Foreign Debt Administration Tentative Measures


The PRC's new Foreign Debt Administration Tentative Procedures set out tighter foreign debt registration requirements, while collecting and putting a high-level government imprimatur on various policies and practices.

(Promulgated jointly by the State Development Planning Commission, the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Foreign Exchange on January 8 2003 and effective as of March 1 2003.)



第一章   总则

Article 1: These Measures are formulated with a view to strengthening the administration of foreign debts, regulating the acts of borrowing foreign debts, enhancing the benefit of utilization of foreign debt funds, and guarding against the risk from foreign debts.

第一条   为加强外债管理,规范举借外债行为,提高外债资金使用效益,防范外债风险,制定本法。

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