State Administration of Foreign Exchange, Adjustment to the Administrative Measures for Purchase of Foreign Exchange for Pre-payment of Loans Circular


June 02, 2002 | BY

clpstaff &clp articles

Relaxes the prior restriction against purchasing foreign exchange to pre-pay FX loans.

Clp Reference: 3510/02.04.22 Promulgated: 2002-04-22 Effective: 2002-04-22

Issued: April 22 2002
Effective: as of date of issue

Main contents: The Circular removes the restrictions on purchase of foreign exchange for pre-payment of domestic or overseas foreign exchange loans, foreign debts and foreign debts converted into loans (Item One). Item Two lists the principles that foreign exchange administrations should follow when approving purchase of foreign exchange for prepayment of loans. For instance, the application should be made by the debtor.
Related legislation: Adjusting Some of the Administrative Measures on Purchase of Foreign Exchange for Capital Account Items Circular, Sep 19 2001, CLP 2001 No.8 p7

clp reference:3510/02.04.22

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