Guangzhou City, Provisions on Encouraging Foreign Investors to Invest in and Establish Headquarters and Regional Headquarters


In order to be recognized as a headquarters or regional headquarters, the institution must satisfy four conditions. Many incentives are provided to foreign investors for establishing headquarters or regional headquarters.

(Issued by the General Office of Guangzhou City People's Government on, and effective as of, October 16 2006.)


Sui Fu Ban [2006] No.34

穗府办 [2006] 34号

Article 1: These Provisions have been formulated pursuant to relevant laws and regulations, while taking into consideration the actual circumstances in the city, in order to further expand the opening to foreign investment, improve the investment environment and promote economic development.

第一条  为进一步扩大对外开放,改善投资环境,促进经济发展,根据有关法律、法规,结合本市的实际情况,制定本规定。 

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