PRC Regulations for the Control of Foreign Exchange (2nd Revision)

中华人民共和国外汇管理条例 (第二次修訂)

The Regulations cover the control of foreign exchange on the current account and capital account.

Clp Reference: 3800/08.08.05 Promulgated: 2008-08-05 Effective: 2008-08-05

(Promulgated by the State Council on, and effective as of, August 5 2008.)



第一章 总则

第一条 为了加强外汇管理,促进国际收支平衡,促进国民经济健康发展,制定本条例。

第二条 国务院外汇管理部门及其分支机构(以下统称外汇管理机关)依法履行外汇管理职责,负责本条例的实施。

第三条 本条例所称外汇,是指下列以外币表示的可以用作国际清偿的支付手段和资产:






第四条 境内机构、境内个人的外汇收支或者外汇经营活动,以及境外机构、境外个人在境内的外汇收支或者外汇经营活动,适用本条例。

第五条 国家对经常性国际支付和转移不予限制。

第六条 国家实行国际收支统计申报制度。


第七条 经营外汇业务的金融机构应当按照国务院外汇管理部门的规定为客户开立外汇账户,并通过外汇账户办理外汇业务。


第八条 中华人民共和国境内禁止外币流通,并不得以外币计价结算,但国家另有规定的除外。

第九条 境内机构、境内个人的外汇收入可以调回境内或者存放境外;调回境内或者存放境外的条件、期限等,由国务院外汇管理部门根据国际收支状况和外汇管理的需要作出规定。

第十条 国务院外汇管理部门依法持有、管理、经营国家外汇储备,遵循安全、流动、增值的原则。

第十一条 国际收支出现或者可能出现严重失衡,以及国民经济出现或者可能出现严重危机时,国家可以对国际收支采取必要的保障、控制等措施。

第二章 经常项目外汇管理

第十二条 经常项目外汇收支应当具有真实、合法的交易基础。经营结汇、售汇业务的金融机构应当按照国务院外汇管理部门的规定,对交易单证的真实性及其与外汇收支的一致性进行合理审查。


第十三条 经常项目外汇收入,可以按照国家有关规定保留或者卖给经营结汇、售汇业务的金融机构。

第十四条 经常项目外汇支出,应当按照国务院外汇管理部门关于付汇与购汇的管理规定,凭有效单证以自有外汇支付或者向经营结汇、售汇业务的金融机构购汇支付。

第十五条 携带、申报外币现钞出入境的限额,由国务院外汇管理部门规定。

第三章 资本项目外汇管理

第十六条 境外机构、境外个人在境内直接投资,经有关主管部门批准后,应当到外汇管理机关办理登记。


第十七条 境内机构、境内个人向境外直接投资或者从事境外有价证券、衍生产品发行、交易,应当按照国务院外汇管理部门的规定办理登记。国家规定需要事先经有关主管部门批准或者备案的,应当在外汇登记前办理批准或者备案手续。

第十八条 国家对外债实行规模管理。借用外债应当按照国家有关规定办理,并到外汇管理机关办理外债登记。


第十九条 提供对外担保,应当向外汇管理机关提出申请,由外汇管理机关根据申请人的资产负债等情况作出批准或者不批准的决定;国家规定其经营范围需经有关主管部门批准的,应当在向外汇管理机关提出申请前办理批准手续。申请人签订对外担保合同后,应当到外汇管理机关办理对外担保登记。


第二十条 银行业金融机构在经批准的经营范围内可以直接向境外提供商业贷款。其他境内机构向境外提供商业贷款,应当向外汇管理机关提出申请,外汇管理机关根据申请人的资产负债等情况作出批准或者不批准的决定;国家规定其经营范围需经有关主管部门批准的,应当在向外汇管理机关提出申请前办理批准手续。


第二十一条 资本项目外汇收入保留或者卖给经营结汇、售汇业务的金融机构,应当经外汇管理机关批准,但国家规定无需批准的除外。

第二十二条 资本项目外汇支出,应当按照国务院外汇管理部门关于付汇与购汇的管理规定,凭有效单证以自有外汇支付或者向经营结汇、售汇业务的金融机构购汇支付。国家规定应当经外汇管理机关批准的,应当在外汇支付前办理批准手续。


第二十三条 资本项目外汇及结汇资金,应当按照有关主管部门及外汇管理机关批准的用途使用。外汇管理机关有权对资本项目外汇及结汇资金使用和账户变动情况进行监督检查。

第四章 金融机构外汇业务管理

第二十四条 金融机构经营或者终止经营结汇、售汇业务,应当经外汇管理机关批准;经营或者终止经营其他外汇业务,应当按照职责分工经外汇管理机关或者金融业监督管理机构批准。

第二十五条 外汇管理机关对金融机构外汇业务实行综合头寸管理,具体办法由国务院外汇管理部门制定。

第二十六条 金融机构的资本金、利润以及因本外币资产不匹配需要进行人民币与外币间转换的,应当经外汇管理机关批准。

第五章 人民币汇率和外汇市场管理

第二十七条 人民币汇率实行以市场供求为基础的、有管理的浮动汇率制度。

第二十八条 经营结汇、售汇业务的金融机构和符合国务院外汇管理部门规定条件的其他机构,可以按照国务院外汇管理部门的规定在银行间外汇市场进行外汇交易。

第二十九条 外汇市场交易应当遵循公开、公平、公正和诚实信用的原则。

第三十条 外汇市场交易的币种和形式由国务院外汇管理部门规定。

第三十一条 国务院外汇管理部门依法监督管理全国的外汇市场。

第三十二条 国务院外汇管理部门可以根据外汇市场的变化和货币政策的要求,依法对外汇市场进行调节。

第六章 监督管理

第三十三条 外汇管理机关依法履行职责,有权采取下列措施:









第三十四条 外汇管理机关依法进行监督检查或者调查,监督检查或者调查的人员不得少于2人,并应当出示证件。监督检查、调查的人员少于2人或者未出示证件的,被监督检查、调查的单位和个人有权拒绝。

第三十五条 有外汇经营活动的境内机构,应当按照国务院外汇管理部门的规定报送财务会计报告、统计报表等资料。

第三十六条 经营外汇业务的金融机构发现客户有外汇违法行为的,应当及时向外汇管理机关报告。

第三十七条 国务院外汇管理部门为履行外汇管理职责,可以从国务院有关部门、机构获取所必需的信息,国务院有关部门、机构应当提供。


第三十八条 任何单位和个人都有权举报外汇违法行为。


第七章 法律责任

第三十九条 有违反规定将境内外汇转移境外,或者以欺骗手段将境内资本转移境外等逃汇行为的,由外汇管理机关责令限期调回外汇,处逃汇金额30%以下的罚款;情节严重的,处逃汇金额30%以上等值以下的罚款;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。

第四十条 有违反规定以外汇收付应当以人民币收付的款项,或者以虚假、无效的交易单证等向经营结汇、售汇业务的金融机构骗购外汇等非法套汇行为的,由外汇管理机关责令对非法套汇资金予以回兑,处非法套汇金额30%以下的罚款;情节严重的,处非法套汇金额30%以上等值以下的罚款;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。

第四十一条 违反规定将外汇汇入境内的,由外汇管理机关责令改正,处违法金额30%以下的罚款;情节严重的,处违法金额30%以上等值以下的罚款。


第四十二条 违反规定携带外汇出入境的,由外汇管理机关给予警告,可以处违法金额20%以下的罚款。法律、行政法规规定由海关予以处罚的,从其规定。

第四十三条 有擅自对外借款、在境外发行债券或者提供对外担保等违反外债管理行为的,由外汇管理机关给予警告,处违法金额30%以下的罚款。

第四十四条 违反规定,擅自改变外汇或者结汇资金用途的,由外汇管理机关责令改正,没收违法所得,处违法金额30%以下的罚款;情节严重的,处违法金额30%以上等值以下的罚款。


第四十五条 私自买卖外汇、变相买卖外汇、倒买倒卖外汇或者非法介绍买卖外汇数额较大的,由外汇管理机关给予警告,没收违法所得,处违法金额30%以下的罚款;情节严重的,处违法金额30%以上等值以下的罚款;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。

第四十六条 未经批准擅自经营结汇、售汇业务的,由外汇管理机关责令改正,有违法所得的,没收违法所得,违法所得50万元以上的,并处违法所得1倍以上5倍以下的罚款;没有违法所得或者违法所得不足50万元的,处50万元以上200万元以下的罚款;情节严重的,由有关主管部门责令停业整顿或者吊销业务许可证;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。


第四十七条 金融机构有下列情形之一的,由外汇管理机关责令限期改正,没收违法所得,并处20万元以上100万元以下的罚款;情节严重或者逾期不改正的,由外汇管理机关责令停止经营相关业务:






第四十八条 有下列情形之一的,由外汇管理机关责令改正,给予警告,对机构可以处30万元以下的罚款,对个人可以处5万元以下的罚款:







第四十九条 境内机构违反外汇管理规定的,除依照本条例给予处罚外,对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员,应当给予处分;对金融机构负有直接责任的董事、监事、高级管理人员和其他直接责任人员给予警告,处5万元以上50万元以下的罚款;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。

第五十条 外汇管理机关工作人员徇私舞弊、滥用职权、玩忽职守,构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任;尚不构成犯罪的,依法给予处分。

第五十一条 当事人对外汇管理机关作出的具体行政行为不服的,可以依法申请行政复议;对行政复议决定仍不服的,可以依法向人民法院提起行政诉讼。

第八章 附则

第五十二条 本条例下列用语的含义:





第五十三条 非金融机构经营结汇、售汇业务,应当由国务院外汇管理部门批准,具体管理办法由国务院外汇管理部门另行制定。

第五十四条 本条例自公布之日起施行。

Order of the State Council No.532


Article 1: These Regulations have been formulated in order to strengthen foreign exchange control, promote a balance between foreign receipts and payments and promote the healthy development of the national economy.

Article 2: The State Council's foreign exchange control department and its branches (Exchange Control Authorities) shall perform their foreign exchange control duties in accordance with the law, and be responsible for the implementation of these Regulations.

Article 3: For the purposes of these Regulations, the term “foreign exchange” means the following means of payment and assets denominated in foreign currencies and that can be used for international settlement:

(1) cash foreign currency, including banknotes and coins;

(2) payment vouchers or payment instruments denominated in foreign currencies, including negotiable instruments, bank deposit certificates, bank cards, etc.;

(3) negotiable securities denominated in foreign currencies, including bonds, stocks, etc.;

(4) special drawing rights; and

(5) other foreign exchange assets.

Article 4: These Regulations shall apply to foreign exchange receipts and payments, and the business activities conducted in foreign exchange by organisations and individuals in China as well as the foreign exchange receipts and payments, and the business activities conducted in foreign exchange in China by overseas organisations and individuals.

Article 5: The state does not restrict current account transactions of international payments and transfers.

Article 6: The state implements a system for the reporting of statistics on international receipts and payments.

The State Council's foreign exchange control department shall compile statistics on and monitor international receipts and payments and regularly issue releases on the international payments position.

Article 7: Financial institutions engaging in foreign exchange business shall open foreign exchange accounts for customers in accordance with the provisions of the State Council's foreign exchange control department, and handle foreign exchange transactions through such accounts.

Financial institutions engaging in foreign exchange business shall, in accordance with the law, submit information on their customers' foreign exchange receipts and payments and changes in their accounts to Exchange Control Authorities.

Article 8: The circulation of foreign currencies in the People's Republic of China is prohibited. Additionally, pricing and settlement may not be effected in foreign currencies, unless otherwise provided by the state.

Article 9: The foreign exchange receipts of organisations and individuals in China may be repatriated or retained overseas. The conditions, periods, etc. for repatriation or retention overseas shall be specified by the State Council's foreign exchange control department based on the international payments position and foreign exchange control requirements.

Article 10: The State Council's foreign exchange control department shall hold, manage and apply the state's foreign exchange reserves in accordance with the law and abide by the principles of safety, liquidity and value increase.

Article 11: If a serious imbalance in international receipts and payments has arisen or could arise or if a serious crisis has arisen or could arise in the national economy, the state may take the necessary security, control and other such measures in respect of international receipts and payments.


Article 12: Genuine and lawful transactions shall underlie receipts and payments of foreign exchange on the current account. Financial institutions that engage in the conversion and sale of foreign exchange shall conduct reasonable examinations of the genuineness of transaction documents and their consistency with the foreign exchange receipts or payments in accordance with the provisions of the State Council's foreign exchange control department.

The Exchange Control Authorities shall have the authority to conduct monitoring inspections of the matters specified in the preceding paragraph.

Article 13: Foreign exchange receipts on the current account may, in accordance with relevant state provisions, be retained or sold to a financial institution that engages in the conversion and sale of foreign exchange.

Article 14: Foreign exchange payments on the current account shall, in accordance with provisions for the payment and purchase of foreign exchange of the State Council's foreign exchange control department and on the strength of valid documents, be made with self-owned foreign exchange or foreign exchange purchased from a financial institution that engages in the conversion and sale of foreign exchange.

Article 15: The limits on cash foreign currency that may be carried into or out of China, or declared, shall be specified by the State Council's foreign exchange control department.


Article 16: If an overseas organisation or individual directly invests in China, following approval by the relevant competent departments, it/he/she shall carry out registration procedures with Exchange Control Authorities.

If an overseas organisation or individual engages in the issuance and/or trading of negotiable securities or derivatives in China, it/he/she shall abide by relevant state provisions on market access and carry out registration procedures in accordance with the provisions of the State Council's foreign exchange control department.

Article 17: If an organisation or individual in China directly invests abroad or engages in the issuance and/or trading of negotiable securities or derivatives overseas, it/he/she shall carry out registration procedures in accordance with the provisions of the State Council's foreign exchange control department. If the state requires that approval or record filing procedures be carried out first with the relevant competent departments, such approval or record filing procedures shall be carried out before foreign exchange registration.

Article 18: The state controls the scale of foreign debts. The taking out of foreign debts shall be carried out in accordance with relevant state provisions and foreign debt registration shall be carried out with Exchange Control Authorities.

The State Council's foreign exchange control department shall be responsible for compiling statistics on and monitoring foreign debts, and shall release information on foreign debts on a regular basis.

Article 19: If security is to be provided for a foreign party, an application shall be submitted to Exchange Control Authorities and Exchange Control Authorities shall render a decision on whether or not to grant approval based on the assets and liabilities, etc. of the applicant. If the state specifies that the scope of business of the applicant requires approval by the relevant competent departments, such approval procedures shall be carried out before the application is submitted to Exchange Control Authorities. Once the applicant has entered into the contract for the provision of security to the foreign party, it shall carry out the procedures for the registration of such security with Exchange Control Authorities.

The preceding paragraph shall not apply to the provision of security to a foreign party for an on-lent loan for the purpose of using a loan from a foreign government or international financial organisation subject to the approval of the State Council.

Article 20: A banking financial institution may, within its approved scope of business, directly extend commercial loans to parties overseas. If another organisation wishes to provide a commercial loan to a party overseas, it shall submit an application to Exchange Control Authorities and Exchange Control Authorities shall render a decision on whether or not to grant approval based on the assets and liabilities, etc. of the applicant. If the state specifies that the scope of business of the applicant requires approval by the relevant competent departments, such approval procedures shall be carried out before the application is submitted to Exchange Control Authorities.

To provide commercial loans to parties overseas, registration procedures shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the State Council's foreign exchange control department.

Article 21: If foreign exchange receipts on the capital account are to be retained or sold to a financial institution that engages in the conversion and sale of foreign exchange, the approval of Exchange Control Authorities shall be required, unless the state specifies that such approval is not required.

Article 22: Foreign exchange payments on the capital account shall, in accordance with provisions for the payment and purchase of foreign exchange of the State Council's foreign exchange control department and on the strength of valid documents, be made with self-owned foreign exchange or foreign exchange purchased from a financial institution that engages in the conversion and sale of foreign exchange. If the state specifies that the approval of Exchange Control Authorities is required, the approval procedures shall be carried out before payment of foreign exchange is made.

Renminbi proceeds of the foreign party to a foreign-invested enterprise whose business has been terminated in accordance with the law may, after liquidation in accordance with relevant state provisions and payment of taxes, be converted into foreign exchange at a financial institution that engages in the conversion and sale of foreign exchange, and remitted abroad.

Article 23: Foreign exchange on the capital account and the funds derived from the conversion thereof shall be used for the purpose approved by the relevant competent departments and Exchange Control Authorities. The Exchange Control Authorities shall have the authority to conduct monitoring inspections of the use of foreign exchange on the capital account and the funds derived from the conversion thereof and changes in the accounts.


Article 24: If a financial institution wishes to engage in or terminate its engagement in the conversion and selling of foreign exchange, it shall require the approval of Exchange Control Authorities. If it wishes to engage in or terminate its engagement in other foreign exchange business it shall require the approval of Exchange Control Authorities or financial regulatory authorities, depending on whose purview such business falls under.

Article 25: The Exchange Control Authorities shall oversee the overall foreign exchange position of financial institutions. The specific measures therefor shall be formulated by the State Council's foreign exchange control department.

Article 26: If a financial institution needs to convert renminbi into a foreign currency or a foreign currency into renminbi in connection with its capital or profits or due to the unmatching of its renminbi and foreign currency assets, it shall require the approval of Exchange Control Authorities to do so.


Article 27: The renminbi exchange rate shall be subject to a managed floating exchange rate mechanism based on market supply and demand.

Article 28: Financial institutions that engage in the conversion and sale of foreign exchange and other institutions that satisfy the conditions of the State Council's foreign exchange control department may conduct foreign exchange trading on the interbank foreign exchange market in accordance with the provisions of the State Council's foreign exchange control department.

Article 29: Trading on the foreign exchange market shall be conducted on the basis of the principles of transparency, fairness, impartiality and good faith.

Article 30: The currencies for, and the form of, trading on the foreign exchange market shall be specified by the State Council's foreign exchange control department.

Article 31: The State Council's foreign exchange control department shall oversee the national foreign exchange market in accordance with the law.

Article 32: The State Council's foreign exchange control department may, in accordance with the law, make adjustments to the foreign exchange market in line with changes in the market and the requirements of monetary policy.


Article 33: In performing their duties in accordance with the law, Exchange Control Authorities shall have the authority to take the following measures:

(1) conducting onsite inspections of financial institutions that engage in foreign exchange business;

(2) entering premises where violations of foreign exchange control regulations are suspected of having been committed to investigate and obtain evidence;

(3) questioning organisations and persons that have foreign exchange receipts and payments or business activities conducted in foreign exchange and requiring them to provide explanations in respect of matters directly related to violations of foreign exchange control regulations that are under investigation;

(4) reviewing and taking copies of transaction documents and other such information that are directly related to violations of foreign exchange control regulations that are under investigation;

(5) reviewing and taking copies of the financial accounting information and related documents of parties being investigated for violations of foreign exchange control regulations and of directly connected work units and individuals, and where there is a possibility that documents and information will be diverted, concealed or destroyed, sealing the same;

(6) subject to the approval of the person in charge of the State Council's foreign exchange control department or the provincial level Exchange Control Authority, making inquiries about the accounts of parties being investigated for violations of foreign exchange control regulations and of directly connected work units and individuals, with the exception of savings accounts of individuals; and

(7) where there is evidence that implicated property, such as illegal funds, etc., have been or could be diverted or concealed or that important evidence could be concealed, forged or destroyed, applying to a people's court for a freeze or placement under seal.

Connected work units and individuals shall cooperate in the monitoring inspections conducted by Exchange Control Authorities, give truthful explanations of relevant circumstances and provide relevant documents and information, and may not refuse or interfere with such investigations or withhold information.

Article 34: When Exchange Control Authorities conduct a monitoring inspection or investigation, there may not be less than two inspectors or investigators and they shall present their credentials. If there are less than two inspectors or investigators or if they fail to present their credentials, the work unit or individual being inspected or investigated shall have the right to refuse such inspection or investigation.

Article 35: An organisation in China that conducts business in foreign exchange shall submit financial accounting reports, statistical statements, etc. in accordance with provisions of the State Council's foreign exchange control department.

Article 36: If a financial institution that engages in foreign exchange business discovers that a customer has committed a violation of foreign exchange control regulations, it shall report the same to Exchange Control Authorities in a timely manner.

Article 37: The State Council's foreign exchange control department may, in order to perform its foreign exchange control duties, obtain necessary information from relevant departments and institutions of the State Council, and such departments and institutions shall provide the same.

The State Council's foreign exchange control department shall circulate information on its foreign exchange control work to relevant departments and institutions of the State Council.

Article 38: Any work unit or individual has the right to report violations of foreign exchange control regulations.

The Exchange Control Authorities shall maintain the confidentiality of whistleblowers and shall, in accordance with provisions, reward such whistleblowers, and work units and individuals that have given valuable assistance in investigations of violations of foreign exchange control regulations.


Article 39: If acts of evading exchange control such as transferring abroad foreign exchange from China in violation of provisions or capital abroad from China through fraudulent means, Exchange Control Authorities shall order the repatriation of the foreign exchange within a specified period of time and impose a fine less than 30% of the amount transferred abroad. If the circumstances are serious, Exchange Control Authorities shall impose a fine of not less than 30% and not more than the equivalent of the amount transferred abroad. If a criminal offence is constituted, criminal liability shall be pursued in accordance with the law.

Article 40: If, in violation of provisions, an amount that is required to be received or paid in renminbi is received or paid in foreign exchange, or if foreign exchange is illegally obtained by fraudulently purchasing foreign exchange from a financial institution that engages in the conversion and sale of foreign exchange on the strength of fraudulent or invalid transaction documents, etc., Exchange Control Authorities shall order the illegally obtained foreign exchange funds to be reconverted into renminbi and impose a fine less than 30% of the illegally obtained foreign exchange funds. If the circumstances are serious, Exchange Control Authorities shall impose a fine of not less than 30% and not more than the equivalent of the amount of the illegally obtained foreign exchange funds. If a criminal offence is constituted, criminal liability shall be pursued in accordance with the law.

Article 41: If foreign exchange is remitted into China in violation of provisions, Exchange Control Authorities shall order rectification of the matter and impose a fine less than 30% of the illegal amount. If the circumstances are serious, Exchange Control Authorities shall impose a fine of not less than 30% and not more than the equivalent of the illegal amount.

If foreign exchange is converted illegally, Exchange Control Authorities shall order the illegally converted funds to be reconverted into foreign exchange, and impose a fine less than 30% of the illegal amount.

Article 42: If foreign exchange is brought into or out of China in violation of provisions, Exchange Control Authorities shall give a warning and may impose a fine less than 20% of the illegal amount. If laws or administrative regulations specify that penalties are to be imposed by customs, the provisions thereof shall apply.

Article 43: If a violation of foreign debt control is committed, such as extending a loan to a foreign party, issuing bonds overseas, or providing security to a foreign party without approval, Exchange Control Authorities shall give a warning and impose a fine less than 30% of the illegal amount.

Article 44: If the purpose of foreign exchange or the proceeds derived from the conversion thereof is changed without approval in violation of provisions, Exchange Control Authorities shall order rectification of the matter, confiscate the illegal income and impose a fine of not less than 30% of the illegal amount. If the circumstances are serious, Exchange Control Authorities shall impose a fine of not less than 30% and not more than the equivalent of the illegal amount.

If foreign exchange is used in an illegal manner, such as, in violation of provisions, effecting pricing or settlement in a foreign currency or transferring foreign exchange, Exchange Control Authorities shall order rectification of the matter, give a warning and may impose a fine less than 30% of the illegal amount.

Article 45: If foreign exchange is purchased or sold without authorisation, in a disguised manner or in a speculative manner, or if acting as a go-between in the purchase or sale of foreign exchange is engaged in illegally and the amount thereof is relatively large, Exchange Control Authorities shall give a warning, confiscate the illegal income and impose a fine less than 30% of the illegal amount. If the circumstances are serious, Exchange Control Authorities shall impose a fine of not less than 30% and not more than the equivalent of the illegal amount. If a criminal offence is constituted, criminal liability shall be pursued in accordance with the law.

Article 46: If the conversion and sale of foreign exchange is engaged in without approval, Exchange Control Authorities shall order rectification of the matter, confiscate the illegal income, if there is any, and if such illegal income is Rmb500,000 or more, impose a fine of not less than the equivalent of and not more than five times the illegal income. If there is no illegal income or if the illegal income is less than Rmb500,000, Exchange Control Authorities shall impose a fine of not less than Rmb500,000 and not more than Rmb2 million. If the circumstances are serious, the relevant competent department shall order suspension of operations to undergo rectification or revoke the business permit. If a criminal offence is constituted, criminal liability shall be pursued in accordance with the law.

If foreign exchange business other than the conversion and sale of foreign exchange is engaged in without approval, Exchange Control Authorities or financial regulatory authorities shall impose penalties in accordance with the preceding paragraph.

Article 47: The Exchange Control Authorities shall order rectification within a specified period of time, confiscate the illegal income and impose a fine of not less than Rmb200,000 and not more than Rmb1 million, or, if the circumstances are serious or rectification is not carried out within the specified period of time, order a halt to the engagement in the relevant business if a financial institution:

(1) in the handling of receipts or payments on the current account, fails to conduct a reasonable examination of the genuineness of the transaction documents and their consistency with the foreign exchange receipts or payments;

(2) violates provisions in the handling of receipts or payments on the capital account;

(3) violates provisions in converting or selling foreign exchange;

(4) violates oversight of its overall foreign exchange position; or

(5) violates regulation of the trading of the foreign exchange market.

Article 48: The Exchange Control Authorities shall order rectification of the matter, give a warning and may impose a fine less than Rmb300,000, in the case of an organisation, or less than Rmb50,000, in the case of an individual, if it/he/she:

(1) fails to report statistics on international receipts and payments in accordance with provisions;

(2) fails to submit information such as financial accounting reports or statistical statements in accordance with provisions;

(3) fails to submit valid documents in accordance with provisions or submits untruthful documents;

(4) violates provisions on the administration of foreign exchange accounts;

(5) violates provisions on the administration of foreign exchange registration; or

(6) refuses or interferes with monitoring inspections or investigations conducted by Exchange Control Authorities in accordance with the law.

Article 49: If an organisation in China violates provisions on foreign exchange control, in addition to having penalties imposed in accordance herewith, the supervisor directly in charge and other directly responsible persons shall be disciplined. Directly responsible directors, supervisors, senior management personnel and other directly responsible persons of a financial institution shall be given a warning and fined not less than Rmb50,000 and not more than Rmb500,000. If a criminal offence is constituted, their criminal liability shall be pursued in accordance with the law.

Article 50: If a member of the working personnel of Exchange Control Authorities practices favouritism, engages in graft, abuses his/her authority or is derelict in his/her duties and the same constitutes a criminal offence, his/her criminal liability shall be pursued in accordance with the law. If a criminal offence is not constituted, he/she shall be disciplined in accordance with the law.

Article 51: If a party is not satisfied with a specific administrative act carried out by Exchange Control Authorities, it may apply for administrative review in accordance with the law. If it remains dissatisfied with the decision rendered after administrative review, it may institute an administrative action in a people's court.


Article 52: The following terms herein shall have the meanings assigned to them below:

(1) “Organisation in China” means a state authority, enterprise, public institution, association, military unit, etc. in the People's Republic of China, with the exception of a diplomatic office in China of a foreign country or a representative office in China of an international organisation.

(2) “Individual in China” means a citizen of China or a foreign national who has resided continuously in the People's Republic of China for at least one year, other than a foreign diplomat in China or a representative in China of an international organisation.

(3) “Current account” means the trading account reflecting goods, services, income and recurrent transfers connected with international receipts and payments.

(4) “Capital account” means the trading account that reflects changes in the level of foreign assets and liabilities arising from international receipts and payments, including capital transfers, direct investment, securities investment, derivatives, loans, etc.

Article 53: The engagement in the conversion and sale of foreign exchange by an organisation other than a financial institution shall require the approval of the State Council's foreign exchange control department. The specific measures for the administration thereof shall be formulated separately by the State Council's foreign exchange control department.

Article 54: These Regulations shall be effective as of the date of promulgation.

clp reference:3800/08.08.05prc reference:国务院令第532号promulgated:2008-08-05effective:2008-08-05

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