Issues Regarding the Conversion of Non-listed Foreign Investment Shares of Foreign-invested Companies Limited by Shares to Tradable B Shares Supplementary Circular


A new circular that clarifies prior legislation and give more details abuot how non-listed foreign investment shares can be converted into B shares

(Issued by the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation on August 16 2002.)

To the commission (office, bureau) of foreign trade and economic cooperation of each province, autonomous region, municipality directly under the central government and municipality with independent development plans:



In order to promote the healthy development of the domestic stock market and to further regulate activities involving the conversion to tradable B shares of non-listed foreign investment shares of foreign-invested companies limited by shares with B shares, we hereby notify you of related issues, as follows:


1. Non-listed foreign investment shares of foreign-invested companies limited by shares with B shares shall be allowed to be converted to B shares and to be traded (Conversion to Tradable B Shares). Conversions to B Shares must strictly adhere to the Foreign Investment Issues Relating to Listed Companies Several Opinions (ref. Wai Jing Mao Zi Fa [2001] No. 538), issued by the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation (MOFTEC) and the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) on October 8 2001 and may not be approved ultra vires.

一、    允许含有B股的外商投资股份有限公司非上市外资股转在B股市场上流通(以下简称非上市外资股转B股流通)。非上市外资股转B股流通必须严格按照外经贸部和中国证监会2001年10月8日发布的《关于上市公司涉及外商投资有关问题的若干意见》(外经贸资发[2001]538号)执行,不得越权审批。

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