Circular on Further Strengthening and Standardizing the Examination, Approval and Regulation of Direct Investment in Real Property by Foreign Investors


Possession of the leasehold or property ownership is required before establishing a foreign-invested real property company.

(Issued by the Ministry of Commerce and State Administration of Foreign Exchange on May 23 2007.)

Shang Zi Han [2007] No.50


商资函 [2007] 50号

Departments in charge of commerce and foreign exchange control departments of the provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the central government, cities with independent development plans and the Xinjiang Construction and Production Corps:


With a view to regulating the entry of foreign capital into the real property market and the administration thereof, six departments of the State Council jointly issued the Opinions on Regulating the Entry of Foreign Investment into the Real Property Market and the Administration Thereof (Jian Zhu Fang [2006] No.171, hereinafter referred to as the "Opinions"). In duly implementing the provisions and requirements of the Opinions, the various regions and departments have achieved substantial results. However, certain problems continue to exist in a few regions. Pursuant to laws and regulations on foreign investment and the Opinions, we hereby notify you on matters relating to further strengthening and standardizing the examination, approval, record filing and regulation of foreign investment in real property as follows:


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