Tentative Provisions for the Administration of Overseas Investments by the National Social Security Fund


The Tentative Provisions were enacted to ensure safety and stability in overseas investments by the PRC National Social Security Fund. It sets out qualifications and duties for overseas investment managers and overseas asset custodians.

(Promulgated by the National Council for Social Security Fund on April 28 2006 and effective as of May 1 2006.)



第一章 总则

Article 1: These Provisions have been formulated pursuant to relevant state laws and administrative regulations in order to regulate the investments outside the People's Republic of China by the National Social Security Fund (the NSSF) and guard against and eliminate the investment risks to which the NSSF is exposed.

第一条 为规范全国社会保障基金(以下简称全国社保基金)投资于中华人民共和国境外的行为(以下简称境外投资),防范和化解全国社保基金投资风险,根据国家有关法律法规,制定本规定。

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