Circular on Issues Relevant to Investments in Short-term Financing Bills by Money Market Funds
The Circular provides for the minimum credit rating of short-term financing bills in which a money market fund invests, while the domestic credit rating shall prevail over international credit rating. The percentage of the investment by a money market fund in the short-term financing bills and short-term corporate bonds issued by one company may not in total exceed 10% of the net value of the fund's assets. If the credit rating of short-term financing bills held by a money market fund drops, the fund shall fully divest itself of such bills within 20 trading days.
(Issued by the China Securities Regulatory Commission on, effective as of, September 22 2005.)
Fund management companies and fund custody banks:
With a view to further regulating the investment operations of money market funds and promoting the healthy development of money market funds, and pursuant to such relevant laws and regulations as the Securities Investment Funds Law, the Measures for the Administration of Securities Investment Fund Operations, the Tentative Provisions for the Administration of Money Market Funds, etc., we hereby notify you on issues relevant to investments in short-term financing bills by money market funds as follows:
1. The credit rating of short-term financing bills in which a money market fund invests shall be no lower than the following standards:
(1) a short-term credit rating of A-1 or its equivalent as assessed by a domestic credit rating agency; or
(2) for short-term financing bills that are exempt from credit ratings pursuant to relevant provisions, the credit rating or follow-up rating of the issuer during the most recent three years shall satisfy either of the following conditions:
(i) a long-term credit rating of AAA or its equivalent as assessed by a domestic credit rating agency; or
(ii) a credit rating one grade below China's sovereign rating as assessed by an international credit rating agency (e.g., if China's sovereign rating is A
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