Letter on Issues Relevant to the Occupational Qualification Certificates Held by Foreigners Seeking Employment in China


The Letter further elaborates on the Provision for the Administration of the Employment of Foreigners in China, and requires that foreigners engaged in state-specified occupations must hold an Occupational Qualification Certificate of the PRC.

Clp Reference: 2400/05.09.13 Promulgated: 2005-09-13

(Issued by the Ministry of Labour and Social Security on September 13 2005.)


Lao She Ting Han [2005] No.323

Labour and Social Security Departments (Bureaux) of the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government:

劳社厅函 [2005] 323号

The Provisions for the Administration of the Employment of Foreigners in China (ref. Lao Bu Fa [1996] No.29) stipulate that foreigners seeking employment in China shall "have the expertise and relevant work experience required to engage in their work". In 2000, pursuant to the Labour Law and the Law on Vocational Education, the ministry formulated and issued the Provisions for the Recruitment of Personnel for Technical Jobs (Order of the Ministry of Labour and Social Security No.6) that requires all persons engaged in occupations (jobs) specified by the state to have the appropriate occupational qualification certificate. Based on this provision, foreigners seeking employment in China who engage in occupations (jobs) specified by the state are also required to have the appropriate occupational qualification certificates. We hereby notify you on issues relevant to the occupational qualification certificates held by foreigners seeking employment in China as follows:


1. As, at present, the government of China has not executed any agreements with the governments of other countries for the mutual recognition of occupational qualification certificates, foreigners engaged in occupations (jobs) in China specified by the state must, in principle, hold an Occupational Qualification Certificate of the People's Republic of China.


2. Foreigners who engage in occupations (jobs) that have foreign characteristics, e.g. western food chefs, western bread and pastry chefs, etc. in China may, with the approval of the Ministry of Labour and Social Security, be employed or take up their position on the strength of an occupational qualification certificate issued by the government or industry association of their country. Such certificates must be notarized by a notary office in the foreigner's country, and the notarial certificate shall be in Chinese or English.

一、  由于我国政府目前尚未与其他国家政府签订职业资格证书互认协议,所以外国人在中国从事国家规定的职业(工种),原则上必须持《中华人民共和国职业资格证书》。

3. Foreigners shall be permitted to take occupational qualification certification examinations (examination papers only provided in Chinese) in China and the regional authorities shall provide them the commensurate services to take such examinations.

clp reference:2400/05.09.13prc reference:劳社厅函 [2005] 323号promulgated:2005-09-13

二、  外国人在中国从事具有外国特色的职业(工种),经劳动保障部批准,如西式烹调师、西式面点师等,可以持本国政府或行业协会颁发的职业资格证书就业或上岗。该证书须经过本国公证机关公证,公证证明应为中文或英文。

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