Implementing Opinions on Several Issues Concerning the Application of the Law in the Administration of the Examination, Approval and Registration of Foreign-invested Companies


The Opinion clarifies issues such as organizational structure, incorporation form, timing and documentary requirements pertaining to approval applications, registration and capital contributions of foreign-invested enterprises, reinvestment requirements as well as approvals and registration of amendment.

(Issued by the State Administration for Industry and Commerce, the Ministry of Commerce, the General Administration of Customs and the State Administration of Foreign Exchange on April 24 2006.)


Gong Shang Wai Qi Zi [2006] No.81

工商外企字 [2006] 81号

With a view to accurately applying the law, carrying out the administration of the examination, approval and registration of foreign investment in a legally compliant and efficient manner that makes matters convenient for people, promoting the healthy development of foreign-invested enterprises and improving the quality and standards of use of foreign investment in China, we hereby set forth the following implementing opinions on how to apply the PRC Company Law (the Company Law), the PRC Regulations for the Administration of Company Registration (the Registration Regulations) and state laws, administrative regulations and policies on foreign investment in the administration of the examination, approval and registration of foreign-invested companies.


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