Several Provisions on Issues Concerning Specific Application of the Law to Trials of Disputes over the Infringement of Rights in New Varieties of Plants


This interpretation sets out who is entitled to sue in court when a right in the new variety of plant has been infringed, what constitutes an infringement, how specialized issues are resolved, and what remedies are available.

(Promulgated by the Supreme People's Court on January 12 2007 and effective as of February 1 2007.)


SPC Interpretation [2007] No.1licen

Pursuant to relevant provisions such as the PRC General Principles for Civil Law, PRC Civil Procedure Law (2nd Revision), etc., and taking into account trial experiences in disputes over the infringement of rights in new varieties of plants and actual circumstances, we set forth the following provisions on several issues concerning the specific application of the law in order to correctly handle disputes over the infringement of rights in new varieties of plants:

法释 [2007] 1号

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