Circular on Issues Relevant to Reinsurance Business Safety


The Circular provides guidelines to reinsurance contracts and retrocession contracts whose term commences on or after January 1 2008 as to risk management mechanism, financial strength ratings, paid-in monetary capital, solvency and trading history requirements for the selection of a reinsurance cedent.

(Issued by the China Insurance Regulatory Commission on November 15 2007.)

Bao Jian Fa [2007] No.112

Insurance companies:

With the rapid development of the insurance market in China, the task of guarding against risks has become increasingly onerous. As the principal means of guarding against risks and spreading risks, the function of reinsurance has increasingly come to the fore. However, the reinsurance market itself poses certain risks, and, in particular, factors such as the solvency, financial position and profitability of a reinsurer have a material impact on the stable operations and healthy development of a cedent. With a view to thoroughly implementing the spirit of the 2007 National Insurance Conference, strengthening the establishment by the insurance industry of mechanisms for guarding against risks, improving the insurance industry's capacity to counter risks and promoting the rapid and healthy development of the insurance market, we hereby notify you concerning relevant issues as follows:


保监发 [2007] 112号



1. A reinsurance cedent shall establish a sound risk management mechanism and strengthen its management of the risks involved in reinsurance business.

(1) A cedent shall improve its risk assessment system and risk control mechanism, review its reinsurance plan each year, establish objective reinsurance business assessment standards, examine its risk position, including its reinsurance risks, periodically assess its risks, and establish a mechanism for the identification, assessment and monitoring of risks.


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