Issuing the Guidelines of Shanghai Municipality for Foreign Investment in Industry Circular


A circular which provides guidelines on foreign investments in Shanghai and the relevant industries that are in line with the municipal government's plan.

(Issued by the Shanghai Development and Reform Commission, the Shanghai Foreign Economic Relations and Trade Commission and the Shanghai Economic Commission on, and effective as of, September 15 2003.)


To the people's government of each district and county of Shanghai, and each commission, office and bureau of the Shanghai municipal government:

Pursuant to relevant State laws and policies on foreign investment, the Guiding the Direction of Foreign Investment Provisions approved and promulgated by the State Council on February 11 2002 and the Foreign Investment Industrial Guidance Catalogue issued on March 11 2002 by the former State Planning Commission, State Economic and Trade Commission and Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation, and in light of the actual circumstances in Shanghai, the Shanghai Development and Reform Commission, the Shanghai Foreign Economic Relations and Trade Commission and the Shanghai Economic Commission, in conjunction with the relevant authorities, have jointly studied and formulated the guidelines of Shanghai municipality for foreign investment in industry, in order to more actively, rationally and effectively use foreign investment and guide the direction of foreign investment in industry in line with the municipal government's unified plan. After the approval of the municipal government, we hereby issue you with the Key Industries for Foreign Investment in Shanghai Municipality Catalogue
(Annex 1) and the Distribution of Industries with Foreign Investment in Shanghai Municipality Guidelines (Annex 2), which are to be implemented from today, and ask that you duly publicize them to, and guide, foreign business entities.


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