PRC Banking Regulation Law


The PRC Banking Regulation Law establishes a new banking supervision institution – the China Banking Regulatory Commission (CBRC) – to oversee the regulation for all banking institutions and activities in China. The CBRC's functions, responsibilities and authorities are detailed in the Law, which relates to, inter alia, drafting and promulgating regulations and rules, examining and approving establishment and changes of business scope, vetting bank's capital increases and funds, vetting directors and senior manager, enacting prudent operating procedures and standards, setting up a monitoring database on banks' activities and risks, on-site inspections, unified financial statements, risk rating and monitoring system, crisis management.

(Promulgated on December 27 2003 and effective as of February 1 2004.)



Article 1: This Law is formulated in order to strengthen banking regulation, to standardize regulation, to prevent and dispel banking risk, to protect the lawful rights and interests of depositors and other customers, and to encourage healthy growth of the banking industry.

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