Measures for the Administration of Pilot Money Brokers
These Measures are formulated to standardize the administration of money brokers. This is China's first introduction to the money broker system.
(Promulgated by the China Banking Regulatory Commission on August 8 2005 and effective as of September 1 2005.)
Order of the CBRC [2005] No.1
银监会令 [2005] 第 1 号
Article 1: These Measures have been formulated pursuant to the PRC Banking Regulation Law and the PRC People's Bank of China Law in order to promote the further improvement and development of China's finance market and standardize the administration of money brokers.
Article 2: For the purposes of these Measures, the term 'money broker' means a non-bank financial institution established in China after approval that specializes in the provision of such brokerage services as facilitating financing and foreign exchange transactions between financial institutions, etc. through the use of electronic technology or other means, and for which it receives a commission.
第一章 总则
Article 3: When doing business, money brokers must abide by the laws and administrative regulations of the People's Republic of China and may not prejudice the public interest of the People's Republic of China.
第一条 为了促进中国金融市场的进一步完善和发展,规范对货币经纪公司的管理,依据《中华人民共和国银行业监督管理法》、《中华人民共和国中国人民银行法》制定本办法。
Article 4: The China Banking Regulatory Commission will oversee money brokers. Money brokers that engage in such brokerage activities as inter-bank borrowing, purchase and sale of bonds and foreign exchange transactions on the inter-bank market shall additionally be subject to the oversight and inspection of the People's Bank of China and the State Administration of Foreign Exchange. If a money broker's business involves matters relating to foreign exchange control, it shall implement the relevant provisions of the state foreign exchange control department and be subject to the oversight and inspection of the state foreign exchange control department.
第二条 本办法所称的货币经纪公司,是指经批准在中国境内设立的,通过电子技术或其他手段,专门从事促进金融机构间资金融通和外汇交易等经纪服务,并从中收取佣金的非银行金融机构。
第三条 货币经纪公司开展业务必须遵守中华人民共和国法律、行政法规,不得损害中华人民共和国的社会公共利益。
Article 5: The establishment of money brokers shall be subject to the approval of the China Banking Regulatory Commission. Without approval, no work unit or natural person may establish a money broker or engage in the money brokerage business in another guise, nor may it use or use in another guise the words "money broker" in its name.
第四条 中国银行业监督管理委员会对货币经纪公司进行监督管理。货币经纪公司在银行间市场进行同业拆借、债券买卖和外汇交易等经纪业务活动应同时接受中国人民银行和国家外汇管理局的监管和检查;其业务涉及外汇管理事项的,应当执行国家外汇管理部门的有关规定,并接受国家外汇管理部门的监督和检查。
Article 6: When approving the application for the establishment of a money broker, the China Banking Regulatory Commission shall fully take into consideration the state of competition in and development of China's foreign exchange market, money market, capital markets and derivatives market and shall solicit the opinions of the relevant regulatory departments.
第二章 货币经纪公司的设立、变更和终止
Article 7: An investor from abroad that applies to establish in China a wholly-owned money broker or a money broker with a Chinese equity joint venture partner must satisfy the following conditions:
第五条 设立货币经纪公司需经中国银行业监督管理委员会批准,未经审核批准,任何单位和自然人不得擅自设立货币经纪公司或变相从事货币经纪业务,不得在机构名称中使用或变相使用“货币经纪”等字样。
(1) it is a lawfully established money broker in the country or region where it is located;
第六条 中国银行业监督管理委员会在批准设立货币经纪公司的申请时,应充分考虑中国外汇市场、货币市场、资本市场以及衍生产品市场的竞争和发展状况,并向相关监管部门征询意见。
(2) it has engaged in the money brokerage business for at least 20 years, its operations are stable and it has sound internal control systems;
第七条 申请在中华人民共和国境内独资或者与中方合资设立货币经纪公司的境外投资人必须具备以下条件:
(3) it has a good creditworthiness rating and has no record of a major violation of laws or regulations;
(4) it has been profitable for the three consecutive years prior to the application and has had after-tax net earnings of not less than US$5 million in each of those years;
(5) it has the global network of establishments and the communications network required to provide money brokerage services;
(6) it has had a representative office in China for at least two years;
(7) the country or region where it is located has a sound financial regulatory system, the applicant is subject to the effective regulation of the relevant authorities in the country or region where it is located and the regulatory authority has executed a memorandum of regulation with the China Banking Regulatory Commission; and
(8) it satisfies other prudential conditions specified by the China Banking Regulatory Commission.
Article 8: A Chinese investor that applies to establish a money broker or to establish one with a foreign equity joint venture partner must satisfy the following conditions:
(1) it is a non-bank financial institution established in accordance with the law;
(2) it has engaged in money market, foreign exchange market or other such agency business for at least five years;
第八条 申请设立货币经纪公司或者与外方合资设立货币经纪公司的中方投资人必须具备下列条件:
(3) its operations are stable and it has sound internal control systems;
(4) it has a good creditworthiness rating and has no record of a major violation of laws or regulations;
(5) it has been profitable for the three consecutive years prior to the application; and
(6) it satisfies other prudential conditions specified by the China Banking Regulatory Commission.
Article 9: The money broker to be established shall satisfy the following conditions:
(1) having the minimum registered capital that satisfies the requirements of these Measures;
(2) having articles of association that comply with the requirements of such relevant laws as the PRC Company Law and these Measures;
第九条 设立货币经纪公司应具备下列条件:
(3) having senior management personnel who are familiar with money brokerage and related business;
(4) having a sound organizational structure, management system and risk control system;
(5) having a place of business, security facilities and measures appropriate for the operation of its business; and
(6) satisfying other prudential conditions specified by the China Banking Regulatory Commission.
Article 10: The establishment of a money broker and its branches must pass through the two stages of preparation for establishment and commencement of business. Documents written in Chinese shall prevail in respect of the information submitted by an applicant when applying for preparation for establishment and for commencement of business.
Article 11: The minimum registered capital of a money broker shall be Rmb20 million or the equivalent in a freely convertible currency and such registered capital shall be paid in monetary capital.
The China Banking Regulatory Commission may adjust the minimum registered capital based on the development of the money brokerage business and the requirements of prudential regulation, provided however that such adjusted amount may not be less than the minimum specified in the preceding paragraph.
第十条 货币经纪公司及其分公司的设立须经过筹建和开业两个阶段。 申请人提交的申请筹建、申请开业的资料,以中文书写为准。
Article 12: The banking regulatory bureau of the place where a money broker is to be established shall be the authority that examines the application to establish the broker and its branches, whereas the China Banking Regulatory Commission shall be the authority that approves the application to establish the broker and its branches.
第十一条 货币经纪公司注册资本的最低限额为2000万元人民币或者等值的自由兑换货币,注册资本为实缴货币资本。
Article 13: The written application for the preparation for establishment of a money broker and the materials set forth below shall be submitted to the China Banking Regulatory Commission by the investor accounting for the largest investment percentage:
(1) an application for the establishment of a wholly-owned or equity joint venture money broker signed by the legal representatives of the investors, which shall include the name, registered address and registered capital of the proposed money broker, the percentages of the capital contributions of the investors, the money broker's scope of business, etc.;
第十二条 货币经纪公司拟设地银监局是公司及其分公司设立申请的审核机关,中国银行业监督管理委员会是货币经纪公司及其分公司设立申请的批准机关。
(2) a feasibility study;
第十三条 申请筹建货币经纪公司,应由投资比例最大的投资人向中国银行业监督管理委员会提交书面申请,并提交下列材料:
(3) the articles of association of the proposed money broker;
(4) the business licence (duplicate) or a photocopy of the company registration document of each investor issued by the regulatory authority of the country or region where it is located;
(5) opinions issued by the regulatory authorities or industry associations of the countries or regions where the investors are located;
(6) the basic particulars of the investors;
(7) accounting statements for the most recent three years audited by a qualified accounting firm or certified by the competent state department;
(8) the agreement, undertaking or contract executed by the parties to the joint venture;
(9) statements issued by the legal representatives of the contributors of capital as to the authenticity of the application materials; and
(10) other information that the China Banking Regulatory Commission requires be submitted.
With the exception of those in Items (4), (5), (6) and (7), all the materials specified in this Article shall be Chinese language versions; Chinese versions of those in Items (4), (5), (6) and (7) shall be submitted and, in the event of a conflict, the Chinese version shall prevail. The "business licence or company registration document" of an investor from abroad must be notarized by a notary public recognized by the country or region where the investor is located, or certified by the Chinese embassy or consulate in such country.
Article 14: The bank regulatory bureau shall complete the information integrity examination within five working days of receipt of the application information for the preparation for establishment. If the application information is found to be incomplete or not compliant with the format specified in these Measures, the bank regulatory bureau shall notify the applicant once in writing as to all the missing information it is to provide. The applicant shall submit such missing application information. The bank regulatory bureau shall accept application information that is complete and compliant with the specified format and notify the applicant thereof in writing within five working days. The bank regulatory bureau shall complete the preliminary examination within 20 working days and forward the materials to the China Banking Regulatory Commission.
The China Banking Regulatory Commission shall render its written decision on whether to approve the preparation for establishment within four months of receipt of the complete application materials for the preparation for establishment.
Article 15: The preparatory period for the establishment of a money broker and its branches shall be six months from the date of receipt of the approval document from the China Banking Regulatory Commission.
第十四条 银监局在收到筹建申请资料后的5个工作日内完成资料的完整性审查。如申请资料不齐全或不符合本办法规定的形式,银监局要一次书面告知申请人需要补充的全部内容,并由申请人补充申请资料。对申请资料齐全并符合规定形式的,银监局应当受理并在5个工作日内书面通知申请人。银监局应于20个工作日内完成初审工作并将材料转交中国银行业监督管理委员会。
If the preparations are not completed within the prescribed period, such period may, if there is a valid reason therefor, be extended for three months subject to the approval of the China Banking Regulatory Commission. If the preparatory work remains incomplete after the extension, the approval document from the China Banking Regulatory Commission shall automatically become void.
During the preparatory period, business activities may not be engaged in in the name of the money broker or its branch.
第十五条 货币经纪公司及其分公司的筹建期限为自接到中国银行业监督管理委员会批准文件之日起6个月。
Article 16: The applicant shall have raised in full its paid in capital within 30 working days of the date of receipt of the preparation approval document from the China Banking Regulatory Commission and deposit the same in the specified account in China. A qualified accounting firm shall verify the same and issue a capital verification report. During the capital verification period, the account may only be used to accept deposits and may not be used to make payments.
Article 17: Prior to the expiration of the preparatory period for establishment or the expiration of the extension of such period, the applicant shall submit an application for the commencement of business and the following documents and information to the China Banking Regulatory Commission:
(1) a report on the completion of the preparatory work and an application to commence business;
第十六条 申请人自接到中国银行业监督管理委员会批准筹建文件之日起30个工作日内,应当筹足其实缴资本,并存入中国境内的规定账户,经具有相应资质的会计师事务所验证,出具验资报告。该账户在验资期间只收不付。
(2) the capital verification certificate issued by the statutory capital verification institution in China and the registration certificate for the preliminary approval of the name of the proposed institution issued by the administration for industry and commerce;
第十七条 申请人应当在筹建期限届满前或延长期限届满前,向中国银行业监督管理委员会提出开业申请,并提交下列文件、资料:
(3) the articles of association of the money broker;
(4) a list of the names of the proposed senior management personnel, their résumés and proof of their qualifications for their positions;
(5) the names of the shareholders and the amounts of their capital contributions;
(6) the rules and regulations for the business that the money broker is to engage in and its internal risk control systems;
(7) a report on the security testing of its business premises, equipment and systems;
(8) statements issued by the legal representatives of the contributors of capital as to the authenticity of the application materials; and
(9) other documents that the China Banking Regulatory Commission requires be submitted.
Article 18: The bank regulatory bureau shall complete the information integrity examination within five working days of receipt of the application information for the commencement of business. The bank regulatory bureau shall accept application information that is complete and compliant with the specified format and notify the applicant thereof in writing within five working days. The bank regulatory bureau shall complete the preliminary examination of the materials within 20 working days and forward the materials to the China Banking Regulatory Commission.
The China Banking Regulatory Commission shall render its decision on whether to approve the commencement of business within two months of formally accepting the application to commence business. The China Banking Regulatory Commission shall issue a finance permit to money brokers whose establishment it approves and shall announce the same. If it rejects an application, it shall notify the applicant thereof in writing and explain the reason therefor.
The applicant shall carry out registration procedures with the administration for industry and commerce on the strength of the finance permit, but may only commence operations after receiving its Enterprise Legal Person Business Licence.
第十八条 银监局在收到开业申请资料后的5个工作日内完成资料的完整性审查。对申请资料齐全并符合规定形式的,银监局应受理并在5个工作日内书面通知申请人。银监局应于20个工作日内完成材料的初审工作并转交中国银行业监督管理委员会。
Article 19: A money broker whose commencement of business has been approved must publish an announcement in the media designated by the China Banking Regulatory Commission within 30 days of the date of collecting its business licence.
Article 20: As required by its business and subject to the examination and approval of the China Banking Regulatory Commission, a money broker may establish branches in regions where the volume of business is relatively large.
The branches of a money broker shall not have legal personality and their civil liability shall be borne by the money broker.
第十九条 核准开业的货币经纪公司自领取营业执照之日起30日内,须在中国银行业监督管理委员会指定的媒体上进行公告。
Article 21: A money broker applying to establish a branch shall satisfy the following conditions:
第二十条 货币经纪公司根据业务需要,经中国银行业监督管理委员会审查批准,可以在业务量较大的地区设立分公司。
(1) the establishment of such branch is genuinely required for the development of its business;
(2) it has been established for at least two years and its registered capital is not less than Rmb50 million;
第二十一条 货币经纪公司申请设立分公司,应当符合下列条件:
(3) its business position is good and it has been profitable for two consecutive years; and
(4) it has no record of a violation of laws or regulations during the most recent two years.
Article 22: The branch of the money broker shall satisfy the following conditions:
(1) it has the minimum operating capital specified in these Measures;
(2) it has senior management personnel with the qualifications for their positions specified by the China Banking Regulatory Commission;
第二十二条 货币经纪公司的分公司应当具备下列条件:
(3) it has sound business operation, internal control, risk management and accountability systems;
(4) it has a place of business, security measures and other facilities for its business that comply with requirements; and
(5) it satisfies other prudential conditions specified by the China Banking Regulatory Commission.
Article 23: The operating capital of a branch of a money broker may not be less than Rmb10 million. The total of the operating capital that a money broker disburses to its branches may not exceed 50% of its registered capital.
Article 24: When a money broker applies for the preparation for the establishment of a branch, it shall submit the following documents and information to the China Banking Regulatory Commission:
(1) an application that includes the name, location, operating capital, scope of business and service targets, etc. of the branch;
第二十三条 货币经纪公司分公司的营运资金不得少于1000万元人民币。货币经纪公司拨付各分公司的营运资金总计不得超过其注册资本金的50%。
(2) a feasibility study that includes such information as the projected business volume of the branch, its medium and long-term development plans, etc.;
第二十四条 货币经纪公司申请筹建分公司,应当向中国银行业监督管理委员会报送以下文件、资料:
(3) the resolution of the board of directors of the money broker concerning the application to establish the branch and that concerning the authorization for the operation and management of the proposed branch;
(4) the articles of association of the money broker;
(5) (a photocopy of the) business licence of the money broker or (a photocopy of) its proof of lawful commencement of business;
(6) the basic particulars of the money broker and its accounting statements for the most recent two years audited by a qualified accounting firm;
(7) a statement issued by the legal representative of the money broker as to the authenticity of the application materials; and
(8) other information that the China Banking Regulatory Commission requires be submitted.
Article 25: An applicant that intends to establish a branch of a money broker shall submit an application for the commencement of business and the documents and information set forth below to the China Banking Regulatory Commission prior to the expiration of the preparatory period for establishment or the expiration of the extension of such period:
(1) a report on the completion of the preparatory work and an application to commence business;
(2) the investment certificate issued by a statutory capital verification institution and the registration certificate for the preliminary approval of the name of the proposed institution issued by the administration for industry and commerce;
第二十五条 拟设货币经纪分公司的申请人应当在筹建期限届满前或延长期限届满前,向中国银行业监督管理委员会提出开业申请,并提交下列文件、资料:
(3) a list of the names of the proposed senior management personnel, their résumés and proof of their qualifications for their positions;
(4) the rules and regulations for the business that the branch is to engage in and its internal risk control systems;
(5) a report on the security testing of the branch's business premises, equipment and systems;
(6) a statement issued by the legal representative of the money broker as to the authenticity of the application materials; and
(9) other documents and information that the China Banking Regulatory Commission requires be submitted.
Article 26: The China Banking Regulatory Commission shall issue a finance permit to a branch of a money broker whose establishment it has approved and announce the same. The branch may only commence its operations after it has carried out registration procedures with the administration for industry and commerce on the strength of the finance certificate and collected its business licence.
Article 27: If a money broker or a branch thereof whose establishment has been approved fails, without just cause, to commence its operations within six months of the date of receipt of its business licence, or if it suspends operations, without just cause, for a continuous period of six months or more after the commencement of business, the China Banking Regulatory Commission shall revoke its finance permit and announce the same.
Article 28: As required for the management of its business, a money broker may establish a representative office in a region where business is relatively concentrated. When applying to establish such a representative office, the following materials shall be submitted to the China Banking Regulatory Commission:
第二十六条 经批准设立的货币经纪公司分公司,由中国银行业监督管理委员会颁发金融许可证并予以公告,凭金融许可证向工商行政管理部门办理登记手续,领取营业执照,方可开业。
(1) an application addressed to the chairman of the China Banking Regulatory Commission signed by the legal representative of the money broker;
第二十七条 经批准设立的货币经纪公司及其分公司自领取营业执照之日起,无正当理由6个月不开业或者开业后无正当理由连续停业6个月以上的,由中国银行业监督管理委员会吊销其金融许可证,并予以公告。
(2) (a photocopy of the) business licence of the money broker or (a photocopy of) its proof of lawful commencement of business;
第二十八条 货币经纪公司根据业务管理需要,可以在业务比较集中的地区设立代表处。申请设立代表处应向中国银行业监督管理委员会提交以下材料:
(3) the articles of association of the money broker;
(4) the basic particulars of the money broker and its accounting statements for the most recent two years audited by a qualified accounting firm;
(5) the proof of identity, proof of educational background and résumé of the proposed chief representative and a statement signed by him that he has no record of improper conduct;
(6) the power of attorney appointing the chief representative signed by the legal representative of the money broker or his authorized signatory; and
(7) other information that the China Banking Regulatory Commission requires be submitted.
The representative office of a money broker may not engage in business and may only engage in such work as business promotion, client service, dunning of claims and the collection and reporting of information, etc.
Article 29: The China Banking Regulatory Commission shall exercise control over the qualifications for the positions of chairman of the board, vice chairman of the board, general manager, deputy general manager, director and chief financial officer of money brokers and for that of general manager of branches in accordance with its provisions for the administration of the qualifications for such positions.
Article 30: The senior management personnel of a money broker may not serve concurrently in a position in a representative office in China.
Article 31: The following occurring in respect of a money broker shall be subject to the approval of the China Banking Regulatory Commission and the procedures for the amendment of registration shall be carried out with the administration for industry and commerce in accordance with the law:
第二十九条 中国银行业监督管理委员会对货币经纪公司董事长、副董事长、总经理、副总经理、董事、财务总监、分公司总经理实行任职资格管理,依照中国银行业监督管理委员会有关任职资格管理的规定执行。
(1) the division, merger or dissolution of the company;
第三十条 货币经纪公司高级管理人员不得兼任中国境内代表机构的职务。
(2) a change of name;
第三十一条 货币经纪公司有下列情况发生时须经中国银行业监督管理委员会批准,并依法向工商行政管理机关办理变更登记:
(3) amendment of the company's articles of association;
(4) an adjustment of its registered capital;
(5) an adjustment of its equity structure;
(6) an adjustment of its scope of business;
(7) a change in its place of business; or
(8) replacement of a senior officer.
If the branch of a money broker is to effect a change in its name, operating capital, place of business or scope of business or replace a senior officer, the same shall be reported by the money broker to the China Banking Regulatory Commission for its approval and the procedures for the amendment of registration shall be carried out with the administration for industry and commerce in accordance with the law.
Article 32: Money brokers and their branches are limited solely to providing brokerage services to financial institutions inside and outside China. They may not deal in any financial products for their own account.
Article 33: A money broker and its branches may engage in all or any of the brokerage businesses set forth below in accordance with their scope of business approved by the China Banking Regulatory Commission:
第三章 业务范围
(1) foreign exchange market transactions inside and outside China;
第三十二条 货币经纪公司及其分公司仅限于向境内外金融机构提供经纪服务,不得从事任何金融产品的自营业务。
(2) money market transactions inside and outside China;
第三十三条 货币经纪公司及其分公司按照中国银行业监督管理委员会批准经营的业务范围,可以经营下列全部或部分经纪业务:
(3) bond market transactions inside and outside China;
(4) derivatives transactions inside and outside China; and
(5) other business approved by the China Banking Regulatory Commission.
Article 34: If a money broker and its branches are to engage in the provision of brokerage services in respect of stock market related business, the same shall be reported to the China Securities Regulatory Commission for examination and approval.
Article 35: A money broker must operate in accordance with the law while complying with the principles of impartiality, fairness, good faith and protection of client confidentiality.
第三十四条 货币经纪公司及其分公司从事证券交易所相关业务的经纪服务,需报经中国证券监督管理委员会审批。
Article 36: The capital of a money broker in the form of cash assets or an equivalent value in sovereign bonds must be able to sustain the money broker's operating expenditures for at least three months.
第四章 监督与管理
Article 37: A money broker may not invest its capital in fixed assets that it does not itself use.
第三十五条 货币经纪公司必须遵循公正、公平、诚信、为客户保密的原则依法运作。
Article 38: A money broker shall formulate its various business rules and establish comprehensive and effective risk management procedures and internal control systems in accordance with the principles of prudential operation.
第三十六条 货币经纪公司以现金资产或等值国债形式存在的资本金必须至少能够维持3个月的运营支出。
Article 39: A money broker shall establish a risk management department and a business audit department that are separately accountable to the board of directors, formulate risk control and business audit systems for each business and regularly report on the work of such departments to the board of directors and the China Banking Regulatory Commission each year.
第三十七条 货币经纪公司不得将资本金投资于非自用的固定资产。
Article 40: A money broker must establish an independent compliance department and staff it with professionals to manage compliance risks. The company's board of directors shall be responsible for supervising the management of compliance risks, approving compliance policies and supervising the effective implementation thereof by the company's senior management.
第三十八条 货币经纪公司应当按照审慎经营的原则,制定本公司的各项业务规则,建立全面有效的风险管理程序和内部控制制度。
The compliance department shall proactively identify, explain in writing, evaluate and report compliance risks relating to money brokerage business activities, including compliance risks arising from the development of new products and new business, the establishment of new client relationships, major changes in client relationships, etc.
第三十九条 货币经纪公司应当分别设立对董事会负责的风险管理、业务稽核部门,制订对各项业务的风险控制和业务稽核制度,每年定期向董事会报告工作,并向中国银行业监督管理委员会报告。
Article 41: When accepting a new client, a money broker must stringently examine the client's registration documents and financial position and may only provide it brokerage services after confirming that it is a qualified participant in the finance wholesale market.
第四十条 货币经纪公司必须设立独立的合规部门,配备专门人员进行合规风险管理。公司董事会负责监督合规风险管理,核准合规政策,监督公司高级管理层有效实施。
Article 42: A money broker must examine the qualifications of its operation staff and require such persons to strictly abide by the professional code of conduct for operational staff in the money brokerage business. All front office and back office operation staff must undergo appropriate vocational training before taking up their positions.
Article 43: A money broker must subject transactions to risk monitoring throughout the entire course thereof, strictly separate front office transactions from back office confirmation, prohibit the person in charge of the front office from serving concurrently as the person in charge of the back office and vice versa and must establish and strictly implement an independent cross-checking system to control operational risks. A money broker must establish an effective emergency handling mechanism to manage the various types of operational risks that may arise in the course of transactions.
第四十一条 货币经纪公司在吸收新客户时,必须严格审查客户的注册文件和财务状况,经确认为金融批发市场的合格参与者后才能与其进行经纪业务。
Article 44: A money broker must each year allocate a certain percentage of its profit to a risk provision to make up losses that may arise in the course of its operations.
第四十二条 货币经纪公司必须对从业人员进行资格审查,并要求从业人员严格遵守货币经纪行业从业人员职业操守,所有前台和后台的从业人员上岗前必须经过相应的专业培训。
Article 45: A money broker may not disclose client information to a third party during the course of a transaction without the consent of the client, unless otherwise specified in laws or regulations.
第四十三条 货币经纪公司必须将风险监控贯穿交易的全过程,前台交易、后台确认要严格分开,前、后台负责人不得兼任,必须建立并严格执行独立的交叉复核制度来控制操作风险。货币经纪公司必须建立有效的紧急处理机制管理交易过程中可能出现的各类操作风险。
Article 46: A money broker shall ensure the integrity and normal operation of its transaction facilities so as to assure the smooth carrying out of transactions and the integrity and security of information and data.
第四十四条 货币经纪公司应在每年的利润中提取一定比例的风险基金,以弥补经营中可能发生的损失。
Article 47: A money broker must install voice recording equipment on its transaction system and must equip itself with network and facsimile facilities so as to record such business activities as the transactions of its brokers, back office transaction confirmations and payments of commissions. The records of conversations in respect of relevant transactions shall be kept for at least three months and other transaction related information and data, such as transaction documents, etc., shall be preserved for at least 10 years. In the event that a dispute arises over a transaction and has not been resolved before the expiration of the period of preservation of transaction information and data, such transaction information and data as records of conversations, etc. shall be kept at least until the dispute is resolved.
第四十五条 非经客户许可,货币经纪公司在交易过程中不得向第三方泄露有关客户资料,法律法规另有规定的除外。
Article 48: A money broker shall implement the relevant finance enterprise financial and accounting systems. A money broker shall prepare complete accounting statements, such as balance sheets, profit and loss statements, cash flow statements, etc., off-site oversight-related statements and other statements required by the China Banking Regulatory Commission that it shall submit to the China Banking Regulatory Commission.
第四十六条 货币经纪公司应确保交易设施的完整与正常运行,以保证交易的顺利进行以及信息资料的完整和安全。
Money brokers may not provide fraudulent financial and accounting reports or ones that omit material facts.
第四十七条 货币经纪公司必须在交易系统中安装录音设备并配备网络和传真设施,以便记录经纪人的交易过程、后台交易的确认和佣金的支付等业务活动。有关交易的谈话录音至少应保留3个月,其他交易文件等交易信息资料至少应保留10年。如果一笔交易引起纠纷,且超过交易信息资料保留期仍未解决的,则该谈话录音等交易信息资料至少应该保留到纠纷解决为止。
Article 49: A money broker shall establish a regular external audit system, engage a qualified accounting firm to conduct such audits and submit annual audit reports to the China Banking Regulatory Commission within three months of the end of each fiscal year.
第四十八条 货币经纪公司应当执行相关的金融企业财务会计制度。货币经纪公司应按规定编制并向中国银行业监督管理委员会报送资产负债表、损益表、现金流量表等完整的会计报表,非现场监管报表及中国银行业监督管理委员会要求的其他报表。
Article 50: A money broker shall submit on a regular basis statistical data on its money brokerage business volume to the agency of the China Banking Regulatory Commission of the place where it is located. The format of such forms shall be determined separately by the China Banking Regulatory Commission.
Article 51: A money broker shall make a report to the agency of the China Banking Regulatory Commission of the place where it is located within three working days of any of the following material matters occurring:
第四十九条 货币经纪公司应建立定期外部审计制度,应聘请有相应资质的会计师事务所进行审计,并在每个会计年度结束后的3个月内,将年度审计报告报送中国银行业监督管理委员会。
(1) a major problem in its financial position or business activities, including abnormal transactions and major transaction disputes;
第五十条 货币经纪公司应定期向所在地中国银行业监督管理委员会派出机构上报货币经纪业务量统计数据,报表格式由中国银行业监督管理委员会另行制定。
(2) a change in the articles of association, registered capital or registered address of its controlling shareholder;
第五十一条 货币经纪公司在下列重大事项发生时应当在3个工作日内向所在地中国银行业监督管理委员会派出机构报告:
(3) an organizational restructuring of its controlling shareholder undergoes or a change in the controlling shareholder's equity structure or main person in charge;
(4) a material change in its controlling shareholder's operations; or
(5) other material matters that could have an impact on the money broker's operations and that need to be reported to the China Banking Regulatory Commission.
Article 52: A money broker shall promptly report to the China Banking Regulatory Commission and its local agency any new brokerage business products it launches.
Article 53: Based on the requirements of prudential regulation, the China Banking Regulatory Commission has the authority to take the measures set forth below in accordance with relevant procedures and provisions to conduct an inspection or entrust a relevant professional institution to conduct an inspection of a money broker:
(1) enter the premises of the money broker to conduct an inspection;
第五十二条 货币经纪公司应及时将各类新开办的经纪业务品种上报中国银行业监督管理委员会及其当地派出机构。
(2) question the working personnel of the money broker and require them to provide an explanation of the matter under investigation;
第五十三条 中国银行业监督管理委员会根据审慎监管的要求,有权依照有关程序和规定采取下列措施对货币经纪公司进行或委托有关专业机构进行现场检查:
(3) review and copy documents and information of the money broker that relate to the matter under investigation and placing under seal those documents and information that could be removed, hidden or destroyed; and
(4) inspect the computer system used by the money broker to manage its business data.
Article 54: The China Banking Regulatory Commission may, depending on the circumstances, order a money broker to undergo rectification if:
(1) its loss for the year in question exceeds 50% of its registered capital or if its aggregate losses for three consecutive years exceed 30% of its registered capital;
(2) it has difficulty making payments;
第五十四条 货币经纪公司出现下列情况之一的,中国银行业监督管理委员会可视情况责令其进行整顿:
(3) it faces other major operating risks and the China Banking Regulatory Commission is of the opinion that it should undergo rectification; or
(4) the China Banking Regulatory Commission is of the opinion that it should undergo rectification.
Article 55: After it has ordered a money broker to undergo rectification, the China Banking Regulatory Commission may take the measures set forth below in respect of such money broker:
(1) order an adjustment in its directors or senior management personnel or place limits on their authority;
(2) suspend part or all of its operations;
第五十五条 中国银行业监督管理委员会责令货币经纪公司整顿后,可对货币经纪公司采取下列措施:
(3) require it to increase its capital within a specified period of time;
(4) order its controlling shareholder to transfer equity or place restrictions on the authority of the relevant shareholder;
(5) place limits on the distribution of dividends and other revenues;
(6) place limits on asset transfers;
(7) revoke its finance permit; and
(8) take other measures it deems necessary.
Article 56: The rectification may only be concluded if the money broker, after such rectification, satisfies the following conditions and receives approval from the China Banking Regulatory Commission:
(1) it recovers its capacity to make payments;
(2) it has made up its losses;
第五十六条 货币经纪公司经过整顿,符合下列条件的,报经中国银行业监督管理委员会批准后方可结束整顿:
(3) its major operational risks have been mitigated; and
(4) the China Banking Regulatory Commission is of the opinion that the measures it needed to take have been implemented.
Article 57: The rectification of a money broker shall not exceed one year. If the objective of the rectification has not been achieved within such period of time, the money broker shall be ordered to withdraw from the market in accordance with the law.
Article 58: The money brokerage industry may establish a self-regulation organization for the industry to effect self-regulation and administration. The brokers of money brokers shall abide by the code of conduct for the profession formulated by the industry self-regulation organization. The activities of the industry self-regulation organization shall be subject to the guidance and supervision of the China Banking Regulatory Commission.
第五十七条 货币经纪公司整顿时间最长不超过1年,逾期未实现整顿目标的,依法予以市场退出。
Article 59: If a money broker commits any of the acts set forth below, the China Banking Regulatory Commission shall penalize it in accordance with the PRC Banking Regulation Law and the Measures for Penalties for Illegal Financial Acts; if a criminal offence is constituted, criminal liability shall be pursued in accordance with the law:
第五十八条 货币经纪业可成立行业性自律组织,实行自律管理。货币经纪公司的经纪人员应当遵循行业自律组织制定的执业规范。行业自律组织的活动应受中国银行业监督管理委员会指导和监督。
(1) it exceeds its approved scope in carrying out its business;
第五章 法律责任
(2) it submits such documents and information as reports, statements, etc. that are fraudulent or contain material omissions of fact or fails to submit such documents and information;
第五十九条 货币经纪公司有下列行为的,中国银行业监督管理委员会依照《中华人民共和国银行业监督管理法》、《金融违法行为处罚办法》进行处罚;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任:
(3) it establishes a branch or sub-branch without the approval of the China Banking Regulatory Commission;
(4) it changes its name, registered capital, equity structure, location or senior management personnel without authorization;
(5) it makes a fraudulent capital contribution or spirits away capital;
(6) it commits a serious violation of prudential operating principles;
(7) it fails to disclose information in accordance with provisions;
(8) it violates the principles of fairness or confidentiality; or
(9) it refuses or impedes a legal supervisory inspection.
Article 60: If a money broker violates these Measures, the China Banking Regulatory Commission may, in addition to penalizing it in accordance with the relevant provisions of Article 59 of this Part, order the money broker to impose disciplinary sanctions on the directors and senior management personnel directly in charge and other persons directly responsible. If a criminal offence is not constituted, it shall impose fines of not less than Rmb50,000 and not more than Rmb500,000. If the circumstances are serious, it may revoke the qualifications of the company's directors and senior management personnel to serve as senior officers in a financial institution for a period of from 1 to 10 years or even impose a lifetime ban, or prohibit the relevant persons from engaging in money brokerage or other such finance industry work.
Article 61: If an institution uses in its name, without the authorization of the China Banking Regulatory Commission, such words as 'money broker', etc. that indicate that it is engaged in the money brokerage business, the China Banking Regulatory Commission shall order it to rectify the matter and impose upon it the corresponding fine.
Article 62: If a money broker is established or if money brokerage business is engaged in without the approval of the China Banking Regulatory Commission, the China Banking Regulatory Commission shall shut the same down in accordance with the law. If a criminal offence is constituted, the relevant responsible persons shall be handed over to the judicial authorities to pursue their legal liability in accordance with the law. If a criminal offence is not constituted, the China Banking Regulatory Commission shall confiscate the illegal income, and impose a fine of not less than the amount of and not more than five times the illegal income. If there is no illegal income, the China Banking Regulatory Commission shall order that the matter be rectified and impose a fine of not less than Rmb100,000 and not more than Rmb500,000.
第六十条 货币经纪公司违反本办法规定,中国银行业监督管理委员会除依据本章第五十九条的有关规定给予处罚外,可以责令货币经纪公司对直接负责的董事、高级管理人员和其他直接责任人员给予纪律处分;尚未构成犯罪的,处5万元以上50万以下罚款;情节严重的,可以取消该公司董事、高级管理人员1至10年直至终身的金融机构高级管理人员任职资格,或禁止有关人员从事货币经纪等金融行业工作。
第六十一条 未经中国银行业监督管理委员会批准,擅自在机构名称中使用“货币经纪”等表明从事货币经纪业务字样的,由中国银行业监督管理委员会责令其改正,并处相应罚款。
Article 63: Money brokers from the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Macao Special Administrative Region and Taiwan are deemed investors from abroad and, as such, their applications to establish money brokers shall, mutatis mutandis, be handled in accordance with these Measures.
第六十二条 未经中国银行业监督管理委员会批准,擅自设立货币经纪公司或擅自开展货币经纪业务的,由中国银行业监督管理委员会依法取缔。构成犯罪的,将有关责任人员移交司法机关依法追究刑事责任。尚不构成犯罪的,由中国银行业监督管理委员会没收非法所得,并处非法所得1倍以上5倍以下的罚款;没有非法所得的,由中国银行业监督管理委员会责令改正,并处10万元以上50万元以下的罚款。
Article 64: The China Banking Regulatory Commission is in charge of interpreting these Measures.
第六章 附则
Article 65: These Measures shall be effective as of September 1 2005.
clp reference:3610/05.08.08prc reference:银监会令 [2005] 第 1 号promulgated:2005-08-08effective:2005-09-01第六十三条 香港特别行政区、澳门特别行政区和台湾地区的货币经纪公司视为境外投资者,申请设立货币经纪公司参照本办法执行。
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