Establishment of Securities Companies with Foreign Equity Participation Rules


A set of rules which govern the establishment of securities companies with foreign equity participation.

(Promulgated by the China Securities Regulatory Commission on June 1 2002 and effective as of July 1 2002.)


Article 1: These Rules are formulated in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Company Law and the Securities Law in order to meet the needs of the opening up of the securities market to foreign investment, to strengthen and improve the oversight of securities companies with foreign equity participation and to clarify the conditions and procedures for the establishment of securities companies with foreign equity participation.

第一条  为了适应证券市场对外开放的需要,加强和完善对外资参股证券公司的监督管理,明确外资参股证券公司的设立条件和程序,根据《公司法》和《证券法》的有关规定,制定本规则。

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