Handling of Cases of Infringement of Rights to New Varieties of Agricultural Plants Provisions


These provisions govern the disputes and cases relating to infringement of variety rights of agricultural plants.

(Promulgated by the Ministry of Agriculture on December 30 2002 and effective as of February 1 2003.)


Article 1: These Provisions are formulated in accordance with the PRC Protection of New Varieties of Plants Regulations (hereafter, the Regulations) to effectively handle cases of infringement of rights to new varieties of agricultural plants (hereafter, Variety Rights).

第一条   为有效处理农业植物新品权(以下简称品权)侵权案件,根据《中华人民共和国植物新品保护条例》(以下简称《条例》),制定本规定。

Article 2: "Cases of infringement of Variety Rights" referred to in these Provisions means undertaking for commercial purposes the activities of producing or selling propagating materials of protected varieties, or using propagating materials of protected varieties repeatedly in the production of the propagating materials of another variety, without the consent of the Variety Rights holder.

第二条   本规定所称的品权侵权案件是指未经品权人许可,以商业目的生或销售授权品的繁殖材料以及将该授权品的繁殖材料重使用于生一品的繁殖材料的行为。

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