Circular on Matters Relevant to the Implementation of the «Tentative Provisions for the Administration of Sino-foreign Equity and Cooperative Joint Ventures that Produce and Distribute Radio and Television Programmes»


This Circular aims to standardize the administration of Sino-foreign equity and cooperative joint ventures that produce/distribute radio and television programmes.

(Issued by the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television on February 25 2005.)


On February 25 2005, the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television (SARFT) issued the Circular on Matters Relevant to the Implementation of the «Tentative Provisions for the Administration of Sino-foreign Equity and Cooperative Joint Ventures that Produce and Distribute Radio and Television Programmes» to radio, film and television bureaux (offices) of the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government. The Circular states that the SARFT and Ministry of Commerce, Tentative Provisions for the Administration of Sino-foreign Equity and Cooperative Joint Ventures that Produce and Distribute Radio and Television Programmes (Order of SARFT No.44) were formally implemented on November 28 2004. With a view to further standardizing the administration of Sino-foreign equity and cooperative joint ventures that produce and distribute radio and television programmes (Joint Ventures), issues that require attention in the course of implementation are hereby set forth as follows:

1. All regions need to fully recognize the importance of standardizing and strengthening the administration of Joint Ventures and practise governance in strict accordance with the law. Permitting the establishment of Joint Ventures is necessary in order to intensify the reform of the radio and television industry, further expand the scale of China's programme production industry and improve programme production capabilities and standards and it is also required in order to further increase the international market share and influence of China's radio and television programmes. Additionally, it must be recognized that the radio and television programme production industry has a strong ideological component, therefore, it is imperative, when introducing mature operation concepts and methods from foreign programme production markets, to firmly control the ideological content of the various types of products produced by Joint Ventures and be aware of the political leanings and backgrounds of foreign partners in order to prevent the infiltration of undesirable thinking and culture into our programme production sector by way of equity and cooperative joint ventures. The authority to verify and examine the entity, funds and reputation of a potential partner shall be exercised in strict accordance with laws and regulations. Long-term interests may not be ignored for the sake of short-term benefits.


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