Circular on Further Improving the Work of Attracting Foreign Investment into the Logistics Sector


In order to further open up the logistics sector to foreign investment in pilot projects, the term 'foreign-invested logistics enterprises' has been expanded and foreign investors may now apply to establish foreign-invested logistics enterprises and engage in one or more types of logistics business.

Clp Reference: 4000/06.04.20 Promulgated: 2006-04-20 Effective: 2006-03-31

(Issued by the Ministry of Commerce on April 20 2006 and effective as of March 31 2006.)

Shang Zi Han [2006] No.38

Competent commercial authorities of the provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the central government, municipalities with independent development plans and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corp:

Since 2002, we have, in line with the spirit of the Circular on Issues Relevant to the Launch of Pilot Projects for the Establishment of Foreign-invested Logistics Enterprises (the Pilot Circular), approved the establishment of numerous foreign-invested logistics enterprises in the pilot regions. The launch of these pilot projects has had a positive effect on the healthy development of China's international trade and modern logistics sector. We hereby notify you on the further opening up of the logistics sector to foreign investment on the foundation of the pilot projects and promotion of the further development of foreign-invested logistics enterprises as follows:

1. The term 'foreign-invested logistics enterprises' means foreign-invested enterprises whose core business is the provision of logistics and related services to other enterprises, and include foreign-invested road transport enterprises, foreign-invested water transport enterprises, foreign-invested air transport enterprises, foreign-invested freight forwarding agencies, foreign-invested commercial enterprises, foreign-invested third party logistics enterprises and other foreign-invested enterprises that engage in logistics or logistics related business.

2. Foreign investors may apply to establish foreign-invested logistics enterprises and engage in one or more types of logistics business pursuant to the Provisions for the Administration of Foreign Investment in the Road Transport Industry, the Provisions for the Administration of Foreign Investment in the International Maritime Transport Industry, the Provisions on Foreign Investment in Civil Aviation, the Tentative Measures for the Examination, Approval and Administration of Foreign Investment in Freight Transport by Rail, the Measures for the Administration of Foreign-invested International Freight Forwarding Agencies, the Measures for the Administration of Foreign Investment in the Commercial Sector and other laws and regulations on foreign investment. When an applicant applies to engage in more than one type of logistics business, it shall comply with the most demanding requirements in respect of the qualification conditions for engaging in the types of logistics business that it is applying for.

3. Given that the pilot projects for the establishment of foreign-invested logistics enterprises have produced good results, foreign investors are hereby permitted to establish foreign-invested logistics enterprises in the form of equity joint ventures, cooperative joint ventures and wholly foreign-owned enterprises nationwide. Following approval, a foreign-invested logistics enterprise may engage in some or all of the businesses specified in
Article 5 of the Pilot Circular and shall no longer be subject to the minimum registered capital of a foreign-invested logistics enterprise. However, it shall comply with the minimum registered capital requirements and other requirements specified in the Measures for the Administration of Foreign Investment in the Commercial Sector, the Measures for the Administration of Foreign-Invested International Freight Forwarding Agencies, the Provisions for the Administration of Foreign Investment in the Road Transport Industry and other laws and regulations on foreign investment that correspond with the business or businesses that it is to engage in. With the exception of enterprises that require the examination and approval of the Ministry of Commerce pursuant to the aforementioned departmental rules or other laws and regulations on foreign investment, other foreign-invested logistics enterprises shall be subject to the examination and approval of the competent provincial level commerce department.

4. The competent commercial departments of the regions shall duly carry out the work of attracting foreign investment into the logistics sector in accordance with the foregoing provisions, and laws and regulations on foreign investment. When a project is outside the jurisdiction of its examination and approval authority, the commerce department of the region shall forward the application materials to the Ministry of Commerce within the prescribed time limit after preliminary examination thereof.

5. Competent commercial departments of the regions that have the examination and approval authority may not abuse their administrative powers, and shall promptly render decisions granting administrative permission in respect of applications for the establishment in their jurisdictions of branches and sub-branches, etc. by logistics enterprises from other regions that comply with the statutory conditions.

6. In the event of a discrepancy between this Circular and the Circular on Issues Relevant to the Launch of Pilot Projects for the Establishment of Foreign-invested Logistics Enterprises (Wai Jing Mao Zi Yi Han Zi [2002] No.615) issued by the former Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation, this Circular shall prevail.

7. This Circular shall be effective as of March 31 2006.


clp reference:4000/06.04.20
prc reference:商资函[2006]38号


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