Administrative Protection of Copyright on the Internet Procedures


These Procedures aim to strengthen the administrative protection of the right of dissemination over information networks in the course of internet information service activities and regulate administrative law enforcement.

(Issued by the National Copyright Administration and the Ministry of Information Industry on April 30 2005 and effective as of May 30 2005.)


Article 1: These Procedures have been formulated pursuant to the PRC Copyright Law and relevant laws and administrative regulations in order to strengthen the administrative protection of the right of dissemination over information networks in the course of internet information service activities (the Right of Dissemination) and regulate administrative law enforcement.


Article 2: These Procedures shall govern the uploading, storage, linking, search and other functions of such contents as works, audio and video products, etc. automatically provided over the internet as instructed by an internet content provider in the course of internet information service activities, without in any way editing, revising or selecting the stored or transmitted content.


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