Provisions for the Granting of State-owned Construction Leaseholds by way of an Invitation for Bids, Auction or Listing on a Land Exchange (Amended)

招标拍卖挂牌出让国有建设用地使用权规定 (修订)

After the promulgation of the Provisions for the Granting of State-owned Construction Leaseholds by way of an Invitation of Bids, Auction or Listing on a Land Exchange in April 2002, the current Provisions seek to impose regulations on the increasingly popular construction leasehold granting through bidding, auction or listing.

(Promulgated by the Ministry of Land and Resources on September 28 2007 and effective as of November 1 2007.)

Order of the MLR No.39



Article 1: These Provisions have been formulated pursuant to the PRC Property Law, the PRC Land Administration Law, the PRC Law on the Administration of Urban Real Property and the Implementing Regulations for the PRC Land Administration Law in order to regulate the granting of state-owned construction leaseholds, optimize the allocation of land resources and establish a transparent, fair and just land use system.

Article 2: These Provisions shall govern the creation of state-owned construction leaseholds on, above or below the surface of land in the People's Republic of China by way of an invitation for bids, auction or listing on a land exchange.


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