Ministry of Commerce, Establishment of Companies with an Investment Nature by Foreign Investors Provisions (Revised)

关于外商投资举办投资性公司的规定 (修订)

The revised Provisions add one more section on recognition of a company with an investment nature by foreign investors as a regional headquarters.

(Promulgated by the Ministry of Commerce on February 13 2004 and effective 30 days after the date of promulgation.)


Article 1: In order to encourage foreign investors to invest in China and import foreign advanced technology and management expertise, foreign investors are permitted to establish companies with an investment nature in China in accordance with China's relevant laws and regulations on foreign investment and these Provisions.

第一条   为了促进外国投资者来华投资,引进国外先进技术和管理经验,允许外国投资者根据中国有关外国投资的法律、法规及本规定,在中国设立投资性公司。

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