Guangzhou City, Provisions on Encouraging Foreign Investors to Invest in and Establish Headquarters and Regional Headquarters


In order to be recognized as a headquarters or regional headquarters, the institution must satisfy four conditions. Many incentives are provided to foreign investors for establishing headquarters or regional headquarters.

Clp Reference: 2100/06.10.16 Promulgated: 2007-10-16 Effective: 2007-10-16

(Issued by the General Office of Guangzhou City People's Government on, and effective as of, October 16 2006.)


Sui Fu Ban [2006] No.34

穗府办 [2006] 34号

Article 1: These Provisions have been formulated pursuant to relevant laws and regulations, while taking into consideration the actual circumstances in the city, in order to further expand the opening to foreign investment, improve the investment environment and promote economic development.

第一条  为进一步扩大对外开放,改善投资环境,促进经济发展,根据有关法律、法规,结合本市的实际情况,制定本规定。 

Article 2: For the purposes of these Provisions, the term "headquarters" means the sole head organization invested in and established in the city (here and hereinafter including the two county-level cities of Conghua and Zengcheng) by a foreign investor that exercises operational and management functions over the enterprises that the foreign investor has invested in, in or outside China.

第二条  本规定所称的总部是指外国投资者在本市(含从化、增城两县级市,下同)投资设立的,对其在中国境内或以外区域所投资的企业行使经营和管理职能的唯一总机构。 

For the purposes of these Provisions, the term "regional headquarters" means the head organization invested in and established in the city by a foreign investor that exercises operational and management functions over all or some of the enterprises that the foreign investor has invested in in a certain territory in China.


Headquarters and regional headquarters may be established in the form of an investment-type company, management company, research and development centre or production enterprise of a headquarters nature.


Article 3: The competent foreign trade and economic cooperation department of Guangzhou City (City Foreign Trade Department) is in charge of the recognition of the headquarters and regional headquarters invested in and established in the city by foreign investors, making the arrangements for the implementation work and coordinating relevant departments in the administration of headquarters and regional headquarters.

第三条  广州市对外贸易经济合作主管部门(以下简称市外经贸主管部门)负责外商投资在本市设立总部和地区总部的认定和组织实施工作,协调有关部门对总部和地区总部实施行政管理。 

The industry and commerce, financial, tax, foreign affairs, public security and other such departments shall be responsible for the administration of headquarters and regional headquarters in accordance with the law within their respective purviews.


Article 4: An application may be made to have an investment-type company established in the city with the approval of the Ministry of Commerce recognized as a headquarters or regional headquarters.

第四条  经商务部批准在本市设立的投资性公司,可以申请认定为总部或地区总部。

If an application is to be made to establish or recognize a management company, a recognized foreign-invested research and development centre or production enterprise of a headquarters nature as a headquarters or regional headquarters, it must simultaneously satisfy the following conditions:


(1) its parent company has a good credit rating and, in the year preceding the application, total assets of not less than US$300 million;

(一)    母公司资信良好,申请前一年资产总额在3亿美元以上。

(2) the enterprises that it has invested in, in China and/or abroad, or the entreprises that it has been authorized to manage, total at least three, and it is responsible for managing and servicing the same;

(二)    在中国境内外投资或被授权管理的企业合计3个以上,且对其负有管理和服务职能。 

(3) the capital contributions to the paid-in registered capital of the enterprises that it has invested in in China or that it has been authorized to manage total at least US$30 million;

(三)    在中国境内投资的企业或被授权管理的企业实际缴付的注册资本出资额合计3000万美元以上。

(4) it has registered capital of at least US$2 million; and

(四)    注册资本在200万美元以上。

(5) it has independent legal personality.

(五)    具有独立法人资格。

Article 5: In addition to its existing scope of business, a headquarters or regional headquarters established in the city may, in accordance with laws, regulations and rules, engage in some or all of the following operational, management and service activities:

第五条  在本市设立的总部或地区总部除其原有经营范围外,按照法律、法规、规章的规定,还可以从事以下部分或全部经营、管理和服务活动:

(1) making investment and operating decisions in sectors in which the state permits foreign investment;

(一)    在国家允许外商投资的领域内进行投资及经营决策。

(2) marketing services: including acting as an agent in the import and export business and the commodity distribution business of the enterprises that it manages, or providing them after-sales services, etc.;

(二)    市场营销服务。包括代理所管理企业的进出口业务和商品分销业务,或提供售后服务等。

(3) application of funds and financial management: subject to the approval and under the supervision of the foreign exchange control department, it may balance the foreign exchange among the enterprises it manages; subject to the approval of the banking regulatory department, it may select a bank in China to establish a fund pool to centrally allocate the balances of self-owned funds among the affiliated subsidiaries that it manages in China; it may assist the enterprises that it manages in seeking loans and providing security for them;

(三)    资金运作与财务管理。经外汇管理部门批准并接受其监督,可在其管理的企业之间平衡外汇;经银行业监督管理部门批准,可选择境内银行建立资金总库,统一调配境内所管理关联子公司的自有资金余缺;可以协助其管理的企业寻求贷款及提供担保。

(4) technical support and research and development;

(四)    技朮支持和研究开发。

(5) employee training and management: assisting the enterprises that it manages in human resources management;

(五)    员工培训与管理。协助其管理的企业进行人力资源管理。

(6) information and logistics services: providing integrated services to the enterprises that it manages including marketing information, investment policy consulting, transport, warehousing, etc.;

(六)    信息及物流服务。为其管理的企业提供市场信息、投资政策咨询、运输、仓储等综合服务。

(7) accepting service contracts from offshore companies; and

(七)    承接境外公司的服务外包业务。

(8) other operational, management and service activities specified in laws, regulations and rules.

(八)    法律、法规、规章规定的其它经营、管理和服务活动。

Article 6: If an investment-type company, management company, research and development centre or production enterprise of a headquarters nature already established in the city by a foreign investor (Existing FIE) wishes to apply for recognition as a headquarters or regional headquarters, it shall submit an application together with the following documentation to the City Foreign Trade Department:

第六条 外国投资者在本市已设立的投资性公司、管理性公司、研发中心或具有总部性质的生产性企业(以下简称已设外商投资企业)申请认定为总部或地区总部的,应当向市外经贸主管部门提出申请,并提交下列材料:

(1) a written application signed by the legal (or authorized) representative of the Existing FIE;

(一)    已设外商投资企业法定(授权)代表人签署的申请书。

(2) the authorization document for the establishment of the headquarters or regional headquarters and the performance of its basic functions signed by the legal (or authorized) representative of its parent company;

(二)    母公司法定(授权)代表人签署的设立总部或地区总部及履行基本职能的授权文件。

(3) (photocopies of) the approval certificate, business licence and capital verification report of the Existing FIE;

(三)    已设外商投资企业的批准证书、营业执照及验资报告(均为复印件)。

(4) a document evidencing the creditworthiness and (a photocopy of) the registration document of its parent company and the proof of identity of the legal representative;

(四)    母公司的资信证明文件、注册登记文件(复印件)和法定代表人证明文件。

(5) a list of the enterprises subject to the management of, and recipient of the services from, the headquarters or regional headquarters (together with photocopies of the enterprise approval certificates, business licences and capital verification reports);

(五)    接受总部或地区总部管理和服务的企业名单(附企业批准证书、营业执照复印件和验资报告复印件)。

(6) the power of attorney of the proposed legal representative of the headquarters or regional headquarters from the parent company and the proof of identity of the proposed legal representative of the headquarters or regional headquarters; and

(六)    母公司对拟任总部或地区总部法定代表人的授权文件和拟任总部或地区总部法定代表人相应的身份证明文件。 

(7) other documentation specified in laws, regulations and rules.

(七)    法律、法规及规章规定的其它材料。

If a new management company, research and development centre or production enterprise of a headquarters nature is to be established and an application for its recognition as a headquarters or regional headquarters is to be made, in addition to the documentation specified above in this Article, the following documentation must be submitted:


(1) the articles of association and feasibility study report of the proposed management company, research and development centre or production enterprise of a headquarters nature;

(一)    拟设立管理性公司、研发中心或具有总部性质的生产性企业的章程及可行性研究报告。

(2) (a photocopy of) the lawful proof of the source of the premises for the company;

(二)    公司场地来源的合法证明(复印件)。

(3) the balance sheets for the most recent three years of the parent company;

(三)    母公司最近3年的资产负债表。

(4) the list of the members of the board of directors appointed by the parent company; and

(四)    母公司委派的董事会成员名单。

(5) other documentation specified in laws, regulations and rules.

(五)    法律、法规及规章规定的其它材料。

Unless the provision of a photocopy of the foregoing documentation is specified, an original of the document shall be provided. If an intermediary organization is appointed to carry out the establishment application procedures or if a document signed by someone other than the legal representative of the parent company is submitted, the relevant power of attorney shall be issued.


Article 7: The City Foreign Trade Department shall complete its review within 15 working days from the date of receipt of the complete set of application materials. If the applicant satisfies the conditions, the City Foreign Trade Department shall render a recognition decision and issue it a recognition certificate.

第七条  市外经贸主管部门应当在收到全部申请材料之日起15个工作日内完成认定工作,符合条件的,作出认定决定,发给认定证书。

Article 8: With recognition as a headquarters the city government shall give an award of Rmb5 million and with recognition as a regional headquarters it shall give an award of Rmb2 million.

第八条  经认定为总部的,市政府奖励500万元人民币;经认定为地区总部的,市政府奖励200万元人民币。

Article 9: If a new organization is established in the city and is recognized as a headquarters or regional headquarters, it shall, for office space that it purchases or constructs for its own use (excluding premises of an auxiliary nature), be granted a subsidy of Rmb1,000 per square metre of floor area earmarked for office purposes, which will be paid in instalments within three years. During the period of receiving the subsidy, the office premises may not be leased out or sold. If it leases office premises for its own use, it shall, for a period of three years, be granted an annual rental subsidy equivalent to 30% of the reference market rent for leased premises at the time in question for the area in question and for the section of street in question as published by the city land resources and housing management department. During the period of receiving the subsidy, neither may the lease of the office premises be transferred to a third party nor may the purpose of the premises be changed.

第九条  对在本市新设立机构并被认定为总部或地区总部,其本部购置、自建自用办公用房(不包括附属和配套用房)的,按建筑物办公用途部分的建筑面积计算,给予每平方米1000元人民币补贴,补贴在3年内分期支付完毕,享受补贴期间办公用房不得对外租售;其本部租赁自用办公用房的,在3年内每年按照市国土房管部门公布的当时、当区域、当路段的房屋租赁市场租金参考价的30%予以租金补贴,享受补贴期间不得转租,不得改变办公用房的用途。

If an organization established in the city and recognized as a headquarters or regional headquarters prior to the implementation hereof intends to purchase, construct or lease new office premises to meet its business development needs, it shall be granted a subsidy equivalent to 50% of the foregoing rates.


The floor area of the office premises purchased, constructed and used, or leased by a foreign-invested headquarters or regional headquarters and for which a subsidy is granted shall be that determined by the city land resources and housing management department.


If a headquarters or regional headquarters violates the foregoing provisions by leasing out, selling or transferring the lease of the office premises or changing the purpose thereof, it shall return the subsidy that it has received to such date and pay interest thereon at the rate for bank loans of the same period.


Article 10: The city government will give awards to headquarters and regional headquarters established as head and branch organizations as well as to those that make outstanding contributions to the economic development of the city and obtain good economic and social returns. The specific measures therefor shall be formulated and implemented by the city department in charge of finance and the City Foreign Trade Department.

第十条  对以总分机构形式设置的总部和地区总部,以及对本市经济发展有突出贡献、取得良好经济和社会效益的总部和地区总部,市政府将给予奖励。具体办法由市财政主管部门和市外经贸主管部门制定实施。 

The city government will give citations to the expatriate senior management personnel of headquarters and regional headquarters that make outstanding contributions to the economic development of the city.


Article 11: An organization recognized as a headquarters or regional headquarters shall be eligible for the favourable tax treatment specified by the state.

第十一条    经认定为总部或地区总部的,可享受国家规定的税收优惠政策。

Following approval by the provincial government after submission by the city government, a headquarters or regional headquarters shall be eligible for exemption from or reduction of local income tax in accordance with relevant state provisions.


Real property newly constructed or purchased by a headquarters or regional headquarters shall be eligible for a three year exemption from urban real property tax commencing from the month in which construction was completed or the purchase was finalized.


If a headquarters or regional headquarters invests in and establishes a research and development organization, business tax shall not be levied on the revenue derived by it from engaging in technology transfer and technology development and related technical consulting and technical services.


A headquarters or regional headquarters in an industry in which the state encourages foreign investment shall be eligible for an exemption from import duties and import stage value-added tax for imported self-used equipment falling within its total amount of investment, with the exception of commodities that the state specifies as not being eligible for exemption from import duties and taxes.


The expatriate personnel of a headquarters or regional headquarters shall be eligible for preferential individual income tax treatment, such as a housing allowance, home leave allowance, child education allowance, etc.


Article 12: A headquarters or regional headquarters that has been recognized as a research and development centre shall be eligible for the preferential treatment offered to foreign-invested research and development centres by the state and the city.

第十二条    经认定为研发中心的总部或地区总部,可享受国家和本市对外商投资研发中心的优惠政策。

A headquarters or regional headquarters that has been assessed and confirmed in accordance with provisions as a foreign-invested advanced technology enterprise or product export enterprise shall be eligible for relevant preferential treatment.


Article 13: If a headquarters or regional headquarters imports raw materials, parts and components into bonded areas under an arrangement for the processing of supplied materials and provides the same for processing to a production enterprise in China that it has invested in or been authorized to manage, such production enterprise may apply to the competent tax authority for exemption of value-added tax on its fee for the processing or entrusted processing of the goods.

第十三条    总部或地区总部以来料加工贸易方式保税进口原材料、零部件给境内投资或授权管理的生产企业加工,该生产企业可向其主管征税的税务机关申报办理免征其加工或委托加工货物工缴费的增值税。

Article 14: The establishment in the city of cross border procurement centres and logistics centres by headquarters and regional headquarters is encouraged and supported. Pursuant to relevant state laws, if approved, a cross border procurement centre or logistics centre may obtain import and export rights and the goods exported by it shall be eligible for tax refund policies.

第十四条    鼓励和支持总部或地区总部在本市设立跨国采购中心和物流中心。跨国采购中心和物流中心依照国家有关规定,经批准可以取得进出口经营权,出口货物可以享受退税政策。

Headquarters or regional headquarters may, in accordance with their production needs, apply to establish bonded warehouses and bonded factories.


Article 15: Following approval by the provincial government after submission by the city government, a headquarters or regional headquarters may be eligible for a cap on or reduction in administrative charges.

第十五条    经市政府报省政府批准,总部或地区总部可享受行政事业性收费限额封顶或缴费比例下浮优惠。

The relevant departments of the city shall actively support and make overall arrangements for the water, electricity, gas, telecommunications and other such utilities required by headquarters and regional headquarters.


Article 16: The participation in the reform, rehabilitation and restructuring of enterprises in the city by headquarters and regional headquarters through the acquisition of equity interests therein, takeovers, mergers, contracting, leasing, taking in trust, etc. is encouraged and supported. If a restructured enterprise meets the criteria for a foreign-invested enterprise as specified in relevant laws and regulations, it shall be eligible for treatment as a foreign-invested enterprise.

第十六条    鼓励和支持总部或地区总部以参股、收购、兼并、承包、租赁、托管等方式参与本市企业的改革、改造和改组。重组后的企业,达到有关法律、法规规定的外商投资企业标准的,可享受外商投资企业待遇。 

Article 17: Subject to the approval of the foreign exchange control department, a headquarters or regional headquarters may, under the current legal framework for entrusted loans, centrally manage the foreign exchange funds of its onshore member companies at a designated bank through the daily concentration of its available foreign exchange.

第十七条    经外汇管理部门批准,总部或地区总部可以在现行委托贷款的法律框架下,以外汇头寸日内集中方式,在指定银行对境内成员公司的外汇资金进行集中管理。 

Subject to the approval of the foreign exchange control department, the financial centre or fund centre established by a headquarters or regional headquarters may open an offshore account with a designated bank in China for the centralized management of the foreign exchange funds of its offshore member companies. The scope of receipts of the offshore account shall be the foreign exchange funds remitted in by the offshore member companies and the foreign exchange funds of onshore member companies for which the approval of the foreign exchange control department has been obtained for extending loans overseas. The scope of expenditures shall be the remittances to the offshore member companies.


Subject to the approval of the foreign exchange control department, a headquarters or regional headquarters may, when extending loans overseas, carry out the forward settlement and sale of foreign exchange, and renminbi and foreign exchange swaps.


If a headquarters or regional headquarters satisfies the relevant qualification conditions, it may apply to the foreign exchange control department for recognition as a regional headquarters qualified to extend overseas loans.


With respect to the authority for the examination and approval of non-trade related sales and purchases of foreign exchange that is not expressly specified in current regulations, subject to the approval of the foreign exchange control department, if an amount is equivalent to US$100,000 or less, it shall be reviewed and handled by the designated foreign exchange bank; if the amount is greater than the equivalent of US$100,000, the payment procedures shall be carried out by the designated foreign exchange bank after review by the foreign exchange control authority.


Article 18: Exit procedures shall be facilitated for the Chinese personnel of headquarters and regional headquarters who need to travel to Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan or abroad for business purposes.

第十八条    对总部或地区总部中国籍人员因商务需要赴香港、澳门、台湾地区或者国外,提供出境便利。

If the expatriate senior management personnel or technical personnel of a headquarters or regional headquarters need to temporarily enter China on several occasions, they may apply for six month to one year multiple entry visitor's visas. The expatriate personnel of a headquarters or regional headquarters who need to reside in the city over the long term may apply for one to five year foreigner's resident permits. Expatriate personnel of a headquarters or regional headquarters who need to come to the city on a temporary basis may apply to the public security department for entry visas at the point of entry in accordance with relevant state provisions.


Article 19: The procedures for the entry, exit and residence of the family of expatriate senior management personnel of a headquarters or regional headquarters, school enrollment of their children, etc. shall be facilitated in accordance with provisions.

第十九条    总部或地区总部的外籍高级管理人员家属出入境、居留、子女入学等,可按规定享受便利。 

Article 20: The City Foreign Trade Department regulates recognized headquarters and regional headquarters. It shall revoke the recognition certificates of those headquarters and regional headquarters that no longer satisfy the conditions therefor and terminate their eligibility for the relevant policies.

第二十条    市外经贸主管部门对经认定的总部和地区总部进行监督管理,对不再具备总部和地区总部条件的,取消其认定证书,并终止所享受的相关政策。

Article 21: Headquarters and regional headquarters established in the city shall be governed by these Provisions, whereas the headquarters and regional headquarters of foreign-invested financial institutions shall be governed by the Guangzhou City, Several Implementing Rules for the Opinion on Supporting the Development of the Finance Industry.

第二十一条  在本市设立的总部或地区总部适用本规定,外商投资金融机构的总部和地区总部适用《广州市支持金融业发展意见的若干实施细则》。

Article 22: Matters relating to the establishment in the city of headquarters and regional headquarters by investors from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan shall be handled with reference to these Provisions.

第二十二条  香港、澳门、台湾地区的投资者在本市设立总部或地区总部的,参照本规定执行。

Article 23: For the purposes of these Provisions, the term "senior management personnel" means senior management personnel serving as the chairman of the board, vice chairman of the board, general manager, deputy general manager, chairman of the supervisory board, etc. of a headquarters or regional headquarters.

第二十三条  本规定所称的高级管理人员,是指在总部或地区总部担任董事长、副董事长、总经理、副总经理和监事长等职务的高级管理人员。 

For the purposes of these Provisions, where the term "not less than" is used, the number referred to is included unless otherwise specified.


Article 24: The City Foreign Trade Department is in charge of interpreting these Provisions.

第二十四条  本规定由市外经贸主管部门负责解释。

Article 25: If laws, regulations or rules provide otherwise with respect to headquarters and regional headquarters, such provisions shall prevail.

第二十五条  法律、法规和规章对总部或地区总部另有规定的,从其规定。

Article 26: These Provisions shall be effective as of the date of issue and shall be valid for five years.

clp reference:2100/06.10.16/GZprc reference:穗府办 [2006] 34 号promulgated:2007-10-16effective:2007-10-16

第二十六条  本规定自颁布之日起施行,有效期5年。

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