Plan on Reform of State Council Organs


The Plan establishes a new commission and five new ministries under the State Council.

(Adopted at the 1st Session of the 11th National People's Congress on March 15 2008.)


In keeping with the spirit of the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the 2nd Plenary Session of the 17th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the major missions of this reform of State Council organs revolve around the transformation of governmental functions, the disentanglement of the duties of the various ministries and commissions, the exploration and implementation of a super-ministry system that organically unifies functions, the rational allocation of functions among macroeconomic control ministries and commissions, the strengthening of the authorities responsible for the administration of energy and the administration of the environment, the consolidation and improvement of the structures for the administration of the industrial and information sector and the transport sector and, with the focus on improving people's livelihoods, the strengthening and consolidation of the ministries and commissions responsible for social management and public services.

(1) Rational allocation of functions among macroeconomic control ministries and commissions: the functions of the National Development and Reform Commission will be further transformed, reducing its micro-management of affairs and the specific matters that it is responsible for examining and approving and its efforts will be focused on macroeconomic control. The Ministry of Finance will reform and improve its budget and tax management, improve the matching of the finances of the central and local governments to their functions and powers and improve the public finance system. The People's Bank of China will further improve the monetary policy system, strengthen overall coordination with financial regulatory authorities and safeguard the financial security of the state. The National Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Finance, People's Bank of China, etc. will establish and enhance a coordination mechanism so as to create a sounder macroeconomic control system.


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