Administration of Investment and Equity Participation in Chinese-invested Financial Institutions by Offshore Financial Institutions Procedures


The Procedures represents the China Banking Regulatory Commission's administration of offshore financial institutions' investment and equity participation in Chinese-invested banks, credit cooperatives, and finance companies. Rules are stipulated as to the eligibility of investing offshore institutions (including the year-end total assets, credit ratings, profitability, capital adequacy ratio) and the maximum investment and equity participation ratio. CBRC's approval is required under the Procedures for the application for foreign investment, the change in registered capital or equity structure, as well as shareholders composition. Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan institutions are regarded as foreign institutions under the Procedures.

(Promulgated by the China Banking Regulatory Commission on December 8 2003 and effective as of December 31 2003.)


Article 1:These Procedures are formulated for the purposes of regulating offshore financial institutions¡¯ investment and equity participation in Chinese-invested financial institutions and optimizing the capital structure of Chinese-invested financial institutions.


Article 2:These Procedures apply to offshore financial institutions investing and making an equity participation in legally established Chinese-invested financial institutions.


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