: 1420/08.08.21 Promulgated: 2008-08-21 Effective: 2008-09-01

(Promulgated by the Supreme People's Court on August 21 2008 and effective as of September 1 2008.)

SPC Interpretation [2008] No.11

These Provisions have been formulated pursuant to laws such as the PRC General Principles for Civil Law, the PRC Property Law, the PRC Contract Lawand the PRC Civil Procedure Law (2nd Revision) while taking into consideration trial practice, in order to correctly apply legal provisions on the system of the prescription of actions and protect the lawful rights and interests of concerned parties.

Article 1: A party may, in the face of a claim for a debt, mount a defence on the basis of the prescription of actions; however, a people's court shall not uphold such defence in the face of the following claims:

(1) claims for the payment of the principal of, and interest on, deposits;

(2) claims for the redemption of the principal of, and payment of interest on, treasury bonds, financial bonds, and corporate bonds offered to the general public;

(3) claims for the payment of capital contributions arising from investment relationships; and

(4) other claims for debts to which, in accordance with the law, provisions on the prescription of actions do not apply.

Article 2: If, in violation of the law, parties agree to extend or shorten the period of prescription of actions or waive in advance the benefits of the prescription of actions, the people's court shall not recognise the same.

Article 3: If a party does not mount a defence on the basis of the prescription of actions, the people's court shall not provide an explanation of the issue of the prescription of actions or actively apply provisions on the prescription of actions in reaching its judgment or ruling.

Article 4: If a party fails to mount a defence on the basis of the prescription of actions at first instance but does so at second instance, the people's court shall not support the same, unless, based on new evidence, it can be established that the other party's claim has exceeded the period of prescription of actions.

If a party fails to mount a defence on the basis of the prescription of actions in accordance with the preceding paragraph and files an application for a retrial or objects to a retrial on the grounds of the expiration of the period of prescription of actions, the people's court shall not uphold the same.

Article 5: If the parties have agreed that a debt obligation is to be performed in stages, the period of prescription of actions shall be counted from the date on which the term for performance of the last stage expires.

Article 6: If a term for performance is not specified in a contract but such term can be determined in accordance with Articles 61 and 62 of the Contract Law, the period of prescription of actions shall be counted from the date on which the term for performance expires. If the term for performance cannot be determined, the period of prescription of actions shall be counted from the date on which the grace period allotted by the creditor to the debtor to perform its obligations expires. However, if the debtor expressly indicates, on the first occasion that the creditor asserts its claims against the debtor, that it will not perform its obligations, the period of prescription of actions shall be counted from the date on which the debtor expressly indicates that it will not perform its obligations.

Article 7: If a party with a right of rescission requests rescission of the contract, the provisions of Article 55 of the Contract Law on a one-year cut-off period shall apply.

If the other party mounts a defence on the basis of the prescription of actions against the claim for rescission of the contract, the people's court shall not uphold the same.

If a contract is rescinded, the period of prescription of actions for a claim for property return or damages shall count from the date on which the contract was rescinded.

Article 8: The period of prescription of actions for a claim for the return of illegitimately gotten gains shall be counted from the date on which the concerned party learnt or ought to have learnt of the facts of the illegitimately gotten gains and of the other party.

Article 9: The period of prescription of actions for a claim for the payment of a necessary management fee or damages arising from the negotiorum gestio act of a gestor shall be counted from the date on which the negotiorum gestio act concluded and the gestor learnt or ought to have learnt of the principal.

The period of prescription of actions for a claim by a principal for damages arising from an improper negotiorum gestio act shall be counted from the date on which it learnt or ought to have learnt of the gestor and the facts of the damage.

Article 10: Any of the following circumstances shall be deemed a “party demanding that obligations be performed” as specified in Article 140 of the General Principles for Civil Law and give rise to an interruption of the prescription of actions:

(1) a party directly delivers to the other party a document asserting its claims and the other party signs and/or stamps the document or, despite its not signing or stamping the document, it can otherwise be established that the document was served on the other party;

(2) a party has asserted its claims by sending a letter or electronically transmitted document, and the letter or electronically transmitted document has reached or ought to have reached the other party;

(3) if a party is a financial institution, it has deducted the principal of and interest on the amount owed from the other party's account in accordance with the law or as agreed by the parties; or

(4) if the whereabouts of a party is unknown, the other party publishes an announcement asserting its claims in media with national reach or influential provincial level media in the place where the party whose whereabouts are unknown is domiciled, unless laws or judicial interpretations specifically provide otherwise, in which case such provisions shall apply.

In the circumstance set forth in Item (1) of the preceding paragraph, if the other party is a legal person or other organisation, the person signing in receipt may be its legal representative, main person in charge, the department responsible for the receipt and sending of correspondence or an authorised entity; if the other party is a natural person, the person signing in receipt may be the natural person himself/herself, a relative with full capacity to act who resides with such person, or an authorised entity.

Article 11: If a rights holder asserts claims with respect to a portion of a claim on a debt, the effect of the interruption of the prescription of actions shall extend to the remainder of the claim on the debt unless it expressly waives the remainder of the claim on the debt.

Article 12: If a party submits a statement of claim to a people's court or orally institutes a legal action, the prescription of actions shall be interrupted from the date of submission of the bill of complaint or oral institution of the legal action.

Article 13: With respect to the interruption of the prescription of actions, the people's court shall recognise any of the following events as having the same effect as the institution of a legal action:

(1) an application for arbitration;

(2) an application for a payment order;

(3) a bankruptcy petition or declaration of claims in bankruptcy;

(4) an application for a declaration that the obligor is missing or dead for the purpose of asserting claims;

(5) an application for pre-trial preservation of property, pre-trial temporary injunction or other such pre-trial measure;

(6) an application for enforcement;

(7) an application for the addition of a party to, or a notification to participate in, a legal action;

(8) the assertion of set-off in the course of a legal action; or

(9) another event that, in the interruption of the prescription of actions, has the same effect as the institution of a legal action.

Article 14: If a rights holder submits a petition for the protection of pertinent civil rights to a people's mediation commission or other state authority, public institution, association or other social organisation that has the authority in accordance with the law to resolve relevant civil disputes, the prescription of actions shall be interrupted from the date of submission of the petition.

Article 15: If a rights holder reports a case to, or files a charge with, the public security authority, people's procuratorate or people's court seeking protection of its civil rights, the prescription of actions shall be interrupted from the date of reporting of the case or filing of the charge.

If the aforementioned authority decides not to open the case, to withdraw the case or not to institute the action, the period of prescription of actions shall be counted anew from the date on which the rights holder learnt or ought to have learnt that the case would not be opened, was withdrawn or that the action would not be instituted. If a criminal action proceeds to the trial stage, the period of prescription of actions shall be counted anew from the date on which the criminal judgment document enters into effect.

Article 16: If the obligor gives an undertaking or acts to perform in stages, partially perform, provide security, petition to postpone performance, formulate a debt repayment plan, etc., the same shall be deemed to be a party “agreeing to perform its obligations” as specified in Article 140 of the General Principles for Civil Law.

Article 17: If a reason for the interruption of the prescription of actions arises in respect of one among joint creditors, the interruption of the prescription of actions shall be deemed to have occurred for the other joint creditors as well.

If a reason for the interruption of the prescription of actions arises in respect of one among joint debtors, the interruption of the prescription of actions shall be deemed to have occurred for the other joint debtors as well.

Article 18: If a creditor institutes a legal action with respect to the right of subrogation, interruption of the prescription of actions shall be deemed to have occurred in respect of the creditor's claim and the debtor's claim.

Article 19: If a claim is transferred, the prescription of actions shall be deemed to have been interrupted from the date on which the claim transfer notice reached the debtor.

Under a circumstance where a debt is assumed, where acknowledgment of the debt of the original debtor is constituted, the prescription of actions shall be deemed to be interrupted from the date on which the expression of the intent to assume the debt reaches the creditor.

Article 20: Any of the following circumstances shall be deemed “another impediment” as specified in Article 139 of the General Principles for Civil Law and the prescription of actions shall be suspended:

(1) the person with no or limited civil capacity whose rights have been infringed does not have a statutory agent, or his/her statutory agent has died, lost his/her power of agency or lost his/her capacity to act;

(2) no heir or executor of the estate has been determined after the commencement of a succession;

(3) the rights holder is controlled by the obligor or another party and is unable to assert its claims; or

(4) another objective circumstance under which the rights holder is unable to assert its claims arises.

Article 21: Once the period of prescription of actions with respect to a principal debt expires, the guarantor shall have the principal debtor's right of defence in respect of the prescription of actions.

If the guarantor fails to exercise the aforementioned right of defence and wishes, after performing its guarantee obligations, to exercise the right of recovery against the principal debtor, the people's court shall not uphold the same, unless the principal debtor agrees to make payment.

Article 22: If the period of prescription of actions expires, and after a party expresses to the other party the intent to agree to perform its obligations or voluntarily performs its obligations it mounts a defence on the grounds that the period of prescription of actions has expired, the people's court shall not uphold the same.

Article 23: If, at the time of the implementation of these Provisions, a case is in trial at first instance or at second instance, these Provisions shall apply. If a final judgment has been reached in a case before the implementation of these Provisions and the people's court retries the case, these Provisions shall not apply.

Article 24: In the event that these Provisions conflict with a relevant judicial interpretation rendered by this court before the implementation hereof, these Provisions shall prevail.

(最高人民法院于二零零八年八月二十一日公布,自二零零八年九月一日起施行。 )

法释 [2008] 11号


第一条 当事人可以对债权请求权提出诉讼时效抗辩,但对下列债权请求权提出诉讼时效抗辩的,人民法院不予支持:





第二条 当事人违反法律规定,约定延长或者缩短诉讼时效期间、预先放弃诉讼时效利益的,人民法院不予认可。

第三条 当事人未提出诉讼时效抗辩,人民法院不应对诉讼时效问题进行释明及主动适用诉讼时效的规定进行裁判。

第四条 当事人在一审期间未提出诉讼时效抗辩,在二审期间提出的,人民法院不予支持,但其基于新的证据能够证明对方当事人的请求权已过诉讼时效期间的情形除外。


第五条 当事人约定同一债务分期履行的,诉讼时效期间从最后一期履行期限届满之日起计算。

第六条 未约定履行期限的合同,依照合同法第六十一条、第六十二条的规定,可以确定履行期限的,诉讼时效期间从履行期限届满之日起计算;不能确定履行期限的,诉讼时效期间从债权人要求债务人履行义务的宽限期届满之日起计算,但债务人在债权人第一次向其主张权利之时明确表示不履行义务的,诉讼时效期间从债务人明确表示不履行义务之日起计算。

第七条 享有撤销权的当事人一方请求撤销合同的,应适用合同法第五十五条关于一年除斥期间的规定。



第八条 返还不当得利请求权的诉讼时效期间,从当事人一方知道或者应当知道不当得利事实及对方当事人之日起计算。

第九条 管理人因无因管理行为产生的给付必要管理费用、赔偿损失请求权的诉讼时效期间,从无因管理行为结束并且管理人知道或者应当知道本人之日起计算。


第十条 具有下列情形之一的,应当认定为民法通则第一百四十条规定的“当事人一方提出要求”,产生诉讼时效中断的效力:






第十一条 权利人对同一债权中的部分债权主张权利,诉讼时效中断的效力及于剩余债权,但权利人明确表示放弃剩余债权的情形除外。

第十二条 当事人一方向人民法院提交起诉状或者口头起诉的,诉讼时效从提交起诉状或者口头起诉之日起中断。

第十三条 下列事项之一,人民法院应当认定与提起诉讼具有同等诉讼时效中断的效力:










第十四条 权利人向人民调解委员会以及其他依法有权解决相关民事纠纷的国家机关、事业单位、社会团体等社会组织提出保护相应民事权利的请求,诉讼时效从提出请求之日起中断。

第十五条 权利人向公安机关、人民检察院、人民法院报案或者控告,请求保护其民事权利的,诉讼时效从其报案或者控告之日起中断。


第十六条 义务人作出分期履行、部分履行、提供担保、请求延期履行、制定清偿债务计划等承诺或者行为的,应当认定为民法通则第一百四十条规定的当事人一方“同意履行义务。”

第十七条 对于连带债权人中的一人发生诉讼时效中断效力的事由,应当认定对其他连带债权人也发生诉讼时效中断的效力。


第十八条 债权人提起代位权诉讼的,应当认定对债权人的债权和债务人的债权均发生诉讼时效中断的效力。

第十九条 债权转让的,应当认定诉讼时效从债权转让通知到达债务人之日起中断。


第二十条 有下列情形之一的,应当认定为民法通则第一百三十九条规定的“其他障碍”,诉讼时效中止:





第二十一条 主债务诉讼时效期间届满,保证人享有主债务人的诉讼时效抗辩权。


第二十二条 诉讼时效期间届满,当事人一方向对方当事人作出同意履行义务的意思表示或者自愿履行义务后,又以诉讼时效期间届满为由进行抗辩的,人民法院不予支持。

第二十三条 本规定施行后,案件尚在一审或者二审阶段的,适用本规定;本规定施行前已经终审的案件,人民法院进行再审时,不适用本规定。

clp reference:1420/08.08.21
prc reference:法释 [2008] 11号

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