Shanghai Municipality, Examination and Approval of, and the Provision of Services to, Foreign-invested Projects in the Municipality Several Opinions


A set of opinions which discusses the examination and approval of foreign invested projects in the Shanghai Municipality.

(Issued by the Shanghai Foreign Investment Commission and the Shanghai Construction and Management Commission on August 22 2003.)

All relevant departments:



Duly attracting foreign investment is a long-term task in achieving economic development and implementing the strategy of "internationalization, orientation toward the market, regulation by means of a legal framework and computerization" in Shanghai. In the spirit of "making more and better use of foreign investment and promoting the sustained, rapid and sound development of the national economy", we should adhere to the policy of making "positive, rational and efficient" use of foreign investment and the whole city should further free itself from outmoded idea, develop new ideas, further concerted efforts, do a solid job, pay special attention to the global shift of industries and the opportunities arising from China's accession to the WTO, open more sectors to foreign investment, create new methods to attract foreign investment, become more skillful at attracting foreign investment and thus take Shanghai's attraction of foreign investment to unprecedented heights.


We have formulated the following opinions on how to improve the examination, approval and administration of foreign-invested projects, enhance government efficiency and provide better service to investors in the face of the new situation.


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